Oct 13, 2024

Trump Attends Hispanic Roundtable

Trump at Hispanic Roundtable
RevBlogTranscriptsDonald TrumpTrump Attends Hispanic Roundtable

Donald Trump participates in the Hispanic Roundtable event in Las Vegas, Nevada. Read the transcript here.

Donald Trump (00:00):

The people in this room, they’ve been just so great. Hispanic people, they have tremendous… They say you can’t generalize, but I think you can. They have wonderful entrepreneurship and they have… Oh dude, you have such energy. Just ease up a little bit, okay? Ease up.

No. You have great ambition. You have great energy. Very smart. And you really do. It’s like natural entrepreneurs. That’s why the small businesses in the country, I mean they are largely the number of Hispanic Americans operating small businesses and big businesses too, very big businesses running them for stockholders. So it’s an incredible group of people. It’s an honor to have you on my side. We are getting numbers of Hispanic Americans that nobody ever thought possible. And we’re up in all of the polls. We looks like we’re leading just about everywhere now. We’re leading I think all of the swing states that came out this morning. Were leading all of the swing states. And part of that is she can’t answer a question. She doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing. We can’t have that. We had that four years ago and we had that for the last four years, and we can’t do that anymore.

We’re not going to survive as a country. We’re in very dangerous shape. We’re in very bad shape as a country. You look at all of the things that are happening that are so bad and it’s just something we can’t take. So we are going to be with you. You’ve been with me. Get out and vote. And again, November 5th, I believe, is going to go down as maybe the most important day, I hope, right? Mr. Congressman? But I hope it will because it’ll show what we do, but it’ll be the most important day in the history of the country.

I said that with 2016 and I meant it. But this blows it away, because 2016 we had problems, but we didn’t have this kind of a problem. We have a problem of survival of our country because we’re run by very stupid and probably evil people, and we can’t have it. So thank you very much. I hope that’s a positive message. Is that a positive message? Thank you very much. Thank you.

Mayra Flores (02:19):

Thank you, Mr. President. Let’s make it clear to the Hispanic community that the Biden and Harris administration have killed our economy, destroyed our border. They have destroyed everything good that we have in our country, but they have not destroyed us.

Audience (02:37):

[inaudible 00:02:39].

Mayra Flores (02:39):

And we’re going to give President Trump the biggest win in November, Hispanics are. Mr. President is going to have the biggest support any Republican president has ever had from us. I truly believe that. But what’s most important for us is our values. And Kamala Harris is destroying our values, a family, a faith. And if we want those values to live in our children and the second generation, it’s important that we instill those values, but that we also elect those that represent our values, and that is President Donald Trump.

I think it’s important that we also give an opportunity to Captain Sam Brown to introduce himself. This race is very important for your state, so I want to give him an opportunity to say a few words. Thank you for being here. Thank you for making time out of your day to be here, but also thank you for running. I know it’s a huge sacrifice. And thank you for everything you’ve done for our country. I would not be here if it wasn’t because of men and women like you that served in our country, so thank you.

Sam Brown (04:03):

Thank you, Congresswoman. Thank you President Trump for being here, for demonstrating to the world just how important Nevada is, how important the Hispanic voters are, how important this community is. We’re so grateful that you’re with us today.

Donald Trump (04:19):

Thank you very much. Thanks, sir.

Sam Brown (04:23):

Now, look, success is not promised in life. Hardship is something that none of us can avoid, but I want to talk to you a little bit about the American dream because most of you know me as a veteran, as someone who’s put on the uniform, served, sacrificed for this country, and I was happy to do it. I was honored to do that.

