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Jacob Blake Family Press Conference Transcript August 25
The family of Jacob Blake and civil rights attorneys held a press conference on August 25 to discuss his injuries and their plan of legal action. Read the transcript of their statements here.

Ben Crump: (01:41) Good afternoon. I'm attorney Ben Crump, along with attorney Patrick Savi and attorney Patrick Savi, jr. Attorney B Ivory Lamar, attorney Tara Divine and attorney Patrick Cafferty. We have the honor of representing James Blake and his family. Speaker 1: (02:06) [inaudible 00:00:02:06]. Ben Crump: (02:07) I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce pastor James Blake. Jacob Blake and his family, present with us is his family, his father, Jacob Blake sr., his mother, Julia Jackson, his brothers and sisters, sons, cousins. A large, black family unit who are all standing united in prayer for Jacob Blake to recover from this brutal use of excessive force, once again on an African American, that was captured on video and that is just shocking and outrageous and devastating. Devastating to all of us, but mostly devastating to his three little boys who were seated in the car when the police literally shot him at least seven times at point blank range. Ben Crump: (03:42) Before we begin, because this is a very faithful family, we're going to begin with prayer. And then, the attorneys will give you the updates on his medical condition and the action that we are demanding legally. And then, you will hear from his parents, his sisters, both [Latitra 00:00:04:10], Megan, and- Speaker 1: (04:13) [Zaitha 00:13:02]. Ben Crump: (04:19) ... [Zaitha 00:13:02]. And then, we will take some of your questions. But first we will start with pastor James E Ward jr. to lead us in prayer. James E Ward jr.: (04:31) Thank you, attorney Crump. Good afternoon, everyone. My name is James E Ward jr. And along with my wife, pastor Sharon, we've been highly privileged to be the family pastor for more than 30 years to Ms. Julia Jackson, the mother of Jacob Blake, and also her mother, Janie Johnson, for more than 30 years. And at Julia's requests and at attorney Crump's request, I want to just set the tone for our press conference today by briefly representing Julia's faith in the name of our lord Jesus Christ and offer a brief word of prayer. There are three types of law that govern a nation. Spiritual law, moral law and civil law, but we're only familiar with civil law and we're often ignorant of the ramifications of violating spiritual and moral law, which civil law alone cannot remedy. When these spiritual and moral foundations are destroyed, societies implode, people hurt each other. And what can the righteous do? So, we're calling our nation back to faith in God. James E Ward jr.: (05:35) Despite our differences, every citizen of America can agree that we indeed have a monumental problem in our nation, a problem that people created but people are incapable of solving. And often as we tell our church, we have a sin problem and not just a skin problem. So, I invite you to join me in a brief moment of prayer as we ask our gracious God for his help during these very perilous times. Let's pray. Our father in heaven, we heard humbly come to you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ, and we ask you to forgive us all for straying from our ways and from your ways and from our word, which invites the curse and results in repeated harming and the destruction of each other. I declare the mercy of God, the grace of God, the peace of God, the goodness of God, and most importantly the love of God over [inaudible 00:06:25], over black people and white people, over citizens and police and over these United States of America. Father unify us by your holy spirit. We pray for Jacob Blake even now and ask you to heal his spirit, soul, mind, and body, as well as the entire family. We ask you to give us wisdom on how to navigate our way forward as we deliberate, to seek justice and to seek to bring healing to a hurting nation. In the name of our lord Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Ben Crump: (07:02) Amen. And now, you will hear from his father, Jacob Blake sr., Who will pray also. Jacob Blake sr.: (07:08) Our family is very diverse and we don't represent just one thing. So, if you all could give me one second, please. This is for my son, Jacob Blake. [foreign language 00:07:24]. I'd like to thank everyone for coming out in support of my son, with this senseless attempted murder that was committed on him. They shot my son seven times, like he didn't matter, but my son matters. He's a human being and he matters. Ben Crump: (08:41) Take your time [inaudible 00:08:35]. Ben Crump: (08:51) We're going to now hear from his mother, Ms. Julia Jackson. This is her only biological son, Jacob Blake jr. Take your time. Julia Jackson: (09:37) My son, as we're fighting for his life. Ben Crump: (09:37) Talk a little louder. Julia Jackson: (09:39) And we really just need prayers. As I was riding through here, through the city, I noticed a lot of damage. It doesn't reflect my son or my family. If Jacob knew what