Deadly car bomb detonates outside Moscow Transcript

Lindsay: (00:00)
We turn now to that deadly car bomb attack outside of Moscow. The victim was the daughter of high profile Russian nationalist Alexander Dugin. Videos being shown on Russian television showed the immediate aftermath of the blast, the vehicle engulfed in flames. You can see what appears to be Dugin in shock, his hands on his head moments after the detonation. Dugin has been a strong proponent of the Russian invasion. ABC’s Britt Clennett reports tonight from Kyiv.

Britt Clennett: (00:27)
Tonight, new video of that fiery car bomb explosion that killed the daughter of an ally of Vladimir Putin. Videos being shown on Russian television showing the immediate aftermath of the blast. The vehicle engulfed in flames, debris strewn on the street, the victim identified as 29-year-old Darya Dugina. You can see what appears to be her father, Alexander Dugin, in shock, his hands on his head moments after the detonation outside Moscow. Russian state media says the car belonged to her father. Dugin and his daughter had been traveling together. But according to his friend’s telegram channel, they switched cars, leading some to believe he was the intended target. Dugin, an ultra-nationalist and staunch supporter of Russia’s invasion, has been called Putin’s brain.

Speaker 3: (01:15)
[Foreign language 00:01:15].

Britt Clennett: (01:15)
A Russian official tonight saying investigators remain at the scene. Authorities there believe the killing was planned and contracted and pointing the finger at Ukraine, but the Ukrainians deny any involvement. The killing coming one day after a Ukrainian drone strike deep within Russian-controlled Crimea. Videos circulating online show heavy smoke rising above Russia’s Black Sea fleet headquarters in Sevastopol. And the world still on high alert over the volatile situation at the nuclear plant in Zaporizhzhia, new shelling today just across the Dnipro River. Ukraine tonight saying the plant continues to operate with the “risk of violating radiation and fire safety standards.” President Biden today discussing the situation at the plant with the leaders of France, Germany, and the UK, stressing the need to avoid military operations around the plant.

Lindsay: (02:08)
Ukrainians on high alert. Britt Clennett joins us once again from Kyiv. And Britt, what more are you learning about that suspicious bombing outside of Moscow?

Britt Clennett: (02:17)
Well, Lindsay, Russia says it’s investigating it as a murder. But really, it comes at a sensitive time here in Ukraine. President Zelensky warning that Russia could be planning something particularly cruel. Now, we’re just a few days away from Ukrainian Independence Day here, which also happens to be six months to the day that Russia invaded. And we’ve just learned that state employees have been advised to stay away from Central Kyiv on these days as a precaution. Lindsay.

Lindsay: (02:43)
Britt, thank you.

George Stephanopoulos: (02:46)
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