But like so many of us in this room, I’ve also got a story about pursuing the American dream. You see, after I recovered and I had to figure out who I was outside of that uniform, I went back to school. I got an education around business. And just because you do those right things, you check those boxes, does not mean that you’re going to find that success. And so in 2016 when President Trump was elected, and I was happy to be a proud President Trump supporter, over those next couple of years with the optimism of seeing what he was doing for our country, lowering our energy costs, lowering unemployment, cutting taxes, we saw the border secured, we saw optimism. A hope for the American dream was something that we could all grab onto. It was at that time that I decided my next step in the American dream as a husband and a father with three school-aged children was to start my own business. But again, for those business owners out here in this room, we know that’s not always easy. My journey started working in a fulfillment center. When I walked in here today and I saw the racks up against the wall and the cardboard boxes and the pallets, I thought, “Gosh, it almost feels like home.” Because for six months, as I was starting my business, the business that provided pharmaceutical services to veterans when the VA hospital wasn’t able to, I worked in a fulfillment center. I packed up those boxes, I loaded them onto the semi truck trailers. I did that for 10 hour shifts four days a week. And I went home at night, had meal with my family, and went to work on my business plan and getting things lined up and ready to go, and was eventually able to make that full transition to being a successful small business owner. That is so important to all of us as Americans, all of us that we have that opportunity. Again, it’s not a promise that we have success, but an opportunity.

And President Trump as our president, and me being a small business owner while he was president, I was so compelled to fight for his reelection in 2020 that I did put aside some family time when I got done taking care of my affairs. And my son and I, my oldest son and I would go out and knock doors for President Trump. Four years ago, I was a happy volunteer. I see people out here and the crowd today who are volunteers. Beware, you might find yourself one day running for United States Senate too. But it was so worth fighting for what President Trump did for us. The way that he led for us. He couldn’t guarantee a success, but he could help create a pathway for it. We saw him cut taxes. We saw him lower those energy costs. We saw optimism in our community. And what we have now is a story of all the wrong things going up and the right things going down.

Our unemployment rate now here in Nevada is the second highest in the nation. Our housing costs are off the chart. The interest rates have gone so high that if I had to buy my home today that I bought six years ago, gosh, I couldn’t afford it. And I know a lot of you are in that same position. We have a number of people coming across this border illegally has gone through the roof. Criminals that have come across this border, including those who’ve committed murders, over 13,000. But what’s been going down? Our take-home pay, the number of kids who can actually play sports. As I go through the community and I talked to folks, I’ve got parents who stop me and say, “We can no longer afford to even have our kids play sports.” There’s teachers who’ve told me they can’t even send kids home with homework on paper because they can’t afford the ink and the paper to send the kids home to be able to continue their education at home.

The wrong things are going down. But while Jacky Rosen has been our senator, while she’s voted 98% of the time with Biden-Harris, her net worth has gone up 61%. Can you imagine if your net worth had gone up 61% under the policies of this administration? And so let me tell you, let me tell you, there’s people in your life that challenge you to be the best version of yourself. There’s a couple in this room today, Congressman Wesley Hunt right here. He was an upperclassman of mine at West Point. He may have given me a hard time here or there, but he challenged me to be the best version of myself, to become the leader that I was able to grow into being.

I see Pastor Jimmy Morales over here as well. He’s challenged me to be the best version of myself, even throwing me behind the pulpit with 20 minutes notice to give us an entire sermon to his church one day.

But President Trump, you challenge us all to be the best version of ourself. You, President Trump, I have seen courage under fire. I have had to lead troops into the heart of fire. I have survived the very fire itself. And I found hope, frankly, when I had lost the will to live. When someone came running to me and they screamed out, “Sir, I’ve got you,” there was nothing I could do for myself at that moment. But that action, it wasn’t just words, it was action that saved my life. And President Trump, you represent not just words, but action to save the lives and provide help for so many today.

One last thing, to the women here today and who are seeing this at home like my wife, like the wonderful First Lady, like so many of you moms and grandmas and sisters here, you will determine the outcome of this election. My wife challenged me to run. She said, “Sam, I know the man you are. President Trump needs you to back him up in the Senate.” You women here today, you will determine this election. So let your voice be heard. Get out there. Get your family to vote. Get your neighbors to vote. Get your children to vote, and let’s provide President Trump the backup he needs.

