Oct 28, 2024

Trump Holds Campaign Rally at Madison Square Garden

Trump at MSG
RevBlogTranscriptsDonald Trump RallyTrump Holds Campaign Rally at Madison Square Garden

Donald Trump and celebrity guests hold a campaign rally in Madison Square Garden. Read the transcript here.


Speaker 1 (00:00):

We come before you today seeking your divine wisdom and guidance. Lord, we recognize that true wisdom comes from you alone. Help us to discern your will in our lives, especially in these challenging times for our beloved nation. May we seek to honor you not just with our words, but through our actions each and every day. Father, we ask for a deep-rooted love for America in our hearts. We thank you for blessing us all to live in the United States of America. We thank you for our Founding Fathers who, by your guidance, set the framework for our republic. We thank you for the people in attendance here today who love this country and ask you to protect it.

We thank you, God, for our public servants and leaders who have heeded the call for a greater good and place themselves in the service of the citizenry to protect and defend the constitution of the United States of America. Let us remember that this great land was built on the foundations of faith, hope, and love. May we strive to embody these values, shining your light in our communities and beyond. As we face the coming days, grant us the strength to stand firm in our beliefs and to act with integrity, reflecting your grace in every choice we make. We also lift up our leaders, especially President Trump. We pray for every candidate from school board all the way to the Oval Office.

Give them the wisdom, conviction, courage, and victory. We thank you for hope. We thank you for modern day miracles. We all watched you spare President Trump from an assassin who will go down in history as a failure while we give you the credit and honor for protecting this man who has promised to fight, fight, fight for the United States, surround him with your protection and strength, Lord. Equip him with the wisdom needed to lead with the courage, stamina, compassion, and discernment that America needs right now. May he be filled with your spirit, making decisions that align with your purpose and that serve the best interests of all Americans. Our hearts are hurting. We hurt watching our children suffer. We see them being led astray in our schools. We mourn as they’re abused, manipulated, and indoctrinated to accept lies instead of truth. Help us to be joyful warriors as we fight fiercely for them and their future.

We are fighting to raise them as they should go. We fight through persecution but we will not be stopped. Help us to be strong, joyful warriors as we fight for their future. We pray for safety and civility in our country. We yearn to return to a nation united in love for one another, not divided by hate and division. Finally, we ask for you to bless our country with faithful leaders. We pray for the candidates here today that they will gain victory in the polls. That voters will vote for these good men and women of integrity by a resounding margin. Be with our election workers. Bless us with a safe and fair election. We pray that as our people go to the polls, that you will deliver us a victory so great and wonderful that all will be amazed at the work of your hand.

We also thank you for what you’re going to do in our future as we continue to serve you. Together, let us commit to praying for our country and acting in ways that glorify you. Thank you for being willing to forgive those who ask for forgiveness and to use every single person to work for you for good. May our lives be a testimony of your love and truth, inspiring others to turn towards you. We thank you for hearing our prayers and we trust in your perfect plan. We pray and ask for all of this in your heavenly name. Amen.

Speaker 2 (04:21):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome retired members of the New York City Fire Department to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Speaker 3 (04:28):

Hands up.

Group (04:38):

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Speaker 2 (05:10):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mary Milbin to sing our national anthem.

Mary Milbin (05:32):

Oh say, can you see.

By the dawn’s early light.

What so proudly we hailed.

At the twilight’s last gleaming.

Whose broad stripes and bright stars.

Through the perilous fight.

O’er the ramparts we watched.

Were so gallantly streaming.

And the rocket’s red glare.

The bombs bursting in air.

Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.

Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave.

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

America, it’s the greatest country in the world. I said America, it’s the greatest country in the world. Yes, it is.

And still we can see.

As the years have gone by.

There’s a dream in our land.

Like a flame that keeps burning.

And the lantern of hope.

From the harbor still shines.

Those who seek freedom’s dream.

To its light are still turning.

Now we look to the stars.

And we lift up our eyes.

For we know with the dawn.

We will see our flag rise.

And this is our Star-Spangled Banner yet wave.

O’er the land of the free.

And the home of the brave.

God bless America.

Audience (08:42):


Speaker 4 (10:31):

Would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?

Kamala Harris (10:38):

There is not a thing that comes to mind.

Speaker 5 (10:40):

I stood there on the tarmac watching you check your watch.

Speaker 6 (10:42):

The chaotic and deadly US evacuation from Afghanistan stunned Americans and the world and cost the lives of 13 US soldiers.

Speaker 4 (10:50):

Would you have done something differently?

Kamala Harris (10:52):

There is not a thing that comes to mind.

Speaker 7 (10:54):

More than 13,000 illegal immigrants convicted of murder have been caught at the border and then released into the United States.

Speaker 8 (11:02):

An Afghan national is in custody today after being accused of plotting an election day terrorist attack. The suspect entered the US on a special immigrant visa.

Speaker 9 (11:09):

Gut-wrenching new details in the murder of Georgia nursing student Lake O’Riley. The illegal immigrant suspect who cops say committed the heinous murder is a Venezuelan national who crossed the unsecured southern border back in 2022.

Speaker 10 (11:22):

Two men investigators say are in the country illegally from Venezuela are charged with capital murder in the death of Jocelyn Nungarei.

Speaker 11 (11:29):

A fifth illegal immigrant accused of attacking two New York City police officers over the weekend showed no remorse or regret.

Speaker 4 (11:37):

Would you have done something differently?

Kamala Harris (11:39):

There is not a thing that comes to mind.

Speaker 12 (11:41):

Only 18% said the economy is in excellent or good condition. US inflation has hit a new 40-year-high, increasing by 9.1% over the financial year.

Speaker 13 (11:51):

Authorities say Tren de Aragua, which has been linked with more than a hundred criminal investigations here in the US has now been found operating its criminal enterprise in apartment complexes.

Speaker 4 (12:02):

Were you the last person in the room?

Kamala Harris (12:03):


Speaker 2 (12:09):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage comedian, roaster, and host of the Kill Tony podcast, Tony Hinchcliffe.

MUSIC (12:18):

Bitch, I’m from Texas. Where we still ride in swangas and put diamonds in our necklace.

Pour drank inside my lemonade ’til it look like a Pepsi.

See, I come from the D where we got shags and we be flexin’.

If you ain’t from my state.

Then you should know-

Tony Hinchcliffe (12:43):

Madison Square Garden. How we feeling, huh? Wow. Isn’t this special? 17 years ago, I was sleeping in my car behind the Comedy Store in LA and I’m proud to say this is my fourth time performing at Madison Square Garden in the most famous arena in the damn world, the American dream alive and well right here. This is very different than where I’m used to performing though. I’m used to nighttime with people drinking, not so many babies in the crowd and people that are obviously only here for Lee Greenwood tonight. Normally, I don’t make my political beliefs a known thing. It’s divisive for a comedian to do that, but just know I sleep well at night knowing who I’m voting for.

Yeah, when I lay down and my head hits my My Pillow, it is a fantastic pillow by the way. I was staying at the four Seasons up by Central Park one night and I laid my head down and it felt so good and I thought to myself, what an amazing pillow. I have a little bit of money now. I could buy a good pillow and I took the pillowcase off and there it was. My pillow, my pillow, my pillow, and damn it, I bought four of them, and if you use the promo code Kill Tony, you can also buy four My Pillows.

There’s serious stuff happening, people. I live in the great state of Texas now, 18 years in Ohio, 20 years in California, and I got to see California turn to absolute horrendous, horrendous thing. And traveling the world, I got to see San Francisco turn into one of the most demented cities, one of the greatest downfalls I’ve ever seen, and that is where the other candidate worked for two decades and it’s absolutely wild to see. And in Texas, stuff is really, really crazy. We’re right there by a wide-open border. Where are my proud Latinos at tonight? You guys see what I mean? It’s wide open. There’s so many of them. It’s absolutely incredible. Believe it or not, people, I welcome migrants to the United States of America with open arms. And by open arms, I mean like this. It’s wild. And these Latinos, they love making babies too. Just know that. They do. They do. There’s no pulling out. They don’t do that. They come inside, just like they did to our country. Republicans are the party with a good sense of humor. Free speech is under attack people. I host a show and each week I get updates what words we’re allowed to use and not use anymore. It’s happening right now the past few years. It’s a real thing and used to be able to tell people to Google stuff. My mom’s a boomer in the state of Ohio and there’s no convincing her of anything. She’s eating the cats, she’s eating the dogs.

They’re eating the pets up there. It is absolutely wild times. It really, really is, and there’s a lot going on. I don’t know if you guys know this, but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. Yeah, I think it’s called Puerto Rico. Okay. All right. Okay. We’re getting there. Now again, normally I don’t follow the national anthem everybody. This isn’t exactly a perfect comedy setup. There’s some people here. All right, very good. I like it.

I have other policies that I think should be implemented as well. Like me personally, I think football should be all year round. Yeah, so many great athletes. I don’t know about you guys, but I think that Travis Kelce might be the next OJ Simpson. Feels good in here. The other side’s got a lot of crazy endorsements. Swift, M&M, Leo DiCaprio, Beyonce. Every day the Democratic Party looks more and more like a P Diddy party. Oh, okay. Okay. That’s what you guys want. All right. Heck yeah. That’s cool. Black guy with a thing on his head. What the hell is that? A lampshade? Look at this guy. Oh, my goodness.

Wow. I’m just kidding. That’s one of my buddies. He had a Halloween party last night. We had fun. We carved watermelons together. It was awesome. You guys are… This is a groany little morning crowd, huh? It’s tough to follow this audition for the next Commissioner Gordon’s over here. It is though. It’s crazy times we’re living in. I mean, all these pointless wars. It is unbelievable what’s happening right now. It is incredible. Ukraine versus Russia, Israel. It’s like bad soccer games. Who even cares? What are we doing? Why is our money involved in these wars?

When it comes to Israel and Palestine, we’re all thinking the same thing. Settle your stuff already. Best out of three. Rock, paper, scissors. You know the Palestinians are going to throw rock every time, but you also know the Jews have a hard time throwing that paper. You know what I’m saying? All right, we’re having fun now. We’re cooking.

Hillary Clinton said that this is a Nazi rally here today. Can you believe that? For the most anti-war president of my entire lifetime, and she calls him Hitler. Let me remind you, Hillary, it was your husband who shot innocent people or as he called them interns? Yeah, Hillary. I bet you did not see that one coming. By the way, if I commit suicide in three weeks, I didn’t. I mean, it’s just obvious to me who the right candidate is. There’s a guy out here dodging bullets. It is unbelievable, right? He took it right in the ear. Unbelievable. I thought about this. I don’t know if you have coolest place to get shot, if you’re going to get shot anywhere on your body, that’s where you want it. Right there. Technically, he got shot in the head depending on if you’re a Democrat or a Republican, right? If you’re a Democrat, his ear was grazed.

If you’re a Republican, he survived a head shot. It is. It’s the best place to get shot. It’s the only part of the human body will drive a piercing through a little girl’s ear for no reason, right? There’s just no… Heals fast. Nobody cares. It’s the best place to get shot. He went down, saw blood on his hands, I’d imagine he thought right then, I think I just won this shit. Stands up and says the most American words I’ve ever heard in my life. No, no, no, no. Before that, there was one more. Let me get my shoes. Fearless. Perhaps still with an active shooter, he’s talking like a guy that just had the best one night stand of his life, right? Where’s my shoes at? I got to get the hell out of here. Let me get my shoes. And then the fight, fight, fight. What he did was so cool that Biden got COVID. Oh, yeah. Go back. Look at the timeline of everything again. Three days after that. That means Biden, he didn’t get that from hanging out with sick people. He was in a sterile room in the White House watching blood running down Trump’s face as he pumps his fist. Biden’s like, “Oh God, no.” It’s true. Trump survived an assassination attempt and Biden got COVID. We vote next week. God voted three months ago. Another great Austin, Texas resident, Elon Musk will be speaking here later today. Unbelievable. Genius. You guys saw him shoot that rocket in the outer space. The largest aircraft ever, fires it off in this space and then parallel parks it back to planet Earth. Meanwhile, Kamala supporters can’t parallel park their Toyota Priuses properly.

Sorry. I listen to Elon Musk, I follow his lead. The world’s smartest, richest man has my attention, except for when it comes to stock trading. Then I listen to Nancy Pelosi, but censorship is amongst us people. It’s a very, very, very big deal and I’m just here to say that you guys are for the right candidate. Tell your friends, let’s close it out and let’s make speech free again. Make America healthy again. Let’s beat the team from California. The team from New York should beat the team from California, not only in this election, but in the World Series of baseball, America’s sport. I love you New York. God bless New York. God bless America. Let’s make it great again. I love you. Thank you. Welcome.

MUSIC (24:13):

Bitch, I’m from Texas.

Where we still ride in swangas and put diamonds in our necklace.

Pour drank inside my lemonade ’til it look like a-

Speaker 2 (24:37):

Ladies and gentlemen, before we bring up our next speaker, please bring your attention to the video screens.

MUSIC (24:57):

Oh, beautiful.

For spacious [inaudible 00:24:57].

Speaker 14 (25:02):

11 old girl shot in the face because of woke 2011 District Attorneys.

Speaker 15 (25:10):

This is a street performance. Seems like all the artists activists are on the left, except for Scott Lobaido.

Scott Lobaido (25:16):

I do not conform to the elitist isms of the art clubs and they have nothing like a redheaded stepchild. This is my medium in which I shall create, and this is my canvas. The front of the Brooklyn Museum. The first most important thing in school or anyone else, is the Pledge of Allegiance. This is not a pro-war protest. This has to do with the increasing level of anti-Americanism.

They don’t keep the criminals in jail. They’re not going to keep you in jail. This line is to show respect and honor to those who died, got shot in the (beep) shot in the head protecting us. You try to take that (beep) blue line down, I’ll paint it till the day I die.

When the towers came down, there was absolutely no doubt that feeling, so sorry, it was going to change my life and it did. When somebody’s complaining, it’s so cold out, the traffic, and here I am drinking with one of these guys who’s got one arm. He’s got a hook for another arm and he’s drinking a (beep) beer, having a laugh with me, and he’s not bitching about nothing.

Speaker 16 (26:26):

I present to you the recipient of this Year’s VFW Americanism Award, Mr. Scott Lobaido.

Scott Lobaido (26:35):

That’s it. I want to paint a flag on a rooftop in every state near a military base.

Speaker 17 (26:39):

As a veteran, we all fought for that flag in World War II, and today we want to see it flying.

Scott Lobaido (26:48):

They will never, as long as I am alive, they will never take the American flag down. You want to burn one? Then I will find out where you work and I will find a building across the street and paint a flag 50 by a hundred, so you have to see it every (beep) day.

Speaker 18 (27:10):

A pro-Trump sign on the front lawn of a Staten Island home was burned to the ground.

Scott Lobaido (27:15):

The hate I get is astronomical. If everybody liked me, I’d been doing something wrong. My mother’s advice, whatever you’re doing with your life, as long as you believe it in your heart and always take care of those less fortunate. My father’s advice was, son, take (beep) from nobody.

MUSIC (27:41):

[inaudible 00:27:35] about control and division. We must unite. We must take a stand. Are you ready?

Left, left, left, right, left.

Scott Lobaido (27:49):

God didn’t give me a gun and a bayonet. He gave me paint and a brush and I will fight to the (beep) death for this country.

Speaker 2 (28:04):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage artist Scott Lobaido to do a live painting.

Scott Lobaido (28:32):

Before I create some art. I got to say this, there’s a lot of creative conservatives out there who’ve been in the closet all these years. I came out of that closet 40 years ago and I got a lot of hell for it, but now you creative conservatives, it’s a new world. Come out of the closet and get the balance back.

Back in the 90s, I came to Manhattan to find my niche in the art world and the art world didn’t like me because I came from this place called Staten Island. Do I hear Staten Island in the house? The art world didn’t like me because I like God, girls, and guns. The art world didn’t like me because I refused to succumb to the America-hating isms of their agenda and they said I’d never make it in their world. Fast-forward 35 years, I’m standing on the greatest stage in the world, in the greatest city in the world, in the greatest country in the world, and I’m opening up for the greatest fucking president in the world.

So before I create this piece of art, I would just like to give the art world a little something. I got it here somewhere. Oh, here it is. Bam. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you New York, New York.

MUSIC (30:58):

Oh beautiful, for spacious skies.

For amber waves of grain.

For purple mountain majesties.

Above the fruited plain.

America, America.

God shed his grace on thee.

And crowned thy good, with brotherhood.

From sea to shining sea.

From sea to shining sea.

Oh beautiful for patriot dream.

That sees beyond the years.

Thine alabaster cities gleam.

Undimmed by human tears.

America, America. God shed his grace on thee.

And crown thy good with brotherhood.

From sea

MUSIC (32:53):

… brotherhood.

From sea to shining sea.

America! America! America!

Crowd (32:53):


Donald Trump (34:04):

This is the final battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the deep state, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists, Marxists, and fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country, we will rout the fake news media, and we will liberate America from these villains once and for all.

Speaker 19 (34:36):

Trump’s just outside of a fire station after leaving court. He’s got pizza for the guys.

Speaker 20 (34:42):

Former President Trump always promised to deliver, and he did just that today. He handed out pizzas to members of both the New York Fire and Police Departments.

Speaker 44 (34:51):

This is the same fire station he visited in 2021 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.

Speaker 20 (34:58):

He also visited the plaque that honors a Green Beret who was awarded the Medal of Honor during Trump’s presidency.

Speaker 21 (35:04):

They all love him, because they remember what America was like under Donald Trump.

Announcer (35:23):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage radio host Sid Rosenberg.

MUSIC (35:35):

Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing. Let the whole world know that today.

Is a day of reckoning.

Let the weak be strong, let the right be wrong.

Roll the stone away…

Sid Rosenberg (36:09):

Hey there, how are you? I guess I’ll start with this. I can’t fucking believe I’m Madison Square Garden with all you people. I’ve been in this building many, many times. I’ve seen Mark Messier score game-winning goals, Ron Duguay score game-winning goals, Patrick Ewing make big baskets. Too young to remember Clyde and Frazier. Same building, of course, with Muhammad Ali, Billy Joel, and Frank Sinatra. A building made of champions and all-time greats. But ladies and gentlemen, don’t confuse the issue. The greatest champion of all will be backstage in about an hour. He is the 45th and soon to be 47th president of the United States, the great Donald J. Trump. So, I just got back from Israel about two weeks ago. They love Trump in Israel, just so you know, they love him. They love him and Bibi, they love them both. I’m in Israel, and had the opportunity to break the Yom Kippur fast with Bibi Netanyahu. What an amazing night that was. Cried with Israelis in the streets. They listen to me from Jerusalem, they really do, just like all of you listen to me, all of you. I get back and they go, “Sid, you want to speak at this MSG thing?” I go, “Sure.” Out of character for me to speak at a Nazi rally, I was just in Israel, but I took the gig. She is some sick bastard, that Hillary Clinton, huh? What a sick son of a bitch. The whole fucking party, a bunch of degenerates, low lives, Jew haters and low lives. Every one of them. Every one of them.

Look at my city. Look at my city. Yes, this building is beautiful, you’re all beautiful, look at you. But you can’t walk outside past about 10 o’clock at night here. If you’re a pretty woman, like my beautiful wife Danielle out there somewhere, you get punched across the face just for walking down the street. Who did that? Bill de Blasio, Eric Adams, shitty Democrat mayors.

Crowd (38:42):


Sid Rosenberg (38:42):

Andrew Cuomo, Kathy Hochul, shitty Democrat governors.

Crowd (38:46):


Sid Rosenberg (38:51):

You got homeless and veterans, Americans, Americans sleeping on their own feces on a bench in Central Park. But the fucking illegals, they get whatever they want, don’t they? Five star hotels, cash, probably get Yankee Dodger tickets tomorrow night. That’s all about the Democrat rule, folks. Whether it’s blue cities, blue states, or a blue administration, there’s only one person alive today that can fix all of it. Look at all your signs. He can fix it. You’re damn right he can fix it. That’s President Donald J. Trump.

I said to my dad when I was a little kid, I was born in 1967, before John F. Kennedy was assassinated, I couldn’t understand, until Thurman Munson died, why grown men cried in the streets over Kennedy. And then they shot my friend President Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. And I sat at the end of my bed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin before the RNC, and I cried. And all of a sudden, I knew what it meant to have a man like that. Scared the hell out of me. But as you’ve seen tonight already with just two speakers… And Muhammad Ali fought in this building, is there a greater fighter ever in the history of our country than the great Donald J. Trump?

Crowd (40:39):

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Sid Rosenberg (40:39):

Give me some of that, let’s go.

Crowd (40:40):

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Sid Rosenberg (40:46):

Come on, come on, come on.

Crowd (40:48):

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Sid Rosenberg (40:50):

Come on! Fight! Fight! Ladies and gentlemen, we’re nine days away.

Crowd (40:53):


Sid Rosenberg (40:54):

Nine days away. It’s really very, very simple. Really very, very simple. As I wrap this up, I get less time than comedians and painters. I don’t know why. Nine days, it’s very simple. You want to get cities like New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta back? You want to get the great states like New York and California running like the United States used to run again? You want to get an administration that cares about the Jewish people, the American people, women, men, and certainly our armed services? There’s only one choice to make. In nine days, you fight, fight, fight, and you vote like your life depends upon it for our great president, President Donald J. Trump! So, before this thing is all said and done today, do me a big favor in New York City, show the world, New York, why we’re still… Hi Nicole Malliotakis. Why we’re still the greatest city in the world, and tear the fucking roof off this place!

MUSIC (42:28):

Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing.

Let the whole world know that today.

Is a day of reckoning.

Let the weak be strong.

Speaker 22 (42:28):

Trump has left the building, over.

Wolf Blitzer (42:30):

We can now project the winner of the presidential race. Donald Trump wins the presidency. What started off as unlikely-

Speaker 23 (42:36):

President Trump.

Speaker 24 (42:37):

President Trump!

Speaker 25 (42:37):

President Trump!

Wolf Blitzer (42:37):

… impossible, is now reality.

Donald Trump (42:41):

I will fight for you with every breath in my body, and I will never ever let you down.

Jeanine Pirro (42:50):

We have a president who actually fulfilled the promises he made-

Speaker 26 (42:53):

President Trump-

Jeanine Pirro (42:54):

… during the campaign.

Speaker 26 (42:55):

… from securing the border to foreign policy progress and boosting the economy-

Speaker 27 (42:56):

He now has a record as president that’s pretty damn impressive.

Speaker 28 (42:57):

Breaking news out of Palm Beach, Florida.

Speaker 29 (43:01):

The FBI has executed an unprecedented search warrant at President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

Speaker 30 (43:06):

… warrant against a former president has both sides of the political aisle up in arms.

Speaker 31 (43:09):

… is a dangerous and unstable moment in American history.

Speaker 32 (43:12):

The Justice Department has just indicted former President Donald Trump.

Speaker 33 (43:16):

For seven years, they hated him, they targeted him, they hunted him.

