Oct 22, 2024

Trump Campaign Roundtable in Auburn Hills, Michigan

Trump Roundtable Auburn Hills
RevBlogTranscriptsDonald Trump RallyTrump Campaign Roundtable in Auburn Hills, Michigan

Donald Trump participates in the America’s Future Tour roundtable in Auburn Hills, Michigan. Read the transcript here.

Speaker 1 (00:00):

[inaudible 00:00:01].

Donald Trump (00:01):

Yeah. And I want to thank Brian and all the people from the UAW and just autoworkers, frankly, UAW or not, just autoworkers. And they’re great autoworkers up here. This is where it all began. It all began, for the world, it all began right here.

Amer Ghalib (00:13):


Donald Trump (00:14):

And then slowly but surely, and then actually rapidly it got taken away from us, like candy gets taken away from a baby. They take that candy away from a baby so easy, and that’s what they did to us. And a long time ago, I told a story where I was given the Man of the Year or something. I was given a big award and I came up and spoke, and I talked about how… This is long before I ran for politics. And by the way, the fake New York Times said it never happened. And then they found the event. They found it. Did you see that?

Brian (00:43):


Donald Trump (00:44):

And they said, “Well, it never happened. There was no such award given or there was no such event.” And fortunately, we found a newspaper article that talked about, I was up here. This is long before this, this is probably 18 or 19 years ago. And I came up and I talked about, “Don’t let them steal your jobs. Don’t let them steal your automobile factories.” But they did. I wasn’t involved. I was happily in the private sector. But this is much better. This is much more important for me, because we’re going to save America. We’re going to save the automobile industry, which wouldn’t have happened if we didn’t come along.

Brian (01:18):


Donald Trump (01:19):

I mean, think of it. If you have all these places building these plants with China’s money and other countries, I’m not looking to blame China. Other countries too. You don’t have a chance. You don’t have a chance. They were going to build a lot of different plants in Mexico and Canada. We have to watch Canada. But Mexico and Canada, all of a sudden you’re going to say, “What happened to our industry?” We’ll be bringing cars. You’ll be a parking lot for cars that are going to be sold in America. We’re not going to let that happen. We’re going to make the auto industry bigger and better and stronger than it’s ever been.

Audience (01:55):

Yeah, yeah.

Donald Trump (01:55):

And this community is such a big factor. I’m surprised you knew that, Brian. I’m very impressed with you.

Amer Ghalib (02:00):

Absolutely. Those are my co-workers.

Donald Trump (02:02):

Do you have a little Arab blood in you, by any chance?

Brian (02:07):

[inaudible 00:02:07], but these guys are good workers.

Donald Trump (02:08):

I know they are. They’re great people too, and they’re smart and that’s what we want. So it’s an honor to get your endorsement. It’s an honor to be here as we open up this beautiful facility. And I’m going to be seeing you a lot, Mr. Mayor. And I think there’s a hell of a future, don’t you think?

Audience (02:28):


Donald Trump (02:28):

[inaudible 00:02:28].

Amer Ghalib (02:28):

Mr. President, one thing that the Democrats keep sending to our community, is to scare them that you will come and deport them, although some of them are second and third generation immigrants. So I want you to respond to these accusations and fear delivering to our community. What would you say?

Audience (02:47):

Fake news.

Donald Trump (02:58):

Fake news. I’m going to be honest now, they say every week they have a different concept for me. I’m going to be the biggest dictator in the world. I’m going to destroy the world. I’m going to… They have so many things that they’ve said about me and nothing sticks. Is this the new one? I’m going to come and we’re going to deport… But just your community.

Amer Ghalib (03:14):

These are legal immigrants, all of them.

Donald Trump (03:16):

That’s good.

Brian (03:16):

They said [inaudible 00:03:18].

Donald Trump (03:18):

Well, and I’ll tell you what, they’re also great people and they’re great workers and [inaudible 00:03:27]. Thank you very much. It’s a tremendous honor to be with you. And now we’re going to go, we’re going to make two stops and we’re going to make a big speech. But this was a very important one. This is my first stop and this is in honor of the mayor, because in particular he and the [inaudible 00:03:36]. Thank you.

Amer Ghalib (03:40):

Mr. President, on behalf of the City of Hamtramck, and we would like to present you a certificate of appreciation for visiting our city. I would like to call the three elected officials, if you don’t mind, to join me to hand you this certificate, please. It’s going to be historic for our state.

Donald Trump (03:59):

[inaudible 00:04:25].

Speaker 2 (03:59):

President Trump, we’re proud to see you standing at the White House again.

Donald Trump (03:59):

Thank you. We’ll see you at the White House.

Audience (06:00):

Yeah, all right.

Donald Trump (06:00):

We’ll see you at the opening of these great auto factories that we’re going to build next yea. Thank you everybody.

Speaker 2 (06:00):

We just want to thank you. Our restaurants endorse all of you at MAGA.

Donald Trump (06:01):

Thank you. I heard that.

Speaker 2 (06:01):

[inaudible 00:04:54] restaurants.

Donald Trump (06:01):

How good are the restaurants? Is the food good or is it great?

Speaker 2 (06:01):

It’s great. [inaudible 00:06:01]. We are doing it for America.

Donald Trump (06:01):

Thank you.

Speaker 2 (06:01):

You are the only one that can make this America great again.

Donald Trump (06:01):

Thank you.

Speaker 2 (06:01):

My pleasure.

Donald Trump (06:01):

Thank you very much.

Speaker 2 (06:01):

Thank you so much for [inaudible 00:06:01].

Donald Trump (06:01):

I appreciate it greatly.

Speaker 2 (06:01):

Please come out and…

Donald Trump (06:01):

I will do that. I will. Thank you. Thank you everybody. Thank you very much. Thank you, my friend.

Speaker 3 (06:01):

Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump.

Audience (06:01):

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.

Amer Ghalib (06:01):

Have a seat. Have a seat everybody.

Speaker 4 (06:01):

Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump.

Audience (06:01):


Speaker 4 (06:01):

Sir? Sir?

Amer Ghalib (06:05):

Thank you. Can you hear me now? Well, okay, so thank you all for joining us today. On behalf of Hamtramck residents and the Arab and American Muslims and the Muslim Americans here in the metro of Detroit, we welcome President Trump to have Hamtramck city. And we thank him for making this historic visit in possible. This is a small agenda, but we have a sample of community leaders and activists, not just from Hamtramck and business owners, of course, not just from Hamtramck, but from other cities including Detroit, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Marvindale, Warren. And so they’re all here for one goal and one mission, to send President Trump back to the White House.

Audience (17:50):


Amer Ghalib (17:50):

As you know, President Trump keeps saying that our country is in decline and the ship is sinking. So sometimes it’s wise enough to sail against the wave, so we can get to the shore safely under the leadership of President Trump. And that’s why I endorse President Trump in this area, in Wayne County, in Hamtramck. With your support we will send President Trump back to the White House.

Audience (18:25):

Yeah. President Trump, Trump ’24. Trump ’24.

Amer Ghalib (18:35):

Thank you.

Audience (18:36):

Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight.

Amer Ghalib (18:41):

Thank you. So sometimes it’s very impactful and powerful to work with minorities like you guys. And with your support, we can see a major difference in the swinging states like Michigan. Our endorsement is an example of that. And it shook the world and it will make a big difference in Michigan. And hopefully, we will make President Trump the 47th president of the United States.

Audience (19:07):

We will. Right on.

Amer Ghalib (19:07):

Can you still hear me?

Audience (19:07):


Amer Ghalib (19:19):

As a Yemeni immigrant and the son of a Yemeni immigrant in this area, which is heavily populated by Yemeni Americans here, I’m very proud to lead this community and to stand on the bright side of history this time. We had a history of disconnect and miscommunication with the Republican party, the party of common sense. Now, we are here to end that disconnect, that created misunderstanding and distrust and is stereotyping sometimes. But this is a new era now, and we are here to tell President Trump that the Yemeni American and the Arab Americans will contribute significantly to the development of the auto industry that he’s talking about these days.

Audience (20:14):


Amer Ghalib (20:20):

[inaudible 00:20:20] thousands and thousands for small businesses here and in New York and California and other states, and they contributed significantly to building this country. So President Trump realizes that, and he appreciated that. And his visit today, is to show respect and appreciation to our community. So we thank him for that. And remember this guy, I called him the man of principles.

Audience (20:46):

Yeah, Trump.

Amer Ghalib (20:47):

That he is the most transparent president in the history of the United States. The most decisive, frank, family and faith-oriented person. Remember when he talks about raising his kids, what does he say? He say, he taught them no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking, is it? Is it that one?

Audience (21:13):


Amer Ghalib (21:16):

[inaudible 00:21:16] how we want to be raised. So we thank him. We have so much in common now and we should focus on what unites us and rise above what divides us. So thank you guys for coming today. It is my honor and pleasure to introduce to you, the 45th president and hopefully, the 47th president of the United States.

Donald Trump (21:47):

It’s a great honor. And it’s great to be here at this opening. It’s an opening and it’s maybe an opening of more than just a building. I really believe it.

Audience (21:53):

That’s right.

Donald Trump (21:55):

And we all ultimately, want one thing. We want piece in the Middle East. We’re going to get peace in the Middle East.

Audience (21:59):


Donald Trump (22:03):

I think it’s going to happen very fast.

Audience (22:04):

We trust you.

Donald Trump (22:05):

It can happen with the right leadership in Washington. You have a woman running against me, she shouldn’t even be running against me. She hasn’t got the capability.

Audience (22:12):


Donald Trump (22:14):

But you have a woman running that won’t get anything done. She’s wishy, she doesn’t know what to do. And she’s a very confused person. And I think I probably would take Biden over her. I have somebody, we were talking. The mayor, first of all, it’s an honor to be your friend and it’s an honor for that endorsement coming from you and a highly respected man, somebody that really is respected in the community and along beyond this community. A few people said, “Who is that guy? He’s really something?” I’ve got big plans for him, right? It really is, it’s a great honor. And I see somebody else, Mr. Mayor, if I could, in the audience. So United Auto Workers, so many of them as you know, support me, because I’m going to bring back the auto jobs.