Donald Trump (11:42):

Thank you.

Mayra Flores (11:42):

Thank you, captain Brown.

Well, we’re all here to hear from the six great Hispanic Americans and to hear from their stories. I would like Lydia Dominguez to share your story with us. Thank you for being here.

Lydia Dominguez (11:59):

Thank you.

Speaker 1 (12:04):

Thank you. Thank you to America’s Future Tour for having me here. Thank you, Mr. President for having me. It’s a true honor to share my story and my story echoes so many Latinos around the nation. I was born in Mexico and raised as an infant in the United States. My mom is a high school graduate. My dad made it to the sixth grade. He was a construction worker, and when I was 12 he passed away from cancer because of all the chemicals he had been exposed to as a former and construction worker. At the age of 14, I proudly became an American citizen and I continued and at the age of 16 and 19, I had both of my kids and they’re right there in the stadium right there. Wave. I’m so proud of them. I had both my boys at 16 and 19. So I decided to join the Air Force and I joined proudly because I had grown up with a sense of service and sense of wanting to do more in my country. Under your administration, I was able to afford a home. I was able to buy my first home and save money. And it was the first time I’d have been able to get ahead and feeling like I’d always been behind your administration was at the point where I was able to get ahead.

Under the Biden administration, I was forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine and I refused as a religious accommodation and I was honorably discharged. And with that, most of my savings dwindled under the Biden-Harris economy. And I had found myself having to work two jobs, having to do ride share and having to do graphic designing to make ends meet at that point. I was raised in a democratic household. My values remained consistent.

Mr. president, you were the first Republican president I voted for in 2016. I had never seen anyone articulate the way you did, how great this country is and how much it’s worth fighting for. You saw what it really was and you want to protect it. Despite the economic struggles after leaving the Air Force, I decided to remain committed to my commitment of service. And now I’m running for Clark County school board.

And my story echoes so many other Hispanics. My mom had said, we’re a Democrat because we’re poor and the Republicans are rich. So we’re not rich, so we’re Democrat. And even at a young age, I thought, but I want to be rich someday. How do I get there? And one of the things that resonates that a lot of Latinos experienced as well as I did is, and I’ll say it in Spanish first is my grandma would say, [foreign language 00:15:21] And she said, “They can always take away your car, they can take away the money in your bank account, they can take away your house, but they can never take away what’s in your mind.”

And so education was so important to me. And I hold that with my children. I hold that in my community of service. Mr. president, I support you 100%. And I know my Latino community, my Latino family supports you. We have been struggling so hard under this Biden economy. We are under a Democratic diet right now and I’m tired of being on that diet.

Donald Trump (16:11):

Thank you very much. Great job, great job. Thank you.

Speaker 1 (16:14):

Thank you so much.

Donald Trump (16:14):


Mayra Flores (16:17):

Thank you, Lydia, for sharing your story. Mr. President, Kamala Harris and the Democrat party do not believe in parental rights. What do you say to parents like Lydia with their concerns?

Donald Trump (16:30):

Well, it is so, and you look at the school boards, what’s happening? They’re being treated like terrorists. I’ve never seen anything like it. And who would think that when I make speeches? If you would go back 10 years, you’d never even think. But you say, I stand for parental rights. Who would think you have to say that, Bob, when that becomes a major portion of what you have to do, we’re going to stick up for the parents, in other words. They could come and take your child and do things to your child that nobody can believe they’re allowed to do. Nobody could even believe it. And no, we’re for parental rights. We’re going to get those parental rights back stronger than ever before.

Mayra Flores (17:12):

Thank you, Mr. President. We have another amazing story coming from Brian Ursoa. Please share with us your story.