Bill Barr (43:20):

This is the epitome of the abuse of the prosecutorial power to preempt political decisions.

Donald Trump (43:25):

I never thought anything like this could happen in America. The only crime that I have committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it. The more that a broken system tells you that you’re wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead. They want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom. They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you. They’re not coming after me, they’re coming after you, and I just happen to be standing in their way, and I will never be moving. On November 5th, 2024, justice will be done. We will take back our country, and we will make America great again. America will always rise to every challenge and overcome every danger.

Matthew Whitaker (44:23):

Donald Trump seems to always get stronger when challenged. These types of things, I think, give him strength.

Donald Trump (44:31):

When I’m re-elected, I will totally obliterate the deep state. As long as we have pride in our beliefs, courage in our convictions, and faith in our God, then we will not fail.

Announcer (45:02):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage attorney and senior advisor to President Donald J. Trump, Alina Habba.

MUSIC (45:09):

DJ Khaled! Hey!

Yeah, we the best!

All I do is win, win, win, no matter what.

Got money on my mind, I can never get enough.

And every time I step up in the building, everybody hands go up.

And they stay there, there.

And they say, “Yeah!”


And they stay there.

Up, down, up, down, up, down.

‘Cause all I do is win, win, win, win, win.

And if you goin’ in, put your hands in the air, make ’em stay there.

Yeah, listen, Luda!

Ludacris goin’ in on the verse.

‘Cause I never been defeated and I won’t stop now.

Keep your hands up, get ’em in the sky.

For the homies that didn’t make it and my folks locked down.

I never went nowhere, no.

But they sayin’, “Luda’s back.”


Blame it on that conjure, the hood call it Luda ‘gnac.

And I’m on this foolish track so I spit my foolish flow, flow.

My hands go up and down-

Alina Habba (46:05):

Woo, woo!

MUSIC (46:06):

… like strippers’ booties go.

My verses still be servin’, tight like a million virgins.

Last time on the Khaled remix, now I’m on the original version.


Can’t never count me out, no-

Alina Habba (46:08):

New York!

MUSIC (46:09):

… y’all better count me in.

Got twenty bank accounts, accountants count me in.

Alina Habba (46:16):

You see, I put my MAGA jacket to trigger Hillary Clinton. There you go, Hill. Are you ready to make history tonight and make some liberals cry? The world first got to know me on the courtroom steps right here in New York City, and they thought they could take the greatest president down through lawfare, with lawsuits, fake charges, raids, and endless investigations.

Crowd (46:56):


Alina Habba (46:56):

They thought so, it’s okay. They thought they could crush the man who built this city skyline. But they underestimated how hard President Trump would fight, fight, fight.

Crowd (47:14):

Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Alina Habba (47:20):

This rally has rattled some of my favorite swamp creatures. Hey, guys. They are now scrambling and trying to call us Nazis and fascists. And claiming-

Crowd (47:39):


Alina Habba (47:40):

Yeah. And you know what they’re claiming, guys? It’s very scary. They’re claiming we’re going to go after them and try and put them in jail. Ain’t that rich? Kamala, you want to talk about a fascist? No one has ever voted for you to become the Democrat nominee.

You see, I believe in something called the Constitution. And I believe in someone called God. And they tried to keep President Trump and his campaign in courtrooms being persecuted. But do you know what he did while he was in those New York courtrooms? He won the hearts and minds of the American people all from this city. You see, the deep state, they underestimate how smart we are.

Crowd (48:57):

That’s right!

Alina Habba (48:58):

And they want the American people to fall in line, like a bunch of sheep.

Crowd (49:02):

We’re the wolf!


Alina Habba (49:05):

You know what they don’t realize, New York?

Crowd (49:07):

We ain’t no sheep!

Alina Habba (49:08):

We’re going to be the ones herding sheep out of the White House on November 5th. Because Kamala Harris, you are getting evicted from my president’s house. Let’s not forget one thing. Kamala said she wouldn’t change a damn thing. And look, look, it’s okay. She must be proud of her records. She’s got a lot of them. Record inflation, record crime, and record boarding crossings, with over 325,000 children who are being sex trafficked, murdered, and missing. Those are the records you hold, Kamala.

Crowd (50:10):


They are evil!

Alina Habba (50:12):

Look at my family, I love my family. Yeah, that’s my family right there. By the way, where’s my Trump Bedminster people? Let’s go, Trump.

Don’t get me started on my boy Tampon Tim. You know, Timmy, in the words of your wife, we are ready to “turn the page” on your indoctrination of our children, your tampons in boys’ bathrooms, your deadly fentanyl pouring into our country through your wide-open borders, and your inflation that is crippling hard-working American people. He claims to champion women, yet he pushes policies that under women every… Every single woman here. By the way, they can’t even define what the hell a woman is. Get the hell out of here. They think we’ll be fooled. That we’ll believe their empty promises, and be bribed with garbage like loan forgiveness, and policies that will cost this country, and my children’s America, trillions of dollars.

But we are smarter than that, New York. This is the party of strength, resilience, and a voice that echoes around the world. Our voices cannot be silenced, and this movement will not be stopped. So when Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Jack Smith-

Crowd (52:08):


Alina Habba (52:12):

… and the Harris-Biden administration came for my client, President Donald J. Trump, they didn’t just come for him, they came for us!

So, on November 5th, New York, we are going to right this ship. In nine days, you’ll make the choice for an America that works for we the people!

Crowd (52:43):

The people!

Alina Habba (52:44):

Not the powerful. So Nancy, it’s time to sell your stocks. Take the cabal packing! The Clintons and Obamas can get out of our White House, because America has had enough with you all. Bye now!

In nine days, it’s your turn to cast a vote for the man who’s been in the trenches with you. The man who gets back up every time they try and knock him down. They thought they could break us, they thought they could scare us, they thought they could jail us, and they thought they could kill him, but they don’t know what doesn’t break you makes you stronger. New York, let’s show them what we’re made of. Let’s take this all the way to the ballot box. Let’s stand tall for our president, for our city, and for our nation, because New York, we don’t just survive, we thrive. And on November 5th, Donald Trump will tell Kamala one very important thing.

Crowd (54:26):

You’re fired!

Alina Habba (54:26):

You are fired!

Crowd (54:26):

You are fired!

Alina Habba (54:39):

I will see you at the polls, let’s make history together. God bless New York, God bless the USA, and God bless the greatest president this country has ever seen, President Donald J. Trump.

MUSIC (54:58):

DJ Khaled! Hey!

Yeah, we the best!

All I do is win, win, win, no matter what, what.

Got money on my mind, I can never get enough.

And every time I step up in the building, everybody hands go up.

And they stay there, there.

And they say, “Yeah!”


And they stay there.

Up, down, up, down, up, down.

‘Cause all I do is win, win, win, win, win.

And if you goin’ in, put your hands in the air, make ’em stay there.

Yeah, listen, Luda!

Joe Biden (55:30):

The total initiative relative to what we’re going to do with more Border Patrol and more asylum officers.

Donald Trump (55:35):

I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either. Kamala definitely covered up his cognitive decline, and it was a rapid decline.

Ted Cruz (55:46):

When Joe Biden and Kamala Harris came into office, they inherited peace and prosperity. All they had to do was nothing. Just not screw it up.

Kamala Harris (55:54):

I am radical. I do believe that we need to get radical.

Jim Jordan (55:57):

We went from safe streets to record crime.

Meghan McCain (55:59):

Are you for defunding the police?

Kamala Harris (56:00):

How are you defining “defund the police”?

Jim Jordan (56:02):

We went from $2 gas to $4 gas.

Erin Burnett (56:04):

Would you ban offshore drilling?

Kamala Harris (56:05):

Yes. There’s no question, I’m in favor of banning fracking.

Jim Jordan (56:08):

We went from stable prices to record inflation.

Speaker 34 (56:10):

They are killing us without killing us.

Kamala Harris (56:13):

That is called Bidenomics.

Speaker 35 (56:17):

The very first task that Joe Biden gave Kamala Harris was to be the border czar.

Speaker 36 (56:22):

Do you have plans to visit the border?

Kamala Harris (56:26):

Not today.

Donald Trump (56:28):

She’s not going to have any border security.

Ron Johnson (56:31):

I want a number. How many people have you let into this country?

John Kennedy (56:35):

Does anybody know? None of you know.

Vivek Ramaswamy (56:37):

We’re in the middle of a war in this country. It is a war between those of us who love the United States of America, and a fringe minority-

Protestors (56:43):

[inaudible 00:56:44].

Vivek Ramaswamy (56:44):

… who hates this country and what we stand for.

Kamala Harris (56:47):

We got to let people know who brung it to them.

Mark Halperin (56:50):

Raise your hand if you think President Trump’s policies on the economy would be better for your family. All right, so that is everybody.

Speaker 37 (57:04):

The chaotic and deadly US evacuation from Afghanistan stunned Americans and the world.

Dana Bash (57:09):


Kamala Harris (57:10):


Dana Bash (57:11):

Were you the last person in the room?

Kamala Harris (57:12):


Speaker 38 (57:13):

It was because of Kamala Harris’ failed leadership why you had people hanging off the airplanes.

Donald Trump (57:17):

When Putin saw how incompetent we were, he said, “Wow. I’m now going to go into Ukraine.”

Speaker 39 (57:23):

This is what Russian president Vladimir Putin unleashed on Ukraine.

Speaker 40 (57:27):

It’s almost like they intentionally tried to set the Middle East on fire.

Norah O’Donnell (57:30):

Hamas terrorists went door to door, slaughtering anyone they could find.

Donald Trump (57:34):

I’ll tell you what, we had a safe world. Now we have a very, very dangerous world. We’re going to get rid of these people that have destroyed our country.

Speaker 41 (57:43):

He’s doing this for one reason and one reason alone.

Speaker 42 (57:46):

It is a rescue mission for the American Dream.

Speaker 43 (57:49):

Trump’s rescue mission: saving America.

Donald Trump (57:52):

This is a rescue mission. We’re going to make America great again, greater than ever before.

Announcer (58:09):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage CEO of 10X, Grant Cardone.

MUSIC (58:38):

Thunderstruck, thunderstruck.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, thunderstruck, thunderstruck.


Grant Cardone (58:38):

Thank you. Thank you so much.

MUSIC (58:38):

I was shaking at the knees.

Grant Cardone (58:41):

Hello, New York. How you guys doing? And to everybody that’s online right now, I guess you’re on the internet consuming content that Donald Trump has just literally taken control of the internet in the last five days here to finish. And that’s where this game will be won. My name’s Grant Cardone. I’m an educator, small business owner, and a real estate investor. And in February of this year, I came to this great city to make a real estate investment and had to discontinue the deal, because of a scumbag liberal judge coming out with a $454 million judgment against Donald Trump.

Crowd (59:41):


Grant Cardone (59:44):

No, no, it needs to be bigger than that.

Crowd (59:45):


Grant Cardone (59:49):

Because folks, here’s the deal. I’m telling my wife I have to cancel these deals. And she says, “Why?” I said, “Because if they can do this to a former president, a man that lived in this city, that built this skyline, what can they do to me?” What will they do to you? This one decision, by the way, will cost this city, the city of New York, hundreds of billions of dollars of lost tax revenues. Have you guys ever noticed, go to any of these blue, Democratic, liberal cities, have you noticed that where they go, everything is more expensive? Everything. For instance, New York City, you have the highest rents in the country. You have the highest home prices in the country. You have the highest food prices, the highest transportation, and the most crime. And your politicians want more taxes, not less. This is insanity, folks. Okay? Why do the politicians in blue cities want to raise your taxes? Because they live off your taxes. This is how they get paid. And that brings me to Timmy. Timmy and Kamala.

Crowd (01:01:07):


Grant Cardone (01:01:11):

No, no, bigger than that, come on.

Crowd (01:01:13):


Grant Cardone (01:01:15):

That’s what I’m talking about. They’re going to ruin this country, folks. You guys need to get angry right now, the country’s pissed. And I’m not here to invalidate them. The whole world can see their incompetence. They’re complete tools of the elites. They’re mere puppets.

Crowd (01:01:35):


Grant Cardone (01:01:37):

That’s right, puppets. And a little common sense. Who’s got a little common sense in the room? Just a little bit. And literally, the math of a five-year-old tells you that their policies don’t add up. Common sense. For one, she wants to add 87,000 employees to the IRS.

Crowd (01:02:00):


Grant Cardone (01:02:06):

For what? 800 billionaires? That’s 1,000 employees for every billionaire. No, she’s here for your pockets, your money, your small business. She’s here to audit everybody in this room. She passed a $3 trillion Inflation Reduction Act that created inflation, didn’t reduce it. She promised to build three million homes in her first year. She’s never built one house in her damn lifetime. And at the same time, let 20 million homeless people, illegal immigrants, into a country that has a housing shortage.

Crowd (01:02:47):


Grant Cardone (01:02:47):

Come on, man. It don’t make sense. She proposes 20 million people to get new businesses. She’s going to give tax money to fund 20 million new businesses, while we have 22 million small business owners in America that are breaking even or losing money. And lastly, the most insane of the insane, she wants to tax unrealized capital gains.

Crowd (01:03:16):


Grant Cardone (01:03:19):

No, no, no, no. No, this is in… Complete gone. Not even her simp Mark Cuban can sell this. Even Marky-boy says this would destroy the global economy, and take the USA down with it.

Ladies and gentlemen, Kamala Harris is the least qualified candidate to ever run for any political office in American history. She makes her boss look competent. She’s a fake. I’m not here to invalidate her. She’s a fake, a fraud. She’s a pretender. Her and her pimp handlers will destroy our country. They will. They’ve already crippled the dollar, manufactured inflation, imported a virus, censored your voices, funded transgender surgeries, and made empty promises to the middle class for 50 years.

Crowd (01:04:34):


Grant Cardone (01:04:34):

This election has to be more than a victory, it needs to be a landslide. We need to slaughter this other people. We need to bring 100 million votes to Donald Trump. Not 74, not 81, 100 million votes. Can you do it? Because if you bring 100 million votes to this man, you send this finger to the elites. And you say, “We are done. We are done. We are fed up. We have had enough.” He’s given everything. He’s given everything. It’s us in this room now that need to give the rest. We have to give everything for nine days, okay? That’s not just coming to rallies. It’s about putting a sign in your yard, a sticker on your car. It’s about donating money. You’ve got to give, folks, today while you’re here, everyone, $5, $10, $25. These elections cost money. If you do that, invest in this election, you will go down as a contributor that will make history. We will be in the history books 100 years from now. They will say,

Speaker 45 (01:06:00):

They will say in 2024, “Something happened in America. Something happened, a phenomenon, and it was galvanized around a bunch of people called MAGA.” The MAGA people! The MAGAs! That’s right, a MAGA! They will say it galvanized around people called MAGA and a man named Donald J. Trump. Thank you. God Bless America. Thank you.

MUSIC (01:06:43):


Yeah, yeah, yeah, thunderstruck.

Ooh, thunderstruck.


I was shaking at the knees…

Speaker 46 (01:07:15):

Greatness doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t see where you’re from, what you look like, or who you know. Greatness is for those who work for it, for those who keep moving forward. Greatness is for anyone willing to fight for it.

Speaker 47 (01:07:48):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, former acting director of the Domestic Policy Council of the United States, Brooke Rollins,

MUSIC (01:07:58):

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na.

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na.

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na.

Na-na-na-na-na. Let me back it up to the start of the climb.

Faced with an army of vipers and lions.

I had to keep on reaching up, because it was my…

Brooke Rollins (01:08:29):

Hello New York City! Hello to all of you in America’s most iconic city, the city that gave us the man who gave up everything to serve his nation, the once and the future President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Only in America would a little girl raised by a single mom from a tiny town called Glen Rose, Texas, ascend to work in the West Wing for the most consequential president of our lifetime. And only in America with that same small town Texas girl end up here in this incredible city with all of you at the world’s most famous arena. Let’s go! Tell me, tell me, tell me, who here loves President Donald Trump? Then you are at the right rally. A few days back, Kamala Harris heard someone at one of her rallies say, “Christ is Lord.” Let’s give it up. She said, you know what she said, “You are at the wrong rally, sir.”

Crowd (01:10:12):


Brooke Rollins (01:10:17):

But, maybe for once in her life, Kamala Harris was right. They were at the wrong rally, because the rally where people believe in faith, believe in America and believe that we are one nation under God is right here. Is right here. So let me ask you what you believe, New York. Do you believe in America? You are at the right rally. Do you believe in the power of faith and that America needs God?

Crowd (01:11:02):


Brooke Rollins (01:11:02):

You are at the right rally. Do you believe that America needs back the Trump economy where every American had a real chance at the American dream with jobs and homes and families and healthcare, where it works? Do you believe that, New York City? Do you believe that Americans deserve to be protected from illegal aliens who come into our communities, and the best way to do that is the largest deportation in American history. Do you believe that? Then you are at the right rally. Our way of life, our history and our inheritance are all at stake. We don’t mind standing on the line for Donald Trump because he is the one who taught us that one man plus the truth really is a majority, and we also understand what that means. It means everything.

Everything we have been, everything that was meant depends upon what happens right now. With just nine days left, on behalf of an over capacity, six times oversold, Madison Square Garden Arena, tens of millions, tens of millions of grateful patriotic Americans across this country, hundreds of millions of people across the world, I close today with this message to my friend, my mentor, my former boss. Mr. President, you put everything on the line for us, even your life, and you have always had our backs and now, it’s our turn. And we will deliver for you, Donald Trump. My friends, we are going to win. And when Donald J. Trump wins, America will win. Now, let’s go get our country back. God bless you, God bless America, and God bless Donald J. Trump. Thank you all so very much. Thank you.

MUSIC (01:13:35):

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na.

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na.

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na.


Let me back it up to the start of the climb.

Faced with an army of vipers and lions.

I had to keep on reaching up, because it was my…

Speaker 47 (01:14:14):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage America’s Mayor, Rudy Giuliani.

MUSIC (01:14:20):

Sun coming up over New York City.

School bus driver in a traffic jam.

Starin’ at the faces in her rearview mirror.

Looking at the promise of the Promised Land…

Rudy Giuliani (01:15:21):

Thank you. Thank you very, very much, and welcome to the capital of the world. That’s not me, that comes from Pope John Paul when he came to New York and said, “This is the capital of the world.” No one could dispute it after that. New York City, this is the city I was the mayor of for eight years. Sitting over there is my police commissioner, Bernard Kerik, who saved my life on September 11 and when I was mayor, I need to remind people, the Yankees won four world championships! You think they need my help now? What the heck does Adams know about baseball? And de Blasio is so stupid, he doesn’t know about anything. Oh, for the good old days when I used to be able to sit at Yankee games with Donald Trump, and George Steinbrenner would make us pay for our peanuts.

No, he was a great friend of both of ours, and he shared in common with Donald Trump something that I know as the mayor that many people don’t know, and they probably don’t realize why he gets so angry when he’s attacked and demonized. This is a very charitable, very good man. Yeah, I know he was a great president, but this is a very good man. He and George Steinbrenner would step up anonymously every time a police officer not just killed, but hurt, every time a firefighter, not just killed, but hurt. Every time something horrible happened in the city, they would call, they would offer services, money, help, a hotel room. And when I wanted to make it public, they would say no because they said that, “You got to save that. The credit you get for that, you get from God. If you make too much of it here, it gets used up.” As the mayor…

Speaker 48 (01:18:32):

We love you, Rudy!

Rudy Giuliani (01:18:36):

Thank you. As the mayor, you know that I reduced crime more than any mayor in history. I improved the quality of life in five boroughs, I lowered taxes. It was the biggest tax reduction in New York history. Not like Donald Trump’s tax reduction, not as big. You know why it was the biggest? It was the only one. I was only the third Republican mayor in 100 years, and we carried out the biggest welfare-to-work program in the world. We had 1.3 million people on welfare. And when I turned over to the city to Mike Bloomberg, it was down to 500, 000, and almost all of them were working. That word working is anathema. It frightens Harris. It frightens Biden. It frightens the radical Democrats today. None of these people they’re giving money to, they require to work, because they don’t care about them, because they don’t love them.

Because what are they? They’re votes? Who cares if they don’t learn a trade or have a job? We gather here today in the middle of Midtown Manhattan, and this is the most iconic venue of venues in the United States. This is where a Republican’s not supposed to come, which is why Donald Trump came here. There’s no place in America the president shouldn’t be able to come. Remember New Palestine, remember New Palestine when they had their subway derailment? Place was horrible. People are still dying. He went there, I went there. I did my television show from there. It took Biden a year to go there because those people are deplorables! Like you, like me, we’re deplorables! We don’t count. The Hollywood stars count, the big money counts. 20 million from China counts. But we don’t count.

Crowd (01:21:14):


Rudy Giuliani (01:21:23):

Just four miles from here, just four miles from here we had the worst terrorist attack in the history of our country. I’ll never, never forget that through all the pain and misery, we came together, places of worship, hundreds of funerals, praying to God. What’s happened to God? We don’t pray to him anymore? We’re not allowed to? We don’t bring God back, we don’t come back. September 11 was our darkest hour. October seven was Israel’s darkest hour. They are our best friend. I worked for Ronald Reagan for eight years. Ronald Reagan said, “We have to be there for Israel always because they are always there for us.” Hamas is not there for us, Iran is not there for us, they want to kill us! And the Palestinians are taught to kill us at two years old. They won’t let a Palestinian in Jordan, they won’t let a Palestinian in Egypt, and Harris wants to bring them to you.

Crowd (01:22:54):


Rudy Giuliani (01:22:59):

They may have good people. I’m sorry, I don’t take a risk with people that are taught to kill Americans at two. I’m on the side of Israel. You’re on the side of Israel. Donald Trump’s on the side of Israel. And they’re on the side of the terrorists! Like me, President Trump grew up here. He’s a New Yorker. That’s why some people get a little annoyed at him. He speaks his mind. But wouldn’t you rather have a president that communicates with you than one who sits in a basement babbling, or another one who, when asked, “Why do you want to be president?” She says, “My mother was from the middle class, and I have [inaudible 01:24:15]…” Then CBS puts in something done by a Harvard PhD. “I want to be be president.” Even that was stupid, the one they put in, but at least it was in English.

In any case, maybe you don’t like what Donald Trump says sometimes, maybe you don’t agree with it, but I’ll tell you what, you always know what he’s thinking, and we need that from a president. He built a great empire here. He built a great real estate empire. He built some of the most iconic buildings in New York. That skyline wouldn’t be as beautiful without him. That’s enough for a man’s lifetime. That’s enough! He’s built some of the greatest golf courses in the world. He’s had and created for himself a privileged life. And here he is, here he is fighting 24 hours a day, twice almost murdered. Twice! And why is he doing it? For you, for me, to save our country. He saw that we were on the path of destruction and he couldn’t sit by. He saw that the backbone of America, the people that he grew up with, the laborers that he and his father used to build their business, are people they cared about, people they loved.