was going on as far as that goes, the violence and the destruction, he would be very unpleased. So, I really asking and encouraging everyone in Wisconsin and abroad to take a moment and examine your hearts. Citizens, police officers, fireman, clergy, politicians, do Jacob justice on this level and examine your hearts. Ben Crump: (11:19) Mm-hmm (affirmative). Julia Jackson: (11:22) We need healing. As I pray for my son's healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually, I also have been praying even before this for the healing of our country. Ben Crump: (11:51) Yes. Julia Jackson: (11:54) God has placed each and every one of us in this country because he wanted us to be here. Clearly, you can see by now that I have beautiful brown skin, but take a look at your hand and whatever shade it is, it is beautiful as well. Ben Crump: (12:14) Amen. James E Ward jr.: (12:15) Yes. Julia Jackson: (12:17) How dare we hate what we are? We are humans. God did not make one type of tree or flower or fish or horse or grass or rock. How dare you ask him to make one type of human that looks just like you? James E Ward jr.: (12:46) Wow. Julia Jackson: (12:48) I'm not talking to just Caucasian people, I am talking to everyone. White, black, Japanese, Chinese, red, brown, no one is superior to the other- Julia Jackson: (13:03) No one is superior to the other. The only supreme being is God himself. Please let's begin to pray for healing for our nation. We are the United States. Have we been united? Do you understand what's going to happen when we fall? Because a house that is against each other can not stand. Ben Crump: (13:31) Amen. Julia Jackson: (13:34) To all of the police officers, I'm praying for you and your families. To all of the citizens, my black and brown sisters and brothers, I'm praying for you. I believe that you are an intelligent being just like the rest of us. Every body, let's use our hearts, our love, and our intelligence to work together, to show the rest of the world how humans are supposed to treat each other. America is great when we behave greatly. Thank you. Speaker 2: (14:26) Miss Jackson. Ben Crump: (14:27) Hold on. Speaker 2: (14:27) Spell her name, please. Ben Crump: (14:28) Yeah. Julia Jackson, J-U-L-I-A Jackson, J-A-C-K-S-O-N. Before we have our sisters address you, we want to give a brief update on his medical status and also our demands. So at this time, I will have Attorney Patrick Salvi, Jr. and Attorney B'Ivory LaMarr join me as we update you. Ben Crump: (15:09) And as they come, I will tell you what his mother and father just did. It certainly touched my heart, praying for humanity. The question is, is it touching the hearts of the people with the authority that we have legally given the right to use force in America? That is the people who are supposed to protect and serve us. Well, when you look at that video, that horrific video that showed Jacob Blake Jr. being shot at least seven times at point-blank range, where the officer is holding his tee-shirt and see it on the video, remember what his mother just said, "Where is the humanity? Where was the humanity for this citizen?" And as she said, it shouldn't matter the color of his skin. Where is the humanity? Ben Crump: (16:20) In the law, we often talk about deliberate indifference. Well, I think we don't have to give you a lot of legal treatises to let you know that what they did to Jacob Sr. and Julius's son was done with deliberate indifference. As she said, think for a second what other things these police officers could have done instead of firing at least seven bullets into the back of Jacob Blake Jr., leaving him at this moment paralyzed. Ben Crump: (17:18) His family is very faithful and they believe in miracles. But the medical diagnosis right now is that he is paralyzed. And because those bullets severed his spinal cord and shattered some of his vertebrae, that attorney Salvi will get to a more detailed, it is going to take a miracle. It is going to take a miracle for Jacob Blake Jr. to ever walk again. He is currently in surgery as we speak, still struggling to sustain his life and to hopefully become some resemblance of the man he once was. Ben Crump: (18:15) So at this time, I'm going to call Attorney Patrick Salvi first, and then you'll hear from an Attorney B'Ivory LaMarr, to give updates. Jacob Blake sr.: (18:29) Thank you, Ben. My name's Patrick Salvi Jr. I'm a lawyer at the office of Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard in Chicago. As you've heard and as you can imagine when at least seven, as many as eight bullets from point-blank range enter the human body and shred through the tissue of the human body, that that can cause and did in this case, severe and likely permanent injury. Miraculously, because I imagine you've all seen the video, Jacob is alive. Jacob Blake sr.: (19:13) I cannot tell you how pleased we were, how full our hearts were when Julia came back from visiting with him and actually told us that he told her a joke, and so that was tremendous news. But let me go through some of the injuries that Jacob suffered. Mr. Crump is correct. He had a bullet go through some or all