Aug 21, 2024

Chuck Schumer Speaks at 2024 Democratic National Convention

Chuck Schumer at DNC
RevBlogTranscriptsChuck SchumerChuck Schumer Speaks at 2024 Democratic National Convention

Chuck Schumer spoke at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Read the transcript here.

Chuck Schumer (00:13):

Everybody, wasn’t that a great roll call?

Crowd (00:16):


Chuck Schumer (00:20):

Now just let me hear you if you’re ready for President Kamala Harris.

Crowd (00:31):


Chuck Schumer (00:31):

Friends, we’re here to talk about one thing, tomorrow, and building a better tomorrow for all Americans. This November, we can choose a brighter, a fairer, a freer future, or we can relive the dark night of Trump’s American carnage.

Only one candidate will move America forward, Kamala Harris. Vice President Harris has been the best partner Senate Democrats could ever have asked for. Under her and President Biden’s leadership Senate Democrats lowered prescription drug prices and created millions, millions of good paying American jobs.

I worked with Kamala Harris when she was Senator Harris. I saw a leader who was fearless, who stood up for middle class families like the one she was raised in, who focused on things that really mattered, helping parents raise their kids, safe neighborhoods, safe schools, and building an opportunity economy that gives everyone a shot at the American dream.

She will lead America forward into a brighter future, but she can’t do it alone. She needs a Democratic majority in the Senate of the United States.

Now, my friends, two years ago, two years ago, the naysayers said Senate Democrats should stood no chance in the midterms. I told them, “Just you wait. We’re going to keep the Senate and maybe pick up a seat or two.” And that’s exactly what happened.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, my good friends at this convention, I am telling all of you now we’re going to hold the Senate again and we’re poised to pick up seats. A Democratic majority to create good paying jobs and lower costs, to defend a woman’s right to choose, to deliver for communities back home. Our senators are doing it like Jacky Rosen delivering high speed rail for Nevada. Jon Tester, bringing high check jobs to Montana. And Bobby Casey and Sherrod Brown and Tammy Baldwin and Martin Heinrich fixing bridges in Pennsylvania and Ohio and Wisconsin and New Mexico.

We also have amazing candidates, Ruben Gallego, Angela Alsobrooks, Andy Kim, Elissa Slotkin, Lisa Blunt Rochester, Colin Allred, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. And folks, listen to this. More than half of our candidates are candidates of color. We’re making the Senate look like America.

Now, let’s compare that with Senate Republicans. Senate Republicans pretend to care about middle class families, but they voted no on expanding the child tax credit, and JD Vance didn’t even show up to vote. Senate Republicans pretend to care about the border, but they voted no on the strongest border bill in a decade. Republicans tend to care about freedom, but they voted no on a woman’s right to choose, no to safeguard IVF, no to birth control. That is just a taste of their extreme agenda. Is that what we want for America?

Crowd (05:12):


Chuck Schumer (05:14):

Do we want a Republican Senate that assaults reproductive freedoms?

Crowd (05:18):


Chuck Schumer (05:20):

Do we want a Republican Senate that cuts taxes for the rich, rigs the game for big oil and big pharma?

Crowd (05:29):


Chuck Schumer (05:29):

Well, folks, the choice is ours.

Now let me close. Let me close on a personal note. As the highest ranking Jewish elected official in American history, I want my grandkids and all grandkids to never, never face discrimination because of who they are. But Donald Trump, this is a guy who pedals antisemitic stereotypes. He even invited a white supremacist to Mar-a-Lago, and unfortunately, his prejudice goes in all directions. He fuels Islamophobia and issued a Muslim ban as president.

Tonight, folks, I am wearing this blue square to stand up to antisemitism, to stand up to all hate. Our children, our grandchildren, no matter their race, no matter their creed, their gender or family deserve better than Donald Trump’s American carnage.

So are you ready to make sure Donald Trump never, ever gets near the White House again?

Crowd (07:04):


Chuck Schumer (07:04):

So let’s elect Kamala Harris, Tim Walz and a Democratic majority in the Senate, and keep the torch of freedom burning bright for generations to come. Onto victory in November.

Crowd (07:19):


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