People say, “Well, how can this billionaire relate to regular people?” Because he is a regular person. His father taught him how to relate to everyone. [inaudible 01:26:10] I owe him $10. Now, they tried everything, right? Russian collusion, wrong conversation with the Ukrainian president. Oh my god, everything possible. Phony cases with perjury, and they committed so many crimes trying to get rid of him, using a false story to unseat a lawfully-elected president. And then they indicted him four times, and it had to stop. If they indicted him one more time, he’d have been elected by acclamation. And now I don’t know, I don’t know, I’m not going to do conspiracy and I’m not not going to do conspiracy. But it’s kind of funny that they tried everything else, and now they’re trying to kill him. They better not try again.

Donald Trump answered the question without a doubt as to who can lead us out of this morass of socialism, fascism, and communism that the Biden regime has put it in. He answered it, oh, in so many speeches and so many rallies, and in the great work that he did as president four years ago, I don’t have to ask you, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” There are a few people in a nuthouse who think they are. Otherwise, we all know, things cost more. Donald Trump gave them a world at peace. They’re giving us a world at war! He’d have been a great president, even if this didn’t happen. But on July 13th of this year, after he came this close to death, when he was down on the ground, he couldn’t possibly have any idea how bad it was. Within seconds he got up. Did he run away, did he hide, did he crawl? Did he appease the people who might have been attacking him?

Crowd (01:28:40):


Rudy Giuliani (01:28:42):

He stood up and he thought about you, and me, but I was really worried about him. And then when we saw him say, “Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!”

Crowd (01:28:52):

Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!

Rudy Giuliani (01:28:56):

That’s the man to lead us, to lead us back to the America we love! Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln believed that every American, because it isn’t just Donald Trump, you got to do it, every American should take an oath to make this country better than it was handed to him or her. If I died now, I would break that oath, because America is not better today than it was when it was handed to me, or than it was four years ago. But in a few weeks, we get a chance to change that. I want every one of you right now, every single one of you, to say yes when I say this. Do you swear to make America better and greater by voting for Donald Trump and JD Vance? Now go do it! Fight!

MUSIC (01:29:57):

Sun coming up over New York City.

School bus driver in a traffic jam.

Starin’ at the faces in her rearview mirror.

Looking at the promise of the Promised Land.

One kid dreams…

Speaker 47 (01:31:04):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, founder of Death Row Records, Michael Harry-O Harris.

MUSIC (01:31:13):

Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing.

Let the whole world know that today is a day of reckoning.

Let the weak be strong.

Let the right be wrong.

Roll the stone away…

Michael Harris (01:31:49):

Thank you, thank you. Thank you. Madison Square Garden, I got to thank God for allowing me to speak in front of you today. I got to tell you something else. God is great. Can I get a second? I got to tell you another secret, though. If it wasn’t for Donald Trump, I wouldn’t be standing here today. So I want to thank President Donald Trump for allowing me to stand in front of you here today. It’s a bigger story, got to let you know about it. God spoke to his heart and Donald Trump signed with his heart my release after 33 years. God spoke to his heart. So I don’t have but a few minutes, so I want to say what I got to say. First thing I want to do is speak to this elephant in the room. Our nation has had a complex history with racism and sexism, and we can all agree that we got to do a little work there, but that’s not what we are here to talk about today.

What we are here to talk about is our similarities that unite us. We want to talk about family security. It’s important. We want to talk about economic development. It’s essential. We want to talk about education for our children. It matters. It matters. For example, Kamala Harris talks about an opportunity agenda for Black men, but there is no opportunity unless you have the foundation that starts with a strong education. And we cannot allow our children’s zip code to dictate the opportunities for our children’s future. School choice is like the First Amendment of opportunity agenda. The rest of the Constitution can’t work if you don’t have the right enshrines in the First Amendment. That is why we created Community First, to promote economic self-sufficiency, to increase access to capital, to expand educational opportunities.

And in order to do this, we need a commander in chief that has the ability to bridge the gap with government, business, private sector, and our communities. Maybe I didn’t mention, I’m the founder of Community First. President Donald Trump has committed to working with community First when he’s back in office. And in case you didn’t know, Community First is you, you and you, and people that look like me. So Community First endorses Donald J. Trump to be the 47th President of these United States of America! Opportunity and dignity for all. That’s what we get with Donald Trump. The President of the United States. We know that’s what he going to be. So I don’t act like I’m not the only one that know that, right? I think the world need to hear us say we want a real Commander-in-Chief in office to represent all of our communities! I love you. And thank you.

MUSIC (01:37:26):

Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing.

Let the whole world know that today is a day of reckoning.

Let the weak be strong.

Let the right be wrong.

Roll the stone away, let the guilty pay.

It’s Independence Day…

Speaker 47 (01:38:01):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, CEO of the Right for America PAC, Sergio Gore.

MUSIC (01:38:05):

It’s goin’ down, I’m yellin’ timber.

You better move, you better dance.

Let’s make a night you won’t remember.

I’ll be the one you won’t forget…

Sergio Gor (01:38:28):

Hello, New York! Are you ready to make history in nine days?

Crowd (01:38:37):


Sergio Gor (01:38:37):

I said, are you ready to make history in nine days?

Crowd (01:38:40):


Sergio Gor (01:38:43):

Are you ready to send Donald J. Trump back to the White House?

Crowd (01:38:50):


Sergio Gor (01:38:51):

Only one man is fighting for America’s prosperity. Only one man is fighting for America’s security.

Speaker 49 (01:39:00):

Only one man is fighting for you. Will you join the fight? Fight. Fight. With only nine days left, it is so important for you to vote. It is so important that you drag every like-minded family and friend. Grab your grandma, grab your brother, grab your sister, your neighbor, and drag them to the polls. You are part of the greatest comeback story in history, because one man has refused to back down. In the last four years, we have witnessed the destruction of this once great nation. We have seen countless criminals cross our borders. We have seen our economy crippled. Prices are out of control. Ask yourself, are you better off today than you were four years ago? Ask yourself, can you afford four more years of Kamala Harris America? We have a solution for you. We must send Donald Trump back to the White House.

President Trump has reshaped our party and to the party of the working class, a party which values prosperity and security, a party which doesn’t want new wars in faraway lands. Kamala Harris today is crisscrossing the country with Liz Cheney. Well, we have a message for you. You can keep Liz Cheney and for that matter, Dick Cheney too. I am so honored to be with all of you tonight as we work to push President Trump over the finish line. You and I are witnessing the greatest movement in American history, a movement that will be remembered for generations, a movement that will be remembered long after we are gone. Nothing will stop Donald Trump.

He’s been indicted more than Al Capone. They have tried to imprison him, bankrupt him, and even kill him. Well, it didn’t work, because he will never stop fighting for you. There is nothing that can stop the America first movement or the man who started it all, the 45th and soon 47th President, my friend, Donald J. Trump. And if we do our job, we will be watching the CNN meltdown on November 5th, as Wolf Blitzer announces Donald J. Trump has been elected the 47 President of the United States. Thank you, and onwards to victory.

MUSIC (01:42:37):

It’s going down.

I’m yelling timber.

You better move.

You better dance.

Let’s make a night you won’t remember.

I’ll be the one you won’t forget.

Speaker 2 (01:42:55):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, David Rem.

MUSIC (01:43:13):

Only in America.

Dreaming in red, white, and blue. Only in America.

Where we dream as big as we want to.

We all get a chance.

Everybody gets to dance.

Only in America.

David Rem (01:43:30):

Thank you. On November 20, 1974, my father suffered a massive heart attack and died. I went to this Kew-Forest School, the same school as our President Trump attended. Three days after my father’s burial, there was a knock on the door, one school morning, about 7:00 AM. I answered the door.

There was a very distinguished gentleman standing in front of me and he said, when I opened the door, “Kid, call your mom down, please.” I called upstairs to my mom. “Mom, there’s some guy here, please come down.” And she came down, and he said to her, “I’m very sorry to hear about Joseph Rem’s death. I’m Fred Trump, Donald’s father.” And my mom said, “Yes, I know Donald Trump went to Kew-Forest School.” He said, “Yes, Mrs. Rem, but what you probably don’t know is that I’m still on the board of trustees. And this morning, I let Philip Rogers, who’s the headmaster at Kew-Forest School, know that from this day forward, I, Fred Trump, out of my own pocket, is going to be paying for your three children’s tuition at Kew-Forest, because I don’t want the kids to have to go back into the public school system.”

Now, who would do that, except the President Trump’s father? And the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree. Can you imagine Kamala Harris performing a random, kind, generous act like that? Never. Never, ever. In fact, she is the devil, whoever screamed that out. She is the Antichrist. At her rally last week, she said that, “Jesus Christ followers are not welcome at my rally. You should go down the block to President Trump’s rally.” Let me say this, and maybe I’m speaking for the President and I shouldn’t, but I think that President Trump loves Jesus followers at his rally. And I think that President Trump, in what he has experienced, knows that Jesus Christ is king.

I was the victim of a violent armed with a gun carjacking, and I’m lucky to be standing here. If it wasn’t for this man, Jesus Christ, I wouldn’t be standing here. The mayor that we have here in New York, Eric Adams, is a disaster. I once called out Bill de Blasio. This mayor is worse than Bill de Blasio and David Dinkins combined. I just want to say this, the cross that I’m holding is the cross that my mother, Beatrice Rem, used to hold in the air when she prayed at night every night for Donald Trump and his family.

Because we knew, three years ago, that his life was going to be attempted to killed, because they don’t want to face Donald Trump at the ballot box. So they’ll do anything they can, imprison him, kill him. And I’m just going to wrap this up, and I just want to tell President Trump that I’m fluent in Spanish and I will follow you to the swing states and I will speak in Spanish to the Latino voters. And I will make a difference. Donald, you need the Latino voters. The Latino voters will switch this election for your favor.

And I just want to drop an announcement here. I decided I’m going to make a run for Mayor of New York City. Please go to David Rem, D-A-V-I-D R-E-M, for Mayor. And I just want to say that we need to make New York red. We need to make New York great again. We need to make New York healthy again. We need to make the world great again. And I want to say I love you, President Trump. I love your entire family. They give you nothing but grief. And to the fake media out there who won’t show my story or won’t back Donald Trump, I love you, Donald. God bless America and God bless the United States of America. USA, USA, USA, USA.

Audience (01:48:36):


MUSIC (01:48:36):

I’ve been down.

Counted out. Smiling through the taste of blood in my own mouth.

I got bruises.

And broken bones.

But they don’t know.

I ain’t in this ring alone.

I’m a fighter.

No one can say that I’m a run and hider.

I was born to be a do or dier. A make it righter.

Don’t throw that towel just yet.

Don’t cash in that last bet.

‘Cause I hit harder when I’m tired.

I’m a fighter.

I get back up.

That’s what I do.

I didn’t soldier on this far just to lose.

So take your shot.

Is that all you got?

I’m a fighter.

No one can say that I’m a run and hider.

I was born to be a do or dier.

A make it righter.

Don’t throw that towel just yet.

Don’t cash in that last bet.

‘Cause I hit harder when I’m tired.

I’m a fighter.


No one can keep me down.

They didn’t know but they know now.

That I’m a fighter.

No one can say that I’m a run and hider.

Don’t cash in that last bet.

Don’t throw that towel just yet.

I’m a fighter.

Audience (01:50:03):


Speaker 2 (01:51:51):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage former White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Dan Scavino.

MUSIC (01:51:57):

Say your prayers, little one.

Don’t forget, my son.

To include everyone.

Dan Scavino (01:53:22):

Wow. Hello, New York City. How’s everybody doing this evening? Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. Look at me at Madison Square Garden, the world’s most famous arena. Who would’ve ever thought? I’ve been with this man for 30 years, 30 years through it all. I joined with him in 2015, when we started running for the presidency, when nobody said we had a shot, when we were a joke. We were polling at 1%, then he won the presidency. I went to the White House with him for four years. It was an incredible journey. The President always behind the scenes will tell him, Team Trump will know what I’m saying here, sometimes on the plane or in the office, he’ll say, “You are all so lucky I took you on this journey, in good times and bad.” “Yes, Mr. President, we are so honored to be on this journey.” And you know what? You’re damn straight I’m honored to be on this journey through the good times and the bad for the right and to fight for this country in which we all believe in.

Hey, Hillary Clinton. She had some not nice things to say about this rally today at Madison Square Garden. Take a look, Hillary. USA, USA, USA.

Audience (01:54:51):


Dan Scavino (01:55:01):

This has been the journey of a lifetime. The last nine years. have absolutely been incredible. But guess what? We’ve got nine days. Nine days till we go to the polls and we vote for Donald J. Trump to be the 47th President of the United States of America. And it’s going to happen. But you all need to get out and vote, vote, vote, and fight, fight, fight. Just stay strong. The President loves each and everybody in this arena. Quick story, Butler, Pennsylvania, an attempted assassination. We went to the hospital. I’m going to give you a behind the scenes with the President. We go to the hospital, shot on the air. The entire world is watching on TV. He’s in his hospital room asking how things are going.

I showed him that iconic photo of him raising his fist and said, “Sir, this is the most iconic photo, I think, in the history of, not only politics, but of all time.” He stared at the photo. I told him it was from Doug Mills, New York Times photographer, a great photographer. The President’s reaction was, “How is Doug? Is Doug okay? Reach out to Doug, see how he’s doing.” Of which I did, when we were in the hospital. Everything he had going on, just shot in the damn head, and the guy’s cared and concerned about how Doug is doing, how his team is doing, that’s with him at Team Trump.

The behind the scenes moments are things… I could go, honestly, I could go for 10 hours here and tell you stories, but I only have 31 seconds left. So I will wrap it up. You’ve got a fighter, behind the scenes and out in public. The guy loves the United States of America. He’s working 24 hours a day, seven days a week, campaigning, running all over the country. Loves this country. He’s a patriot. You are all patriots. I cannot believe looking at this Madison Square garden and just seeing it’s packed to the brim, there must be 20,000 plus people. Love my family.

Just do me a favor, go to TrumpForce47.com, check it out. Okay? Get on there. Get out and vote, vote, vote please. We got to win. We’ve got to win. We are going to win. We are going to have Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States America, if you all go out and vote, vote, vote, and fight-

Audience (01:57:46):

-Fight, fight.

Dan Scavino (01:57:46):

Thank you.

Speaker 2 (01:58:41):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage senior advisor for President Donald J. Trump, Stephen Miller.

Stephen Miller (01:59:18):

Hello, New York. Hello, Madison Square Garden, and hello to the United States of America, people watching in all 50 states. We are here tonight with a message for you. In nine days, your rescue is coming. In nine days, your salvation is at hand. In nine days, Donald J. Trump is going to go back to the White House. We stand here today at a crossroads, in the history of this nation, in the history of our civilization. This is a choice between betrayal and renewal, between self-destruction and salvation, between the failure of America or the triumph of America. I want you to think for a minute about the decades of abuse that has been heaped upon the good people of this nation, their jobs looted and stolen from them and shipped to Mexico, Asia, and foreign countries, the lives of their loved ones ripped away from them by illegal aliens, criminal gangs, and thugs who don’t belong in this country, a political system that punishes hardworking citizens, oppresses them at every turn, takes away the right to free speech, the right to political expression, the right to fundamental safety in their own country.

One man dared to step forward nine years ago and say, “Enough, no more. America gets its future back.” And what happened next? What happened after he stepped down that escalator, nine years ago? The system, the system he was fighting, tried to do everything in its power to stop him, to take away your voice, to take away your vote, to take away your right to have your own country. They lied. They defamed. They smeared. One witch hunt after another, one hoax after another, one betrayal after another, lie after lie, slander after slander, libel after libel, lawsuit after lawsuit. They tried to jail him. They tried to bankrupt him. They tried to imprison him.

And they even tried to take his life with not one but two assassination attempts. And let me ask you, when his life was on the line, did he falter? Did he waver? Did he yield? Did he surrender? Did he hesitate? Did he back down? Did he give one single solitary inch? Or did he stand up strong and proud and resilient, the warrior that he is, and raise his fist into the air and shout, on behalf of all of you, “Fight, fight, fight.” And what was he fighting for? He was fighting for your children, for your wives, your husbands, everyone that you love and know in the world, the right to live in a country where criminal gangs cannot just cross our border and rape and murder with impunity. Think about how corrupt and hateful and evil a system is that allows gangs to come into this country and rape and murder little girls.

I’m not just saying that. You’ve read the stories. It happens every day. You read one of these heartbreaking headlines. Who’s going to stand up for our daughters? Who’s going to stand up for the girls of America, the woman of America, the families of America? Who’s going to stand up and say, “The cartels are gone. The criminal migrants are gone. The gangs are gone. America is for Americans and Americans only?” One man. And that man, ladies and gentlemen, that man took a bullet for you. He took a bullet for democracy. And all we are asking in return, all we are asking in return is for nine days, for nine short, precious days, you have to vote, vote, vote. Vote for freedom. Vote for liberty, vote for sovereignty. Vote for your children. Vote for your families. Vote for the right of free speech, the right to the Second Amendment.

Vote for the right to have a secure sovereign border and for the right to have a government that puts American citizens ahead of illegal aliens. With your votes, you can smash this broken establishment. With your votes, you can end the corruption and graft. And with your votes, with your votes, you can deliver the future to your children that they so dearly deserve. So I’ll end with this thought, each and every one of you has been loyal to your country. You have loved your country, you’ve followed the rules, you’ve paid your taxes, you did everything right, and the system just keeps beating you down, beating you down, and beating you down. And I say to you, are you going to let that system win? Are you going to surrender? Or are you going to follow the example of President Donald J. Trump and fight, fight, fight to the finish and save this nation, save this country, save this civilization, and save this glorious republic. Thank you, New York. God bless you. God bless New York and God bless America.

Speaker 2 (02:04:55):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage the founder of the Witkoff Group, Steve Witkoff.

MUSIC (02:05:11):

Oh, I wish was in the land of cotton.

Old times there are not forgotten.

Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land.

Steve Witkoff (02:05:33):

How good of a song is that? Reminds me of the President, his truth is marching on. Good evening, New York, and good evening to a special six-year-old. Hi, Finley. It’s a privilege, it’s a privilege to be here with all of you tonight, right in the heart of the city, that means so much to me. This city shaped who I am, helped me to build my business, and gave me my roots. But I’ll tell you, this is not the New York I grew up in. Our city has drifted away from what it once was. But if there’s one man who can restore it to its greatness, it is my dear friend, President Donald J. Trump.

I’ve known the President for over 30 years, not just as a leader, but as a friend. When I talk about him, I talk about someone with incredible compassion and humility. He cares deeply about people, even when the cameras are not rolling. His kindness is quiet, but genuine, and it’s a side of him the media rarely shows. It’s unfortunate that a man who has done so much for so many has been painted in such an unfair light. Accusations of extremism, they couldn’t be further from the truth. President Trump is not just a man of vision and leadership. He’s a man of faith. He respects all faiths and has always stood for religious freedom. His unabiding belief in the value of every individual is grounded in his respect for God and country. President Trump embraces freedom and fights for the rights of all Americans. Despite facing constant opposition, he has persevered. He’s been targeted with lawsuits and accusations, yet he’s never wavered in his commitment to the American people. I know he’ll fight for each and every one of you, as he’s always fought for me. That’s the kind of leader we need, someone who never backs down when things get tough, but keeps pushing forward for what’s right. In a world, thank you, in a world that often feels uncertain, President Trump offers each of us clarity. His policies are rooted in common sense. He understands the importance of strength, both at home and abroad, and leads with courage.

New York deserves someone who’s ready to fight for it as the country does. We need President Trump’s leadership to bring back the city we all love. Now, let me leave you with a quote from one of my favorite presidents, Ronald Reagan, who said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for. It must be protected and handed on for them to do the same.” While Reagan was an extraordinary president, there is no doubt in my mind that President Donald J. Trump is the greatest leader and president this nation has ever seen. President Trump understands that the fight for freedom is never over. If we fight for him, my fellow Americans, we can restore New York, restore this country, secure the future of this great nation for generations to come. Thank you. God bless you, God bless the Trump family, and God bless the United States of America

MUSIC (02:10:07):

Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton.

Old times there are not forgotten.

Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land.

Speaker 2 (02:10:39):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage Congressman, Byron Donalds.

MUSIC (02:10:47):

Your time is up, my time is now.

You can’t see me, my time is now.

It’s the franchise, boy, I’m shining now.

You can’t see me, my time is now.

In case you forgot or fell off.

I’m still hot, knock your shell off.

My money stack fat, plus I can’t turn the swell off.

The franchise doing big business, I live this.

It’s automatic, I win this.

Oh, you hear those horns, you finished.

A soldier, and I stay under you fighting.

Plus I’m storming on you chumps.

Like I’m thunder and lightning.

Ain’t no way you breaking me, kid, I’m harder than nails.

Plus I keep it on lock like I’m part of the jail.

Byron Donalds (02:11:47):

Man, is it good to be home in New York City? Usually, I got a lot to say, but this one’s special to me.

Grant Cardone (02:12:00):

… me. I was born in Brooklyn, New York. In New York, we refer to MSG as the mecca. We refer to it as the center of entertainment, and in nine days, it’s going to be the launch point for the center of making Donald Trump the 47th President of the United States.

Audience (02:12:27):


Grant Cardone (02:12:36):

I don’t even want to talk about Kamala. Why? Why would we waste our time? She doesn’t even want to talk about herself. She tells us she grew up in a middle-class family, but I don’t care, because there’s families today in New York, in Chicago, in Philadelphia, in Milwaukee, in Phoenix. They are struggling because of Kamala Harris and they are saying the same thing we’re saying. “We had enough. We need Donald Trump back.”

She broke the border. She broke the border and doesn’t even have the guts to tell you the truth, but that’s okay, because the next President of the United States, he’s going to fix the border, because he did it once and he’s going to do it again. She unleashed the massive inflation that has made it harder for every working family in our country. If she was around when I was a kid, it would’ve devastated my mom, who still lives in Brooklyn. Hi, Mom. How you doing?

And you think she has an answer for the people who are trying to find ways to get ahead? No, she doesn’t. Nothing but word salad. I like salad. Everybody should have some. It’s healthy. It’s good for you. But this word-salad mess is demented. It is meant to make you think that she’s smart and you’re somehow dumb. The truth of the matter is the common sense of the American people is what is needed today, and that will be brought by Donald J. Trump. Then you look around the world. Look around the world. She says she was the last person in the room after that disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. That withdrawal is seared into my mind. I remember watching Afghanis hold on to the sides of airplanes to escape the Taliban. And as I’m watching this, the one thing I know is that if Donald Trump was president, that never would have happened. Never would have happened.

But I have a special message to everybody around the world, especially those who want to find themselves getting into the business of other people or messing with our greatest ally in Israel. Donald Trump is going to stand by Israel 100% of the way. 100% of the way. And Donald Trump is going to get us out of these wars, because he did it once and he’s going to do it again.