Whereas unfortunately, the head of the union doesn’t have any clue. He doesn’t understand that the electric cars are going to drive everybody back to China and we’re not going to have that. And we want the jobs in your community. And you have tremendous numbers of auto workers in your community, which is something that I did not know, but I know now and I realize it. And somebody, they’ve written and they’ve called and we’re going to bring the companies back. If you go back 50, 60 years, we were the king and queen together of the auto industry. Now it’s been taken by China, Mexico, and so many other countries. We’re going to bring them all back. We’re going to bring all of those companies that left back through a series of very smart and not very expensive incentives. And we’re going to then protect them, so they don’t get ripped off and robbed, like everybody in our country has been over the last long period of time for many, many years. So I’d like to bring… Brian, would you come over here for a second?

Audience (23:59):


Donald Trump (23:59):

This man, and I’ve seen him for a couple of years and I didn’t know who he was, but he was a Trump fan like I’ve never seen. And he wanted to get the United Auto Workers on our side. And he literally has 80%, a tremendous number of them on our side, because-

Brian (24:17):


Donald Trump (24:20):


Brian (24:21):

That’s pretty good.

Donald Trump (24:23):

It’s pretty good. I’d say it’s pretty good. But we have a tremendous amount of auto workers on our side. Many of the auto workers are in your community and a lot of them are really great, I hear, very Talented.

Brian (24:34):

Yeah, I worked with them.

Donald Trump (24:35):

Yeah, very talented. But I’d like you to say a few words about what we’re doing. And you missed the one meeting we had in Detroit, which was good. And I might say it here, because it’s important. So I’ve been saying that Mexico’s building two of the largest plants anywhere in the world and we’re just not going to let it. It would literally wipe out Michigan auto business. And that would go to South Carolina to a lesser extent, because of certain reasons. But South Carolina, Tennessee, others also could be, maybe completely knocked out. I don’t know. These are the biggest plants in the world. Somebody that I know very well is building them. And he told me about them a year ago and I told the mayor about them. I told Brian about them. We told a lot of people. And I’ve been talking about them now for over a year.

And I said, “If we’re going to allow Mexico to build these massive plants, you’re not going to have any jobs. They’re all going to be gone.”They go into Mexico, they can produce so many cars out of these very modern… You press a button and the whole plant opens up. They don’t have a lot of workers, but they have a lot of capacity. And so I’ve been talking about this now for a period of over a year. And I found out about it from a man who’s the biggest in the world at building auto plants. I think he’s building these two, in fact, I know he’s building these two. But one in particular, is just massive. And they were getting ready to start.

And when I was in Detroit last time, I saw the gentleman, who I hadn’t seen for a while. And I said, “Let me ask you, John, how are those plants coming?” “So they’ve been stopped. They’ve been stopped.” I said, “You mean the plants in Mexico?” Because I wanted to see a plant and I wanted to see one in the United States. He said, “Sir, we don’t make them in the United States the way they do elsewhere.”Now, these plants were owned by China and built in Mexico near our border. They were going to just build a car and just pour them in. And you wouldn’t have had any… Which Brian understood.

Brian (26:28):


Donald Trump (26:29):

And the mayor understood. You wouldn’t have any capacity. You wouldn’t have had any reason to be here and be making cars. So I heard about this and I hated it. And I talked about it for a year. It was in every speech I made on autos. And I came up three weeks ago. We spoke before the Economic Club, Detroit and I talked about it. And then I saw the gentleman in the audience and I said, “Could I speak to you for a second? How are those plants coming?” “Sir, they’ve been stopped.” I said, “What do you mean they’ve been stopped?” ” They think you’re going to be president and you’re going to charge tariffs and it will make it economically impossible to build them. So they stopped construction [inaudible 00:27:11].”

Audience (27:11):

Thanks to you.

Donald Trump (27:15):

So I didn’t even tell you that, Brian.

Brian (27:15):

I heard about it.

Donald Trump (27:15):

So what I’ve done, is I’ve saved Michigan, I think, because we’re going to reverse it. I’m going to go back to them, I’ll say build the plant in Detroit. Build the plant up here, build it in the state of Michigan. Or build it in the United States, we can handle that, right? As long as it’s in the United States. But let’s start over here. Maybe you make a deal and you will make a deal. I think you could make a deal right here. And we’ll end up having those plants built over here instead of built in other countries. Other countries.

Audience (27:43):

Yeah, right.

Donald Trump (27:43):

So this plant that I was talking about for the last year, year and a half is stopped, because they think I’m going to get elected. They know if I get elected, I’m not going to let them sell cars into our country in order to destroy the rest of Michigan. You had many times the number of cars being built many, many years ago. This was a different world. And you see the empty hulks all over the place. So we’re going to start that little project. We’re going to get to the people, they have plenty of money, but they don’t want to lose money. And they would’ve lost a lot of money, because I wasn’t going to let any car come into the United States and destroy the Michigan automobile business [inaudible 00:28:21]. Thank you. Brian’s here for you.

Audience (28:20):

Thank you.

Brian (28:26):

Thank you Mr. President. And you are exactly correct. I’ve been preaching it to my co-workers in the UAW. And more and more of them are understanding this. The president is right, and the mayor was right. I worked with a lot of Arab Americans, Muslims throughout at Ford. A lot of the people came from this community, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, hardworking people, family people, that just wanted a good job and they wanted to live the American dream. Over 30 or 40 years, that’s been slipping away here in Detroit and we’ve watched it. It’s been painful. And EVs might’ve been the final nail in the for us. But President Trump has a strategy, unlike his opponent. He knows what he needs to do to stop it. And you already saw an example of it.

The company, I believe was Walbridge, am I correct? And they were going to build this massive plant down there just south of the border. And all the vehicles would’ve been built down there and they would’ve tried to ship them in. Just him talking about it… Teddy Roosevelt used to have a saying, “Walk softly, but carry a big stick.” Nobody’s got a bigger stick than this guy, right here. And when he starts waving it around people listen. The guy’s one of the best businessmen in the history of this country. We need to elect him president again. He’s won two elections, he’s got to win a third.

Audience (29:50):


Brian (29:50):

So Mr. Mayor, thank you for your excellent remarks. You are exactly correct about the people in this room and the people in this community. And I’m so proud of President Trump and so happy that he came here to reach out the hand of friendship, because somewhere we got off the path. And the Muslim community needs to understand this guy represents your values.

Audience (30:23):

All right, Brian.

Donald Trump (30:23):

Look at the arms of this guy. I don’t know, that’s got to be a lot of lifting. I don’t know. I think you have it naturally, [inaudible 00:30:31]. Well, I want to thank… And I’m really in particularly proud that you are here-

Brian (30:34):

My pleasure.

Donald Trump (30:35):

Because right from the beginning, you understood it, you got it. A lot of people don’t understand it and it’s easy to do. And I’m so happy that it happened before the election as opposed to after the election, because this is big news now. I don’t know if the fake news will cover it, but this is big news now. Think of it, the biggest plants in the world were going to be built and now they’ve stopped. And what that would do is really hurt America and it’ll devastate

Donald Trump (31:00):

… Michigan, so I’m glad you were able to hear it as soon as I got the information. And the information is solid, and we’re going to get those plants to be built, ideally right here, and we’re going to work on it very hard.

As far as the election is concerned, we’re doing very well. You see we’re up in the polls pretty substantially. They have a new thing, a new phenomena, and that’s gambling polls. They call it the Poly poll or something. I’ve never heard of the [inaudible 00:31:30]

Speaker 5 (31:29):


Donald Trump (31:31):

Polymarket, and we’re, I guess at 64 to 38, 36, something like that. So that’s not bad. I don’t know what the hell it means, but it means that we’re doing pretty well. And we’re the 64, by the way, okay? Just, we don’t want to be the 38 or 36. So I just want to let the Mayor know. I want to let the council members know, the three council members. I appreciate it. We won’t forget it. Please, stand up.

Speaker 6 (31:56):

[inaudible 00:31:57]

Donald Trump (31:56):

Yeah, and I want to thank Brian and all the people from the UAW, and just auto workers, frankly. UAW or not, just auto workers. They’re great auto workers up here. This is where it all began. It all began for the world. It all began right here.

Speaker 5 (32:15):


Donald Trump (32:16):

And then slowly but surely, and then actually rapidly, it got taken away from us, like candy gets taken away from a baby. They take that candy away from a baby so easy, and that’s what they did to us. And a long time ago, I told the story where I was giving the Man of the Year or something. I was given a big award, and I came up and spoke. This is all before I ran for politics. And by the way, the fake New York Times said it never happened, and then I found the event. I found it. Did you see that?

Speaker 5 (32:45):


Donald Trump (32:46):

And they said, “Well, it never happened. There was no such award given, or there was no such event.” And fortunately, we found a newspaper article that talked about I was up here. This was long before this. This was probably 18 or 19 years ago. And I came up, and I talked about, “Don’t let them steal your jobs. Don’t let them steal your automobile factories.” But they did. I wasn’t involved. I was happily in the private sector.

But this is much better. This is much more important for me because we’re going to save America. We’re going to save the automobile industry, which wouldn’t have happened if we didn’t come along. I mean, think of it, if you have all these places building these plants with China’s money and other country. I’m not looking to blame China. Other countries too. You don’t have a chance. You don’t have a chance.

They were going to build a lot of different plants in Mexico and Canada. We have to watch Canada. But Mexico and Canada, all of a sudden, you’re going to say, “What happened to our industry?” Because you’ll be a parking lot for cars that are going to be sold in America. We’re not going to let that happen. We’re going to make the auto industry bigger and better and stronger than it’s ever been before.

And this community is such a big factor. I’m surprised you knew that, Brian. I’m very impressed with you.

Speaker 5 (34:02):


Donald Trump (34:04):

Do you have a little Arab blood in you?