of his spinal cord, at least one bullet. He has holes in his stomach. He had to have nearly his entire colon and small intestines removed. He suffered damage to his kidney and liver, and was also shot in the arm. And so Jacob has a long road ahead of him, a lot of rehabilitation. You heard he's in surgery right now and it is not going to be his last surgery, so he has a long road to recovery. Jacob Blake sr.: (20:29) We are going to hope and pray for as good of a recovery as we can possibly get. Jacob is going to fight hard, no doubt about it, with the support of his wonderful family that you see behind me. But that type of rehabilitation and recovery, it's not free. And so part of what we need to do on Jacob's behalf in light of the travesty that happened on Sunday is we have to bring a civil lawsuit, and we're going to be doing that among other things, to accomplish several goals. One is of course, to hold the wrongdoers accountable for this injustice. The second is to get Jacob the resources that he will need. He's a young man. He's got decades of life ahead of him. And what he needs now and what the civil justice system provides for under these circumstances is the best possible medical care to absolutely maximize his recovery, and so we're going to fight for him for that. Jacob Blake sr.: (21:48) Then of course, finally, the fact that due process under the law, something that Jacob was not afforded in that situation clearly, and that dignity and humanity and compassion, which is how policing ought to be practiced in this country, that it be applied to Jacob, no different than it is applied to me. Because we can all wonder that if all else being equal, would I have been treated that way? So those are the things we're going to fight for. Now, I'll pass it back to Mr. Crump and Mr. LaMarr. Excuse me. Thank you. Ben Crump: (22:34) Thank you so much, Patrick. Now, you will here from a Milwaukee native, Viagra Lamar, a wonderful attorney, who's come from this city. B'Ivory LaMarr: (22:45) Thank you, Attorney Crump. Attorney B'Ivory LaMarr, representing the Blake family, along with the legal team that you see before us today. I want to first start by thanking all the supporters locally, as well as nationally for all the prayers support that you have shown this family. They're very grateful for the many acknowledgements that you have provided. B'Ivory LaMarr: (23:07) The question that we charged America with today is how many more examples of police brutality do we need to effectuate change? How many more? How many more marches do we have to partake in to get change? We have a very clear example. If George Floyd wasn't clear enough, today we stand before you with another one, another example. Today is about accountability and it starts locally, and we've talked before about how local issues become national issues. Today, we want to see how the Kenosha Police Department is going to respond to another event of police brutality. B'Ivory LaMarr: (23:47) How long is it going to take to terminate the officers that were involved in this tragedy? How long? Were within the first 48 hours right now. Let's see if our marching, let's see if our advocacy is making a change, because we don't need any more examples. Heaven is full to its capacity with victims who have been taken at the hands of law enforcement. It's at capacity. And that's probably one of the reasons why Jacob lives today. So we ask now for change. We ask for everyone's continued support. We're demanding the police department to take swift action. We ask for transparency. We ask for our local and governmental officials to activities swiftly to enforce legislation. It's not so much about creating new legislation. It's about enforcing what's on the books now, and that's what we call for. That's what this family wants, and we will not stop until we get it. B'Ivory LaMarr: (24:48) Black lives matter, and it's very expensive. It's very expensive. And you'll see the expense that the taxpayers have the burden on when you do not hold law enforcement accountable for their actions. America, this is the time for change. We have a group of local activists in Milwaukee who have marched from Milwaukee, that are headed their way to DC as we speak. This is not a local issue. This is a national issue. I will join Attorney Ben Crump this week in DC, as we March on Washington to protest these very same issues. America we're watching. The world is watching. Let's make a change. Thank you. Ben Crump: (25:34) Yes, sir. Thank you, Attorney LaMarr. And thank you, Attorney Salvi for giving details about his medical status. The one thing that the doctor said to Julia and the family was there would be surgeries. And even though he is stable, they are very concerned... Ben Crump: (26:03) ... and though he is stable, they are very concerned about bacteria, meningitis, where you have to have multiple surgeries. Julia and I and the family, we were hopeful that he wouldn't have to have this surgery. Went to see him today and was surprised to learn that they had to rush him into surgery. So please continue to pray for him. Remember, as attorney Lamar said, the March on Washington, the