But the last thing we’re going to fix, and it’s a big one. You see, I got three kids. They’re all boys, and I’ll be damned if you’re going to have some school tell my boys that they can now be girls. Not on my watch. Not on the watch of Donald Trump. I can promise you that. We’re going to have common sense in America again under Donald Trump. We’re going to get men out of women’s sports under Donald Trump. America will take its place again as the Shining City on the Hill, as the leader of the world, as the number one nation, as the great experiment, because he’s going to fix it once again. And it’s together, New York and around America. We are going to make America great again. God bless you, New York. God bless America. Let’s go win. Let’s go win.

MUSIC (02:17:29):

Your time is up, my time is now.

Now, now.

You can’t see me. My time is now.

Now, now.

It’s the franchise, boy I’m shining now.

Now, now.

You can’t see me. My time is now!

Now, now.

In case you forgot or fell off, I’m still hot, knock your shell off.

My money stack fat, plus I can’t turn the swell off.

The franchise, doing big business, I live this.

It’s automatic I win this.

Oh, you hear those horns, you finished.

A soldier, and I stay under you fighting.

Plus I’m storming on you chumps like I’m thunder and lightning.

Ain’t no way you breaking me, kid. I’m harder than nails.

Plus I keep it on lock like I’m part of the jail.

I’m slaughtering stale competition…

Speaker 50 (02:17:52):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage Chair of the House Republican Conference, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik.

Alina Habba (02:18:30):

Hello, New York. I have a message for the mainstream media, and I can say this as a born and raised New Yorker. New York is Trump country.

Wow. It is incredible to be here in the iconic Madison Square Garden. President Trump has been talking about this rally for years, and what a way to kick off the final week of the most epic campaign to save America. Every election we say is the most important in our lifetime, but this one really is. No matter where you go, whether it’s in New York City, upstate New York, or in any of the swing states, people understand there is so much at stake. And it is we, the people. When we vote for President Donald J. Trump, we, the people, will save America.

Just look at the crises that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have brought to our nation and have brought right here to New York. The border crisis: illegals swarming our streets, taking billions of our hard-earned taxpayer dollars, all because Kamala Harris is Joe Biden’s open-border czar. She owns this border crisis. She created it. Or the inflation crisis: the highest rate of inflation in our lifetime. And you know who was the deciding vote for Joe Biden’s? Inflation Expansion Act? Kamala Harris. And the crime crisis. Democrats are the party of defund the police, and Kamala Harris has turned her back on our men and women in blue. New Yorkers support our police. We will always back the blue.

And then take a look around the world. What is happening? You had the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Kamala Harris was the last person in the room advising Joe Biden of that horrific mistake. You had Putin invading Ukraine, and then just over one year ago, we had our most precious ally, Israel, under attack from Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists, and Kamala Harris has turned her back on Israel. And what did we see? What did we see on our college campuses? We saw a skyrocketing of anti-Semitism. Let me ask you all, did you see that committee hearing with those college presidents, now former college presidents? That’s right. I asked the presidents of Penn, MIT and Harvard, “Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate your university’s code of conduct?” And one after the other said, “It depends on the context,” and the world heard. You are fired. Five have been fired, so many to go.

And compare that with President Trump. He brought us the most secure border in our nation’s history. He brought us the strongest economy. He proudly supports our law enforcement, and he has and always will stand with Israel. Donald J. Trump has fought for us, the American people, whether it was fighting against the sham impeachment, which I was a proud member of President Trump’s impeachment defense team, whether it was standing up for election integrity, or whether it was facing the witch-hunts by New York’s own Tish James, Alvin Bragg and corrupt judges.

After we fire Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, we’re going to fire Kathy Hochul, Alvin Bragg, Tish James. You’re fired. As I said, President Trump has fought for us. It is now our opportunity to fight for him. And New York, we made history when we fired Nancy Pelosi once and for all and flipped those five congressional seats. We need to make history again. So nine days. Flood the polls. Vote for President Donald J. Trump to save New York and save America. God bless you. God bless the United States of America. Thank you very much.

Speaker 50 (02:24:41):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson.

MUSIC (02:24:53):

Only in America, where we dream in red, white and blue.

Only in America, where we dream as big as we want to.

We all get a chance. Everybody gets to dance, only in America.

Mike Johnson (02:25:25):

Hello, Madison Square Garden. Is New York ready to make America great again? My friends, I came here tonight so excited to be with you. I came off of the field to give you a very important field report. Now, I’ve been traveling all around the country nonstop. We’ve been to the red states and the blue states. We’ve been to the safe districts and the swing districts. We’ve been all around America, and I’m going to tell you what’s happening right now. I’m here to report something. There’s something very powerful happening out there among the base, okay? I’m telling you, there’s an energy out there that we have not seen before, and I am convinced that in nine days, we are going to grow the House majority. We’re going to take back the Senate and send Donald Trump back to the White House.

Let me tell you why that is. Let me tell you why that is: because everywhere around the country, no matter where you live, everybody is fed up and they are fired up. They’re fed up. It doesn’t matter what demographic they’re in. It doesn’t matter what walk of life. They know that we cannot afford four more years of Kamala Harris in the White House, and we can’t possibly afford turning the House or the Senate over to the Democrats.

Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you what I asked these groups all around the country. Do you want four more years of open borders? I don’t think you do.

Audience (02:26:54):


Mike Johnson (02:26:54):

No. No. Do you want four more years of high cost and inflation?

Audience (02:27:01):


Mike Johnson (02:27:01):

Do you want four more years of rising crime in every community? No.

Audience (02:27:04):


Mike Johnson (02:27:06):

Or how about four more years of woke ideology in our schools, in our military?

Audience (02:27:12):


Mike Johnson (02:27:12):

Do you want four more years of wars and weakness on the world stage?

Audience (02:27:18):


Mike Johnson (02:27:18):

Nobody does. American voters are sick of it and they want a change. Now, listen. For the last two years we’ve had a bit of a dilemma, right? The House has been the only firewall in Washington standing between Chuck Schumer and the Democrats in the Senate, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, and the American people. Now we played defense. We block their woke America-last agenda and we passed solutions to all the great challenges facing the country. But here’s the problem. They got stopped in the Senate. We also had the smallest Republican majority in US history.

But you know what the good news is? We’re about to grow that majority. That’s what’s going to happen on November 5th. New York is going to make that happen. You’re going to elect your incumbents here and our challengers and you’re going to make the big difference. And we need a Republican Senate so we can retire Chuck Schumer for good. And America needs, and everybody knows, no matter where we are in the country, we know we have to get Donald J. Trump back to the White House so we can get this thing fixed.

When we do that, we’re going to secure the border once and for all. We’re going to unleash American energy dominance again. We’re going to lower the cost of living. We’re going to support our allies and stand up to our adversaries. We’re going to defend our rights and our freedoms and the troops and the veterans who fought for them, and we will protect the values and the principles that made America the greatest nation in the history of the world. I’ll just leave you with this thought. We’re not in a battle this time just between two different political parties. It’s much deeper than that. There’s something much more fundamental going on. We’re in a battle between two completely different visions for who we are as a nation and who we’re going to be. We revere the founding principles. We revere our Judeo-Christian foundations. We revere individual freedom and limited government and the rule of law and peace through strength and fiscal responsibility, free markets, human dignity, secure borders.

But the other team doesn’t any more, my friends. This is not your father’s Democratic Party. They are now full-on to Marxism and socialism. They don’t envision for us to save the founding principles in the greatest nation in the history of the world. Instead, what they envision for us is that we would be some sort of European-style, Marxist, borderless utopia. We all know that’s a dangerous fool’s errand.

You know what’s going to happen in nine days? The American people are going to let their voices be heard. We are going to take this country back. We’re going to restore the foundations and we are truly going to make America great again. Thank you so much. God bless you. God bless the United States of America.

MUSIC (02:30:41):

Only in America, where we dream in red, white and blue.

Only in America, where we dream as big as we want to.

We all get a chance. Everybody gets to dance…

Speaker 50 (02:30:51):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage Vivek Ramaswamy.

MUSIC (02:30:54):

I’ve got that lightning inside me.

Son of a god.

I’m like a titan that’s rising.

Oh, just you watch.

I’m stepping into fate.

There is no time to waste.

I’ve got that lightning inside me.

This is how legends are made.

Vivek Ramaswamy (02:31:35):

I’ll tell you something. I don’t follow the polls, I don’t follow the pundits, but I follow the energy, and this does not feel like second-place energy in here tonight. I had a friend of mine, smart guy, he’s a billionaire, texted me this morning, and he said, “Why the hell are you guys wasting your time in New York City instead of going to a swing state?” You want to know what I told him? I said, “Welcome to 2024. New York is a swing state.”

I got a message for Kamala Harris tonight. We’re feeling the joy in New York City tonight, aren’t we? And the only celebration bigger than this one right now is going to be on the evening of November 5th, when we send Donald J. Trump back to the White House as your 47th president and commander-in-chief. And I’m looking around here. There’s only one man who is going to be more happy than everybody else in this room when that happens, and that is going to be a man by the name of Joe Biden, actually. He is so pissed off about what they did then. And he’s thinking it, but I’m going to say it. Identity politics never works in America. When you select somebody on the basis of their race and their gender, it always ends up being a disaster. And I’m actually talking about Tim Walsh this time, by the way. It goes both ways.

So listen up, guys. Last year I became the youngest person ever to run for US president as a Republican. Thank you. I appreciate that. And I’ll tell you something about my generation. We are lost. We are hungry to be part of something bigger than ourselves, yet we can’t even answer what it means to be an American today. We’re in the middle of a national identity crisis. Faith in God, patriotism, hard work, family. These things have disappeared, only to be replaced by woke-ism and transgenderism, climatism, COVID-ism, depression, anxiety, fentanyl, suicide. These are symptoms of a deeper void of purpose and meaning in our country, and right now, we need to step up and fill that void with our own vision.

Answer, what does it mean to be an American in the year 2024? It means we believe in the ideals of 1776. It means we believe in merit: that the best person gets the job regardless of their skin color, that you get ahead in this country not on the color of your skin, but on the content of your character and your contributions. That’s why we’re done with the woke DEI agenda. Bringing in meritocracy to America. It means we believe in the rule of law, and I say this as the kid of legal immigrants to this country. That means your first act of entering this country cannot break the law, and that is why if we’ve had the largest influx of illegals into this country in American history, we will have the largest mass deportation in American history. That is now racist or xenophobic. That is what it means to stand for the rule of law in the United States of America.

It means we believe in self-governance: that the people we elect to run the government, for God’s sake, ought to be the ones who actually run the government, not unelected bureaucrats in the deep state that are running the show today. So you want another mass deportation? Let’s get 3 million federal bureaucrats out of the DC bureaucracy. That’s the mass deportation that saves the country.

What does it mean to be American? It means we have elections we can trust and believe in, and that means single-day voting on election day as a national holiday with paper ballots and government-issued ID to match the voter file. That’s how we save the country after we win at this time by voting early. These are not black ideas or white ideas. They are American ideals that set this country into motion. We’re in a war to revive them, and right now we need the commander-in-chief who will lead us to victory. That is your next president, Donald J. Trump.

If you want to seal the border, vote Trump. If you want to restore law and order in this country, vote Trump. If you want to grow the economy in this country, vote Trump. If you want to revive national pride in this country, vote Trump. If you want to stay out of World War III in this country, vote Trump. If you want to make America great again, vote Trump. I’m going to give you one more reason to vote Trump, and it’s this. It’s the one the media in the back, they won’t talk about this, but they know it to be true. Donald Trump is actually the president who will unite this country, actually, and we don’t talk about that enough.

America First includes all Americans, regardless of their race, their gender, or their sexual orientation. Our message to Black Americans tonight is this: we want you what we want for every American. Safe neighborhoods, good jobs, clean streets, a country where you are judged based on the content of your character, not the color of your skin or your political beliefs. That’s the America we know. Our message to gay Americans tonight is this: you’re free to marry who you want, if you want, without the government standing in your way. But that doesn’t mean that boys get to compete with girls in girls’ sports or you do genital mutilation and chemical castration on our children.

Our message to every legal immigrant in this country is this: you’re like my parents. If you came legally, you get the same American dream that everybody else does. Work hard, get ahead, make contributions to this country, love the nation, and that’s our message to legal immigrants. But our message to every illegal immigrant is also this: we will return you to your country of origin, not because you’re all bad people, but because you broke the law, and the United States of America is on the rule of law.

Our message to my generation, the Millennials, is this. You were sold a false bill of goods. You were told you’d become a gender-studies major in California. Somehow that gets you a headstart on the American dream, when it hasn’t worked out that way. Dead on your shoulders. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Yes, it’s true you were lied to. But we can’t just be cynical about our country, because this is still the last best hope that we have in the free world.

And our message to Gen Z is this. You’re going to be the generation that saves the country. You want to be a rebel, 18 years old, stand up on your college campus and call yourself a conservative. Be proud of it. Say you want to get married, have kids, raise a family and have a good job. That’s how we win in America. We don’t have to be this nation in decline. We are still on our way up. We’re still that country where we will look our children in the eye and mean it when we tell them, “You get ahead in the United States with your own hard work, your own commitment, your own dedication, and that, you know what? You are free to speak your mind at every step of the way.”

That is the American Dream. That is what we are running to and that is what we get when we send Donald Trump back to the White House this November. Thank you, God bless you in the great state of New York, and may God bless our United States of America. Thank you. God bless. Thank you, guys.

MUSIC (02:40:09):

I’ve got that lightning inside me.

Son of a god.

I’m like a titan that’s rising.

Oh, just you watch.

I’m stepping into fate.

There is no time to waste.

I’ve got that lightning inside me.

This is how legends are made.

Speaker 50 (02:40:42):

Ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome to the stage former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard.

MUSIC (02:40:49):

La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.

Let me back it up to the start of the climb.

Faced with an army of vipers and lions.

I had to keep on reaching up, because it was my time.

To tear down the kingdom, call out the liars.

Got a jail on my heart-

Tulsi Gabbard (02:41:24):

Hello, New York. Join me as I say these words.

Audience (02:41:32):

[inaudible 02:41:35].

Tulsi Gabbard (02:41:34):

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal and that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, and that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

As we gather here today on this historic occasion, we stand together as proud Americans and understanding that these very rights are under attack. So we face this historic crossroads where our freedom and our future is in our hands. There’s never been a more clear choice in any election in my life, and our ability to live in a truly peaceful and free and prosperous country is on the line.

Audience (02:42:32):

Love you, Tulsi.

Tulsi Gabbard (02:42:33):

I love you too. And it is that love, that love that brings us together here today, that love for freedom, that love for our country and love for each other as fellow Americans, as children of God, that compels us to take action to save our country and defend our freedom. Now, this choice that we have before us is very personal to me. I’m a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve. I’ve served now for over 21 years. I’ve deployed to different war zones three times over that period, and I’ve seen the cost of war. For my brothers and sisters who paid the ultimate price, I carry their memories and their sacrifice in my heart every day. So this choice that we have before us as Americans is critical. It’s important to us. It’s important to those of us who served, who have volunteered to put our lives on the line for the safety, security, and freedom of our country and our people, and it’s critical to all of us.

Here is the choice that we have. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney and it’s a vote for more war, likely World War III and nuclear war. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for a man who wants to end wars, not start them, and who has demonstrated already that he has the courage and strength to stand up and fight for peace.

A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for open borders, where known violent criminals and Islamist terrorists are streaming across our borders, placing us at risk. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for secure borders and safe communities and a confidence that he will seek out those who seek to do us harm and get them out.

Tulsi Gabbard (02:45:00):

A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for economic hardship, high cost of living, poverty and homelessness and a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for economic prosperity and opportunity for every single one of us as Americans. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for censorship and a complete erosion of our fundamental and constitutional rights and freedoms, a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for someone who will defend freedom and every one of our God-given rights that are enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. So, the choice is ours. History will look back on us at this moment for the choice that we make. Did we choose war or peace? Did we choose poverty or prosperity? Did we choose censorship or freedom?

Audience (02:46:01):


Tulsi Gabbard (02:46:06):

Our freedom and our future is in our hands. We have just a few days left to complete this no-fail mission that we have before us to save our country. Nothing short of our future is on the line. So, now, just as we’ve gathered here today in this historic place and this historic time, we will gather together all across this country, people of every race, ethnicity, religion and creed, to stand together and defend our freedom and ensure our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Now is the time for us to send Donald Trump back to the White House to be the 47th president of the United States where we can stand together and make America great again. Thank you so much. Let’s get it done. Aloha.

Speaker 51 (02:47:49):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage former presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:47:55):

[inaudible 02:48:17] Thank you, New York. Thank you. Thank you.

Audience (02:47:55):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:47:55):

Thank you.

Audience (02:47:55):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:49:07):

A lot of people ask me why I left the Democratic Party.

Speaker 52 (02:49:13):

[inaudible 02:49:14]

Audience (02:49:20):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:49:20):

And I say I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me. This is not the party anymore of Martin Luther King, of Robert Kennedy, of John Kennedy, that was the party of peace, it was the party of constitutional rights, of civil rights, of freedom of speech, it was the party that wanted to protect and nurture the middle class, it was the party that stood up to censorship, to surveillance and stood up to the CIA, the military industrial complex and it was the party that wanted to protect public health and women’s sports. My uncle Ted Kennedy wrote Title IX which protected women’s sports in college. It was the party that believed in voting rights and fought for the right of every American to vote for the person of their choice.

Today’s Democratic Party is the party of war, is the party of the CIA. You had Kamala Harris giving a speech at the Democratic Convention that was written by neocons, it was belligerent, Ignatius, had talked about the domination of the world by the United States through our weapons of war, is the party today that wants to divide Americans, it’s the party that is dismantling women’s sports by letting men play women’s sports.

Audience (02:51:15):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:51:21):

It’s the party of Wall Street, it’s the party of Bill Gates who just gave $50 million to Kamala Harris.

Audience (02:51:31):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:51:33):

It’s the party-

Speaker 53 (02:51:33):

[inaudible 02:51:34]

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:51:38):

And the Harris campaign is very proud that it received the endorsement of 50 former CIA agents and officers.

Audience (02:51:45):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:51:48):

And of John Bolton and of Dick Cheney. These are the people that gave us a war in Iraq, the worst foreign policy catastrophe that’s ever happened to this country. These are the people that gave us the Patriot Act that launched the surveillance state. These are the people that are trying to undermine voting rights in this country by weaponizing the federal agencies against political candidates, including me and Donald Trump and all other political candidates, they can’t win an election. And instead of bringing in a candidate who wins the primaries, abolish the primaries and then pick two candidates, anoint them without receiving votes. We don’t even know how Kamala Harris received the nomination.

Speaker 54 (02:52:50):

[inaudible 02:52:53]

Speaker 55 (02:52:50):

[inaudible 02:52:55]

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:52:57):

And this is the party of Wall Street, of big banks, of big data, of big tech, of the military contractors and the parties of big pharma, big ag, big food and big chemicals. It is the party that’s given us the sickest children in the history of the world.

Speaker 56 (02:53:22):

[inaudible 02:53:24]

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:53:25):

When my uncle was president, 6% of Americans had chronic disease and we spend zero on chronic disease in this country. Today, 60% of Americans have chronic disease, this is existential for our country. We’re spending $4.3 trillion a year, five times our military budget. 77% of American boys cannot qualify for military service because of chronic disease diagnoses, this is existential for our country. President Trump called me three hours after his shooting and he said would I come and sit down with him and he said to me during that meeting, he said, “There are some things that we can agree on and some we disagree on but the landscapes on which we agree are so much larger.” He said, “I want to end the wars.”

Audience (02:54:30):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:54:30):

“I want to end the surveillance and censorship.”

Audience (02:54:33):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:54:35):

“I want to protect the Constitution.”

Audience (02:54:40):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:54:40):

“I want to protect freedom of speech.”

Audience (02:54:45):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:54:45):

“I want to end the surveillance, I want to end the weaponization of government against American politicians and I want to end the chronic disease epidemic.”

Audience (02:55:03):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:55:03):

Now, don’t you think that we deserve a president in this country who’s going to restore the moral authority of the United States of America?

Speaker 57 (02:55:13):


Speaker 58 (02:55:15):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:55:16):

Don’t you think that we deserve a president who’s going to end the warfare state and rebuild the middle class?

Audience (02:55:25):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:55:27):

Don’t you want a president who’s going to put America first?

Speaker 59 (02:55:35):


Audience (02:55:36):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:55:36):

And don’t you want a president who’s going to protect our children?

Audience (02:55:43):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:55:43):

And who’s going to protect women’s sports?

Audience (02:55:48):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:55:48):

And who’s going to stop dividing this country around long racial lines?

Speaker 60 (02:55:54):


Speaker 61 (02:55:54):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:55:55):

And don’t you want a president who’s going to end the corruption at the federal agencies?

Audience (02:56:05):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:56:05):

At FDA, at NIH, at CDC and at the CIA?

Audience (02:56:09):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:56:14):

And don’t you want a president who’s going to make America healthy again?

Audience (02:56:26):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:56:26):

And don’t you want a president who’s going to make America great again?

Audience (02:56:33):


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (02:56:34):

Then we need to go to the polls on November 5th and vote for Donald Trump. God bless you and God bless America.

Speaker 51 (02:56:40):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, Tucker Carlson.

Audience (02:56:40):


Tucker Carlson (02:56:40):

Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha. Thank you.

Audience (02:56:40):


Tucker Carlson (02:58:03):

Ah. I saw the Grateful Dead in this arena in 1987, I was seated right there. How weird. It’s such an honor to be here and it’s wild. Just another day following Bobby Kennedy, Jr. at a Donald Trump rally in Madison Square Garden. What? That’s totally normal. Liz Cheney’s out there with Kamala Harris and there’s Bobby Kennedy calling to protect the women’s sports at a Trump rally. It’s a realignment, it’s unbelievable and the fact that it’s here is even sweeter. Imagine if you’re … And just pause for one moment. Imagine you’re Donald Trump, you’re from New York City, you become famous in New York City, you make your fortune in New York City and, all of a sudden, the leadership of New York City decides they’re going to destroy you because they don’t like your politics and so, they-

Audience (02:59:02):


Tucker Carlson (02:59:03):

Yeah, boo. Imagine if that were you though and they try and take everything that you have, they try and put you in prison, they try and put your children in prison. If that happened to you, how often do you think you’d be going back to New York City?

Audience (02:59:17):


Tucker Carlson (02:59:18):

How about never? And yet he’s here, it’s like getting thrown out of a bar. And you think to yourself, “Well, all my friends are in the bar.” And you approach the door and there’s the bouncer like, “You’re not allowed in here.” But from behind the bouncer, you hear the cheers of your friend, “Come on in,” and the bouncer hangs his head in shame. He’s embarrassed that he’s working for the man trying to keep the most popular person out of the bar. And that’s Donald Trump back in the city that produced him with no embarrassment at all in a room full of his friends. The stones that takes, the bravery that takes is incredible. Donald Trump’s going to win.