Speaker 5 (34:06):

[inaudible 00:34:06] these guys are good workers.

Donald Trump (34:10):

I know they are, and they’re great people too, and they’re smart. And that’s what we want. So, it’s an honor to get your endorsement. It’s an honor to be here as we open up this beautiful facility, and I’m going to be seeing you a lot, Mr. Mayor. And I think he has a hell of a future, don’t you think? [inaudible 00:34:30]

Speaker 7 (34:29):

Mr. President, one thing that the Democrats keep sending to our community is to scare them, that you will come and deport them. Although some of them are second and third generation immigrants, so I want you to respond to these accusations and here delivering to our community. What would you say?

Speaker 8 (34:50):

Fake news, fake news.

Donald Trump (35:03):

Fake news. [inaudible 00:34:58] They say every week, they have a different concept for me. I’m going to be the biggest dictator in the world. I’m going to destroy the world. They have so many things that they’ve said about me, and nothing sticks. Is this the new one? I’m going to come, and we’re going to deport, but just your community.

Speaker 8 (35:16):

[inaudible 00:35:17] legal immigrants also.

Donald Trump (35:18):

That’s good. Well, and I’ll tell you what-

Speaker 9 (35:20):

[inaudible 00:35:20]

Donald Trump (35:20):

… they’re also great people. They’re great workers. [inaudible 00:35:22] It’s a tremendous honor to be with you. Now, we’re going to go. We’re going to make two stops, and we’re going to make a big speech, but this was a very important one. This is my first stop, and this is a honor of the Mayor because in particular, he [inaudible 00:35:38] thank you.

Speaker 8 (35:42):

Mr. President, we have of the City [inaudible 00:35:44] and we would like to present you a certificate of appreciation for visiting our city. And I would like to call the three elected officials, if you don’t mind, to join me, to hand you this certificate, please. It’s going to be historic for our city.

Speaker 10 (36:01):

[inaudible 00:36:21]

Speaker 11 (36:22):

President Trump [inaudible 00:36:25]

Speaker 12 (36:24):

We promise you, we’re going to be in the White House again.

Donald Trump (36:25):

Thank you. [inaudible 00:36:30] White House. [inaudible 00:36:33] at the opening of these great auto factories that we’re going to [inaudible 00:36:39] Thank you, everybody.

Speaker 12 (36:25):

We just want to thank you. Our restaurants endorsed all of you guys. [inaudible 00:36:48]

Donald Trump (36:25):

I heard that. Thank you.

Speaker 12 (36:25):

[inaudible 00:36:51]

Donald Trump (36:54):

How good are the restaurants?

Speaker 12 (36:55):

[inaudible 00:36:57]

Donald Trump (36:57):

Is the food good or is it great?

Speaker 12 (36:59):

[inaudible 00:36:59] we are doing it for [inaudible 00:37:11] you are the only one that can make this America great again.

Donald Trump (37:15):

Thank you very much.

Speaker 12 (37:15):

Thank you [inaudible 00:37:18]

Donald Trump (37:22):

Thank you, I appreciate it [inaudible 00:37:20] I will do that. I will. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. Thank you very much. Thank you, my friend.

Amer Ghalib (37:54):

I was caller number five on a radio station.

Won a four day, three night beach vacation.

Deep sea señorita fishing down in Panama.

And I ain’t gotta see my ex-future-mother-in-law anymore.

Oh Lord, when it rains it pours.

Now she was sure real quick to up and apologize.

When she heard about my newfound luck on that FM dial.

And it’s crazy how lately now it just seems to come in waves.

What I thought was gonna be the death of me was my saving grace.

It’s got me thinking that her leaving is the only logical reason.

That I got the last spot in the Hooters’ parking lot.

And the waitress left her number on my check with a heart.

She picked up on the first ring when I gave her a call.

And I only spent five bucks at the Moose Club raffle.

Won a used 4-wheeler and three free passes.

For me and two of my buddies to play a round of golf.

And I ain’t gotta see my ex-future-mother-in-law anymore.

Oh Lord, when it rains it pours.

When it rains it pours.

I’ve been on one hell of a redneck roll for three weeks now.

And it all started on the day that she walked out.

Then I won a hundred bucks on a scratch-off ticket.

Bought two 12-packs and a tank of gas with it.

She swore they were a waste of time.

Oh, but she was wrong.

And I was caller number five on a radio station.

Won a four day, three night beach vacation.

Deep sea señorita fishing down in Panama.

And I ain’t gotta see my ex-future-mother-in-law anymore. Oh Lord, when it rains it pours.

When it rains it pours.

Ow. Uh-huh, yeah, yeah.

I’ve known a few guys who thought they were pretty smart.

But you’ve got being right down to an art.

You think you’re a genius, you drive me up the wall.

You’re a regular original, a know-it-all.

Oh-oh, you think you’re special.

Oh-oh, you think you’re something else.

Okay, so you’re a rocket scientist.

That don’t impress me much.

So you got the brains, but have you got the touch?.

Now, don’t get me wrong, yeah, I think you’re all right.

But that won’t keep me warm in the middle of the night.

That don’t impress me much.

Uh-huh, yeah, yeah.

I never knew a guy who carried a mirror in his pocket.

And a comb up his sleeve, just in case.

And all that extra-hold gel in your hair oughta lock it.

Because heaven forbid it should fall outta place.

Oh, oh, you think you’re special.

Oh, oh, you think you’re something else.

Okay, so you’re Brad Pitt.

That don’t impress me much.

Oh, oh, ooh. So you got the looks, but have you got the touch?

Now, don’t get me wrong, yeah, I think you’re all right. But that won’t keep me warm in the middle of the night.

That don’t impress me much. Yeah.

You’re one of those guys who likes to shine his machine.

You make me take off my shoes before you let me get in.

I can’t believe you kiss your car good night.

Now, come on, baby, tell me, you must be joking, right?

Oh, oh, you think you’re something special.

Oh, oh, you think you’re something else.

Okay, so you’ve got a car.

That don’t impress me much. Oh, oh, ooh.

So you got the moves, but have you got the touch?

Now, don’t get me wrong, yeah, I think you’re all right.

But that won’t keep me warm in the middle of the night. That don’t impress me much.

That don’t impress me.

Oh, oh, no, you think you’re cool, but have you got the touch?

Now, now, don’t get me wrong, yeah, I think you’re all right.

But that won’t keep me warm on the long, cold, lonely night.

That don’t impress me much.

Uh-huh, yeah, yeah.

Okay, so what do you think, you’re Elvis or something?

That don’t impress me much. Oh, no.

That don’t impress me much. Oh, no. Ow.


Windows down, country sound.

FM on the radio.

Just me and you and the man on the moon.

Cruising down some old back road. Now, baby don’t you look at me that way.

Because you know there’s only so much I can take.

Because you make me want to.

Pull this truck to the side of the road.

Slide on over, let me hold you close.

And tell you everything I’m thinking.

Hop on out and let the tailgate fall.

Get drunk on you with no alcohol.

If you don’t stop, I’m going to.

Girl you make me want to, yeah.

Well, you know better than to wear that dress.

It oughta be against the law.

Plain and simple, girl them dimples.

Know just how to turn me on.

Now, baby, don’t you look at me that way.

Because you know there’s only so much I can take.

Because you make me want to.

Pull this truck to the side of the road.

Slide on over, let me hold you close.

And tell you everything I’m thinking.

Hop on out and let the tailgate fall.

Get drunk on you with no alcohol.

If you don’t stop I’m going to.

Girl you make me want to.

You make me want to.

Wake up with you, in the bed of my truck.

And start over again when the sun comes up.

You make me want to.

Pull this truck to the side of the road.

Slide on over, let me hold you close.

And tell you everything I’m thinking.

Hop on out and let the tailgate fall.

Get drunk on you with no alcohol.

If you don’t stop I’m going to.

You make me want to.

Pull this truck to the side of the road.

Slide on over let me hold you close.

And tell you everything I’m thinking.

Hop on out, let the tailgate fall.

Get drunk on you with no alcohol.

If you don’t stop I’m going to.

Girl, you make me want to.

Yeah. Windows down, country sound. FM on the radio.

Dumb de de dumb, de de dumb de de dumb, de da da.

Dumb de de dumb, de de dumb de de dumb, de da da da da da.

Well, I walk into the room.

Passing out hundred dollar bills.

And it kills, and it thrills, like the horns on my Silverado grill.

And I buy the bar a double round of Crown.

And everybody’s getting down.

And this town, ain’t never gonna be the same.

Because I saddle up my horse.

And I ride into the city.

I make a lot of noise.

Because the girls they are so pretty.

Riding up and down Broadway.

On my old stud Leroy.

And the girls say, “Save a horse, ride a cowboy.”

Everybody says, ” Save a horse, ride a cowboy.”

Well, I don’t give a dang about nothing.

I’m singing and bling blinging.

While the girls are drinking.

Long necks down.

And I wouldn’t trade old Leroy.

Or my Chevrolet for your Escalade.

Or your freak parade.

I’m the only John Wayne left in this town.

When I saddle up my horse.

And I ride into the city.

I make a lot of noise.

Because the girls they are so pretty.

Riding up and down Broadway.

On my old stud Leroy.

And the girls say, “Save a horse, ride a cowboy.”

Everybody says, “Save a horse, ride a cowboy.”

Well, I’m a thoroughbred.

That’s what she said.

In the back of my truck bed.

As I was getting buzzed on suds.

Out on some back country road.

We were flying high, fine as wine.

Having ourselves a Big and Rich time.

And I was going just about as far as she’d let me go.

But her evaluation of my cowboy reputation.

Had me begging for salvation all night long.

So I took her out gigging frogs.

Introduced her to my old bird dog.

And sang her every Willie Nelson song I could think of.

And we made love.

And I saddled up my horse.

And I ride into the city.

I make a lot of noise.

Because the girls, they are so pretty.

Riding up and down Broadway.

On my old stud Leroy. And the girls say, “Save a horse, ride a cowboy.”