Speaker 2 (17:24):

Oh, first of all, I’d just like to share how grateful I am to be here and it’s such an honor to be sitting here at the same table with President Trump.

Mayra Flores (17:36):

Thank you, Brian.

Speaker 2 (17:38):

I just want to start off by saying that I’m just a blue-collared hard-working man, a father of Jesus Christ. And what’s important to me is your proposal on the no tax and overtime. I work in a trade show industry here in Las Vegas. I’m a Teamster Journeyman and a steward, union steward. We work very long hours. Most of the time, our overtime hours surpass our regular hours and your proposal would help the Teamsters out tremendously as well as other hardworking citizens. When you’re in office, we had to… Me and my wife, we had a pretty nice savings account, but with this current administration, my savings have been depleted.

My wife and I have noticed what we used to spend on groceries for a family of six. It’s the same amount that we spent on just the two of us. We’re empty-nesters and we’re proud of all our adult children. They’ve all moved out and all of our children have roommates. They’re unable to afford even renting on their own, not to mention achieving, buying a home.

I remember when you were in office, the economy was booming. I knew a lot of people that were able to come out from underneath the government’s thumb. I was able to introduce my friends to our real estate agent and they were able to achieve the American dream. They were able to buy a home. Life was good when you were in the office and you didn’t hear people yelling, defund the police. We had safe communities. Our country was safe. When you were in office, you showed your strength and the chief peace through strength with other countries.

Your leadership trickled down into our communities and we respected authority in one another. We need secure borders. Without borders, you have no country. And with a flood of illegal immigrants, this administration has no plan, with no structure. And with no structure, you’re bound to have chaos. And that makes for a perfect plan to distract the American public and to change the world into the world that we’re living in today.

These are the conversations we talk about at work. These are real people. I work with a lot of people of different nationalities and backgrounds and I respect everyone’s opinion, but I’m telling you, the majority of all the people that I talk to want you back in office. As common folk just want peace. And we don’t want to send billions of dollars abroad. We want America and Americans to come first. We want secure borders, safe cities, safety for our children, a better economy and a better president than the one we’ve had to tolerate for the last four years.

I believe in divine intervention, and I believe God protected you that day of that attempted assassination. And I truly do believe that the Lord isn’t finished using you yet. You have a purpose here. Promises made, promises kept. I went to so many rallies of yours and I can still hear you saying that. And I remember you keeping your word. We love you, Mr. Trump. Keep doing what you do best and run this country the way this country needs to be led.

Donald Trump (21:14):

Thank you, Brian.

Speaker 2 (21:14):

Trump 2024.

Donald Trump (21:17):

Thank you, Brian. Very nice.

Mayra Flores (21:22):

Brian, you have an incredible story. Thank you for sharing. Mr. President, you have gotten a lot of support from unions, from Teamsters like Brian. Why do you think that is?

Donald Trump (21:33):

Well, we know what’s going to happen. Just as I was saying, unions are going to be very affected by all these people coming in. And we have no idea who they are, where they come from. We know nothing about them. They’re unvetted, they’re unchecked, and they’re by the millions, and they’re going to affect your Teamsters. And the Teamsters, as you know, the rank and file voted last week nationally, and I know you did locally and I appreciate it. I respect the Teamsters. I’ve used Teamsters to do a lot of buildings. The concrete, they trucked it in and I never had a problem. They’re great.

But we had a tremendous vote. Over 60% of the Teamsters voted, which was unheard of because it never happened before to a Republican. So if I were a Democrat, I would’ve add 105%, I think, based on that. But I know how hard you work, and I really appreciate your words, Brian. You’d be very happy. You do have to be careful. And I told Sean O’Brien. You know Sean O’Brien? He’s the boss and he’s great. Great man. He’s head of the Teamsters. I said, “You have to be careful because you have people coming in by the millions, and many are not people that are supposed to be in this country, and they’re going to be stealing your jobs, taking your jobs. And you’re going to have turmoil. You’re going to have tremendous turmoil. And it’s not fair to the people that have been here, and great citizens and worked hard.”