Audience (03:00:03):


Tucker Carlson (03:00:04):

He’s going to win. I know that that’s true. Why is Donald Trump going to win? The people he’s about to defeat have no idea. And they’re panicked, they have no idea why people like Donald Trump. And their first theory was, well, Donald Trump is evil so half the country’s evil also. And that’s one of the reasons they spent the last four years trying to destroy the country because they’re mad at its voters for liking Donald Trump. How much easier would it have been just to pause for 20 minutes and ask yourself honestly in some silent place why do people like Donald Trump. And if they had been honest enough to ask themselves that question, they would’ve come up with the two main reasons and here’s what they are.

The first reason that people like Donald Trump is because he likes them, that’s why. And it’s real, affection is something you can’t fake. I don’t care how many times Kamala Harris would tell me she loves me, I don’t believe her.

Speaker 62 (03:01:02):


Tucker Carlson (03:01:04):

I saw her kiss her husband with a mask on, a mask on. That’s her version of love. It’s fake, it’s not real. They spent 10 years telling you Trump is a hater, do you feel that on him? No, you don’t.

Audience (03:01:22):


Tucker Carlson (03:01:22):

Because it’s not there. I’ve spent a lot of time with Trump and there’s not one moment I’ve ever been with him off camera where he’s spending his time grousing about people he hates, ever. He’s talking about the people and the country he loves in his private time, trust me. And people know, in a country that has been taken over by a leadership class that actually despises them and their values and their history and their culture and their customs really hates them to the point that it’s trying to replace them, they know someone who actually has affection for them and that’s Donald Trump.

Speaker 63 (03:01:56):


Audience (03:01:56):


Tucker Carlson (03:01:57):

And it’s requited. It’s requited, they know. When he goes to McDonald’s and serves fries, he’s not faking that at all, that’s why that worked. Democratic media consultant is like, “How is that working?” Because it’s real, that’s why. And the second reason that people love Trump and I put myself in this category, it’s why I’m here today is because he’s liberated us in the deepest and truest sense. And the liberation he has brought to us is the liberation from the obligation to tell lies. Donald Trump has made it possible for the rest of us to tell the truth about the world around us and that’s the single most liberating thing you can do for people. If you want to enslave people, if you want to degrade them, force them to tell lies and they have. They forced us to lie about everything at gunpoint effectively. They put people in prison for refusing to lie.

And not just the obvious lies that men can become women or Vladimir Putin blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, no, honestly, he did. January 6th was insurrection, they were unarmed but it was very insurrectiony. Not even the obvious ones but the big lie. You know what the big lie is? The big lie is that they’re impressive, that’s what the big lie is. That the people in charge have somehow earned the right to rule over you and they haven’t and you know that. These are the single most useless people in the United States, they have no skills whatsoever.

Audience (03:03:29):


Tucker Carlson (03:03:29):

They’ve got three quarters of the money and they didn’t earn it. They set up a system precisely for the purpose of awarding themselves wealth and power when it’s undeserved. You look at Liz Cheney and you ask yourself honestly, what skill could she possibly have that allowed her to send hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths? Did she earn that? I don’t think she did. No fair system would make Liz Cheney powerful. No fair system would make Larry Fink rich. No fair system would elevate someone like Kamala Harris to a presidential nomination. She’s never been accused of doing anything useful, she has precisely no achievement, she’s a nominee without getting a single vote. She’s a metaphor for the system they created to make themselves rich and powerful and then they have the gall to lecture you that people can actually change a flat tire and repair a power grid, who have useful jobs, who pay your taxes and work 40 hours a week, lecture you that you are somehow immoral.

And Donald Trump has empowered the rest of us through mostly just sticking around in the face of their hate and abuse and persecution, he has given the rest of us the right to call BS on the charade. No, you are not better than us. No, you are not smarter than us. No, you do not deserve what you have, you probably stole it. No, you’re not going to bully me into silence anymore. And I can promise you, at this point, nine days out when Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Elon Musk and Tulsi Gabbard and pretty much every high school senior and college shorty girl in the country has come out and finally say, “Yeah, I am for Donald Trump, actually.”

Audience (03:05:18):


Tucker Carlson (03:05:18):

When the entire country has realized there is nothing embarrassing about this, what’s embarrassing is to take a perfectly great country and destroy it as they have. I’m not ashamed, you should be. At that moment, it’s going to be pretty tough for them 10 days from now to look in the eye to America with a straight face, it’s going to be pretty hard to look at us and say, “You know what? Kamala Harris, she got 85 million votes because she’s just so impressive.” As the first Samoan, Malaysian, blow IQ, former California prosecutor ever to be elected president, it was just a groundswell of popular support and anyone who thinks otherwise is just a freak or a criminal. At this stage of the game after nine years of listening to their lies and finding every single one of them totally false, no, it’s not safe and effective and, no, she’s not impressive. It’s very hard for me to believe the rest of us are going to say, “You know what, Joe Scarborough, you’re right, you’re right. She won fair and square because she’s just so impressive.”

I don’t think so. And to me, that is liberation. It’s the freedom to say what’s obviously true as a free man and not a slave. And I just want to say thank you, Donald Trump, for that.

Audience (03:06:43):


Speaker 51 (03:06:43):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, professional wrestler, Hulk Hogan.

Audience (03:06:43):


Hulk Hogan (03:10:07):

Well, let me tell you something, Trumpamaniacs, welcome to the house that Hulkamania built. You know something? Usually, when I’m in Madison Square Garden, I’m body slamming giants, I’m winning world heavyweight titles and I’m cracking people over the heads with steel chairs and the energy in Madison Square Garden is off the Richter scale. But today, Trumpamaniacs, the energy in here is something like I’ve never felt. The energy of all these Trumamaniacs is the most powerful force in the universe and, today, this is Donald Trump’s house, brother. You know something, Trumpamaniacs? I don’t see no stinking Nazis in here, I don’t see no stinking domestic terrorists in here, the only thing I see in here are a bunch of hardworking men and women that are real Americans, brother.

Audience (03:11:10):


Hulk Hogan (03:11:19):

When I hear my president and our president Donald Trump speak, he sounds for real, brother, he sounds like he has a heart of gold, this all for the USA. But when I hear Kamala speak-

Audience (03:11:36):


Hulk Hogan (03:11:36):

… it sounds, yeah, it sounds like a script from Hollywood with a really, really bad actress. Kamala is responsible for the border crisis and Kamala is also responsible for inflation. And then you know something? She acts like she’s the victim. And then, all of a sudden, she flips, she flops, she spins and turns it around and acts like she’s going to be the hero.

Audience (03:12:20):


Hulk Hogan (03:12:24):

But we all know Trump is the man that can fix this country today.

Audience (03:12:30):


Hulk Hogan (03:12:34):

And with Trump as our commander in chief, peace through strength will fix all the problems in the Middle East. I’ve been coming to this building month after month after month and I’ve seen sold out crowds over and over again for over 40 years. And for 40 years, I’ve always asked the question, “What you going to do?” Over and over and over again, “What you going to do?” Well, today, after feeling the energy in this building, I finally got the answer and the answer is vote for Trump.

Audience (03:13:22):


Hulk Hogan (03:13:28):

So, now, I got a couple questions for you. What you going to do about the border invasion?

Audience (03:13:40):

Vote for Trump.

Hulk Hogan (03:13:40):

What you going to do about inflation?

Audience (03:13:45):

Vote for Trump.

Hulk Hogan (03:13:45):

What you going to do about keeping America safe, brother?

Audience (03:13:51):

Vote for Trump.

Hulk Hogan (03:13:51):

And what you going to do about putting God in our homes, in our country and our schools?

Audience (03:14:02):

Vote for Trump.

Hulk Hogan (03:14:03):

So, I guess we’re all on the same page so I got one final question for you. What you going to do and who’s going to make America great again?

Audience (03:14:17):

Donald Trump.

Hulk Hogan (03:14:18):

God bless Donald Trump, he’s our next president.

Audience (03:17:29):


Hulk Hogan (03:17:30):

Thank you, guys.

Audience (03:17:30):

Whoo. Whoo.

Speaker 51 (03:17:30):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage founder of Marriage Street Media, Dr. Phil McGraw.

MUSIC (03:17:36):

Born free!

I was born free!

I was born free, born free.

Free, like a river raging.

Strong as the wind I’m facing.

Chasing dreams and racing father time.

Deep like the grandest canyon.

Wild like an untamed stallion.

If you can’t see my heart you must be blind.

You can knock me down and watch me bleed.

But you can’t keep no chains on me.

I was born free!

I was born free!

Audience (03:17:51):


Speaker 64 (03:17:51):

Dr. Phil.

Audience (03:17:51):


Dr. Phil McGraw (03:17:51):

Thank you.

Dr. Phil (03:18:36):

You guys look just like you do when I’m on TV. Except for you, you look a little different. Listen, I love you guys for caring enough about the United States of America to come out here tonight. Thank you so much for caring enough to come out here tonight. I have to tell you, I love this country. I do. I love this country. I stand up when our flag goes by. I put my hand over my heart when they play our national anthem, and I’m so proud to see so many people take time out of their day to come out here and stand up for this country. And strangely enough, I’m not here just to stand up for Donald J. Trump. Lord knows he doesn’t need me to stand up for him. He’s tough as an old Army boot. He’s got lots of enemies, different groups that are scared, and between them, they have impeached him, indicted him, raided him, railroaded him, shot him and sued him. And where is he? He is still standing. He just keeps on coming because he loves this country too. I can be honest because we have free speech in America.

I can be honest and say I don’t like or agree everything that Donald J. Trump does or says. Come on. Nobody agrees with everything or likes everything somebody else says or does, right? No human is perfect. We don’t strive for perfection. We strive for excellence, but you don’t have to love everything about someone in order to love them. And the last thing he needs is some celebrity endorsement. What the hell do I know? I know I’m no celebrity to begin with. And celebrities don’t know anything about policies or politics. Only difference between me and them is I’m willing to admit it.

Why am I here? I’ll tell you why I’m here. I’m here to talk to and stand up for the people who have declared their support for Donald J. Trump, or they got found out, or they want to do it, but they’re too intimidated. Because you know what happens when somebody in this country says, “Hey, I’m going to vote Republican. I’m going to vote Donald J. Trump.” They get canceled, intimidated, marginalized, excluded, or even fired or boycotted. And you know what that means? In short, that adds up to being bullied.

And now we’re talking about something I know a hell of a lot about. Now you’re in my wheelhouse, buddy. I may not be an expert in politics, but I am an expert about bullying, and bullying is when you seek to harm somebody, you seek to intimidate, coerce, cause distress, fear, risk to their well-being, and it can be physical, verbal, relational or cyber bullying. And it’s always wrong. You said it my friend. It is always wrong when you bully somebody. And that’s what’s going on.

Now, let me tell you what the critics are going to say when they hear me talking about this. They’re going to say, “Now, wait a minute. Come on. Isn’t Trump a bully?” And let me tell you why the answer to that question is no. Because to be a bully, there has to be an imbalance of power. And when there’s not, it’s just called a debate and he’s just better at it than anybody else. It is called debating. It’s called arguing. It may even name-calling, but it’s not bullying unless there’s an imbalance of power. And whoever he talks to, they’ve got a microphone, they got on their big boy pants, they got a stage, they got everything else. He’s just better at it.

And the same thing is true. When the Democrats or Harris call him fascist, Hitler, racist, misogynist or a crook, is that bullying? Not really. It’s ugly. But with the first amendment, which we all want to keep, there’s no imbalance of power, so it’s not bullying. It’s just like when he does it. It may not be the best use of energy. But when you attack civilians, when you attack a citizen and you use the power of the internet, you use mob mentality, you incite people to gang up and cause boycotts, then it’s beyond ugly. And that’s what’s happening in this country right now. And that’s not okay.

There is an imbalance of power there and it’s time that every one of us close ranks. We have to stop this now. It’s time that we push back against cancel culture. It’s time that we push back against intimidation tactics. And that is exactly the reason that I launched Merit Street Media, which, by the way, we didn’t choose the name for that by random. Merit Street Media. This country was built on hard work, added value and talent, not on equal outcome, not on DEI. This country was built on hard work and it needs to continue to be built on hard work.

And the legacy media has sold out. The legacy media has sold out. And I’ll tell you, one night, I was sitting at dinner with my wife, Robin, and I was complaining as we were flipping around and listening to the spin, spin, spin on what’s supposedly news. And I said, “Damn, I’m tired of listening to all this media spin and everything.” And without even looking up, she said, “You are the media. Why don’t you do something about it?” She said, “You got bigger ratings than the four of them combined. Why don’t you do something about it?”

As usual, she was right. And that’s why I launched the new network because we want people to think for themselves. You guys aren’t dumb. You don’t need to be told what to think. You just need the facts. And you’re here because you have the facts, right? You’re here because you recognize when legacy media edits answers and gives you what they want you to hear instead of the truth. And when they start editing their candidate’s answers, they’ve lost their moral compass, they’ve lost their way. And I would love to say it’s equal on both sides, but I’ll guarantee you, when Beyonce, George Clooney, De Niro and Lizzo come out and say they’re for Kamala Harris… When they all come out and say they’re for Kamala Harris, did you read anything or hear anything in the media criticizing it? No. But you watch what happens tomorrow morning when people find out I came here to talk to you. You say this in Hollywood and all of a sudden you ain’t got a job. The problem is I don’t need one. I don’t need a job. I got you and I’ve got a question for all of us. Have we lost our minds? We have the first amendment in America, where our government has said we will pass no laws to infringe on our freedoms for religion and speech. That’s the law, but we’re muzzling each other. What is going on? We have a law that protects free speech, so we start taking it away from each other. Are you kidding me? We can’t allow that to happen. We cannot encourage it. And let me tell you something about bullying. Bullies are bad, right? Let me tell you what else is bad bystanders. If you are a bystander, if you are watching somebody get picked on, if you’re watching somebody get bullied and you don’t do anything about it, you’re just as guilty as the bully that’s doing the bullying. Am I right? Am I right? I have talked to so many children in schools that tell me the worst feeling they’ve ever had is being bullied and feeling alone and abandoned when they are picked on and intimidated, when they wished even one person, even one other kid would step up and say, “Hey, come sit with me at lunch. Don’t sit in a stall in the bathroom and cry your way through lunch and eat alone. We are not going to let you be alone.” And it’s the same thing with adults. Adults don’t want to be cut out of the herd and feel like they’re alone. The number one need in all people is acceptance. The number one fear is rejections and bullies. They prey on that. We must claim the right to our point of view. We must be critical thinkers. And when you see somebody being picked on, then you’ve got to be willing to step up and say, “Hey, I’m with you. Don’t let that happen.”

And you’ve got to know why you’re strong on the issues you’re strong on. You’ve got to know why you’re strong on affordability and safety and security in the border and family care for men and women and law and order and your core values, for your children’s education and our military. Know why you’re where you are and when you come to your friends and coworkers being bullied, don’t be a bystander. Don’t be a bystander. You can’t let it happen.

When you say you love America, that’s a verb. That also means you love Americans. You’ve got to push back and call out the bullies. You’ve got to stand with those that have targets in their lives, targets, if they’re picking on them by calling their jobs to get them fired, boycotts or kicking them out of their jobs at church or their groups at church. I’ve spent 45 years listening to people and I was just in North Carolina after the hurricane hit down there, and you know what? I saw neighbors helping neighbors and not one of them asked are you a Democrat or a Republican? I saw neighbors helping neighbors. And we need to unify this country. You have the right to vote for who you want to vote for for president, and we need to step up and claim it and we need to stand with each other. There are so many who want to, but they’re bullied, so they’re afraid to. And let me tell you something. One of the most important days in American history was 9/12/2001. Not 9/11. We all know what happened on 9/11. One of the most important days was 9/12 because on 9/12 we all woke up and we were all Americans on 9/12.

If you were an American on 9/12, stand up right now. If you were an American on 9/12, stand up right now. That’s who we were. That’s who we are. And the difference between winners and losers is winners do things losers don’t want to do. And we have to stand proud to help our neighbors who want to vote their conscience and not be afraid. No one should be alone. No one should feel abandoned. No one should have their business boycotted. If you hear somebody’s getting their business boycotted, you should get your friends and make sure their business gets doubled. If somebody pulls their advertising from your friend’s business, you should let those advertisers know you’re going to spend their rest of your life making sure that advertiser is boycotted until they do the right thing.

You need to let people know, this is over in America. We’re going to unify this country. We’re going to listen and not be intimidated. We’re going to go out and lead by example. Let’s quit complaining about what is and start doing something about it. If your neighbor wants to vote the other way, say, fine, go vote the other way. I’ll love you anyway. Let’s lead by example. If they want to do it, let them do it. Love them anyway.

But as for you, the collective you, I don’t want you to just listen and say nice talk, Dr. Phil. I want you to march in your life. I want you to march with your beliefs. I want you to not be intimidated. Don’t be stopped and don’t just vote. Take five people with you. Like I said, the difference between winners and losers is winners do things losers don’t want to do and what they do is they take actions toward known outcomes. They deal with the truth, they set goals and they go after them with passion. And it’s time for us to bring it home.

It’s time for us to bring it home. It’s time for us to be winners. Winners, winners, winners. I started by telling you I love this country, I’ll finish by telling you I love this country, and I love you for loving this country. God bless you and God bless the United States of America. And before I leave, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next Vice President of the United States Senator JD Vance.

MUSIC (03:35:19):

Why don’t we liberate these United States?

We’re the ones who need it worst.

Let the rest of the world help us for a change.

And let’s rebuild America first.

Our highways and bridges are falling apart.

Who’s blessed and who has been cursed.

There’s things to be done all over the world.

But let’s rebuild America first.

Vivek Ramaswamy (03:36:29):

It is an honor to be here with all of you at Madison Square Garden. Now, think about this: For more than a century, America’s most celebrated heroes and legends have made history inside this iconic arena. Where we stand is where the greatest of all time, Muhammad Ali, faced Joe Frazier in the fight of the century. It’s where the king, Elvis Presley, played for 80,000 screaming fans. It’s where the immortal Hulk Hogan pinned the Iron Sheik and let Hulkamania run wild. And now, on the eve of the most important election in our history, the greatest champion of them all, Donald J. Trump, has come to Madison Square Garden. And I believe, in just eight short days, we are going to turn the United States of America red and make Donald J. Trump the President of the United States. Now, my friends, I’ve got the easiest job in American politics. Think about this: All I’ve got to do is remind people what life was like when Donald J. Trump was President of the United States. We had peace, we had prosperity. Take home pay was rising the fastest that it had in 40 years. Inflation was at 1.5%, the lowest that it had been in a generation. Gas and groceries were affordable. And when Donald Trump was President, we had the most secure border in the history of this country. That’s the Donald Trump record and that’s a record that’s going to win in just nine short days. Now, I’m going to maybe surprise a little bit of the folks in this arena because I’m going to be a little bipartisan here. I’m going to talk about Governor Tim Walz and I got to be honest with you, I feel bad for him. No, no, no. We ought to spare a prayer for Governor Tim Walz because he’s got the hardest job in American politics. He’s got to convince the… You all can say that. I probably shouldn’t say that. But think about… Our friend Tim Walz has got to convince the American people that Kamala Harris is going to somehow fix the very problem she’s been creating over the last three and a half years. He’s got to pretend that Kamala Harris didn’t open up the southern border and let millions of illegal aliens in, even though we know she did. He’s got to pretend that Kamala Harris didn’t cast the deciding vote on trillions of dollars of new spending, which created the worst affordability crisis in 40 years in this country. And he’s got to pretend that Kamala Harris actually has ideas in her head for how to govern the United States of America.

Now, if you are the praying type, and I imagine a lot of us are, please say a prayer for Tim Walz because they’re asking him to do the impossible. Kamala Harris acts like she’s the candidate of change when she’s been in office for four years. She says she can fix everything. But Kamala, day one was 1400 days ago. What the hell have you been doing that whole time?

Now, my favorite Kamala Harris moment is that when somebody asks her for specifics on how she’ll make life more affordable or groceries cheaper, she’ll say, “I grew up in a middle class family.” You say “Kamala Harris, how are you going to close down the southern border because for four years you’ve left it wide open?” And she’ll say, “I made the hash browns when I worked at McDonald’s and I was pretty good at it.” And anybody with a lick of common sense is saying, “Kamala Harris, you didn’t answer the question. You didn’t actually tell the American people how you’re going to fix what you broke.” And I got to be honest with you, even on that McDonald’s answer, I’m not sure that she ever worked at McDonald’s. In fact, I think our president, Donald J. Trump, has probably worked at McDonald’s for longer than Kamala Harris has.

Now, I’m going to say one thing in Kamala Harris’s defense. She does one thing very well. Look at this. You guys. You weren’t expecting me to be so bipartisan, but I will say this for Kamala, that every time she does an interview, I think Donald Trump picks up about 100,000 votes.

Now, we’re, of course, in one of the proud baseball cities in the United States of America, so you know the problem with a softball interview is that you’ve got to be able to hit a softball still. And that’s the problem with Kamala Harris is I don’t think that she could hit a tee ball based on what we’ve seen over the last couple of weeks. When she was asked what she would do differently, compared to Joe Biden, she said, “Nothing comes to mind.” She’s running. She’s running on how she’s going to be different, but she couldn’t name a single thing that she would do differently than Joe Biden. Now, I will say, that could be the Kamala Harris official campaign slogan. Kamala Harris, nothing comes to mind.

Now, the other day, CNN asked if she had made any mistakes as Vice President. Now, here’s what she actually said, and I’m quoting word for word. She said, “In my role as Vice President, I’ve probably worked very hard at making sure that I am well versed on issues and I think that is very important.” It’s a mistake not to be well versed on an issue and feel compelled to answer a question.

Now, I have no idea what any of that means and, frankly, neither do any of you. None of us know what the hell she says. Now, she may not be able to name any of her mistakes, but the American people sure can. And nine days from now, we’re going to tell Kamala Harris, you’re fired, go back to San Francisco where you belong. Get the hell out of the White House.

Now, together, Donald J. Trump and all of us, as part of this movement, are going to unleash a golden age of American prosperity. We’re going to make life affordable again in the United States of America. We’re going to put the American dream of home ownership within reach for millions of American young people. We’re going to secure our border and we’re going to keep our family safe. We’re going to protect your right to free speech and religious liberty. And we’re going to do it all thanks to the leadership of one man.

Now, we have to remember, that one man, Donald J. Trump, eight years ago, go back eight years, he had everything. He had fame, he had fortune, he had family, he had friends, but he gave up the easy life to save the United States of America. When they couldn’t beat him, they tried to bankrupt him. When that didn’t work, they tried to impeach him. When that didn’t work, they tried to put him in federal prison. And when that didn’t work, they even tried to kill him. But as sure as the American flag still waves, Donald Trump still stands ready to fight, ready to win, and ready to make America great again. God bless you all. Thank you so much. Let’s do it.

MUSIC (03:46:47):

Why don’t we liberate these United States?

We’re the ones who need it the worst.

Let the rest of the world help us for change.

And let’s rebuild America first.