Everybody says, “Save a horse, ride a cowboy.”

What? What?

Save a horse ride a cowboy.

Everybody says, “Save a horse ride a cowboy.”

We used to chase that Chattanooga freight.

Couple of kids in a Chevrolet. Catch a little air when we cross the tracks.

Sipping on something from a paper sack.

You hang your shirt on that maple limb.

Slipping through the moon to the river bend.

Wasn’t very long I was jumping in, jumping in.

I guess I’m still doing now what I was doing then.

Chasing you like a shot of whiskey.

Burning going down, burning going down.

Chasing you like those goodbye taillights.

Headed west to anywhere out of this nowhere town.

Chasing that freedom, chasing that feeling that got gone too soon.

Chasing that you and me, I only see in my rearview.

Hell, I’m laying here tonight holding someone new.

Still chasing you, still chasing you. You always used to talk about LA.

I heard you got as far as Santa Fe.

Well, you know I tried to track you down.

I only got as far as Guitar Town.

Singing about a girl I used to know, used to know.

Well, you should know that I haven’t given up.

I’m just on your radio.

Chasing you like a shot of whiskey.

Burning going down, burning going down.

Chasing you like those goodbye taillights.

Headed west to anywhere out of this nowhere town.

Chasing that freedom, chasing that feeling that got gone too soon.

Chasing that you and me, I only see in my rearview.

Hell, I’m laying here tonight holding someone new.

Still chasing you, still chasing you.

Chasing you like a shot of whiskey.

Burning going down, burning going down.

Chasing you like those goodbye taillights.

Headed west to anywhere out of this nowhere town.

Chasing that freedom, chasing that feeling that got gone too soon.

Chasing that you and me, I only see in my rearview.

Hell, I’m laying here tonight holding someone new.

Still chasing you, still chasing you.

Still chasing you, still chasing you.

You swear that you’re staying single, next thing you know.

You meet a girl at a bar and next thing you know.

You get her laughing, it’s 2 AM.

You’re telling your buddies three months in.

That she ain’t moving in, the next thing you know.

There’s a U-Haul trailer, next thing you know.

Your old apartment is y’all’s new place.

There goes the carpet but the deer head stays.

Next thing you know.

You’re saving money like never before.

Just to spend it all at a jewelry store.

Getting down on one knee on her mama’s porch.

Just praying she don’t say, “No.”

Next thing you know.

Your best man gives a half-drunk speech.

And you’re sunburned on a honeymoon beach.

And your left hand’s getting used to that ring.

And there the next two or three years go.

Next thing you know.

You weren’t really trying, next thing you know.

There’s a test on the counter, next thing you know.

She’s standing there crying, nodding her head, “Yes.” You’re half excited, half scared to death.

Because next thing you know.

You’re wearing scrubs and a funny white hat.

And the doctor’s saying, “How you doing there, Dad?”

And nobody’s ever called you that.

And you take the drive home slow.

Next thing you know.

It’s first steps, first dates, first car.

It’s 11:01 wondering where they are.

You’re saying that USC’s too far.

It’s amazing how fast seventeen years go. Next thing you know.

Next thing you know.

Next thing you know.

You get to know your wife again.

And you’re more in love than you’ve ever been.

With a lot of years of remember when’s.

And still some down the road.

Because next thing you know.

You got a yard full of your kid’s kids.

And you take them to church, teach them to fish.

And you tell them stories every chance you get.

About how fast this life down here can go.

Next thing you know.

Next thing you know.

Next thing you know.

Next thing you know.

Who doesn’t know what I’m talking about. Who’s never left home, who’s never struck out.

To find a dream and a life of their own.

A place in the clouds, a foundation of stone.

Many precede and many will follow.

A young girl’s dream no longer hollow.

It takes the shape of a place out west.

But what it holds for her, she hasn’t yet guessed.

She needs wide open spaces.

Room to make her big mistakes.

She needs new faces.

She knows the high stakes.

She traveled this road as a child.

Wide-eyed and grinning, she never tired.

But now she won’t be coming back with the rest.

If these are life’s lessons, she’ll take this test.

She needs wide open spaces.

Room to make her big mistakes.

She needs new faces.

She knows the high stakes.

She knows the high stakes.

As her folks drive away, her dad yells, “Check the oil!”

Mom stares out the window and says, “I’m leaving my girl.”

She said, “It didn’t seem like that long ago.”

When she stood there and let her own folks know.

She needs wide open spaces.

Room to make her big mistakes.

She needs new faces.

She knows the high stakes.

She knows the highest stakes.

She knows the highest stakes.

Wide open spaces.

She knows the highest stakes.

She knows the highest stakes.

Wide open spaces.

We had a plan.

Amer Ghalib (01:02:02):

We had a plan, move out of this town, baby.

West to the sand, it’s all we talked about lately.

I’d pack the car, bring your guitar and Jane for smokin’.

First thing at dawn, you’d cue the songs and we’d get goin’.

But you weren’t home, waited on the porch for you.

Sat there alone, all throughout the morn.

Till I got a hunch down in my gut and snuck around the back. Empty cans, and I’ll be damned, your shit was never packed.

Did your boots stop working?

Did your truck break down?

Truck break down.

Did you burn through money?

Did your ex find out?

Ex find out.

Where there’s a will, then there’s a way.

And I’m damn sure you lost it.

Didn’t even say goodbye.

Just wish I knew what caused it.

Was the whiskey flowing?

Were you in a fight?

In a fight.

Did the nerves come get you?

What’s your alibi?


I made my way back to LA.

And that’s where you’ll be forgotten.

In forty years you’ll still be here.

Drunk, washed up in Austin.

A hell of bluff, you had me believing.

How many months did you plan on leaving?

What happened? Bad habits? Did you go back? Go batshit?

I loved you. How tragic. Oh-oh.

Did your boots stop working?

Did your truck break down?

Truck break down.

Did you burn through money?

Did your ex find out?

Ex find out.

Where there’s a will, then there’s a way.

And I’m damn sure you lost it.

Didn’t even say goodbye.

Just wish I knew what caused it.

Was the whiskey flowing?

Were you in a fight?

In a fight.

Did the nerves come get you?

What’s your alibi?


I made my way back to LA.

And that’s where you’ll be forgotten.

In forty years you’ll still be here.

Drunk, washed up in Austin.

Truck break down.

Did your ex find out?

Got a girl from the Southside, got braids in her hair.

First time I seen her walk by, man, I about fell up out my chair.

Had to get her number, it took me like six weeks.

Now me and her go way back like Cadillac seats.

Body like a back road, driving with my eyes closed.

I know every curve like the back of my hand.

Doing 15 in a 30, I ain’t in no hurry.

Imma take it slow just as fast as I can.

The way she fit in them blue jeans, she don’t need no belt.

But I can turn them inside out, I don’t need no help. Yeah.

Got hips like honey, so thick and so sweet. Man!

And ain’t no curves like hers on them downtown streets.

Body like a back road, driving with my eyes closed.

I know every curve like the back of my hand.

Doing 15 in a 30, I ain’t in no hurry. Imma take it slow just as fast as I can.


We’re out here in the boondocks with the breeze and the birds.

Tangled up in the tall grass with my lips on hers.

On a highway to heaven, headed south of her smile.

Get there when we get there, every inch is a mile.

Body like a back road, driving with my eyes closed.

I know every curve like the back of my hand.

Doing 15 in a 30, I ain’t in no hurry.

Imma take it slow just as fast as I can.

Hey, hey!

Imma take it slow.

Hey, hey, hey!

Just as fast as I can.

Driving with my eyes closed.

Got braids in her hair.

Hey, hey!


Heading down south to the land of the pines.

I’m thumbing my way into North Caroline.

Staring up the road and pray to God I see headlights.

I made it down the coast in 17 hours.

Picking me a bouquet of dogwood flowers.

And I’m a-hoping for Raleigh, I can see my baby tonight.

So, rock me, Mama, like a wagon wheel.

Rock me, Mama, any way you feel.

Hey, Mama, rock me.

Rock me, Mama, like the wind and the rain.

Rock me, Mama, like a southbound train.

Hey, Mama, rock me.

Running from the cold up in New England.

I was born to be a fiddler in an old-time string band.

My baby plays the guitar, I pick a banjo now.

Oh, north country winters keep a-getting me down.

Lost my money playing poker, so I had to leave town.

But I ain’t a-turning back to living that old life no more.

So, rock me, Mama, like a wagon wheel.

Rock me, Mama, any way you feel.

Hey, Mama, rock me.

Yeah, rock me, Mama, like the wind and the rain.

Rock me, Mama, like a southbound train.

Hey, Mama, rock me.

Walking to the south out of Roanoke. I caught a trucker out of Philly, had a nice long toke.

But he’s a-heading west from the Cumberland Gap.

To Johnson City, Tennessee.

I got to get a move on before the sun.

I hear my baby calling my name, and I know that she’s the only one.

And if I died in Raleigh, at least I will die free.

So, rock me, Mama, like a wagon wheel.

Rock me, Mama, any way you feel.

Hey, Mama, rock me.

Oh, rock me, Mama, like the wind and the rain.

Rock me, Mama, like a southbound train.



Mama, rock me.

Oh. So, rock me, Mama, like a wagon wheel.

Rock me, Mama, any way you feel.

Oh, I want to feel.



Mama, rock me.

Mam, rock me.

Mama, rock me.

Rock me, Mama, like the wind and the rain.

Rock me, Mama, like a southbound train.

Hey, Mama, rock me.

You can rock me.

Rock me.

Speaker 13 (01:11:55):

Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming your panelists from the Metro Detroit community. And here are your panelists, Howard Lutnick, Florida Congressman Byron Donalds.

Speaker 14 (01:12:18):


Speaker 13 (01:12:18):

Your US Senate candidate, Mike Rogers.

Amer Ghalib (01:12:25):

It was right after senior year.

Just before the summer disappeared.

We went a-riding them old farm…

Speaker 13 (01:12:34):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next President of the United States, President Donald J. Trump.