Commitment March that took place, that is being convened in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. And I know Reverend Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King III was questioned over and over again about having this march at this time, during the COVID pandemic. Ben Crump: (27:22) They said to me, "Attorney Crump, we can't lose this moment. We can't lose this moment to confront this other pandemic of racism and discrimination, especially in policing in America." And so it's so profound that the week leading up to the March on Washington, the Commitment March, talking about policing in America, that we offer two more exhibits, two more exhibits within 48 hours of each other in vivid detail on video. When you look at the video in Lafayette, Louisiana with Treyford Pellerin, and how 10 officers followed him and shot him 11 times and killed him, that was exhibit one. Right here, [inaudible 00:28:40] in Kenosha, Wisconsin, we give you exhibit two, Blake Sr and Julia's son, shot at least seven times because of brutal excessive force, a lack of humanity, just like the lack of humanity we saw with George Floyd. Brutal excessive force. Seven times in the back point blank range? Ben Crump: (29:25) I think Reverend Al and Martin Luther King III, without ever deciding to do so, have exhibits why we have to have this March. To change the culture and the behavior of policing in America before we have another unarmed black person killed unjustifiably, and we have yet another hashtag that we are meeting while another city is burning and under protest. How many more? That's why we're marching on Washington. I know members of the Blake family have been invited to join George Floyd's family, Breonna Taylor family, and other families, pastor, so we can make the case that we love our children too, that we don't want to continue to have to bury our children. Julia doesn't want to have to sit with her child for the next weeks, months, years while they go through rehab. Ben Crump: (30:44) These little boys, these three little boys are going to have psychological problems for the rest of their life. Can you imagine what his eight year old son who was celebrating his birthday is going to think about every time he has his birthday? The pain in his father. Can you imagine? This is real. This is real, America. This is real. This is what we have to endure every day. Being profiled by the people who are supposed to protect and serve us. At this time, we're going to hear from his sister, Latitra Wideman. Latitra Wideman: (31:42) I am my brother's keeper. And when you say the name Jacob Blake, make sure you say father, make sure you say cousin, make sure you say son, make sure you say uncle. But most importantly, make sure you say human. Human life. Let it marinate in your mouth and your minds. A human life. Just like every single one of you all and everywhere [inaudible 00:06:13]. We're human. His life matters. Latitra Wideman: (32:18) So many people have reached out to me telling me they're sorry that this happened to my family. Well, don't be sorry because this has been happening to my family for a long time, longer than I can account for. It happened to Emmett Till. Emmett Till is my family. Philando, Mike Brown, Sandra. This has been happening to my family and I've shed tears for every single one of these people that it's happened to. This is nothing new. I'm not sad. I'm not sorry. I'm angry. And I'm tired. I haven't cried one time. I stopped crying years ago. I am numb. I have been watching police murder people that look like me for years. Latitra Wideman: (33:15) I'm also a black history minor. So not only have I been watching it in the 30 years that I've been on this planet, but I've been watching it for years before we were even alive. I'm not sad. I don't want your pity. I want change. Ben Crump: (33:37) Thank you. You sense the pain and the reality that this is real, America. I know a lot of you are watching it on television and abstract, but for black America, this is our reality. And that's why we're having this Commitment March. I was telling Senator Kamala Harris and the Congressional Black Caucus members, we have to pass this George Floyd Justice and Policing Accountability Act. We have to. We can't let another day go by because every day is the potential of another hashtag. And I challenge anybody to tell me that I'm not speaking facts, that it might be another city in another state, but it seems like the scripted narrative is the same. Unarmed black person killed unjustifiably. The police shoot first and figure out how to justify it later. And oh, by the way, we got the legal system in our back pocket. They'll figure out how to justify it. This is real. Ben Crump: (35:08) At this time, we will hear from his sister, Megan Belcher. Julia Jackson: (35:22) I'm the baby. I'm his Meagle Beagle. He was my light. I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I know how upset he is that his family's upset right now. Not because where he is, but because his family is hurting. He loves his family. You all took him from his family because you all stood by and let it happen. I just want my