Our highways and bridges are falling apart.

Who’s blessed and who has been cursed.

There’s thing to be done all over the world.

But let’s rebuild America first.

Speaker 65 (03:47:28):

Please welcome Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization, Eric Trump, and co-chair of the Republican National Committee, Lara Trump.

Eric Trump (03:48:40):

New York City. The greatest president we have ever had is right behind us, let’s make some noise for him. Guys, this isn’t politics. This isn’t politics. This is a family. It’s hard… But we love you too. We love you too. This is so much more than a political movement. This is the greatest family in the world. We are fighting for a country we love. We are fighting for the American flag. We are fighting for the Constitution. We are fighting for our liberty. And as a family, we’ve been out there every single day over the last 10 years.

They’ve tried everything they could to destroy my father, to destroy us. Dirty dossiers, Russian hoaxes. They tried to impeach him twice. They went after his Supreme Court nominees. They threw him off of Facebook. They threw him off of Twitter. They threw him off of Instagram. They tried to take away his first amendment right. Guys, they tried absolutely everything. They weaponized every DA and every AG in this country to try and take down my father. Here in New York, they did exactly that. Alvin Bragg, Letitia James. They tried to destroy his life.

They tried to take him off the ballot in Colorado. They tried to take him off the ballot in Maine. They tried to subdue the vote of literally hundreds of millions of Americans who absolutely adore the guy. Guys, it’s been political lawfare every single day. And then somebody tried to kill him. And despite that, every single time he stands up and he says, fight, fight, fight. And how do you think it feels for them, as we’re back in Madison Square

Eric Trump (03:51:00):

… Garden, the greatest arena anywhere in the world. Guys, I saw the Rangers play here and win the cup in ’94, every Knicks game, every concert, the greatest arena anywhere in the world. And you better believe the entire party who has failed at taking down Donald Trump, an entire party who has failed at taking down his family, they’re sitting there on those cameras right now watching all of us, watching all of you. Almost 200,000 people tried to get into this event tonight.

Audience (03:51:44):


Eric Trump (03:52:16):

The streets, Fifth Avenue, all the way from Trump Tower, all the way down to Madison Square Garden, 10 people deep. That’s how much love there is in the greatest city anywhere in the world. Guys, in nine days, we’re going to win. We’re going to win. And not only is he going to make America great again, he’s going to make New York City great again. So on behalf of our entire family, thank you. Thank you for being on the greatest ride I could have ever possibly been a part of. Thank you for 10 incredible years. I want you to know, and I speak on behalf of my entire family. I want you to know that we will never stop fighting. My father will never stop fighting. Lord will never stop fighting. I’ll never stop fighting. We live in the greatest country in the world. We are not going to allow that to slip away. And I promise you guys, the best days of this nation are ahead of us. I love you very much. New York, it’s an honor to be here.

Speaker 66 (03:53:42):

All right. Y’all, aren’t done with us just yet. I’ll say a few things if that’s okay with everybody here. Can I just say how honored I am to be the co-chair of the Republican National Committee for you guys? I’ll tell you something, we’re making sure that we have free, fair, and transparent elections and nobody’s cheating in 2024. Guys, we are nine days away from making sure we send a loud and clear message to the mainstream media, to the establishment, to the Democrats, to Hollywood, that it is not them. It is we, the people who choose our president. And we’re choosing Donald J. Trump.

And I got to tell you, it is incredible to be here in Madison Square Garden, in New York City, the greatest city on Earth, in the greatest country on Earth, the United States of America. Because if you think about it, New York City made Donald Trump, right? But Donald Trump also made New York City.

He changed the skyline of this city, rebuilt it. Remember whenever they couldn’t get an ice skating rink, Wolman Rink in Central Park? Donald Trump rebuilt the ice skating rink for New York City. By the way, under budget and ahead of schedule if I’m not mistaken, because that’s how we like to do things in the Trump family. And when nobody else was doing it, Donald Trump put his heart and soul right here in New York City. It’s true. And this is the city that made him a household name. This is the city that put Donald Trump in so many rap songs, by the way, right? And truly made him the American dream.

But I’ll tell you something, being a New Yorker teaches you something else, doesn’t it? It teaches you how to be tough. It teaches you that it doesn’t matter how hard you get hit, you get back up and you keep fighting.

Audience (03:56:08):

Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight.

Speaker 66 (03:56:16):

When they impeach you, you keep fighting. When they indict you, you keep fighting. When they take a mugshot of you, the greatest mugshot in the history of the world, you keep fighting. And when an assassin’s bullet strikes you, you don’t lay down. You get up, you stand strong, and you keep fighting. Right? Now, in case you don’t know, Donald Trump likes to go places nobody expects him. Anybody hear about a little rally up the street in the Bronx?

Audience (03:57:05):


Speaker 66 (03:57:07):

Does anybody know the last time a Republican president campaigned in the Bronx? It was Ronald Reagan, and ladies and gentlemen, he turned New York red. I’m just saying, it is the honor of my life to be part of this movement. And Eric is right, this is not just about politics. We are all a big family and we’re a family who loves this country. And I can tell you something, nine days from now, it is going to be the sweetest comeback because we know the art of the deal. We also know the art of the comeback from Donald Trump that this country has ever seen. Everybody get out, vote early, take a friend to vote. Let’s make America great again. We love you New York.

Speaker 67 (03:59:07):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, Donald Trump, Jr.

Donald Trump, Jr. (03:59:45):

Wow. Hello, Madison Square Garden. Are you guys ready to take your country back?

Audience (03:59:53):


Donald Trump, Jr. (03:59:55):

Are you sick of the insanity?

Audience (03:59:59):


Donald Trump, Jr. (04:00:00):

Guys, this is not my first rodeo. This is the third go around. But you think this could have ever happened four or eight years ago in the heart of New York City?

Audience (04:00:12):


Donald Trump, Jr. (04:00:16):

The king of New York is back to reclaim the city that he built. My father changed the skyline of this city. He fixed the things that incompetent bureaucrats couldn’t handle. He did that against all odds. He did it for our country too. And now everyone recognizes it. What’s unique about this election, folks, you’ve had four years under both leaders. The media would like to pretend that Kamala Harris started her political career about a month ago in a coup. The most democratic process to ever not have a single vote. She’s going to be a moderate, folks. She’s going to be a moderate. A radical San Francisco liberal. The daughter of a Marxist professor is now magically going to be a moderate. No one’s buying it anymore. You know why? Because they’ve been lying to you for the last nine years and you are not buying their crap anymore. You’ve had enough. The fact that I could drive here today with my father for like 25 blocks and watch the streets of New York lined up with red MAGA hats tells us everything you need to know. You had four years under Donald Trump and despite the most vicious opposition from the media, from big tech, from the Democrats, and even from the weakling Republicans, you got results. We got peace deals done. Our enemies weren’t invading their neighbors. The economy grew. Inflation was next to nothing. And then Kamala Harris and Joe Biden took over and everything went to hell like that. I keep watching it in the news. It’s amazing. Kamala Harris is going to fix all these things. I say, “You know what? Why hasn’t she started fixing them? You’ve had four years. Why didn’t you maybe get going? You’re going to wait until January 20th? Americans are suffering. People can’t make rent. Businesses are going under. Grocery prices are too expensive.”

I tell a story, last summer, last summer, I was coming back from a fishing trip with two of my boys, and we went to McDonald’s. And it was $48 for a 10-year-old, a 14-year-old, and me. And guys, let me tell you, if Donald Trump, Jr. has sticker shock at McDonald’s, we have a serious problem. It does not have to be this way, guys. We can change it, but it’s going to take all of you. These days, everyone is a tough guy. Everyone is a tough guy on the keyboard, on the internet. Everyone is a badass. But when you get shot in the face and you come back defiant ready to fight, that’s a badass. That’s the guy. That’s the guy that can fix the problems that we have. That’s the guy that’s going to keep our enemies in check.

That’s a guy that’s going to fight for each and every one of you. He’s done it once. Let’s send him back to Washington DC with an overwhelming mandate to fix the nonsense once and for all. Guys, look at the people who have spoken here tonight and look at some of the people who are still coming. When did you think you’d be able to get RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk.

People from all different walks of life, incredible skill sets, whether it be health, whether it be technology, everything. You have them on one unified ticket. Think about that. Compare that to Kamala Harris and Tampon Tim. It ain’t the same folks. Timmy ain’t fixing anything and neither is Kamala. We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to change, to change Washington, to put in common sense practices, to put Americans first, because they’re not first right now.

The Democrat party has forgotten about Americans. Rather than cater to Americans, they decided, “You know what? It would just be easier to replace them with people who will be reliable voters.” The insanity has to stop. And the fact that we can pack Madison Square Garden in the heart of New York City shows me that the spirit of the American people is there. That same spirit my father showed on July 13th, that’s the spirit of America. That’s the spirit we need going into election day.

So for the next nine days, each and every one of you, you line up like you’re the third monkey on line for the ark, and it’s starting to rain. You vote, you vote early, and then you bring your friends so that we can take back our country once and for all.

And when we do that, guys, we’re not just going to make America great again, we’re going to make the world great. We’re going to make the world safe. We’re going to fix it all. Get out there guys, and just like you’re going to fight, get out there and vote, vote, vote. Thank you, New York City. Love you guys.

MUSIC (04:07:17):

Here I come again now, baby.

Like a dog…

Speaker 67 (04:08:04):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, CEO of the UFC, Dana White.

MUSIC (04:08:11):


Yeah, yeah, yeah thunderstruck.

Ooh, thunderstruck.

I was shaking…

Dana White (04:08:37):

Ladies and gentlemen, we are nine days away from the most important election of my lifetime. Stakes have never been higher, and the choice has never been clearer. President Trump and I have been friends for 25 years. I’ve said this before and I’m going to say it again. He is the most resilient, hardest working human being that I’ve ever met in my life. I know he’s a great leader. This is not my opinion, not my hope. He’s proven he can build the strongest economy in American history. He’s proven he can secure our borders and keep our nation safe.

He’s proven to be the strong leader, allies and adversaries alike must respect. He’s proven he loves this country so much, he’s literally put his life on the line for it. What has the other candidate proven? She can get your party’s nomination without even facing voters. What else? What else can she offer the American people other than vague promises and no plan? She talks a lot about the need for change and her hope for the future. Hope and change. Does that sound familiar?

She can use the old Obama playbook, but she’s not Obama and she is no agent of change. She is the sitting vice president of the United States right now. What she hopes is voters will focus on the future because she doesn’t want us looking at the last four years to see what we really need to change. We need change from sky high inflation. According to Yahoo Finance, the cost of groceries is up over 25% during the Biden-Harris administration. Food is unaffordable for most Americans. That has to change. We need change from wide open borders.

BBC News reports illegal immigration reached record levels since they took office with an estimated 10 million border crossings. That’s a 300% increase compared to the Trump administration, and that’s not included in the unknown millions who cross undetected. That is the record of the other candidate, the border czar of the Biden administration.

We need change from week foreign policy. According to the Institute for Economics and Peace, a nonpartisan think tank, think about this, there are more active armed conflicts now than anytime since World War II. Weakness from the Biden-Harris administration has invited aggression and conflicts around the globe. When President Trump was our commander-in-chief, the world was a much more peaceful place. JD Vance touched on this, but I want to hit it again. Vice President Harris was asked recently by the objective journalists of The View. If there’s anything she would’ve done differently than Biden over the past four years. And again, her answer was, there is not a thing that comes to mind. So don’t take my word for it, take hers. She will not change a thing. Hope is nice, but hope is not a plan. Change is needed, but change won’t come from the status quo, and she is the status quo.

If you want real change, you’ll vote for proven leadership. If you want to return to economic prosperity, border security, and global stability, you’ll vote for the one candidate who’s proven he can deliver all of that. My fellow Americans. If you want what’s best for your family in this country, you’re going to vote. Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States. Thank you, New York. Have a good night.

MUSIC (04:13:31):

Thunderstruck, thunderstruck.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, thunderstruck.

Ooh, thunderstruck.

Audience (04:13:31):

[inaudible 04:13:41]

Speaker 67 (04:13:43):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage chairman and CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, Howard Lutnick.

MUSIC (04:14:05):

Only in America.

Dreamin’ in red, white, and blue. Only in America.

Where we dream as big as we want to.

We all get a chance.

Everybody gets to dance.

Only in America.

Howard Lutnick (04:14:30):

Hello, New York. I mean, it was not on my bucket list, okay? People like me, do not get to play Madison Square Garden. This place rocks. All right. Most of you in New York, maybe you know my story. My company is called Cantor Fitzgerald, and we were located on the 101st to the hundred and 105th floors of the World Trade Center. I get to be here today because I was taking my son Kyle to his first day of kindergarten that morning, 23 years ago. I lost 658 of my friends and colleagues.

I had 960 who worked in New York that day and we lost 658 people. And we rebuilt that company to take care of the families of those that I lost. So we took care of those families. Each of my employees, they took 25% of their salaries and they gave it to the families of the people we lost because that’s what New Yorkers do, and we gave those families $180 million. So the first thing, we must elect Donald J. Trump president because we must crush Jihad.

I love this city. I love this city. And Donald Trump loves this city. No matter how crappy they treat him, he is back because he loves you and he loves this city. We all say make America great again. But let’s just go over for a minute what that means because we all say it as a slogan. When was America great? At the turn of the century, our economy was rocking. This is 1900, 125 years ago. We had no income tax, and all we had was tariffs. All we had was tariffs. And we had so much money that we had the greatest businessmen of America get together to try to figure out how to spend it.

That’s who we were then. But then we had World War I and we had World War II, and we felt we had a duty to rebuild the rest of the world. So here’s what we did. We took down our protection, we took down our tariffs, and we turned instead, and we taxed Americans so that we could export the power of our economy and save the rest of the world, which we did.

Now, let me ask you a question. What decade should that have ended? Should it have ended in the ’80s, the ’90s, 2000? What in the world are we doing? We’re letting the rest of the world eat our lunch, and it is time to make America great again.

All right. What does America first mean? We all say America first. What does America first mean? American citizens employed first. NAFTA. NAFTA? Bill Clinton’s favorite I hate Michigan move. Open the border, take all car manufacturing and move it to Mexico and screw over everyone in America who works in the auto industry. We don’t make cars here. I mean, they make our cars in China and ship them here. It’s got to end. So when he says America first, let’s be crystal clear. He’s saying employ American citizens first. Okay. The Harris-Biden administration has set us up with a $6.5 trillion spending budget on our taxes of $4. 5 trillion as they screw our children’s future to the wall. We lose $2 trillion this year, 2 trillion. And Donald Trump is going to build the greatest team to ever walk into government. And we are going to balance our budget. And when we balance our budget, the world is going to feel what it feels like to unleash the full power of the United States economy and its amazing workforce. Okay. So ladies and gentlemen, I have the honor to introduce the co-founder with me of the Department of Government Efficiency, DOGE. Madison Square Garden, ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the greatest capitalist in the history of the United States of America, Elon Musk. All right.

Elon Musk (04:23:06):

As you can see, I’m not just MAGA, I’m dark, gothic MAGA. The energy in this room is incredible. What a great group of people.

Howard Lutnick (04:23:33):

All right. I’ve only got one question for you, and then I’m getting out of here because this is your stage. But we set up DOGE.

Elon Musk (04:23:39):


Howard Lutnick (04:23:40):

How much do you think we can rip out of this wasted $6.5 trillion Harris-Biden budget?

Elon Musk (04:23:49):

Well, I think we can do at least 2 trillion.

Howard Lutnick (04:23:50):


Elon Musk (04:23:50):


Howard Lutnick (04:23:50):

2 trillion.

Elon Musk (04:23:56):

I mean, at the end of the day, you’re being taxed. You’re

Speaker 68 (04:24:00):

… being taxed. All government spending is taxation. So whether it’s direct taxation or… All government spending, either it becomes inflation or it’s direct taxation. Your money is being wasted and the Department of Government Agency is going to fix that. We’re going to get the government off your back and out of your pocketbook. And America’s not just going to be great, America is going to reach heights that it has never seen before. The future is going to be amazing.

Crowd (04:24:38):

[inaudible 04:24:50]

Speaker 68 (04:25:00):

You guys are awesome. Honestly, this is like… Yeah. I mean this is the kind of positive energy that America is all about. Yeah. USA. USA. USA. USA. USA.

Crowd (04:25:35):


Speaker 68 (04:25:39):

Yes. Now I have something I want to ask you to do though, because obviously we’re somewhat preaching to the converted in this stadium, but there’s a lot of people out there who need to vote for President Trump. Okay. So this is a real battle. This is a real election battle. So you need to get friends and family to vote. Make sure they vote early. This is important. We’re going to be putting up a scorecard, an early vote scorecard, state by state, county by county. What is the scorecard? Vote early. Vote now. Yeah. Make the margin of victory so big that you know what can’t happen.

Massive, overwhelming sweep of every swing state and even some of the states that people don’t think are swing states. Massive crushing victory. Get everyone, friends, family, people on the street. Put the signs up, put the hat on. Let’s go. And with that, it is my honor to introduce the First Lady, Melania Trump.

MUSIC (04:27:32):

Take me down to the Paradise City.

Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.

Oh, won’t you please take me home.

Take me down to the Paradise City.

Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.

Oh, won’t you please take me home.

Melania Trump (04:29:15):

Good evening, New York City. Hello, Madison Square Garden, our hometown, where architectural symbols of strength, courage, and unity create a canvas for the world’s undisputed capital of industry, where tidings of finance, fashion, and entertainment convene among an iconic range of superior design, structures and accomplishments, and American [inaudible 04:30:09] blossoms among determined citizens who race across city streets and between offices striving for success. It is you who are the heartbeat of this great metropolis. It’s you who are the poles of this America. Yet, New York City is unforgiving. In fact, our lives are complicated even during the best of times. And sadly today, a declining quality of life coupled with economic instability makes it difficult for business to thrive. Love you too.

Crime is on the rise, while public safety diminishes, creating an environment where families with young children choose to relocate. And this story repeats itself from coast to coast across our nation. This is America. For generations, this town has produced America’s most fearless leaders whose mark changed the course of the world. New York City and America needs their magic back. A country of tomorrow that will shape our future and reset expectations for the generations. Envision a wonderful America where the seeds of security, prosperity, and health are sown once again for benefit of our families. Let us charge together with a shared vision that builds on American greatness. Let’s seize this moment and create a country for tomorrow, the future that we deserve.

And now please welcome our next commander in chief, my husband, President Donald J. Trump.

MUSIC (04:33:19):

If tomorrow all the things were gone.

I worked for all my life.

And I had to start again.

With just my children and my wife.

I thank my lucky stars to be living here today.

‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom.

And they can’t take that away.

And I’m proud to be an American.

Where at least I know I’m free.

And I won’t forget the men who died.

Who gave that right to me.

And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend Her still today.

‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land.

God Bless the U.S.A.

From the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee.

Across the plains of Texas, from sea to sand and sea.

From Detroit down to Houston and New York to L.A.

There’s pride in every American heart and it’s time we stand and say.

That I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I free.

And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.

And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend Her still today.

‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land.

God Bless the USA.

And I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.

And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.

And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend Her still today.

‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land.

God Bless the U.S.A.

Crowd (04:36:13):


Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.

Donald Trump (04:37:17):

Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you very much to a very popular former First Lady, hopefully First Lady again. And I just want to say a very big hello to a special place, New York, and to an incredible arena, Madison Square Garden. Incredible. And then we have all of the people that could fill it up 10 times. You take a look at outside what’s going on all the way down to the river, the beautiful, beautiful Hudson River. They’re outside watching this now at levels that nobody’s ever seen before. They’ve never had it. And I want to thank Jim Dolan. He’s been incredible. He’s been just incredible. The job they’ve done, job they’ve done. Thank you. But I’m thrilled to be back in the city I love and thousands of proud, hardworking American patriots, you’re with me. We’re all together. We’ve always been together. And I’d like to begin by asking a very simple question. Are you better off now than you were four years ago? I’m here today with a message of hope for all Americans. With your vote in this election, I will end inflation. I will stop the invasion of criminals coming into our country and I will bring back the American Dream. We need the American Dream to come back home. Our country will be bigger, better, bolder, richer, safer, and stronger than ever before. This election is a choice between whether we will have four more years of gross incompetence and failure, or whether we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country. We will achieve success that no one can imagine. We will have the strongest economy, the most secure borders, the safest cities, the most powerful military, the best trade deals, and we will dominate the frontiers of science, medicine, business, technology and space.

And I’m asking you to be excited about the future of our country again. I’m asking you to dream big again. We’re going to dream big again. We haven’t been dreaming big at all. This will be America’s new golden age. It’s going to happen quickly too, very quickly. Every problem facing us can be solved, but now the fate of our nation is in your hands. Next Tuesday you have to stand up and you have to tell Kamala Harris that, “You’ve done a terrible job. That crooked Joe Biden has done a terrible job. You’ve destroyed our country. We’re not going to take it anymore. Kamala, you are fired. Get out. Get out. You’re fired.”

Early voting is underway in every swing state, and we are setting all-time records. The voting, I tell you what, I don’t want to talk about it, but we have to keep it going. You got to get out and vote. We just have to get out. And who would’ve thought this was going to happen? We’re leading in every swing state, but it doesn’t mean a thing. It only means how are we doing at the end? We have nine days from now and we’re going to defeat Kamala Harris and we’re going to win back the beautiful White House and we’re going to make America great again and it’s going to happen fast.

Crowd (04:42:01):


Donald Trump (04:42:10):

Thank you.

Crowd (04:42:10):


Donald Trump (04:42:18):

In less than four years, Kamala Harris has shattered our middle class. She cast the deciding votes that launched the worst inflation in the history of our country. She cost the typical American family over $3,000 in a short period, but over $30,000 over the last three years. She killed 50,000 manufacturing jobs this year alone. Now, Kamala wants to raise the typical family taxes by nearly $3,000 a year and impose a 33% tax hike on all domestic production. If Kamala Harris gets four more years, our economy can never recover. If I win, we will quickly build the greatest economy in the history of the world, which is what we had in our last term. We will rapidly defeat inflation and we will very simply make America affordable again. We’re going to make it affordable.

I will massively cut taxes for workers and small businesses, and we will have no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, and no tax on social security benefits for our seniors. And I’m announcing a new policy today that I will support a tax credit for family caregivers who take care of a parent or a loved one. It’s about time that they were recognize, right? They add so much to our country and are never spoken of, ever, ever, ever. But they’re going to be spoken of now. Thank you all very much. I’ll also make interest on car loans fully tax-deductible, but only for cars made in America. Have to be made in America. And we will achieve energy independence and we will do something. We want it so badly. We’re going to do something.