Amer Ghalib (01:12:46):

And I’m proud to be an American.

Where at least I know I’m free.

And I won’t forget the men who died.

Who gave that right to me.

And I’d gladly stand up next to you.

And defend her still today.

‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land.

God bless the USA.

From the lakes of Minnesota.

To the hills of Tennessee.

Across the plains of Texas.

From sea to shining sea.

From Detroit down to Houston.

And New York to LA.

Where’s there’s pride in every American heart.

And it’s time we stand and say…

Byron Donalds (01:14:08):

Well, listen, this is a great, great, great crowd. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Congressman Byron Donalds. I have the pleasure of representing the State of Florida. But it is my pleasure to make sure everybody is welcomed to Engineering Design Services right here in Metro Detroit. And we are going to have a fantastic round table with citizens of Metro Detroit. We’re going to be talking about the policies and the issues that have really hurt the American people from the Kamala Harris-Joe Biden administration. And the guest of honor, the man of the hour, the next President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, will be with us.

Donald J. Trump (01:15:06):

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. Well, it’s an honor to be with you. We’re doing very well in the polls, as you’ve probably heard. They’re getting very big numbers, Byron. They’re getting much bigger than even anticipated. So, I don’t know what that means. That’s a poll in itself. But the early voting seems to be even far bigger than we thought, and we had great expectations. People are not loving her, and why should she? She didn’t show up for the big Catholic event. This hasn’t happened in decades. She didn’t show up. She gave a very short tape, and it was not an appropriate tape either, but she probably hasn’t figured that out yet. And we should have gotten about 100% of the Catholic vote last night because I showed up. But I think we’re doing very well, and we’re going to find out very soon.

And what I’d like to do is maybe before saying anything, I’ll finalize it out, but maybe we can go through the folks, and we can see what they have to say and how you’ve been doing. And I know one thing. Everybody did better four and five and six years ago than they’re doing now. That’s one thing. That’s one thing I know. So, why don’t we do that? And then we can maybe say a few words. You have a great gentleman running for the Senate. He’s been a friend of mine for a long time, and he’s a very talented guy. It’s not easy. To win these things, it is not easy. But he’s doing a great job. I hear he’s taking a lead. We’ll see what happens. But I hear he’s taking a lead.

So Mike, we’ll talk in a couple of minutes. How about we’ll go through it pretty quick, Dale? And then I’m going over to make a little speech in front of 10,000 people. You think this is an easy life I have, right? I go from here, I say, “Am I finished?” They say, “No, sir, you have one more speech.” “Oh, good. Where is it?” What is it, 20 minutes, 30 minutes away? Is anybody going? We’ll get you and 10,000 people. So Dale, go ahead, please. Thank you.

Byron Donalds (01:17:14):

Dale, take it away.

Donald J. Trump (01:17:15):

You’re looking good, Dale. Look at the arms on this guy. He’s almost as bad as my friend over here.

Byron Donalds (01:17:17):

Well, Mr. President, real quick, one thing. Before Dale begins, understand Dale’s a third generation union worker, dedicated Teamster car hauler.

Donald J. Trump (01:17:26):

Wow. Really?

Byron Donalds (01:17:26):

So, I know Dale has a lot of concerns about the auto industry. So Dale, please.

Donald J. Trump (01:17:37):

A healthy-looking guy, too.

Byron Donalds (01:17:38):

Go right ahead.

Dale (01:17:39):

This way?

Byron Donalds (01:17:39):

Yes, sir.

Dale (01:17:41):

I believe Donald Trump will protect the Michigan auto industry. He will end the Harris electric vehicle mandate that has crippled the Michigan auto industry. Oh, sorry.

Speaker 15 (01:17:55):

Oh, here we go.

Dale (01:17:56):

There you go. Yeah. He has plans to impose 200% tariffs on all auto companies that want to ship our jobs out of the country. He will save our jobs. He will put American workers first. I don’t know if you know, I don’t know if you heard, but us Teamsters here in Michigan love Donald J. Trump.

Donald J. Trump (01:18:21):

Thank you.

Dale (01:18:29):

We voted, and the results are loud and clear. Michigan Teamsters voted 62% Trump, 35% Harris.

Speaker 16 (01:18:39):


Donald J. Trump (01:18:39):

Thank you, Dale.

Byron Donalds (01:18:39):

That’s great. Really great.

Dale (01:18:43):

President Trump, the Teamsters I work with have a message for you. They’re voting for you because they know you’ll fight. You’ll fight and save their jobs, fight and save America, never back down, never surrender. Fight, fight, fight!

Donald J. Trump (01:19:03):

Well, Dale, thank you. And I just want to say, you know Sean O’Brien, right? Sean O’Brien, head of the Teamsters.

Dale (01:19:07):


Donald J. Trump (01:19:07):

He’s a great guy. They took a vote nationally, and I won by similar numbers nationally. And that’s an honor. I mean, that’s really an honor. I think it’s been many decades before they endorsed a Republican. I think they’ll start very soon. But we had rank and file Teamsters all over the country by numbers similar to that.

And I have some good news for you on the automobile business in Michigan. I’ll wait till we finish up, maybe, and talk about it, because you were going to have a lot of competition in Mexico, and that competition’s not going to happen anymore. But I want to thank you. I want thank the Teamsters also. I see another guy over there with that shirt. I can’t miss him, right? Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Dale (01:19:46):

I work with the guy.

Donald J. Trump (01:19:46):

Oh, you do, eh?

Dale (01:19:46):


Donald J. Trump (01:19:48):

Is he easy to work for or tough?

Dale (01:19:50):

You see my grandbaby too?

Donald J. Trump (01:19:51):

Oh, wow. Wow. Well, that’s good genes.

Dale (01:19:55):

I got my little girl there, too, and [inaudible 01:19:56]-

Donald J. Trump (01:19:55):

That’s good genes, I can tell you. I look at him. You got the best. Thank you very much. Thanks, Dale. Appreciate it.

Dale (01:20:03):

Thank you.

Donald J. Trump (01:20:03):


Byron Donalds (01:20:05):

Mr. President, we also have with us your great friend Howard Lutnick, CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald.

Donald J. Trump (01:20:10):

That’s true.

Byron Donalds (01:20:11):

Howard, based upon the last question, what are your thoughts about what we can do to reverse course in the auto industry, save it, bring those jobs back here in America?

Howard Lutnick (01:20:20):

So for those of you who remember, my firm is Cantor Fitzgerald, and we were located on the 101st to the 105th floors of the World Trade Center. So, I lost my brother, Gary. I lost my best friend. I lost 658 people that day. And so, I understand what it means to have jihad, right? And there’s a big difference between jihad and wonderful Muslim workers in Michigan. They are not the same thing. We need to crush jihad from this Earth, and we need Donald J. Trump to do it.

Donald J. Trump (01:21:03):

Thank you.

Howard Lutnick (01:21:06):

So my friend, the President, said the other day, the tariffs are his favorite word in the dictionary.

Donald J. Trump (01:21:14):

My all-time favorite.

Howard Lutnick (01:21:16):

What people should understand is that to protect… So, what happened when Bill Clinton left office, he did NAFTA, which was another word to say, gut Michigan, right? He let all the work go to Mexico, right? And he opened the door and a different kind of border opening. It was a work border opening. And so the tariff model is pretty simple. Lock that door.

Speaker 17 (01:21:48):

Come on!

Howard Lutnick (01:21:49):

Bring it back here. Bring the jobs here. Bring the factories here. So, here’s an idea for you that we’ve talked about. Set significant tariffs out there. And if you open your factory here within two years, we’ll give you the credit for your tariff. But bring it here. Let’s employ our workers here. Let’s create power from our workers who are the best. They are the core of America, right?

So, when I first met Donald Trump, I didn’t really understand tariffs, and he taught me. And now I’m just trying, right behind them, to say, I love the way tariffs take care of America. They will build us. They’ll build us stronger. And I run his transition. And so, what does transition mean? That means when my friend becomes the 47th President of the United States of America, I promise you, the greatest field of people ever to walk into a government is going to join him on January 20th.

I have the best business leaders in the country, the best politicians who want to serve the crowd amongst the 80 million Republicans, that we can have the best of the best join him to create the most extraordinary government you have ever seen to protect you and to build the America that he wants to build. They will be loyal to him. They will have fidelity to him. They will follow his policies. And this will be the most extraordinary government you’ve ever seen. And I am the proudest person to serve Donald J. Trump and help him be the 47th President of the United States of America.

Donald J. Trump (01:23:46):

Thank you. Let me just say one thing about Howard. Well, thank you very much, Howard. He’s being very modest, I have to tell you. This guy is one of the leaders on Wall Street, one of the most respected people in all of business. And certainly, all of Wall Street, there’s nobody really like him. And he’s being very modest. On that horrible day, he lost his entire firm, other than some people in Europe, a few, small group. And he saw it happen. He was driving down the West Side Highway.

And he’s always in the office at six o’clock in the morning, so he would’ve been there. This was at eight o’clock. But his wife was just so angry at him because she wanted him to take their child to school, because he just doesn’t do it, and he won’t do it, and he hasn’t done it for years. And this was the one day that he wasn’t there at six o’clock in the morning because he took his child to school. And at about 8:50, which is just as the plane was striking, he was driving down the highway looking at the World Trade Center. This was the only day in years that he wasn’t in that building. And do you ever thank your wife? And do you ever thank your child? But it was amazing. There are miracles in life. We have miracles, and we have help up there, Howard, in my opinion.

Howard Lutnick (01:25:13):

You and me together, baby. You and me together.

Donald J. Trump (01:25:15):

In my opinion. But just the end of that. So I mean, you saw this, they had the top three floors, the top. A great firm, and just, they couldn’t get out. There was no way they were getting out. Some of the people were calling their wives, their family. I think you were speaking to your brother, right?

Howard Lutnick (01:25:32):

Yeah, my sister spoke to my brother, said goodbye.