brother. I just want my brother. Ben Crump: (36:15) Thank you, Megan. And finally, we'll hear from his sister, Vaaitha Blake. Vaaitha Blake: (36:27) For as long as I can remember, me and my brother were like twins. That's my twin. We looked exactly the same. People used to joke at us like, "You look like the boy version of him. He looks like the girl version of you." We got a lot of insiders, a lot of things just between us because we're like this. To know that I just can't pick up the phone and call my brother and joke with him before we go to bed like we do just about every night, I can't call and see what he's doing with the kids because he's very active with his children. His kids are his world. But not only that, his family is his world. And like my little sister said, he's upset because we're hurt. We're upset. He doesn't even care about himself. He's more so worried about us. Vaaitha Blake: (37:20) He was not treated like a human that day. He was treated like some foreign object that didn't belong. How much more inhumane treatment are we going to have to deal with before the world makes a change? Something's got to change. I don't care how he comes out of this. I'm just grateful that he's alive because all these other stories, the big difference is they didn't make it. But my brother made it because he is a survivor. Ben Crump: (37:54) Thank you. I would ask if Attorney [inaudible 00:12:00], Ms. Julia will come back up. We'll try to answer a few of your questions. Ben Crump: (38:09) It was too much for his father to bear, so he was going to be up here trying to answer some questions as well. But we'll try to take just a few. Speaker 3: (38:18) Hey Ben, you represent the families that are going through what these folks are going through. Why do you think this keeps happening? Ben Crump: (38:24) Deliberate indifference. Absolutely deliberate indifference. People question why we have to say Black Lives Matter. This is why. Because Julia and Jacob Senior's son was not treated with the humanity that we often give our white brothers and sisters. And it has to stop. And it has to stop at the highest levels of our government. That really is what this is about. People at the top saying police- Ben Crump: (39:03) ... about people at the top saying, police, we cannot allow this to happen. Prosecutors, we cannot allow this to happen. Judges, we can not allow this to happen anymore. We cannot turn a blind eye to the deliberate indifference that was shown to George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Joel Acevedo in Milwaukee, Rayshard Brooks, Speaker 4: (39:32) Trayvon Martin. Ben Crump: (39:34) Trayvon Martin. The list goes on and on. I was just counting this year. I'm just talking about in the last few months, and now Julia's son, her only biological son is the latest example of this deliberate indifference that America shows to Black people. Ben Crump: (39:53) And so it's going to take a lot of prayer. Thank God her and Pastor Boyd and this family is a praying family to try to not only heal him, but also to try to heal his children, his family, and heal this community. Next question. Speaker 5: (40:09) As state department of justice is investigating this, one of the central questions is what happened in the minutes and seconds leading up to that altercation. Can you offer us a little bit of a timeline as to what the family understands occurred in those key moments? Ben Crump: (40:23) Well, the facts have not been confirmed yet. They have given statements to the police. The police just haven't given statements to the family and it's ironic how that always happens. They want them to talk, but they won't talk. And what we are demanding is transparency. If there's dash cam video, Sarah, we want you all to get it because this family has already asked for answers, have gotten none. Ben Crump: (40:57) We have scheduled a call to the Governor and we want to thank the Governor for assisting attorney Lamarr and attorney Salvi and our legal team. And at least letting Julia see her baby. I mean, you're talking about just insult on top of injury, she was denied the opportunity to see her child initially right, Pastor Boyd? Pastor Boyd: (41:22) Yes. Ben Crump: (41:23) And they were turned away at the hospital. So we're going to talk to him and we're going to ask, before you keep demanding stuff from this family, why don't you demand something from these police officers that shot him at least seven times in the back? Ben Crump: (41:39) What was their justification? And it's so strange, it's so crazy, Mr. Blake, that when there's video of certain people in the community, they say, "Oh, that's all we need-" Speaker 6: (41:56) That's right. Ben Crump: (41:56) ... to arrest somebody and charge somebody." Speaker 7: (41:58) That's right. Ben Crump: (41:59) But when it's them doing something nefarious to a person of color, they say, "Oh no, no, don't, don't just take the video. You got to put it in context. Don't have a rush to judgment", but didn't they rush to judgment when they shot Jacob? Speaker 7: (42:16) Yes, sir. Ben Crump: (42:18) Didn't they rush to judgment when they shot Trayford down in