Cory Booker Speaks at 2024 Democratic National Convention

Cory Booker Speaks at 2024 Democratic National Convention

Cory Booker led a packed house in a chant of “I believe in America” at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Read the transcript here.

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Cory Booker (00:00):

Tonight is about joy. American history, our common history, is a testimony to taking on the insurmountable and achieving the impossible. That should bring us joy. Our progress never, ever came easy, but in America, we do hard things. We built labor unions and small businesses. We created great public education and world-changing innovation. We nurtured the best athletes and artists humanity has ever seen. And we kept the promise of Medicare and Social Security for our seniors.

Look at who we are against bigotry and hate. We advanced equal rights for all Americans. Civil rights, workers’ rights, LGBTQ rights, reproductive rights, the right to marry who you love, the right to be free. We did all of this in a way that didn’t pit American against American. We did this by healing rifts, by bridging divides, by pulling people together. And all the while, we in this nation lived up to our calling and our creed to be a more perfect union, to make this one nation under God a little more indivisible.

Now, you all know this. Trump betrays these ideals. He viciously attacks Democrats and Republicans. His put-downs know no shame. John McCain’s military service, Nikki Haley’s heritage, women, people with disabilities, trans people, our veterans, he is indiscriminate in his put-downs. His is the politics of smear and fear, not inspiration and elevation. Donald Trump speaks more of American carnage than American compassion. But in America, you can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people, all the people.

Now, our nominees, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, they bring the joy. Think about it. They’re descendants of immigrants, shopkeepers, slaves, educators, people who faced pain with perseverance, people who met hate with love. They are the living dreams of their ancestors. But look in this arena. Look around you right now. We are all our ancestors’ wildest dreams, generations who faced impossible odds and that responded to every one of their challenges with that classic American creed, “Yes, we can.”

So, there are doubters out there. There are people that doubt our collective strength. They want to tell us how bad we are. They want to say that they alone can save us. Well, we know that the power of the people is greater than the people in power. And we’re not going to lose our faith. Look, I want everybody in here to let us all say it together, I believe in America. Let me hear you. I believe in America.

Audience (04:24):

I believe in America.

Cory Booker (04:26):

I believe in America because our elders told us that no matter what the obstacle, like the gospel says, “We shall overcome.” I believe in America because our soldiers died on beaches and battlefields. They died at sea and in the air, so that we could be free today and say to together, I believe in America.

Audience (04:50):

I believe in America.

Cory Booker (04:53):

I believe in America because our fighters fought at Stonewall, our marchers marched in Selma, delegates met at Seneca Falls. Every single one of them believed in America even when America didn’t believe in them. Say it with me now, I believe in America.

Audience (05:15):

I believe in America.

Cory Booker (05:16):

Because King dared to dream the impossible dream, because Neil Armstrong went to impossible heights. And because when we elect Kamala Harris, there is not a boy or girl in America, from any creed, color, or heritage, that will ever think being President of the United States is impossible again. Say it with me, I believe in America, the land of hope and heroism. I believe in America, the land of courage and compassion. I believe in America, where we share common ground and common cause and one common destiny.

And let me tell you, if you believe in America, if you love in America, then you will work for America. And when we work together, when we stand together, when we organize together, when we vote together, I will tell you this, when we fight, we win.

Audience (06:23):

We win.

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