Donald J. Trump (01:25:33):

Yes, speaking to your brother up there. They knew. They probably knew it was the end. And Howard sought to rebuild the firm. And he spent a lot of time, a lot of everything, a lot of effort. Most people would’ve said it was an impossible thing to do. And he rebuilt it bigger, better, stronger. But the big thing is he gave a big chunk of it, for a long period of time, to the families of those that died in the building. And who would do that? Who would do that?

And so he rebuilt Cantor Fitzgerald into something bigger than it was, which was pretty hard to do. And there are a lot of people that love this guy. He’s a special guy, a real talent, by the way. Real talent, a brilliant business talent. So he is, he’s in charge with a couple of other people we have that are great, working along with him, but he’s in charge of that whole transition process, which is a very important process. I love these exploding mics. Huh, do you? No, it’s good for emphasis. It explodes every time.

Speaker 18 (01:26:41):

It hits the ground.

Donald J. Trump (01:26:42):

Yeah, right. It explodes every time you’re about to make an important point. So, it’s okay. It’s not bad. No. Normally, I say, “Don’t pay the guy that supplied the mics,” but we’ll pay. And then they say, “Trump doesn’t want to pay.” But it’s one of those things. But I just want to thank you for doing a great job, Howard. You really have. And we’ll get on, and perhaps we can ask Nancy. How are we doing?

Nancy Jaafar (01:27:07):


Donald J. Trump (01:27:07):

Thank you.

Nancy Jaafar (01:27:07):

Thank you for having me.

Donald J. Trump (01:27:07):

Good, thank you.

Nancy Jaafar (01:27:08):

My name is Nancy Jaafar. I’m a Lebanese American Muslim entrepreneur.

Donald J. Trump (01:27:12):


Nancy Jaafar (01:27:13):

I am a psychologist and a holistic wellness practitioner.

Donald J. Trump (01:27:17):


Nancy Jaafar (01:27:18):

I own a wellness center in Dearborn, Michigan. It’s called Evolution Empowerment. And I’m not really here to talk about the economy because with that regard, I have utter faith in you, and you’re golden to me.

Donald J. Trump (01:27:31):

Oh, thank you.

Nancy Jaafar (01:27:36):

You’re welcome. What I am here to discuss is the health crisis. And it is exactly that. It’s really a crisis in this country. We are the sickest population in the world. We find it status quo that we spend more money on healthcare than any other country.

Donald J. Trump (01:27:52):


Nancy Jaafar (01:27:53):

So, we have a system that is looking to obtain lifelong consumers. We’re not really looking for cure or healing, and that’s very concerning to me. Before I became a holistic practitioner, I was a school psychologist, and I worked for the public schools for over a decade. And I was constantly frustrated with the incessant over-diagnosis, and over-medicating, and over-labeling of small children. I don’t know another country that finds it appropriate to give a five-year-old three different pharmaceutical drugs, including an antipsychotic.

Donald J. Trump (01:28:27):


Nancy Jaafar (01:28:27):

And this is to manage misbehavior. They are not looking for root cause. We’re not looking for toxicity. We’re not looking for gut health issues, or fluoride, or food, or diet, and then getting into the food itself. I mean, we ingest poison. Countries all over the world would never accept their citizens to ingest what we take in every day and what our children take in every day.

Donald J. Trump (01:28:58):

You must love Bobby Kennedy, right?

Nancy Jaafar (01:29:00):

I do.

Byron Donalds (01:29:00):

She does.

Donald J. Trump (01:29:00):

I think so. You sound like Bobby Kennedy to me.

Nancy Jaafar (01:29:08):

And the thing that I think is even more concerning is that we are inundated with these endocrine disrupting chemicals, and they have these long-term detrimental effects on the reproductive system of both men and women. Fertility rates are down, sperm is lower than it’s ever been. It’s terrifying to me, honestly. And my purpose is to constantly use every single opportunity to raise awareness about these topics-

Donald J. Trump (01:29:33):


Nancy Jaafar (01:29:33):

… and to hold our agencies accountable for the fact that we put them in place to protect us, not to harm us. So, I also have a purpose to let people know that you don’t need to take a narcotic every time you feel a little pain, or that you don’t need to be on three different antidepressants or antianxiety medications to mask a mental health symptom, and certainly to let parents know that it is not okay for birth control to be the first line of defense when your daughter has acne, when your 14-year-old daughter has acne. I find our system archaic. I think it is toxic and it’s corrupt, frankly. And what hurts me the most is that people who are out here giving Americans an opportunity to think differently and try natural routes are the ones that are being relentlessly censored. I see miracles, honestly, at my center every day. People heal rapidly before my eyes with no side effects, but nobody is talking about that because the choke hold that big pharma has and big agriculture has on us is criminal, and it needs to stop.

Byron Donalds (01:30:44):

Nancy, thank you. Thank you so much, Nancy.

Nancy Jaafar (01:30:48):

So, when I heard about Robert Kennedy and Make America Healthy Again, I felt a glimmer of hope that I haven’t felt in a very long time. I have to say I am genuinely terrified for humanity in general. The world needs healing, and I can only hope that you and your campaign are the catalyst for that because I know for sure the other team is not.

Byron Donalds (01:31:08):

That’s right.

Donald J. Trump (01:31:12):

Thank you very much.

Nancy Jaafar (01:31:12):

Thank you.

Donald J. Trump (01:31:12):

And I think you should actually set up a meeting with Bobby Kennedy and the whole group-

Howard Lutnick (01:31:18):

I can do it.

Donald J. Trump (01:31:18):

… because I see you’re into it. You have the same fervor that he has, and so I think it’d be maybe-

Nancy Jaafar (01:31:24):

Thank you.

Donald J. Trump (01:31:25):

… very interesting-

Nancy Jaafar (01:31:25):

I would love that.

Donald J. Trump (01:31:26):

… for all of you. Okay? Thank you very much.

Nancy Jaafar (01:31:27):

Thank you.

Byron Donalds (01:31:27):

Thank you.

Donald J. Trump (01:31:27):


Byron Donalds (01:31:34):

Mr. President, we have with us Jim Tignanelli. I got it right, didn’t I, Jim?

Jim Tignanelli (01:31:38):

Yes, sir.

Byron Donalds (01:31:38):

Yes, sir. Jim is the president of the Police Officers Association right here in Michigan. He’s been in law enforcement here for decades. Jim, tell us about your concerns about public safety, not just here in Michigan, and tell us also about what it really means to have support for police officers and when that support is not here, how it demoralizes the police force.

Jim Tignanelli (01:32:02):

Thank you, Congressman. It’s a pleasure to be with you, sir.

Donald J. Trump (01:32:04):

Thank you. Jim.

Jim Tignanelli (01:32:06):

As you know, we’ve been endorsing you every time.

Donald J. Trump (01:32:07):

That’s right.

Jim Tignanelli (01:32:08):

And we’ll continue to, and we’ll never be out of your corner.

Donald J. Trump (01:32:10):

You have. Thank you.

Jim Tignanelli (01:32:12):

We represent about 13,000 police officers in Michigan. It’s about three quarters of the group. And I don’t know anybody here that would want to live, or invest, or work in a town where they’re not safe. So, no matter what you do money-wise, no matter what you do with everything else in your life, if you don’t feel safe, you’re not going to want to go to the restaurant. You’re not going to want to pump gas in your own car.

And our job, the open borders has been an issue with this, and we’ve talked about this a little before, but what’s happened is the honor and luster that came with the badge, the people that wore the badge, I’ll go back to the Old West, the badge meant something. When people saw it, it meant something. And it did even when I was on the job still pushing a car around. And that luster has tarnished. And to get the shine back

Jim Tignanelli (01:33:00):

-back is a lot harder than it is to lose it. Here in Michigan, we have 700 fewer police officers than we had in 2020. And that’s a significant number, when you look at. It means everybody’s working more hours mandated over time and such. But the worst part of that is our academies that once had a waiting list are now empty or half full at best. And our best recruits, I was with some high school students the other day, the best recruits we have for police, it’s a different kind of a job. It’s a culture, I call it. It’s not for everyone. Everyone here shouldn’t want to be a police officer. We don’t want you all to be police officers to be honest with you.

But the truth is, when we go to high schools, just like the military, the kids that we need are not 28 years old. They’re 16, 17 years old. And our best recruiters over the years were their senior officers, their dad, their uncle, their grandpa who are now telling them, you’re out of your mind, don’t do it. We have no retirement healthcare. So if they retire at 55, they’re on their own until 65 when Medicare kicks in. They have no pensions anymore. They get a 401k, but I don’t know how long you’re going to live. That’s not a real way to retire at 55. And it’s really not wages that’s killing our recruiting. It’s the pensions, it’s the healthcare. But it’s that desire to become one, the desire to become a police officer.

The open border, what it really did was take the old stop police thing that we used to be able to get away with and just vaporized it. Nobody stops at the border. They don’t stop on Gratiot Avenue. They won’t stop out here on Adams Road either. And so what’s occurred this year, in 90 days we had three police officers shot to death on the job, separate incidents. Not one of them had their gun out of their holster. These weren’t barricaded gunmen, wasn’t a bank robbery. These were ambushes. That’s in Michigan, three in 90 days. And they never fired a shot, never got their guns out.

So I like to borrow an old line, maybe J.D Vance would like it, but it’s an old Marine. Chesty Puller once said, “We’ve located the enemy. They have us surrounded.” That’s how I feel right now. They got us surrounded. But when we see you at a funeral, when we see you writing letters, when we see you hugging babies of fallen officers, I just want you to know that we feel like our arms are around those people. And I can’t begin to tell you how much that means to us. The things that you do. We’ve got right now, 16 officers indicted for felonies in Michigan that I think if given enough money and time you’d find that they were all innocent or most of them. We do hire human beings. I can’t explain everything.

But when you have that happen and you see the bad guys just ignore you and Anthony will talk more about how it affects the people on the road. But we can’t hire and it’s not about money. People want to give money. I know you understand. You argue with these people and say, just throw money at it. It’s stupid. But if we can’t get the right candidates and we can’t get them because we’re not convincing them at a younger age that this is an honorable job. The honor’s gone.