So you see it happening already. It is happening and it’s happening right now. So we have to be careful. But that was beautiful. Thank you, Brian, very much. Appreciate it. Thank you.

Mayra Flores (23:10):

Thank you, Brian. Thank you, Mr. President. Now let’s hear from our small business owner, Elias Trujillo.

Elias (23:22):

Well, I’m so honored to be here today. Never in my life did I see myself being here amongst any of you guys or having this opportunity, but I guess this was what America is, right? Everybody has the opportunity to do something. I come from an immigrant family back in ’95. My parents came out to the US, landed in Utah. I have two brothers. We came here legally, but we overstayed and we were able to make life here in the United States. And my…

Elias (24:00):

It is funny. Parents came out to Las Vegas back in ’99. So I consider myself from the Vegas community, been here 25 plus years, done life here, did school and everything. And in my head I always had the legal status holding over my head because you’re somewhat limited to what you can do to how much you can accomplish and never let it get to me. And I realized I had to move past it and make the best of my life because I didn’t choose to be here, but my parents felt it was a better opportunity for the family and for us as kids.

So I became to love being out here in the U.S., went through high school and everything, completed all of my school like I was supposed to and didn’t see myself continuing studying or pursuing any sort of career. But I knew deep inside that I could be an entrepreneur. I could break barriers and create something without the help of anyone. And as I had that on my mind, I continued living life.

And shortly right after high school, I met my beautiful wife who’s sitting down there supporting like always. We got two kids, 12 years old and a 5-year-old. And in the midst of Trump’s presidency is when I decided to go with entrepreneurship, build my first business, create more time for my family, better resources, income for my family, better future. I saw the opportunities as your presidency was on. I wasn’t fully supportive when you ran for the first time. I learned to support and really see your path and how you were trying to guide us through a better future. Things were great up until COVID, I believe, is when things started to stall for our family, like it did for everyone. I think it put a stall on our life in pursuing the dream that we were seeking of having our own business, generating wealth and a greater future for our family. So COVID shut down the business that we were starting, which was in the catering business, food truck. And in the midst of 2020 when things stalled, we said, “We’ve got to continue. We cannot sit back and wait for someone to come save us or help us.” So we went out and opened up a restaurant.

In the midst of all the COVID regulations, all the changes that had happened, things started to change at that point and we battled through. We’re not thriving as we should. I think these last four years have been very difficult for small businesses, especially in the food industry, cost of goods, labor, all of the things that have changed that weren’t the same. So we’ve been able to still stay afloat, pushing to try to open more locations to generate more revenue, to be able to still grow. But there’s obviously limitations to what we can do, what’s in our hands, our control.

One thing that you guys have mentioned, Hispanics, they don’t give up. They find a way. We try. We make it happen as much as we can. And I’ve done it many times and I’ve had to do it many times. But I’m happy with the opportunity that Trump has again to run and hopefully get us back on track. I think there’s room to make America greater. Some of the policies that you’re proposing or that you’ve said like the taxes on tips, services, things like that, I’ve worked jobs where people solely live off tips, that’s majority of their income and then it gets eaten out by their job because of the taxes and all that stuff when it’s money that they’ve earned and should rightfully go to them.

So I think this is the beginning of the start for changing laws that can benefit the communities more, can benefit Hispanics and not just Hispanics, but in general population, I think there’s many changes that need to be made. We need to come back to the nuclear of our family. Our soul of the country should be based on that. The love of our family, the love for our children, them trying to maintain their sanctity, their holiness as long as we can. That’s the future that we have. And we can’t let ideas, people influence that. They’re precious. So I believe we need to get back to that.

