Oct 10, 2024

Trump Rally in Reading, Pennsylvania

Trump in Reading
RevBlogTranscriptsDonald Trump RallyTrump Rally in Reading, Pennsylvania

Donald Trump holds a campaign rally in Reading, Pennsylvania. Read the transcript here.

Speaker 1 (00:00):

… with babies and that ain’t happening. Where I come from, when you fail at your job for 1400 days, you don’t get another 1460 days. And if you ever have any doubts about her position on her performance, her review, on The View yesterday, she said she wouldn’t change a damn thing. Yeah. Thank you for saying so, Kamala. But the American people decide who gets promoted and you are not getting promoted. You are fired. Let’s win. God bless you all. Let’s get Trump in, make sure you vote. MAGA, baby.

Speaker 3 (01:19):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, candidate for United States Senate, Dave McCormick.

Dave McCormick (01:53):

All right, Redding. Good to see you. Hey, who’s ready to retire Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and send Donald Trump back to the White House? And who is ready to fire that guy, Bob Casey, and send Chuck Schumer packing? Man, we got to do it because this country’s in trouble. You know it. You have sky-high prices that are killing working families because of the policies of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and Bob Casey who votes 98% of the time. You got a wide open border, murderers coming across, Fentanyl killing 4,000 Pennsylvanians last year. He had a war on fossil fuels. That’s absolute madness because we’re blessed in this great Commonwealth with the fourth natural gas reserves in the world.

And you got crime that’s leaving our cities, going into the suburbs. Sky-high murders driven by fentanyl, driven by illegal immigration. We’ve got to get things turned around. And so, this is the most important election of our lifetimes. It is a choice. It’s a choice between the strength of Donald Trump and the weakness of Biden and Harris. It’s the choice between common-sense policies. It’s common sense to get our economy back on track, it’s common sense to secure our borders, common sense to open up our energy, it’s common sense to bring law and order, it’s common sense to have peace through strength, it’s common sense not to let biological men compete with women in our schools. And that’s against a radical liberal agenda that’s destroying our economy, destroying our borders, making us less safe. This is the most important election of our lifetimes. And my race for the Senate is absolutely critical for Pennsylvania’s future because we got to get rid of Bob Casey. He’s a 30-year career politician, he’s weak when we need strength, and he is a radical liberal that tries to be a moderate. We need to send him home. Send him home. We got to send him home.

Now, the last thing I’m going to say is we got to win Pennsylvania because, where Pennsylvania goes, the country goes. The country goes where Pennsylvania goes. And Pennsylvania is a wrestling state, right? Pennsylvania is a wrestling state. And my friends, we’re going into the third period right now. And I always knew, in college, when I was wrestling, that if I could go into the third period, within a point or two, I was going to win. And the reason I’m going to win and the reason we’re going to win is the third period’s not about wrestling. It’s about mental toughness. It’s about heart. It’s about staying on offense. It’s about saving our country and making Pennsylvania great again. God bless you and thank you.

MUSIC (05:32):

Whatever it takes.

Because I love the adrenaline in my veins.

I’ll do whatever it takes.

Because I love how it feels when I break the chains.

Whatever it takes.

Speaker 3 (05:53):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage Vivek Ramaswamy.

MUSIC (05:57):



Yeah, yeah, thunderstruck.



Vivek Ramaswamy (06:22):

Let me tell you, we’re not running against Kamala Harris. We’re not running against Joe Biden. We are running against a machine and we need a Commander-in-Chief who will finally get in there and dismantle that machine and that Commander-in-Chief is your next president, the 47th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump.

If you want to seal the border, vote Trump. If you want to grow the economy, vote Trump. If you want to stay out of World War III, vote Trump. If you want to revive national pride in this country, vote Trump. If you want to make America great again, vote Trump. It is a 1776 moment in this country, my friends, we need our George Washington to cross the Delaware. When George Washington did it, they shot bullets at him then back then too. Donald Trump is the George Washington of our moment and it’s going to require every one of us to win the revolution this year at home.