I believe in it. I think people here believe in it. I know none of them want to be without police, but we need good people. And so the things that you do, the things that you talk about, qualified immunity, I think most people don’t know what it means. We understand it. I know you do. If they think what’s qualified immunity means we can go rob a bank and not get in trouble. Nobody understands that that’s not the case. But the things that you do for us, the things that you say, the times that you and I have met before you spoke at our convention, we did a big screen TV. The things you do really matter. And they do help us and we’re all behind you. 100%.

Donald J. Trump (01:37:05):

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So Jim, one thing we’re going to be doing and we’re going to be doing it strongly, and I’ve wanted to do it and looked at it for a long time, but we have to do it. Immunity for some of these. You said you have 14 people and you don’t believe, maybe one or two, I mean maybe some are guilty of something, but I would bet you a lot of them aren’t. And they’re going through hell and their pension is going to be gone. Frankly, their family’s going to end up being gone, their car, their house, everything. So we want to do immunity. We also want to call for the death penalty for anybody killing a police officer. We’ll be pressing and thank you for your support.

Jim Tignanelli (01:37:50):

We have an attorney general that’s after us right now.

Donald J. Trump (01:37:54):

Yeah, I know your attorney general.

Jim Tignanelli (01:37:55):

But most of these guys that do get found innocent are bankrupt by that time.

Donald J. Trump (01:37:58):

That’s right. If they’re innocent, they have no money left. That’s right.

Byron Donalds (01:38:02):

Anthony, if you don’t mind.

Donald J. Trump (01:38:03):

We’re going to be looking at that very strongly though, that police officers, they’re doing their job if they do their job and if they make a mistake, even if it’s a mistake, and that can happen. You were telling me, others were telling me they have a quarter of a second to make a decision. You would have a hard time with that. I mean literally a quarter of a second to make a decision. And if it’s the wrong decision, their life is over and we have to help people out now. It’s time. So we’re going to do the immunity thing and we’re going to fight alongside of them. We have to stop being politically correct. And you’re always going to have some bad apples, but they are very, very few. How many of the 14 would you say would be innocent?

Jim Tignanelli (01:38:47):

Innocent innocent. Probably about 10 of them.

Donald J. Trump (01:38:51):

All right.

Jim Tignanelli (01:38:52):

And maybe the others are overcharged. They’re still out of work.

Donald J. Trump (01:38:55):

Yeah. Yeah. It’s pretty tough stuff. It’s happening all over.

Jim Tignanelli (01:38:58):

It’s very expensive to defend yourself.

Donald J. Trump (01:39:00):

Well, they’re afraid to do their job too. They want to do their job, but they’re afraid to do their job. We’ll take care of it. Thank you, Jim. Great job.

Jim Tignanelli (01:39:07):

Thank you.

Donald J. Trump (01:39:07):

Thank you for the support.

Byron Donalds (01:39:12):

Mr. President we have also with us Anthony Hall. Anthony’s the president of the Lavonia Police Officers Association. 20 years on the job, 10 years on SWAT in western Wayne County. Anthony, you’ve seen a lot. Talk to us about the morale for officers since Kamala Harris and Joe Biden came into office.

Anthony Hall (01:39:32):

So I’ve been on the job for 20 years now and I have seven years left before I can retire. And since the new administration has taken over, we went from the middle of COVID where people were cheering as we were driving by their house during a lockdown when we turned on our lights and sirens to literally overnight having slurs or flipped off, driving down the road doing the same job we’ve been doing throughout the whole pandemic and throughout my whole career. So I think one of the biggest things is over scrutiny of our job and our profession and as a whole., after the George Floyd incident happened, it made being a police officer very difficult. And when something like that happens, you expect the pendulum to swing, right? And after Ferguson the pendulum swang like it did, and then it returned back to its neutral. And after George Floyd, even now, the pendulum hasn’t come back to neutral. And I attribute that to the current administration’s opinion with all law enforcement. They lack support for everyone.

And when I say over scrutiny, I’m not saying not holding us accountable. We should all be held accountable. But now everybody’s a self-proclaimed expert in our field. So there’s a big push to have civilian oversight committees, civilians that don’t do our job on a day-to-day basis to tell us what we’ve done and what we’ve done wrong. I have a lot of colleagues that have quit the job since George Floyd. Just left the profession entirely, probably over a dozen that I know personally. So that’s a big thing.

And then another thing too, I mean now we have less people doing the job that we’ve been doing all along, but now we just have fewer officers. And then another thing to throw the wrench into it is the bond reform that the current administration’s changed because now we arrest somebody and the criminal that we’ve arrested has made at home even before our officers are done with their shift. But hopefully in November we can change that.

Byron Donalds (01:41:57):

Mr. President. We also have us up with here a friend of ours, former member of Congress, Mike Rogers running for the United States Senate. Mike, you just heard from law enforcement,. You heard from law enforcement in the state of Michigan. What are your thoughts about the support for law enforcement in the state of Michigan? And frankly, you’re going to be a United States senator pretty soon, that’s what people tell me your thoughts for around the country as well.

Mike Rogers (01:42:21):

As my mother would say, from your lips to God’s ears. Oh, come on, people lighten up. Let’s go. You’re here with the next President of the United States of America. So not only do we have 700 fewer officers, we are 5,000 officers short across the state of Michigan. And the President rightly talks about qualified immunity for police officers that the Democrats have been chipping away and chipping away. And that doesn’t mean you don’t get charged if you commit a crime. It means if you’re doing your job, they can’t take your house.

And so people are making the decision every day in this state about not going into the business or getting out of the business because they’re chipping away at their ability to protect their families as well as protect our community. I was an FBI guy working in street crime. I will tell you the surge of illegal immigrants and the crime rate of illegal immigrants happening in our state, sexual assaults of young girls, a rape of a young girl in Oakland County, an illegal immigrant exposed himself to a nine-year-old girl. And as we know as former law enforcement guys, they’re on the path to do something really bad. All didn’t have to be here. 3,000 deaths of fentanyl here in the state of Michigan because of a wide open border that we could close today and it will happen when we elect Donald J. Trump.

Byron Donalds (01:43:57):

Mr. President also have with us Tricia Auten. Now Tricia, she’s a small business owner. The name of her business is Pretty Hunter. I’m going to let her talk about what Pretty Hunter is. I’m not a pretty hunter. I think Tricia’s a pretty Hunter. I’m going to let her talk about that. But Trisha is also a mother of three and she’s a candidate for the school board here in the state of Michigan. First of all, Tricia, explain to us what Pretty Hunter is, but then also really tell me about what’s on your mind about what the left is doing in our schools.

Tricia Auten (01:44:31):

Thank you for having me here this evening. Congressman Donald, and it’s such a pleasure to be in your presence, President Trump. So Pretty Hunter started for my quest for enjoying the outdoors. We live in the great state of Michigan. There’s a lot to enjoy. We design jewelry made out of once fired bullets because last I checked, bullets don’t decompose. So I consider our company saving the earth one bullet at a time. And yes, it is hunting season here in Michigan and beautiful as it is, we’re in archery soon, firearm season. But right now I’m hunting votes in the Walled Lake School District.

The question of what the left is doing wrong in the school system is very vast. So I’m going to try to keep this short and sweet. I can confidently tell you our schools have lost their way. The left has and is inundating our schools with DEI and ideological rhetoric while frivolous spending on shiny new buildings with a fireplace and waste buckets shipped to Michigan from California. I didn’t know Michigan didn’t have any five-gallon buckets available for our schools. Get to the bottom of that when I get on the board.

Meanwhile, our children are not reading at grade level. They are unlearning how to critically think for themselves. This is unacceptable. Across our nation and in my district of Walled Lake, our children are not thriving. As I see it, they’re simply surviving. We are seeing influence as early as preschool that introduces hate, fear into these young minds. And it’s devastating for me to uncover this as I’ve begun to run for the board. Our children are being taught that they have privilege or lack thereof. Some are even being taught that they’re less than because of the color of their skin or because of where or how they were born. President Trump, with you back in that Oval Office, I am confident that we can make our children’s future bright again.

And one last part, because schools are focusing on these ideologies, instead of focusing on academic foundations and hunting what is good in the world, we are ruining an entire generation of children. We are at a turning point in history, right now. In my opinion. We simply need to get back to basics. Literacy, arithmetic, I don’t know, maybe even writing. Furthermore, we simply need to put EDU before DEI. Thank you.

Donald J. Trump (01:47:34):

Thank you. Thank you Tricia. You’re right.

Byron Donalds (01:47:44):

Mr. President. Last but not least we have with us Tim Gregory. Tim Gregory is a UAW worker for 46 years with GM. 46 years.

Mike Rogers (01:47:53):

He looks good. He looks good.

Byron Donalds (01:47:57):

He does look good.

Mike Rogers (01:47:58):

You look young.

Tim Gregory (01:47:59):

Thank you.

Byron Donalds (01:48:01):

Tim, I know that for you, God comes first then your family and then this country.

Tim Gregory (01:48:08):


Byron Donalds (01:48:09):

I know that. But tell us how you truly believe that Donald Trump is the answer, not just for Michigan, but for UAW workers to not only keep their jobs here in Michigan, but also to keep the auto industry alive and well in the United States.

Tim Gregory (01:48:29):

Thanks a lot for the introduction. Thank you for being here. And first of all, I’d like to thank you President Trump for being so tenacious and not giving up when others would have. And also because of the years I have working through the UAW and General Motors, I think that your record shows that because you have a background of being in business, I think that you see the changes and where we need to go in order to grow the business and grow the jobs.

And I also see that your policies in the past and the policies you say you’re going to enact with the border, with China, with our energy resources, the direction you wanted to take from a long time ago, back when you were president before. That’s why I think you’re best for this country. You’re best for the UAW and your best for the workers. And also I’d like to take this opportunity, and it’s not my notes, but I just want to say that I’ve always thought you as the most genuine candidate, and as a regular Joe as they introduced me. And I think that I appreciate that. I think you’re for the people and you’re for America. And that’s why I thank You’re the best.