I feel confident that you’re on that page. You want that for the nation. You want that for people who have a belief in a higher power, greater God. And if they don’t, they should also be willing this and hopeful for a better future for their kids. Everyone should want the best for them. So there’s many things that I think can be changed and I don’t foresee this current administration making those changes or taking us to a better future. I believe you are the best fit for helping us get there and I hope that you can sit in and cherish in it.

Donald Trump (29:44):

Thank you very much. Beautiful. Very good. Thank you very much. Very nice.

Elias (29:46):

Appreciate it.

Mayra Flores (29:48):

Thank you, Elias. And I agree with you. I believe that the Hispanic values was going to save this country. I want to talk about the tax, no tax on tips. I was a server for many years. I understand the struggle of not wanting to report all the tips because we knew that we’re going to get taxed. Mr. President, are you going to get the no tax on tips signed into law?

Donald Trump (30:12):

Yeah, I think we will. We had tremendous enthusiasm in Congress for it. Even on both sides. They said, “That was a good idea. Nobody ever thought of it.” I have another one. I was in Detroit the other day and I said, “We’re going to have deductibility of interest on car purchases.” And the place went crazy. And top people on Wall Street, two top people, like the top people, “Where did you ever come up with that idea?” And it was something that I just felt.

We have to bring back our car industry. We have other things even beyond that to bring it back actually. But that was going to be something. So we have the ideas with the no tax on Tips. I was at my building and waitress came up and she was complaining about the way they’re harassing her. I said, “On what?” She said, “Tips.” I said, “Really? Well, really, I didn’t even know. I never heard of this.” They said, “No, it’s terrible.” They’re actually passing new legislation to go after people on tips, really deep stuff. So I said, “What do you think of the idea of no tax on tips?” Because it just seems like very hard money to get for the government and maybe you should be entitled.

And also, I think a big thing could be for you, but it could be for a lot of the people, you work overtime, no tax on overtime. And I think that’s going to be good for the country. More people are going to work overtime. So we have these things. We’ll get them done and we’ll get them approved in Congress. I’ve gotten pretty much everything I’ve wanted.

Mayra Flores (31:47):

Thank you, Mr. President. Well, we want to hear from these three Hispanic Americans as well. We have a few minutes, but Ms. Linda Fornos, would like to hear your story as well.

Linda Fornos (31:59):

Thank you. It is a really honor for me to be here.

Mayra Flores (32:01):

Thank you.

Linda Fornos (32:02):

And it’s my third time sharing with you, Mr. Trump. And now I want to tell about my story. I’m an immigrant Latina who came from Nicaragua 16 years ago. I’m raised by two beautiful women, my mother and my grandma, who taught me values and taught me you have to fight for what you really want. You have to stand. You have to fight for your criteria and your opinion. And that’s why I am here.

When I came to this beautiful country, I did things in the right way and I have worked really hard raising my three kids. Actually, one of my kids, he was invited to be here, part of the panel, but he couldn’t because he told me, “Mom, it’s my dream to meet Mr. President Trump, but if I go with him and I miss work, I’m going to be short in my paycheck.” That is how sad it is, our economical situation that we had to work really hard.

In my house we have three people working, three salaries and having two jobs in order to support our economy and our house. And it is not just me, it’s all the community, the Hispanic, that they are facing the same situation. What is frustrating is how Democrats, who stands for Hispanic, that’s what they say. We are here for Latino people. And I ask to everyone: What they have done to us? Nothing. They have done nothing.

And that’s one of the reasons why the Latino community now stand for you, Mr. Trump. That’s why they are supporting you and they want you back. It’s not time to regret. Because many people, they vote for Democrats, as I did. But now I’m standing here and I’m standing for all others who wants to be part of your team, who wants to be part of this American dream. And believe me, they are waiting for you to hold your hand and they have the faith that you are going to bring America again as we are dreaming to have it.

Donald Trump (34:20):

Thank you very much.

Mayra Flores (34:20):

Thank you, Linda. Iris Ramos Jones, we would love to hear your story. Thank you again for being here.