Lafayette, Louisiana? Speaker 8: (42:24) Yes, sir. Ben Crump: (42:24) Didn't they rush to judgment when they shot Rayshard Brooks? Speaker 8: (42:29) That's right. Ben Crump: (42:30) I mean- Speaker 4: (42:31) Trayvon. Breonna Taylor. Ben Crump: (42:34) Breonna Taylor? I mean, why is it double standards? We can't have two justice systems in America. We keep saying this after every tragedy, we can't have a justice system for Black America and one for White America. We have to have a justice system for everybody. Yes? Speaker 9: (42:51) Does Jacob know what has been unfolding the last couple of days and does he have a message? Does he have anything he wants to convey or say? Julia Jackson: (42:58) He does not know what's going on. When I was able to see him, and I'm a grateful that that opportunity was finally open to me, the first thing he did when he looked at me was cried. And then begin to say, "I'm sorry about all of this." Julia Jackson: (43:16) I don't really think he knows what happened at this point. He's not there yet. I asked him, "Jacob, did you shoot yourself in the back?" He looked at me and he said, "No." I said, "Then why are you sorry?" He says, "Because I don't want a burden on anybody. I want to be with my children. And I don't think I'm going to walk again, mom." Speaker 10: (43:46) Julia, can you... Ben Crump: (43:50) Hold on, hold on, hold on. [crosstalk 00:43:50] Mr. Blake, did you want to say... Hold on. Mr. Blake, Mr. Blake is going to see his son for the first time, he just got into town. Do you want to say anything? Jacob Blake sr.: (44:00) If one of them has a question, I'll answer it. Ben Crump: (44:00) Okay. Speaker 11: (44:00) Do you have confidence- Ben Crump: (44:00) [inaudible 00:44:06]. Jacob Blake sr.: (44:06) No. No, I do not. Speaker 11: (44:08) You don't have confidence [crosstalk 00:44:09]- Jacob Blake sr.: (44:08) I don't have a confident... Anybody that is White, that is doing an investigation about a Black young man that was shot seven times in his back, and haven't come up with an answer or a comment at this point, is not, is not welcome. Ben Crump: (44:26) Okay. Jacob Blake sr.: (44:26) Is not welcome. Ben Crump: (44:29) Sarah? [crosstalk 00:44:30] Go ahead Sarah. Okay. Speaker 12: (44:34) Doesn't matter. His background has nothing to do with this. Sarah: (44:34) Mr. Blake, can you give us an idea of how his children are doing, who witnessed all of this? [inaudible 00:44:40] Jacob Blake sr.: (44:41) They are stuck right now. We're going to seek out some of the best child psychologists in the United States and we're going to work with them and let them the whole picture that it plays over and over in front of that little faces. All my grandson asked repeatedly, is, "Why did the police shoot my daddy in the back?" Speaker 13: (45:10) Grabbed his shirt... Jacob Blake sr.: (45:11) How would you feel if your White son walked up to you as a mother and said, "Mommy, why did the police shoot my daddy in the back?" You have no clue. Ben Crump: (45:27) Okay. Speaker 14: (45:28) Is there a possibility they're going to make an arrest? Ben Crump: (45:29) We're demanding that the prosecutor arrest the officer who shot Jacob Blake. And we also are asking that these officers who violated the policies in their training be terminated immediately. Speaker 15: (45:46) Immediately. Speaker 12: (45:47) Sir, can you [crosstalk 00:45:48]- Ben Crump: (45:47) All right, last- Speaker 12: (45:49) ... background does not matter? It's all [crosstalk 00:45:53] Ben Crump: (45:52) Okay. We'll address that. It's always after they try to assassinate us in person, they then try to assassinate our character. And the reality is they know nothing about Jacob before that moment that they made that decision. Last question. Speaker 16: (46:13) What has he been able to say- Ben Crump: (46:17) I'm sorry? Speaker 16: (46:17) What has Jacob been able to say to you guys about what happened? What has he been able to tell you? Julia Jackson: (46:21) Nothing. He's not there yet. [crosstalk 00:46:24] When I went to pray... Patrick Salvi: (46:24) ... heavily medicated. Julia Jackson: (46:25) I do want to say- Patrick Salvi: (46:26) He's in a lot of pain. Ben Crump: (46:27) Yeah. Say that again, Patrick. Patrick Salvi: (46:29) He's on a lot of pain medication. You heard the injuries that I described. You can imagine... He's got some lucidity, but not completely- Julia Jackson: (46:37) No. Patrick Salvi: (46:37) ... so we look forward to that discussion with Jacob. Speaker 17: (46:42) What do you think about the- Ben Crump: (46:42) Hold on, Julia is answering this last question about what he was able to say to them. Julia Jackson: (46:47) When I began to pray for him, he told me to stop. He asked the police officer that was in the room with us if he was as a man of faith. He responded yes, in short. He asked him to pray with us. The three of us prayed together. Speaker 18: (47:10) Can you tell us at all why he was going back in the car [crosstalk 00:47:12] Ben Crump: (47:12) That's it. Come on, come on. Julia Jackson: (47:13) Sorry. Speaker 19: (47:13) I got you. I got you.
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