You know what we’re going to do front row Joes? You know I got front row Joes here. I got the ladies from North Carolina number 249. This is the 249, and you look so beautiful. We have a lot of people, they followed us. But we are going to do something. The ladies can tell you what we’re going to do. We’re going to drill a baby drill and I will terminate the green new scam and we’ll cut your energy prices in half. 50% within one year from January 20th. Is the fake news hearing that? Whoa. Look how much. Wow. That’s a lot of fake news. That is a lot of fake news. Look at that. Wow. That’s got to be a record Mr. Speaker. I think that’s a record. That is a lot of fakers back there. To bring back millions of jobs, we will give our companies the lowest taxes, the lowest energy costs, the lowest regulatory burdens, and free access to the best and biggest market on the planet.

Remember this, if we keep going like this, we won’t have the biggest and the best. We won’t have a market. We won’t have a country. But only for those who make their product here in the USA and hire American workers for the job, and if these companies don’t make their products here, then they will pay a very stiff tariff when they send their products into the United States for the privilege of competing with our workers and our now protected companies. We’re going to protect our companies. They’re not leaving anymore. They’re not leaving anymore. We’re also going to pass the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act, meaning if China or any other country charges us 100% or 200% tax or tariff, we will then charge them a 100% or 200% tax or tariff. It’s called an eye for an eye.

And I will never apologize for defending America. I will protect our workers. I will protect our jobs. I will protect our borders. I will protect our great families, and I will protect the birthright of our children to live in the richest and most powerful nation on the face of the earth. As we rescue our economy, I will also restore our borders. There’s never been anything like it. It’s bigger than inflation. It’s bigger than the economy. What they’re doing to our country, they’re allowing criminals from all over the world to enter our country. Over the past four years, Kamala Harris has orchestrated the most egregious betrayal that any leader in American history has ever inflicted upon our people. She has violated her oath, eradicated our sovereign border, and unleashed an army of migrant gangs who are waging a campaign of violence and terror against our citizens. There has never been anything like it anywhere in the world for any country. Kamala has imported criminal migrants from prisons and jails, insane asylums and mental institutions from all around the world, from Venezuela to the Congo. A lot of people are coming from the Congo prisons.

They’re coming from all over the world. Over the last month, 181 countries violated our laws and she has resettled them into your communities to prey upon innocent American citizens. But the day I take the oath of office, the migrant invasion of our country ends and the restoration of our country begins. One of the deadliest and most vicious migrant gangs that Kamala has imported into our country is the savage Venezuelan prison gang. Nice group of people. They got together in prison. The worst prison in the world, they say. It’s called Tren de Aragua. And that is taking over apartment complexes and unleashing a violent killing spree all over America, and especially in Aurora, Colorado, where we have a governor who’s petrified of them and maybe he should be. But now they’ve even taken over Times Square. Take a look.

Video recording (04:50:27):

Border of deadly consequences.

Border crisis. Record high crossings are putting a strain on cities of across America.

It is a full-blown invasion.

Armed Venezuelan gang members storm in an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado.

People talk about migrant crime. This is what they’re talking about.

San Antonio, Texas, just one of the latest cities to have apartment complexes taken over by members of the Venezuelan gang.

Biden and Harris have created a program to bring them in under humanitarian parole.

Kamala Harris (04:50:55):

I am in favor of saying that we’re not going to treat people who are undocumented cross-border as criminals.

Video recording (04:51:00):

More than 13,000 illegal immigrants convicted of murder had been released into the United States.

My 20-year-old daughter, Kayla Hamilton, was murdered in her own room. Kayla’s murderer was apprehended by border patrol crossing illegally into the US.

Kayla’s murderer had been improperly released into the United States.

Abolish ICE.

Yeah, we need to probably think about starting from scratch.

More than a dozen people suspected of being Tren de Aragua gang members right here in San Antonio.

The gang members have been terrorizing in the apartment complex.

New details in the murder of Laken Riley. The illegal immigrant suspect who cops say committed the heinous murder is a Venezuelan national.

And was paroled and released into the country by the Biden administration.

If they al been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened.

Two men, who investigators say, are in the country illegally from Venezuela are charged with capital murder and the death of Jocelyn Nungaray.

Martínez-Rangel wrapped his arms around Jocelyn’s neck took off her pants and climbed on top of her. Later strangled Jocelyn to death and then tied up her hands and feet.

Court documents suggest a group of men arrested for beating and robbing a Dallas woman last month are members of a Venezuelan Street gang.

The men threatened to cut off her fingers if she did not cooperate.

Manuel Hernandez-Hernandez was booked by Colleyville police just two days earlier and released the day before the robbery.

A Peruvian gang leader who was wanted for 23 murders, who was arrested by border patrol near Roma, Texas, then released into America.

Donald Trump (04:52:36):

That’s who we’re allowing into our country. We’re not going to have a country any longer. That’s who we’re allowing in.

Crowd (04:52:44):

[inaudible 04:52:49]

Donald Trump (04:53:01):

The United States is now an occupied country, but it will soon be an occupied country no longer. Not going to be happening. Not going to be happening. November 5th, 2024, nine days from now will be Liberation Day in America. It’s going to be Liberation Day. On day one, I will launch the largest deportation program in American history. Going to get the criminals out. I will rescue every city in town that has been invaded and conquered and we will put these vicious and bloodthirsty criminals in jail. Going to kick them the hell out of our country as fast as possible. And to expedite removals of Tren de Aragua and other savage gangs like MS-13, which is equally vicious. I will invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798. Think of that. That’s how far back. That’s when they had law and order. They had some tough ones. Think of it. the Alien Enemies Act of 1798. You hear that Mr. Speaker? Get ready to target and dismantle every migrant criminal network operating on American soil. And there are lots of them.

We don’t have the same country anymore. You know that. And when you look at the polls and they say about the economy, and they have all these different things, the worst nightmare that we’re facing is what they’ve done to us on our borders. We had the safest border in the world. In fact, there’s a chart, which I hope they have because I didn’t tell them I wanted it. But there’s a chart that I love very much because I wouldn’t be here without it. That’s it. I love it. I’m in love with it. I love that chart. Even if it had bad numbers, I would’ve loved that chart. But it doesn’t. It has great numbers. And if you look at the arrow on the bottom, you’ll see that was the day I left office. That was the lowest illegal immigration that we’ve ever had in the recorded history of our country. And then look at it. It was like an Elon Musk rocket ship. Look at what happens. Look at what happened after that. And if they come back into our country, it’s an automatic 10 years in jail with no possibility of parole.

And I’m hereby calling for the death penalty for any migrant that kills an American citizen or a law enforcement officer.

Crowd (04:56:03):


Donald Trump (04:56:25):

Under Kamala, America is a sanctuary for criminals. And for illegal aliens that are in our country illegally, I will immediately ban all sanctuary cities in the United States. Kamala’s gross incompetence disqualifies her from being president of the United States of America. She is grossly incompetent. All you have to do is look at her interviews. Look at what she did the other night

Donald Trump (04:57:00):

… tonight on fake news, CNN, just take a look. She couldn’t answer a question. She’s unfit for office. Everyone knows it. No one respects her. No one trusts her. No one takes her seriously. Everyone knows she is a very low IQ individual. From humiliating our country in Afghanistan to the war in Ukraine to the nightmare on our border to her inflation catastrophe, all done in conjunction with Sleepy Joe. But he was largely sleeping, wasn’t he? After four o’clock, it’s time to go to bed. To his and her egregious hurricane response, the worst response in North Carolina and other states since Katrina, but I think it was even worse than Katrina. They haven’t even responded in North Carolina. They haven’t even responded. There’s nobody… They don’t see any FEMA. You know why? They spent their money on bringing in illegal migrants so they didn’t have money for Georgia and North Carolina and Alabama and Tennessee and Florida and South Carolina.

They didn’t have any money for them. They spent all of their money on bringing in illegal immigrants and flying them in by beautiful jet planes. They flew in. We just found out about a year and a half ago. Remember, we said, “What’s going on? A lot of planes going over there. What are they?” They would fly them into the middle of our country, our beautiful, beautiful country. And you know what happened? You take a look at Springfield, Ohio. Think of this. Think of this, where 30,000 illegal migrants were put into a town of 50,000 people. No place can withstand that. Or take a look at Aurora in Colorado. Colorado is going to vote for us. You know why? Typically, they go a little bit the other way. Of course, with their voting system, I’m not so sure about that. But you know why? Because they tried to throw the leading candidate of both parties, meaning me… I was leading both parties off the ballot. And the people of Colorado, including Democrats, are very angry about it. They are a threat to democracy, to use their term.

Isn’t it nice to have somebody that’s your president that doesn’t need a teleprompter? We haven’t been on teleprompter for a long time. I haven’t been on this teleprompter. No, it is nice. You saw the other day where Kamala got a little stuck on the teleprompter, went a little bad. It stopped doing… If you’re a politician, you have to be able to handle that. Remember, you have to do the weave, he says. Got to do the… You’ve got to do more than the weave. But it happens a lot as a politician. It happens… I mean, we have so many politicians here, great ones. Some are not so good, but great ones.

And when Newt or when the speaker or when Tommy Tuberville, who’s here someplace, the great senator from Alabama, or when any one of our literally 75… By the way, should I introduce all of them by name? I should. Should I? No? Yes? I don’t know. It’s a lot. Speaker, should I? I don’t know. Will they be angry? Yeah, they will. It’s a lot of introducing, right? Let’s keep going with this speech. But when you’re in this profession… I have a friend who wanted to come in. I said, “Do you like speaking?” “Well, I do, but I have a great fear of speaking.” I said, “Don’t be a politician.” If you have a fear of speaking, don’t be a politician. But one thing you have to know is that no matter how good your people are that operate this machinery, it’s going to break. And you’re going to be out there all by yourself a lot.

And you’ve got to be able to do so. Three weeks ago she was saying there was only 32 days left, right? And she’s reading it like, “Ah, it’s 32 days,” and it stopped. And she went this, “32 days, 32, 32…” And I was watching, I said, “This isn’t pretty.” 32, she was gone. And then damn it, it kicked back on. She was gone. We’ve had it. It happens a lot. And don’t forget, you got all those people back there. Now they don’t talk about her. But if that ever happened to me… It happens all the time. I was campaigning in Ohio for a very, very… Bernie Marino, he’s doing a good job. I think he’s maybe going to win in Ohio. The problem he’s got his opponent, Sherrod Brown, he’s taking ads in like he’s my best friend. He never votes for me. He’s not my best friend.

Ohio’s been very friendly to Trump. We win it all the time by a landslide. But the opponent is taking ads. I got four of them… I think we have four of them, right? They’re taking ads. All of a sudden, they love Trump. “We agree with Trump on tariffs. We agree with Trump on the border. We love Trump.” And they are Democrats. Their friends are calling up, “Did they switch to the Republican party?” But it happened with Bernie Marino. I was in Ohio to try and get him over the initial primary hump and it was 45 mile an hour winds. And these suckers were blowing like… You ever try reading a teleprompter where it’s moving about two feet in each…?

But I didn’t have to worry about that because even worse, they ended up blowing off the stage, a lot of it. So I’m now in the first sentence and I got 28,000 people and millions of people watching on television, I got no teleprompter. And did I do a good job, Mr. Speaker? And he won. And he won, huh? Thank you, Matt. And he won. See, when you’re up there all along, we don’t go, “32, 32, 32. Oh my God.” Kamala Harris is a train wreck who has destroyed everything in her path. To make her president would be a gamble with the lives of millions and millions of people. She would get us into World War III. We’re very close to World War III. If you don’t have a smart president, if you don’t have a president that gets it, if you don’t have a president that is respected by the other side… And they did respect us four years ago.

They really respected us. Iran was broke. They had no money. Russia wouldn’t have played with us at all. Russia would’ve never gone into Ukraine. Israel, October 7th would never, ever have happened, would’ve never have happened. All those people would be alive right now, those people that were killed on that horrible day. But if you don’t have a president that gets it… You know what else you wouldn’t have had? You wouldn’t have had the most embarrassing day in the history of our country, in my opinion, Afghanistan, the way they… Not that they got out. We were getting out, but we were going to get out with dignity and strength. We got out an embarrassment, the likes of which this country has never suffered. And because of that, Putin looked at us and they probably figured we were a paper tiger and he went into Ukraine and the rest is history.

It would’ve never happened with us and you wouldn’t have had any inflation. We had the best economy, we had no inflation. And inflation has destroyed a lot of seniors on fixed income and a lot of people in this room have been virtually destroyed by inflation. You wouldn’t have had inflation. They screwed up our energy and it went up so much. And then they started spending far too much money on things like the Green New scam, which is just a scam, just a complete scam. They actually admitted that if you think about it. But she would get us into World War III because she’s incompetent. Can’t do the job, unfit for it. And then all of your sons and daughters will end up getting a little notice. They’ll say, “Mom, dad, what is this little green piece of paper?” ” Darling, that’s a draft notice. They’re drafting you to go and fight in some country that I’ve never heard… I’ve never heard of this country before. Oh no, I don’t want my baby to fight. I don’t want my baby to be killed.”

What they did in Afghanistan with those 13 great soldiers, I’ve gotten to know the parents so well and leaving all of that equipment behind and leaving Americans behind, and many, many people with no legs and no arms, all because of incompetent people. But we don’t want your sons and daughters to get a little draft notice and you have to explain to them what it means. We’re tired of fighting. I’m the only president in the last 84 years that didn’t start a war. Remember Crooked Hillary? Remember Crooked Hillary Clinton? Crooked Hillary, oh, she was a beauty. During one of our many debates., She said, “Look at him. Listen to him. He’s going to start a war. Listen to his rhetoric. He’s going to start a war.”

I said, “No, no, no. My rhetoric is going to keep us out of wars.” And that’s what happened. 82 years… Other than I finished off ISIS but that was already started. We had stupid generals like Milley and Mattis, weak, stupid people, but fear not, we have great generals, just not the ones that you see on television all the time. And we wiped them out very quickly. It was going to take five years. Mattis said it would take five years, and, “I’m not sure we could do it.” It took us like four weeks. We have great generals. We have the greatest military in the world, just a lot of people don’t know that. And everybody knows it. I saw the other day a report that they issued that if we end up in a war with China, we cannot win. We’re not strong enough. So I said to myself, “Assuming that’s true, how stupid are you to put out a report like that? How stupid? Why would you put out a report?”

Then they’ll say, “Oh, Trump is not truthful.” No, I’m smart. You don’t put out reports like that. And it’s not true. We would kick their ass. It’s not true. Our enemies are laughing at her. They want her to win so badly. Oh, they don’t want Trump. They don’t want Trump. I’ve made this position a very dangerous one because of that, that’s why. It’s a very dangerous… If you drive a race car, you have one-tenth of 1% chance of dying. If you ride the bulls… I think the bulls are pretty nasty, right? You have about the same, one-tenth of 1% of dying. If you become president of the United States, you’ve got a hell of a shot at dying.

I never knew that when I ran. I never thought about it. But here we are. Here we are, and I’m okay with it. And I would rather be here than any place in the world. It’s called a very dangerous profession. But if we win, our enemies won’t be laughing anymore. They’re not going to be laughing. And you know what the truth is? I got along with all of them. I got along with Putin. Ukraine was the apple of his eye. But I said, “Vladimir, don’t go in.” Remember, I ended the pipeline in Europe. I ended the pipeline in Europe, and then when Biden came in, he approved it, but he ended the Keystone pipeline, the one in America. So he got it a little mixed up, didn’t he, huh? Nord Stream 2. I said, “We’re ending Nord Stream 2.” Everybody said, “What is Nord Stream 2?”

I said, “That’s the massive Russian pipeline where they’re going to make a fortune, where they’re going to Germany and all countries in Europe.” So I said, “You mean we’re fighting to help them with NATO and spending all of that money and they’re paying the person and the group that we’re fighting billions of dollars a month? What the hell are we doing?” I ended it. It was dead, and Biden came along and he approved it. Weak… Look, 30 years ago, he was not considered smart either. So now he’s really that smart. If we win, America will be respected and even if it’s necessary, feared again. It’s not the worst word. On issue after issue, Kamala broke it, but I will fix it. But we’re going to fix it.

But we’re just not running against Kamala. I think a lot of our politicians here tonight know this. She means nothing. She’s purely a vessel. That’s all she is. When you see her up there talking about, “The grass on my front lawn, I grew up in a middle class neighborhood and I had grass on my front lawn…” But we’re asking, “What would you do to fix the country? And why didn’t you do it yet? Almost four years, why didn’t you do this stuff?” Now she’s becoming more MAGA than those politicians I just told about from the different states. She can’t put two sentences together.

She’s really just like, in many ways, crooked Joe Biden. And she never said to us, she never told us that Joe was not functioning properly. She should have, because we’re talking about the life of the most important country in the world. We need very smart people. We’re running against something far bigger than Joe or Kamala and far more powerful than them, which is a massive, vicious, crooked, radical-left machine that runs today’s Democrat party. They’re just vessels. In fact, they’re perfect vessels because they’ll never give them a hard time. They’ll do whatever they want. I know many of them. It’s just this amorphous group of people, but they’re smart and they’re vicious, and we have to defeat them. And when I say the enemy from within, the other side goes crazy, becomes astounded. “Oh, how can he say…?” No, they’ve done very bad things to this country. They are indeed the enemy from within, but this is who we’re fighting. These are the people who are doing such harm to our country with their open border policies, record-setting inflation, Green New scam, and everything else that they’re doing. But we’re not going to let it happen any longer. We’re going to have the biggest victory in the history of our country on November 5th. It’s going to be the biggest victory in history. We’re going to make America great again, everybody. On top of it all, Kamala says she would not do one thing differently from Joe Biden, which is totally disqualifying. And you have to remember this, all of the mistakes he made… And you know what? Maybe it is the worst, but they’re all so bad.

Think of this. 325,000 children are missing, dead, sex slaves, or slaves. They came through the open border and they’re gone. Their parents will most likely never see them again, almost any of them. Think of the number, 325,000 children are missing or dead. Take a look at this, please.

Speaker 69 (05:14:25):

Would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?

Kamala Harris (05:14:31):

There is not a thing that comes to mind.

Speaker 71 (05:14:33):

I stood there on the tarmac watching you check your watch.

Speaker 70 (05:14:36):

The chaotic and deadly US evacuation from Afghanistan stunned Americans and the world and cost the lives of 13 US soldiers.

Speaker 69 (05:14:44):

Would you have done something differently?

Kamala Harris (05:14:46):

There is not a thing that comes to mind.

Speaker 72 (05:14:48):

More than 13,000 illegal immigrants convicted of murder have been caught at the border and then released into the United States.

Speaker 8 (05:14:55):

An Afghan national is in custody today after being accused of plotting an election- day terrorist attack. The subject entered the US on a special immigrant visa.

Speaker 73 (05:15:03):

Heart-wrenching new details in the murder of Georgia nursing student, Laken Riley. The illegal immigrant suspect who cops say committed the heinous murder is a Venezuelan national who crossed the unsecured southern border back in 2022. Two men, investigators say, are in the country illegally from Venezuela, are charged with capital murder in the death of Jocelyn Nungaray.

Speaker 74 (05:15:23):

A fifth illegal immigrant accused of attacking two New York City police officers over the weekend showed no remorse or regret.

Speaker 69 (05:15:30):

Would you have done something differently?

Kamala Harris (05:15:33):

There’s not a thing that comes to mind.

Speaker 75 (05:15:35):

Only 18%. So the economy is in excellent or good condition.

Speaker 76 (05:15:39):

US inflation has hit a new forty-year high, increasing by 9.1% over the financial year.

Speaker 77 (05:15:45):

Authorities say Tren de Aragua, which has been linked with more than a hundred criminal investigations here in the US, has now been found operating its criminal enterprise in apartment complexes.

Speaker 69 (05:15:56):

Were you the last person in the room?

Kamala Harris (05:15:57):


Donald Trump (05:16:05):

So if you want to end this disaster, you got to get out and vote. Just go out and vote. You got to get out. We have to put it away. We’re close. We’re so close. Usually the Republicans are losing in the first week and the early voting. Now we did something that has not been done. I don’t think, Speaker, this has been done yet, but it’s been done for us. We’re leading every one of the swing states, all seven of them. We usually get them from behind because Republicans like to vote on a thing called election day. In the old days, we had election days. Today we have election periods. They go on forever. And last time they went beyond and start early, start late, do whatever the hell you want. We got more votes in 2020 than any sitting president in history by millions. And we did great. Obviously in 2016 we won, but we did much better in 2020. But nothing compares to what’s happening. I mean, you have tens of thousands of people standing outside watching us on a television and we love you out there. We love you. They’re watching. But both of those great races, both of them don’t compare to what’s happening now. In Florida, we took a massive lead and all of these places… I mean, there’s something happening that’s really good. There’s something happening that’s really good. But let’s close it out. Pretend you’re one point down. Would everybody pretend? Let me just do a poll. Who has already voted?

Who is going to vote? That’s what I like. That would be better than the other way, if you’ve already voted. So I’d say 16, 17, maybe 20%. And we’re leading. And most of you haven’t voted, but you promise you’re going to vote? Everybody promise? Promise, Donald. There’s a lot of people in here. Well, the beauty is that a Republican likes to vote late and they like to vote and make sure their vote’s in the box. They want to vote. They just feel better about it. And so we had a lot of people voting, but really that’s the same… I do it in every event. I say, “Who’s voted?” For the last three events. Last night, I was at Penn State, a great place. I actually met, this is amazing, the national championship wrestling team. Penn State won the national championship. But listen to this, 11 out of the last 13 years… Even Jim Jordan would be impressed by that.

Jim Jordan is a great guy. He’s a great wrestler. All American wrestler, Jim. You can see it by the way he acts. Not afraid of anything, right? And I looked at those guys and they’re rough as hell. I said, “You may be the only people that can take Tren de Aragua in a fight.” And it won’t even be that easy for them. They’re tough people. But it was great to meet that team and those great champions, amazing, really great champions. And we were packed at Penn State. We were packed. No matter where we go, we’re packed, no matter where we go because there’s something happening and the something happening is they want to take back their country. People want to take back their country. You love the country. I love the country. We want to take it back.

I could be right now on the most beautiful beach in the world. I could be at Turnberry in Scotland. I own it. I could be anywhere. I got that greatest… I don’t have to be here, but I would much rather be at Madison Square Garden with you. So we’re thrilled to be joined today by an incredible group of patriots who are going to help us save our country, including our next vice president, JD Vance, and a man who was so incredible last week. I watched that rocket ship come down. I’ve never seen… I told this story last night. I was on the phone with a very, very important person. And I’m talking to him and I’m watching the television while I’m talking. And this guy’s boring as hell. And I said, “Wait a minute. Wait, wait. Wait a minute.”