We are a nation in decline, but we don’t have to be. Decline is a choice. We don’t have to be at the end of ancient Rome. We don’t have to be this nation in decline. We can still be a nation in our ascent, a nation whose best days, not in some fake politician way, but in a true way, a nation whose best days are still yet ahead of us, so we will look our kids in the eye and mean it when we tell them that, no matter who you are or where your parents came from or what your skin color is, that you get ahead in the United States of America with your own hard work, your own commitment, your own dedication, and that you know what? You are free to speak your mind at every step of the way. That is the American dream. That is what we are running to and that is what Donald Trump will revive as your next president. Thank you, Pennsylvania. God bless you and your families. And may God bless our United States of America.

MUSIC (08:39):


Yeah, yeah, thunderstruck.



I was shaking at the knees.

Speaker 3 (09:03):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, senior advisor to President Trump, Stephen Miller.

Stephen Miller (09:29):

Hello, Pennsylvania. Hello, Redding. In 27 days, in 27 days, you can end the fraud, the corruption, the betrayal, the destruction of our country by ending the Biden-Harris administration and electing a true patriot, Donald J. Trump. Just think about what this man has endured to fight for each and every one of you. The lawfare, the persecution, the hoaxes, the attacks on himself, the attacks on his family. But did Donald Trump back down? Did Donald Trump waver? No. Did Donald Trump, God forbid, did he surrender? No. He fought. He fought with everything he had. He stared down one assassin. He stared down two assassins. He stared down hostile foreign governments.

Donald Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. He stared down everything, the corrupt Democrat machine, everything. His corrupt enemies, everything, the forces trying to destroy this country could throw at him. And he kept on fighting. Fighting for you, for your wives, your husbands, your children, the people you love. And why? Because he believes that you’re entitled to a secure border, a sovereign country, a country without crime, a country without chaos, a country without corruption, a country where FEMA prioritizes American citizens, not illegal aliens.

A country that puts our children first. A country that puts our loved ones first, not foreign migrants and refugees and illegal aliens and trespassers and criminals. And a country that does not let illegal aliens hurt and murder and kill our people. And when he is elected, guess what? The criminal migrants are going home. He will send them back. All I’m asking you to do, Pennsylvania, all I’m asking you to do is stand with the man who has stood with you, deliver Donald Trump back to the White House. Vote early. Get your friends, get your colleagues, get everyone you know. Send in those ballots because, if Pennsylvania goes for Trump, Trump will be the 47th President of the United States of America. Thank you. God bless you and God bless the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Thank you.

MUSIC (13:34):

Rising up, back on the street.

Did my time, took my chances.

Went the distance, now I’m back on my feet.

Just a man and his will to survive.

So many times, it happens too fast. You change your passion for glory.

Don’t lose your grip on the dreams of the past.

You must fight just to keep them alive.

It’s the eye of the tiger, it’s the thrill of the fight.

Rising up to the challenge of our rival.

And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night.

And he’s watching us all with the eye of the tiger.

Face to face, out on the heat.

Hanging in tough, staying hungry.

They stack the odds, still we take to the street.

For the kill, with the skill to survive.

It’s the eye of the tiger, it’s the thrill of the fight.

Rising up to the challenge of our rival.

And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night.

And he’s watching us all with the eye of the tiger.

Rising up, straight to the top.

Had the guts, got the glory.

Went the distance, now I’m not going to stop.

Just a man and his will to survive.

It’s the eye of the tiger, it’s the thrill of the fight.

Rising up to the challenge of our rival.

And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night.

And he’s watching us all with the eye of the tiger.

The eye of the tiger.

The eye of the tiger.

The eye of the tiger.

The eye of the tiger.

Donald Trump (18:28):

When I first came into office, I cut taxes more than any other president. We have created seven million new jobs and it led to a growth like we’ve never seen before. We developed the greatest economy in history, by far.

When I left office, it changed. Inflation destroyed the lives of so many people. Interest rates went from 2% to 10%. Millions of illegal immigrants, traffickers and drugs coming into our country. Our country has gone to hell. So I made a decision to run. We’re going to make America great again. Greater than ever before. I will fight for you with every breath and I will never let you down.

Speaker 6 (19:25):

President Trump is literally putting his life on the line and he’s willing to risk it all because he loves this country.

Speaker 7 (19:32):

He is strong, he is fearless, and he is what this country needs right now.

Speaker 8 (19:40):

Our cities will be safe, our streets will be clean, and our border will be secure.

Speaker 9 (19:47):

We can’t allow our country to be destroyed by politicians who will put their own power ahead of the interests of the American people, our freedom and our future.