Donald J. Trump (01:50:16):

Thank you. Well, I want to start by saying you look a lot younger than you must be, because if you’ve worked for the company 46 years, that’s a long time. You look like you’re 35 years old, I would say. What’s that all about? What are you doing? What are you doing? Well, you believe in God that I can see.

Tim Gregory (01:50:40):

I hear that once in a while.

Donald J. Trump (01:50:42):

But you’re very lucky in that sense. And thank you very much. It sort of pertains to what saying. So I’ll just make this statement. A big thing happened over the last couple of days for Michigan and for Detroit and for the country. Howard knows all about this, but some of the biggest auto plants in the world were planned for Mexico. And I’ve been talking about it for the last year. I’ve been talking about the whole concept for 10 years, 15 years. I mean, even as a private person, I couldn’t believe how they were just, how companies were and countries were coming in and stealing our jobs, stealing our plants. Everyone’s unemployed then they sell cars back in. All they do is you get fired and then they make the car and they sell it into our country. They make a lot of money. We make nothing. We have unemployment. And I’ve watched this for 20 years. I’ve watched it for so long and it’s disgraceful.

And so I have good news for you. I’ve been talking about in particular one giant plant, bigger than anything you’ve ever seen. And the story where a person I know he builds plants. That’s what he does. And I said, “I want to see a plant, a big one.” About a year ago, year and a half ago. And he said, “Okay, when do you want to go to Mexico?” I said, “No, I want to see one here.” He said, “We don’t build them here big, we build them, but they’re little by comparison. China’s building the biggest ones in Mexico.”

I said, “That’s not good. I don’t like that.” And he said, well, that’s the way it is.” I said, “I’m not going to Mexico, I’m not going to look at them in Mexico. I want to see him here.” So anyway, time went by and I started thinking about it. And in speeches, because it’s just an automatic instinct to me. I started saying, “Well, if they’re building a plant, they’re going to wipe out here.” That means they’re building a plant. They’re going to send the cars into our country one way or the other by the millions. And Detroit and Michigan, you had many more, you probably 60% wiped out from what it was in it’s heyday, maybe more than that.

I said, “You’re going to get wiped out. The rest of it’s going to be.” And then you have a union head who wants to build electric cars and they’re going to all be made in China, you know that. And we have a thing called liquid gold, which is oil and gas. We have a lot of it. And by the way, Brian, stand up for a second if you would please. This guy, he’s like you. He gets it so much. You know each other, maybe. He gets it so much. He gets it like nobody. And he’s been fighting against all of this nonsense for so long. And so the electric cars are going to…

And by the way, Elon, Musk is a great friend of mine. He gave me a tremendous endorsement. He’s right now campaigning in Pennsylvania because he thinks we have to win if we don’t win this election because she’s a Marxist. This woman has no idea what she’s doing and we can’t let her be president. I don’t want to be rude about it. We can’t let her be president. This country is finished, if that happens. I mean beyond a normal candidate, this country would be absolutely finished if she got it. So we have to stop her.

But what happened is, I’ve been thinking about it and what it would do to the country, and these are plants that are bigger than anything you’ve seen. They will knock out the cars, you press a button and the whole thing starts operating. And so I started talking about this, about what do you think brought a year ago, less than a year ago, that I won’t let it happen a year ago. And I said, “I’m not going to let it happen. If they do this plant in Mexico right near the border and a couple of others, I’m going to put giant tariffs on of a hundred percent. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll go to 200%. I don’t care. They’re not going to be selling cars here.”

Now if they want to build their plant here, I hope here, but at least in the United States, someplace in the United States, that’s a whole different ballgame. But we’re not going to have them building them in other countries, sending them into the United States, taking all those jobs. So I’ve been announcing it and I’ve been talking about it and I saw the gentleman that builds the plants. I was here a couple of weeks ago at the Detroit conference as you know, and it was really the auto conference. And so I look in the audience and there he is, the man that builds the plants. And I said, “Can I see you a minute before the speech?” And after the speech I saw him and I said, “So how is that plant doing?” He said, “Sir, they’ve decided not to build.” I said, “Why?” He said, “Because I think you’re going to be elected and if you put tariffs on it…” Thank you.

That was easy. I didn’t even do anything other than say, I’m telling you, the man said it right over here. It’s the most beautiful word in the dictionary. You have other words that are damn nice like love. But I tell you, I think it’s more beautiful than love, the word tariff. So here it works. Hey Brian, here it works without even doing anything. They thought there was a chance. And they’re not going to spend $2 billion on building a plant and then have Trump get elected and put 200%. And if that wasn’t enough, I’d raise it. And again, the higher it goes, the more likely it is that they build in this country. But think of it.

So they stop this giant plant just in the basis. Now if I don’t get elected, they will start it up as, sure as you’re sitting there. These people have no clue. She has no clue what she’s doing. She wants to raise everybody’s taxes. She’s a disaster. And other than that, I like her quite a bit. But no, I don’t care even about like, dislike. Somebody has to come in. We did great the first time. We did better the second time as everybody knows, we got millions and more votes. And frankly, if I didn’t, and some bad things happened, and let’s not talk about it because we’re going to make up for it this time. Too big to rig. But I will tell you, if I didn’t do well the second time, I wouldn’t have done it.

But I watched Biden and her and now especially her because she’s worse than Biden. I watched them and I said, “I got to run again. I got to run again.” That’s what happened. Because they said they’re ruining our country with the open border. I mean 8,000, just the drug dealers, 8,000 drug dealers, 13,099 murderers in jail. They’re going to let them out of jail. Some with death penalties. They’re just going to say, “Well, this is easier. We’ll just send them to the United States because their people don’t know what.”

But think of 13,000 plus people who murdered people and they’re going to be let free in our country. And then you have their prisons are being emptied up like Venezuela. They’re emptying up their prisons. Their crime is down 72% in Venezuela. If they get elected, we’re all friends. If they get elected, we’ll all meet next year in Venezuela because it’ll be the safest country because they’ve emptied out. And let tell you, it was a very unsafe country. Caracas, you couldn’t walk across the street. It’s sort of like some of our cities are getting right. Our cities are getting like that.

So just the thought of me getting elected stopped somebody from destroying the rest of Detroit, from destroying the state of Michigan’s auto industry and with your auto industry, so goes Michigan. I mean it’s a big deal. And we’re going to bring, actually we’re going to reverse that very easily. He knows because he’s got a natural, when he said, when I explained it to him, so he’s a business, he’s a savant. Is that good? He’s a savant. He knows. It took me about two minutes after. About two minutes. “Oh, I get it.” How long did it take you to understand the word tariff, two minutes or less?

Jim Tignanelli (01:58:20):

From you, it took two minutes.

Donald J. Trump (01:58:21):

It took very little. He figured it out very quickly. He wasn’t exposed to it, frankly. He actually said, “You mean you can really do that?” You couldn’t believe it. And we have another one, Paulson. He sort of was.

Jim Tignanelli (01:58:33):

He’s got it too.

Donald J. Trump (01:58:34):

He can’t even sleep at night, he’s so excited about it. But they have to be. And then we have stupid people that don’t know, they say, “Oh, tariff.” But they’re very stupid people. We have a senator from Pennsylvania who decided not to run. He fought me all the way on tariffs. This guy fought me and fought me. His name’s Toomey. He fought me and fought me and I wouldn’t endorse him. And he decided not to run based on that.

And that’s good because all he did was… I said, “So if China charges us 100%, can we for a similar product charge them 100%?” “No, sir.” “Okay, can we charge them 50% or 25%?” “No, sir.” “Why?” “It’s not free trade.” I said, “Explain that.” I said, “Can we charge him 10%, 2% or one?” “No sir. It’s not free trade.” I said, “You got to be kidding.” And I said, “I wouldn’t endorse you under any circumstances.”

Now I don’t know if he really believe this or because he’s not a stupid guy. Did he really believe this or was there something else going on?

But anyway, so we’re going to bring back the auto industry, but also, Tim, a of other industries. This pertains to many, many. We talk about cars because it’s so nice to talk about cars. It’s sort of the ultimate thing to manufacture. But we’re going to bring back a lot of industry and it’s going to be great. Fantastic presentation. We appreciate it. From everybody. From everybody. Is that your father over there? Who is that guy though, the good-looking guy? Is he your father with that shirt on? I like that color. I’m going to wear a couple of them now, I think. I’ve got such support from the Teamsters I’m going to have to wear that, I think. But I want to thank everybody and again, support always, you’ve been with me and I appreciate it very much, Jim, thank you very much. Thank you.

Byron Donalds (02:00:24):

Well, everybody, this concludes our town hall. Thank you so much for being here. President Trump. Thank you.

Luke Combs (02:00:37):

Her day starts with a coffee.

And ends with a wine.

Takes forever getting ready.

So she’s never on time for anything.

When she gets that come-get-me look in her eyes.

Well, it kinda scares me.

The way that she drives me wild.

Amer Ghalib (02:01:17):

Been up since the crack of dawn just trying to get paid.

Been hotter than a hundred suns, I can’t find no shade.

Just two more rows and I’m good to go.

Yeah, I’m shutting this tractor down.

Give me a half an hour for a shave and a shower and I’ll be outside your house.

Might have a little dirt on my boots.

But I’m taking you uptown tonight.

Might have a little mud on my wheels.

But they gonna shine with you up inside.

Gonna hit the club, gonna cut a rug.

Burn it up like neon lights.

Might have a little dirt on my boots.

But we’re gonna dance the dust right off them tonight. Yeah girl, got a little dirt on my boots.

Hard as I worked all day, I’m gonna work harder loving on you.

Spin you all over that dance floor, right out of them high-heeled shoes.

And when you’re ready to quit.

Baby, we can slip right out of that barroom door.

And when I take you home, don’t worry, babe.

I’m gonna kick them.

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