I’m looking at the screen and I see this rocket pouring the fire, the flames. It’s all over the place. It was white a week ago and now it’s pitch black from the burning coming down at 10,000 miles an hour. It’s coming down at a… There he is. You know what he was doing for the last week? Campaigning in Pennsylvania. He’s a sweetheart too. So I’m talking to this guy, very important guy, big, big guy. And I have the television screen on and there’s rockets coming down. It was pure, beautiful white when it left, but it’s burned from the fire and the flame. And it is… And now I see it coming down like this and it’s like 20 stories tall or something. It is massive. And it is coming down. I say to the guy, “Hey, do me a favor. Will you hold on a minute? Just hold on. I’ll talk to you…”

This is one of the most important people. I’m watching. I said, “Just hold on.” I put the phone down. By the way, I never picked it up again. You know what these people are going to say? “He’s cognitively impaired. He’s cognitively impaired.” Oh, oh, you don’t think so? They’re the worst. They are the worst. So I put it down and I’m watching this rocket and I see the engines. I say, “Oh, it’s going to crash.” It was looking right next to gantry. I guess they called it the gantry, whatever the hell they call it. The launching pad. And it’s coming down at a bad angle. Elon, I wasn’t happy. And I was a little worried. You might’ve been worried too. I said, “Oh no, it’s not going to be good.”

And then all of a sudden I saw the flame on the bottom left and it was ripping… The flame was pouring out of that sucker and it straightened it out like this. And it came down and it landed. And then two of these big beautiful arms grabbed it and they held it tight. I wasn’t sure if it was a movie. I thought it might be one of these crazy movies. And I said, “I got to call Elon.” And I called him. I said, “Elon, was that you?” This is like about four minutes after. “Was that you?” “Yep, that was me.” I say, “Elon, you’re a genius. You are a genius. You are.” He is special. He is special. And you know what he wants more than anything else? For our country to be really well run, solidly run, to be run democratically, all the things that everybody in this room wants. I mean, honestly, he left that pad and he went to Pennsylvania to campaign. Can you believe it?

And I asked him a couple of questions. I said, “Elon, let me ask you a question. Can Russia do that?” “No.” “Can China do that?” “No.” “Can anybody do that other than you?” “Nobody else can do it. Nobody else can do it.” Pretty good. And he said, “And they won’t be able to for 10 years,” you said, right? They won’t be able to for 10 years. Now, he’s amazing. And he’s a great guy too. He really is. Got to remember him. This is a piece of work. We had a black hat, right? You saw him with a black hat at Butler. He was there and it was beautiful. We had 101,000 people celebrating a great firefighter, a great guy, Corey. And Elon got up… And I didn’t even know we made a black hat. I’d never seen anybody wear it. I’d seen the red hats all over the place, the white hats. I see all different… But I never saw black.

But he liked the black. He’s a little different. It’s a black hat with black letters. It’s called understated. And I said, “You like that hat?” He said, “I love that hat.” “I call it Dark MAGA.” But you know that after that evening, that became our number one best-selling hat, that one. All I have to do is put something on him. No, you are great. And thank you very much. Thank you very much. It’s great. Thank you. And we also have somebody that is great. And look, we’re not going to let him go too crazy, Elon, with the oil and gas stuff because Robert F. Kennedy cares more about human beings and health and the environment than anybody, and he’s going to be absolute… Having him is such a great honor.

I’ve been friends of his for a long time, and I’m going to let him go wild on health. I’m going to let him go wild on the food. I’m going to let him go wild on medicines. The only thing I don’t think I’m going to let him even get near is the liquid gold that we have under our feet. I don’t know, Elon. He might not like liquid gold. It’s oil and gas, sometimes referred to as oil and gas. JD, I think we’re going to have to keep him away from the oil and gas. What do you think? Howard, yes? But where is Robert? He’s around. He gave a beautiful speech. He’s a great guy. He truly cares… I mean, he truly cares about this and it’s an honor.

And we’re also pleased to be joined by my beautiful wife. She’s got the number one bestselling book in the whole universe, New York Times number one best-selling. Go out and buy one of them. It’s a great book. It’s a great… You know what? I was nervous when I read it. I said, “I wonder if she said some bad stuff about me.” I was very nervous. But she’s great. Congratulations, honey. That’s a big deal. Number one in the New York Times list. Now if she’s number one and her name is Trump on the New York Times list, that book definitely was number one, I guarantee you that. Thank you, honey. Great.

And we have a fabulous, brilliant woman. Top, top student. Top student at Yale Law School. They were both top students. They’re going to have very smart kids if you believe in that. I believe in it strongly. I would like to have their children because they are going to be smart. Yale Law School, top of the class, both of them. Usha Vance. Thank you, Usha, for being here. Thank you. Thank you very much, with their two beautiful children and my children here, Don and Eric and Tiffany, along with Lara, Kimberly, and Michael. We have great people. We have Baron at home. He’s watching. That Baron is watching. He’s the king of the internet. He’s the king of the internet. Oh, who was that?

That’s very nice. My sister Elizabeth is here. She’s great. I don’t know where she is, but she’s great and we love her. And speaker, Mike Johnson, is here and he’s doing a great job. It’s not easy when you have a majority of three, but he’s done a great job and he’s going to continue to do a great job and we like him. He is a terrific person. I watched him just totally decapitate a fake reporter on NBC. Meet the press, meet the fake press. What he did to her was… I think probably she’ll never be the same. Nobody would… Look at him, such a nice looking guy. Just that little beautiful face with the glasses. Got the little glasses. Everyone says, “Oh, he’s so nice. He’s such a nice person.” He’s not a nice person. He’s not nice at all, right, Matt? But great job. We think he’s great and he’s going to be around for a long time, I predict.

We have a senator here who I love, Senator Tommy Tuberville. And he is from a great place, Alabama. I love Alabama. I’m up in Alabama by 49 points, 49 points. We’re up by a lot in a lot of different places but it’s a great place. And thank you, Tommy, and all of our other great Congressmen. We have so many. If I ever named them, we’re going to be up here a long time. They’re going to angry. They won’t speak to me for probably a month or so, but it’ll calm down after that, right, Matt Gaetz? It’ll calm down. It’ll calm down. But we have great, great people and they’re really doing a job. And we’re going to turn this country around. With me, we got to get the Congressmen elected and we got to get the Senators elected because we can take the Senate pretty easily.

Donald Trump (05:30:00):

And I think with our little secret, we’re going to do really well with the House, right? Our little secret is having a big impact. He and I have a secret. We’ll tell you what it is when the race is over. I also want to thank Jim Dolan and everyone at Madison Square Garden for an unbelievable… This is unbelievable. I’ve watched the Knicks and Rangers here, and what a location. They tried to talk Jim out of this location, ” We’re going to move you to the river. We’re going to move you all over the place.” And he’s tough. He said, “I don’t know.” They offered him all sorts of money. “We’re going to move… It’s a very prime location. We’re going to move it to the river.” Well, we’re right on top of every train hub in the… It’s like the world or something right here. And he didn’t like it that much, but he was offered a lot. Man, did he make a good decision. That would’ve been peanuts compared to the value. But there’s no place like Madison Square Garden. Thank you very much to Jim and all of your people.

But here are the facts, Kamala Harris is a radical left Marxist rated even worse than crazy Bernie Sanders or Pocahontas. She destroyed our economy. She was an original creator of defund the police. Can you believe it? She was one of the originals for defund the police. And anybody who wants to defund our great police for even one week is not worthy of being President of the United States. Because that’s where her thinking is. Kamala vowed to abolish ICE. You know those tough people you’ve been looking up at the screen? They’re the ones that get them out of our country. I know a lot of people right in these rows, they’re very tough. They don’t want any part of it. They got to go in there [inaudible 05:31:54] to move them.

We had a case in Long Island where MS-13, one of the other really bad gangs, killed two young girls, 16 years old, walking to school. They didn’t shoot them. They knifed them and they cut them into little pieces because it was so painful. Perfect, perfect, young, beautiful girls were cut up into little pieces by knives. MS-13, they’re animals. And you know who took care of it for us? ICE. ICE, they had no problem. Kamala wants to defund ICE. We’re not defunding ICE, right? We’re not defunding ICE. We’re not even going to think about it. She’s never going to get the chance. There’s no way she becomes president. There’s no way. Radical left lunatic who destroyed… She destroyed San Francisco. She destroyed, along with Gavin Newscum, the governor who’s the worst, one of the worst governors in the country. They destroyed California and she’s not going to get a chance to destroy our country any further. We’re going to get it back fast.

She wants to ban fracking. And as California Attorney General, she redefined child sex trafficking, assault with a deadly weapon, and rape of an unconscious person as a totally nonviolent crime. She pledged to confiscate your guns. Is there anybody in the room that would like to give up their gun to…

Audience (05:33:33):


Donald Trump (05:33:37):

I had a feeling you might say that. And endorsed a total ban on handgun ownership. I don’t think that’s good. When a criminal crawls into your house at night, it would be nice to be able to at least have a chance, wouldn’t it? Wouldn’t it be… She even called for free sex change operations on illegal aliens in detention at taxpayer expense. Think of it. At taxpayer…

She said they’re caught, they’re illegally detained, but if they want a sex change operation, she’s all in favor. Now, she gave this stuff up about a year ago, a little more, because it didn’t work. It wasn’t working too well with the electorate, but she’ll be back to it because that’s where… She’s a radical left person from San Francisco. She destroyed the place. But she lied about that, but she also lied about something very important. For years and years, she said she had a job at McDonald’s.

And the reason I went there last week… Do you know that I got a call from Sundar, very smart guy at Google. He said, “This is the most amazing thing. We’ve had just about more hits on this crazy McDonald’s story.” And I went there just to prove a little point. So you never know how something’s going to work out. Mr. VP, do you? But he called and he said, “We’ve had more hits on McDonald than…” I think he said anything we’ve ever had, but let’s say it’s close. And did anybody watch Joe Rogan recently? So she lied about McDonald’s, she lied about everything. She’s got ads on saying Donald Trump is this, he’s going to do this, he’s going to do… It’s the exact opposite what my policies are. She’s got me doing this. “He doesn’t want to frack. No, no, I’m all for fracking. And I have been for…” One thing I have been even the enemy because they are the enemy. What they’ve said, even that enemy too. And they’re really the enemy. They’re the enemy of the people, the press.

They said one thing about me that I consider a great compliment. They said, “This guy is the most consistent person we’ve ever seen.” Because I’ve been against cars and car factories being taken out of Detroit and being taken out of our manufacturing of automobiles, being taken out of our system, out of our country for years. I’ve been against all of the things that are happening and have happened. We stopped it and now it’s happened again when you hear 50,000 manufacturing jobs lost in just a short period of time. But I’ve been the most consistent because we’re going to bring our manufacturing back to the United States. It’s all coming back. So get ready. Get ready. You’re going to have your choice of great jobs.

And on top of all this, Kamala tried to turn our military woke. So tonight, whether you are a Republican Democrat or independent, conservative or liberal, I’m inviting you to join the greatest political movement in the history of our country. It’s really [inaudible 05:36:51]. It’s the greatest movement in the history of our country. I tell the story, years ago, there’s a guy, great guy, older guy now, very old, but he was great. Conservative guy. Pat Buchanan, right? We know Pat Buchanan. He came in second in the New Hampshire primary. And for 45 years, he made an unbelievable career of it. He was a hot item. He was on every show. I came in second in one primary. We came in first in 50 primaries. We then had a great election that we won, we then had another great election that we did a hell of a lot better in and bad things happen. We’re not going to let that happen. COVID. They used COVID to cheat. But we then had an election.

But now, we have the election of, oh, this will be, in my opinion… I have to say if, because there’s always risks, I guess. But if we pull this off, this will be the biggest political event in the history of our country. Right? And we’re building the biggest, broadest, most diverse coalition in American history, including union workers and Border Patrol agents. By the way, the Border Patrol gave me last week their complete and total endorsement. They said, “He’s the greatest president in the history of the country.” But we don’t have to go that far. And they said, “There’s never been anybody like him on the border.” They said to him, the fake news said, “Has she ever called you?” “No.” They didn’t like that answer, by the way.

Then they asked her, “Have you ever called?” “No, she never called.” Almost four years, she never called, not once, the Border Patrol. And she was the border czar. She was in charge of the border. Think of it, four years she’d never called. Now, she’s trying to say, “Well, I was really not the border…” Whether she was the border czar or not, she was put in charge of the border by Sleepy Joe. And then he went to bed, he put her in charge, went to bed. She did the worst job on the border than anybody has done in the history of the world. There’s never been a border like this in the world. And a third-world country would fight people with sticks and stones to stop them from pouring into their country. And we let them just come right in. What a shame. What a shame.

Police and firefighters also. We have every endorsement from virtually every sheriff’s department, police department. I don’t think they have one cop. They’re looking for just one cop. Is there one? Well, it’s not going to be a New York’s finest. By the way, how good are the police outside? New York’s finest. And I want to thank Mayor Adams because Mayor Adams has been treated pretty badly. When he said that this whole thing with the migrants coming into New York, “This is just not sustainable. We can’t do it. We’re trying to run a city. We got 100,000 migrants covered. We can’t do it. It just can’t do it. It’s not feasible. It’s not good.” He said it very nicely. I said, “Well, he’s going to be indicted by these lunatics [inaudible 05:40:25].” A year later, he got indicted. I think they upgraded his seat in an airplane. [inaudible 05:40:34] this is a very serious charge. They’ve upgraded my seat a lot too. I used to fly commercial. I don’t fly it so much anymore, but they’d see me back there and, “Sir, would you like an upgrade?” I don’t know. Maybe it’s something else. But I have to tell you, he’s been really great. And he said that they shouldn’t be calling Trump a dictator because it’s not true. That’s nice. That was nice. Very nice. So we want to thank Mayor Adams, going through a hard time with these people. These are lunatics, by the way. They’ve weaponized the Justice Department against their political opponent. I am under investigation more than the great late Alphonse Capone.

My father’s looking down on me right now. He was a tough guy but he was legit. And I know my mother’s in heaven. I’m not 100% sure my father, but it’s close. But he’s looking down at me right now and he’s saying, “How the hell did this happen to my son? He’s not a bad person.” I’m a good person. All we want to do is straighten out our country. But all of the veterans are with us, all of the steel workers. I saved our steel. I saved our steel plants. And I don’t like Japan buying U.S. Steel. U.S. Steel used to be like Elon Musk 70 years ago. The biggest, the best company in the world. You know that, Elon? You wouldn’t know. He’s too young to know. U.S. Steel was the big baby. That was a big… I don’t know, there’s something nice about U.S. Steel being the biggest as opposed to Google. It’s like a different kind of a company.

But we sort of need steel in this country. Like we’re not going to go to war with me as your president, but if we… On the long shot that we do, we don’t want to say, “We need steel. Can we get it from China or can we get it from someplace else?” It’s always a possibility. But I will tell you, you’re not going to have a war with me and you’re not going to have a Third World War with me. That, I can tell you. But we need steel. And I would not approve U.S. Steel being bought by Japan. I wouldn’t do it, just out of… Psychologically not good. We’ll help them out, but I don’t like it. We’re seeing historic levels of support among our Black population, Hispanic population, and our Asian population. Jews, Muslims.

By the way, did anybody see yesterday? Did anybody see what took place? I was with the Muslims yesterday in Michigan. And when the polls first came out, they had 100%, I had 0. And yesterday, I watched this anchor on CNN almost choke. She said, “Something’s happening in Michigan. Big population, couple of hundred thousand, a lot of votes. Something is happening. The poll just came out. Trump is at 59, Kamala is at 8 with the Muslim population.” They never saw anything like that [inaudible 05:43:42]. And these are people, by the way, they’re great. They just want peace. They want to have peace and it’s great.

So Jews and Muslims and Catholics and Evangelicals and Mormons, and they’re all joining our cause in large numbers, larger than anyone has ever seen in this country before, larger than they’ve ever seen in any country. And the Republican Party has really become the party of inclusion. And that’s something very nice about that. And we’re a big powerful party. And they’re losing it. They’re really losing it. Together, we will lift America to glory beyond your wildest dreams. It’s going to happen fast too.

So in conclusion, with your vote this November, we are going to fire Kamala and we are going to save America. We will cut your taxes, end inflation, slash your prices, raise your wages, and bring thousands and thousands of factories back to America. We’re even going to get Elon to bring that stuff back. We will build American, we will buy American, and we will hire American. I will end the war in Ukraine, which would’ve never happened if I were president. I will stop the chaos in the Middle East and I will prevent World War III from happening. We will crush violent crime and give our police the support, protection, resources, and respect that they so dearly deserve. We will strengthen and modernize our military. I rebuilt our military in total. We built all of our military. Built 571 miles of wall too. I took it out of the military because I couldn’t get it from the people in Congress that should’ve given it to us. So I considered it an invasion.

I said to a couple of generals, I said, “Congratulations. This is an invasion of our country.” So I took it out of the military. Had nine lawsuits and won them all. We will build a massive defense shield all made in the USA. We’re going to build a beautiful dome over our country. And a lot of it’s going to be made right here in New York. We will rebuild our cities, including our capital in Washington, D.C., which has become a very dangerous and badly managed place. We’re going to make them safe, clean, and beautiful again. We will teach our children to love our country, to honor our history, and to always respect our great American flag.

And as long as the Speaker of the House of Representatives is here, I would like to put forward a bill, because I watched two months ago as some very bad people, radical left people, by the way, nothing happened to them, in Washington, D.C., burned our American flags. They were burning flags. And I would like to suggest that we put in a bill. If you burn the American flag, one year in jail. We will get critical race theory and transgender insanity the hell out of our schools. And we will keep men out of women’s sports. I will defend religious liberty. I will restore free speech and I will defend the right to keep and bear arms. Our Second Amendment is under siege. After years of building up foreign nations, defending foreign borders, and protecting foreign lands, we are finally going to build up our country, defend our borders, and protect our citizens. It’s called America First. And it’s going to happen at levels never seen before. And I’ll tell our friends, our allies, who sometimes treat us very badly, that it’s about time we take care of ourselves. And we will stop the illegal immigration that’s taking place at levels never seen before. We will stop it cold and once and for all. We will not be invaded. We will not be occupied. We will not be overrun. We will not be conquered. We will be a free and proud nation once again.

Everyone will prosper, every family will thrive, and every day will be filled with opportunity and hope. And very much so it will be filled with the American dream. We’re bringing back the American dream and we’re going to bring it back at the highest level that you’ve ever seen. But for that to happen, we must defeat Kamala Harris and stop her radical left agenda with a landslide that is too big to rig. So you need to get out and vote. Get your husband off the couch. The football game doesn’t mean a damn thing. You got to get out and vote. Get up, Harry. Come on, Harry. Get up, Harry. Let’s go. You’re going to vote for the president, Harry. We’re going to save our country. For the past nine years, we have been fighting against the most sinister and corrupt forces on Earth. With your vote in this election, you can show them once and for all that this nation does not belong to them. This nation belongs to you. It belongs to you.

No city embodies the spirit energy and potential of the American people more than where we are gathered tonight. We want to win our country, but we also want to win New York and make it safe and strong and beautiful and affordable and vibrant again. And we’re going to do that. And we’ll work with the mayor and we’ll work with the governor. We’re going to do that. We’re going to make it great. When I left for Washington eight years ago, we had a horrible mayor named de Blasio, who’s a horrible, horrible. And things you could see, they weren’t being properly done, but still, it was a place that people wanted to be and all. But since then, our federal government, what they’ve done to this place, what they’ve done to the state, and I mean, to force hundreds of thousands of really rough people into this beautiful, I call it a beautiful oasis.

When I left New York, was the place you wanted to be. And now, people just don’t speak well of it. But we’re going to bring it back and we’re going to bring it back strong. And I hope you go out and vote. You got to vote for… You got to vote. It would be such an honor to win New York. Hasn’t been done in decades, hasn’t been done in so long. It hasn’t been done in so long. They all say, “Sir, you’re wasting your money.” I don’t think so. Your crime is through the roof. Everything is through the roof. I remember during debate they said, “No, sir.” This stupid person named David Muir from ABC fake news. He said, “Sir, crime is not through the roof. Crime is down.” I said, “No, it’s not.” I said, “It’s not down. It’s up.” “It’s down.” I was debating three people. I had him, I had that person next to him who I never even heard of.

But it turned out the following day, they released the stats and crime was up 45%. And what a shame. What a shame. We really need a fair press in this country. If we have a fair press, that’s going to be 50% of the battle of bringing it back. But this is the city where I was born and raised, and this is the town that taught me that Americans can do anything when they want to. So no matter our differences, when we work together, there is nothing that we cannot achieve. From New York to Las Vegas, from Philadelphia to Phoenix, from Chicago to Charlotte, from Atlanta to Detroit, this nation was built by generations of American patriots who gave everything they had for our rights, our future, and for our freedom. Through freezing cold winters and hot scorching summers, through storms and setbacks and conflicts and danger, our American ancestors pushed onward, marched forward, and overcame every single obstacle that stood in their way.

Together, they crossed the oceans, settled the continent, tamed the wilderness, laid down the railroads, raised up those mighty skyscrapers, built the highways, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and launched American astronauts to the moon. It was hardworking patriots like you who built this country. And nine days from now, it’s hardworking patriots like you who are going to save our country. After all we have been through together, we stand on the verge of the four greatest years in the history of the USA. With your help from now until election day, we will restore America’s promise. We will put America first, and we will take back the nation that we all love.

We bleed the same blood, we share the same home, and we salute the same great American flag. We are one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. We will never give in, we will never give up. We will never, ever back down. And we will never, ever, ever, ever surrender. Together, we will fight, fight, fight, and we will win, win, win. We’re going to win, win, win. November 5th will be the most important day in the history of our country. And together, we will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America healthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again. Thank you, New York. God bless you. God bless you all. Thank you.

MUSIC (05:55:20):

Start spreading the news, I’m leaving today.

I’ll make a brand new start of it.

New York, New York.

These vagabond shoes are longing to stray.

I’ll stand around the heart of it.

New York, New York.

I want to wake up in a city that never sleep.

And find I’m king of the hill.

Top of the heap.

These little town blues are melting away.

I’ll make a brand new start of it in old New York.

If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere.

It’s up to you, New York, New York.

New York, New York.

I want to wake up in a city that never sleeps.

And find I’m a number one, top of the list.

King of the hill, a number one.

These little town blues are melting away.

I’m going to make a brand new start of it in old New York.

And if I can make it there, I’m going to make it anywhere.

It’s up to you, New York, New York.

New York.

Speaker 78 (05:58:53):

Let’s hear it for Donald J. Trump, 47th President of the United States.

MUSIC (05:59:17):

Young man, there’s no need to feel down.

I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.

I said, young man, ’cause you’re in a new town.

There’s no need to be unhappy.

Young man, there’s a place you can go.

I said, young man, when you’re short on your dough, you can stay there.

And I’m sure you will find many ways to have a good time.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

They have everything for young men to enjoy.

You can hang out with all the boys.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

You can get yourself clean.

You can have a good meal.

You can do whatever you feel.

Young man, are you listening to me?

I said, young man, what do you want to be?

I said, young man, you can make real your dreams.

But you got to know this one thing.

No man does it all by himself.

I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf.

And just go there, to the Y.M.C.A.

I’m sure they can help you today.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

They have everything for young men to enjoy.

You can hang out with all the boys.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

You can get yourself clean.

You can have a good meal.

You can do whatever you feel.

Young man, I was once in your shoes.

I said, I was.

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