Iris Ramos Jones (34:31):

Thank you, Mr. President. It is an honor to be here with you today.

Donald Trump (34:35):

Thank you.

Iris Ramos Jones (34:37):

I am a first-generation immigrant from Ecuador. I came to this country 11 years ago. I became a citizen when you were president five years ago. Came with nothing, without being able to speak the language and without knowing anybody here. And today, I’m sitting here with Mr. President Trump.

Cameron, that’s my daughter, when you and mommy used to sleep on that mattress on the floor, I never thought this was going to be possible. This is only possible here in America.

Speaker 3 (35:31):


Iris Ramos Jones (35:36):

And that is why you got to defend this country until the end. And that’s why you have to love this country unapologetically aside you. There is only one America. Do not take it for granted. The ones that have come from different countries

Iris Ramos Jones (36:00):

… know how bad it can be. How bad it can be if we do not defend our freedom. How bad it can be when they want to silence us. How bad it can be when we lose our rights and when we do not defend our values, values that we’re taught by our parents and our [foreign language 00:36:19].

I’m proud to be part of a community that work hard every day. People of faith, people that in today’s economy are suffering. They have to have two or three jobs to meet their needs. We immigrant Hispanics have already made the sacrifices by leaving our countries, leaving our families, leaving everything that we know behind. We have nothing to lose. And we do see this country with a lot of hope, hope that you gave us and that we hope to restore it. We’re willing to learn and embrace those opportunities. Opportunities because we are survivors. We take risk. We get things done when we do have the opportunities.

But unfortunately, opportunities in today’s America are lost. In the last four years, they have proved that they want to divide and bully those who don’t think like them. They know the power of Latinos, and they are only using us for political purposes. And the last four years, they have proved that they do not care about us. Thank you, Mr. President.

Donald Trump (37:41):

Thank you.

Mayra Flores (37:42):

Thank you, Edis. Mr. President, really quick, what do you say to those who immigrated here to this country the right way? What do you say to those people that are here in this country?

Donald Trump (37:55):

So, you have a lot of people that came in and they went through 10, 12 years of work, and I think they’re being very unfairly treated. They’ve worked so hard, and they’re so proud, and they love the country. And we have people coming in, many people coming in and do a good job. And many people shouldn’t be on that line because they’re dangerous people. We have a lot of dangerous people. And we’re going to take care… Just so we understand, we want to have strong borders, but we want people to come into our country legally. And it’ll happen. We’re going to have a lot of people come in, but they’re going to come in legally, and that’s the way it has to be done. We all know that. I think everybody knows that around that sort of thing.

Mayra Flores (38:37):

Thank you, Mr. President. Rafael Arroyo, would you please share your story with us as well?

Rafael Arroyo (38:46):

Yes. And it’s an honor to be here. Thank you, Mr. President, for doing this and taking the time out to talk to the Hispanic community. So, I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico-

Speaker 4 (38:56):

All right!

Rafael Arroyo (38:56):

… and I moved here. We got some Puerto Ricans back there. And I moved here when I was six with my family. I started my business in 2008, right in the middle of a recession, as they say, 23 years old. My business is called Smog Plus DMV Services, and we do emissions testing here in town. And then we go to the DMV for people that are working or they don’t have the chance to go because they’re out there providing for their families. I know everybody also loves going to the DMV, right? It’s their favorite place.

But about two months after I started my business, I had a detective come in, gun and a badge and everything. He said, “Hey, you can’t really do this business.” And that was my first interaction with government as a business owner. And that’s when I learned, if you don’t get involved with government, government’s going to get involved with you. And a couple of back and forth for a few months, and eventually said, “You know what? You’re right. The law doesn’t say that you can’t do this business.” So, I was able to continue.

But instead of encouraging innovation, the default government position is usually to shut it down. So as I continued over the years, I dealt with obstacle after obstacle, policies that weren’t business friendly, regulations that didn’t make any sense. At one point I had a meeting with some government officials, and they said, “we’re going to make this policy change, and if you don’t like it, change the law.” So, I had to get involved. I got involved with state legislators, and it took me a year and four months, but eventually we changed the law.

Mayra Flores (40:36):

Thank you, Rafael.

Rafael Arroyo (40:40):

So, I’m not a person who complains and just stands around, right? I put myself out there to fight for what’s right. And I really care about our state and all my fellow small business owners and all my Hispanic community. I know from firsthand experience how important it is to have elected officials that understand business and care about encouraging growth. And I feel like we have a governor here in Governor Lombardo who stresses that Nevada is open for business.

But the issue is he’s going to need help. And today, for me, some parts that are critical to my business are double and triple the price than they were four years ago. And Mr. President, I know you’re a businessman. You know how hard that is to see costs double and triple and what that does to your bottom line, what that does to your employees, what that does to your customers. And as a Hispanic business owner, father of four, my family’s right over there sitting down, and it’s tough right now. It’s really tough right now.

And what I’m doing is I’m paying attention to the policies and I’m not paying attention to the media hype. And I recommend that everybody else do the same. The issues that really affect us are gas prices, groceries, the cost of supplies because, at the end of the day, we just want to provide for our families. So Mr. president, I want to know what can be done, as an elected official at the federal level, to deal with this inefficiency in government, this bureaucracy that small business owners have to deal with on a day-to-day basis? And thank you again for the opportunity.

Donald Trump (42:34):

Well, thank you. And it’s a great story, actually. But big thing with you is going to be the cost of energy. Very big thing. And we’re going to get that down by 50% within the first year. We have, I say it all the time, more liquid gold, you’ve heard me say it, oil and gas, we have more than any other country in the world, including Saudi Arabia, including Russia. And we don’t use it to the extent that we can. And the problem is your prices are too high. I mean, it’s not a question of inflation anymore. They’ve already done the damage. The damage has been done. You have things that are costing 50, 60, 70% more than they were three years ago. And we’re going to get your energy costs down by 50% within the first 12 months. And when that happens, everything’s going to follow it. And I think you’re going to be in very good shape. Very good story, though. Very good. Thank you.

Rafael Arroyo (43:27):

Thank you. Thank you, Mr. President.

Mayra Flores (43:29):

Thank you, Mr. President. Kamala Harris is telling Hispanic Americans that Mr. President is against us. Clearly, he’s for us, and it’s going to take all of us to rise up and speak up. We will give President Trump the biggest win in November. But it’s going to take all of us to rise up, get out to vote. I want y’all to act like we’re 50 points down. We got to get our friends and family out to vote. This is the most important election of our lifetime. The future of our children, the future of our grandchildren is in your hands. I believe in the American Dream. Not only am I the American Dream, so are you. You are the American Dream, and the American Dream is worth fighting for. But it’s going to take all of you to rise up. This isn’t just about us here in this table. It’s about you as well. You need to take this election very personal because the future of our country is at stake, and it’s in your hands. So, let’s give President Trump the biggest win in November.

Donald Trump (44:45):

Thank you. Thank you, everybody.

Mayra Flores (44:46):

Thank you, Mr. President.

Donald Trump (44:52):

Thank you very much. November 5th, get out and vote.

Mayra Flores (44:53):

November 5th.

Donald Trump (44:53):

We got to vote.

Mayra Flores (44:53):

Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you.

Donald Trump (44:53):

Thank you, everybody. Thank you.

Mayra Flores (44:53):

Thank you so much. God bless you. God bless.

MUSIC (45:25):

Young man, there’s no need to feel down.

I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.

I said, young man, ’cause you’re in a new town.

There’s no need to be unhappy. Young man, there’s a place you can go.

I said, young man, when you’re short on your dough.

You can stay there.

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