Speaker 10 (19:55):

The left told me to hate Trump. When you cut through the lies, you realize the truth. American families were better when Donald Trump was president. We were safer, wealthier, and stronger.

Speaker 11 (20:07):

So if you love this country, if you want to stand up and fight for the future of our nation, you must re-elect Donald J. Trump.

Speaker 3 (20:28):

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next President of the United States, President Donald J. Trump.

MUSIC (20:37):

And I’m proud to be an American.

Where at least I know I’m free.

And I won’t forget the men who died.

Who gave that life to me.

And I’d gladly stand up next to you.

And defend her still today.

Because there ain’t no doubt, I love this land.

God bless the USA.

From the lakes of Minnesota.

To the hills of Tennessee.

Across the plains of Texas.

From to sea to shining sea. From Detroit down to Houston.

And New York to LA.

Where there’s pride in every American heart.

And it’s time we stand and say.

That I’m proud to be an American.

Where at least I know I’m free.

And I won’t forget the men who died.

Who gave that life to me.

And I’d gladly stand up next to you.

And defend her still today.

Because there ain’t no doubt I love this land.

God bless the USA.

And I’m proud to be an American.

Where at least I know I’m free.

And I won’t forget the men who died.

Who gave that life to me.

And I’d gladly stand up next to you.

And defend her still today.

Because there ain’t no doubt I love this land.

God bless the USA.

Donald Trump (23:16):

A very, very big hello, Pennsylvania. We love Pennsylvania. And it’s great to be back in this beautiful commonwealth with thousands of proud, hardworking American patriots. You are indeed. You are hardworking, proud. You love the country. We’re going to save our country. We are going to save it from these lunatics. Before we begin, I want to send our prayers to the people of Florida getting hit just about now. In a little while, you’re going to see a hurricane like we haven’t seen in a long time, as well as all of the people still recovering from Hurricane Helene. North Carolina’s been hit very hard and this administration has not done a proper job at all. Terrible, terrible. Nobody’s seen anything like it, but we just pray for everybody. We want them all to be good and we’re going to be there hopefully soon, and we’re going to help them rebuild and get it all back together. And we hope that God will keep them safe. God will keep them safe. Just 27 days from now, we’re going to win Pennsylvania. We’re going to defeat Kamala Harris and we are going to make America great again. And when we beat… You know this. When we win, it will be, I believe, the greatest political victory in American history. I believe it will. It will be the greatest. We had an incredible evening on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania. We love Butler. Butler’s become a very famous place, celebrating the brave firefighter and fire chief. We love Corey, right? Who sacrificed his life in the attack 12 weeks ago. Just take a look at all of the incredible patriots. You have to see this to believe it. Over 100,000 people. Take a look at this.

Thank you. Who is that man up there? I don’t recognize him. Who is that? From the very beginning of this journey, I’ve been on a mission to rescue our nation from a failed and corrupt political establishment and to give you back the country you believe in, the country you were born in, and the country you deserve. You’re going to get it back. We’re all getting it back. In that mission, I will never quit, I will never bend, I will never break, and I will never, not ever, under any circumstances, even in the face of death, we will never give up. Never going to give up. We’re going to turn it around. We’re going to have the four greatest years we’ve ever had. I’m putting everything on the line to fight for you. I didn’t have to be here. I could be in a beautiful beach. I could be in a gorgeous beach somewhere in the world.

President Donald Trump (27:00):

The sun beaming down on this beautiful body in a bathing suit. The sun would be beaming down, the waves would be crashing into my face. Instead, I’m here with you in Pennsylvania and I’d rather be doing that. It’s true, I’d rather be here.

And all I want is one thing, because we’re going to do this. You have to go out and vote. That’s all. That’s all I want. You don’t even have to give us any money. That’s a pretty good deal, right? Just vote. Vote for all of us. You’re not voting for me, you’re voting for all of us. We’re going to save our country. It’s being run by incompetent people that have no idea what the hell they’re doing.

Early voting is underway now. So when the polls open tomorrow, don’t wait. Go immediately. Go as soon as you can. If you want, you go. Some people want to wait, they want to wait till that beautiful Tuesday that day that’s going to be the most important day in the history of our country, I believe. I really believe that. I think we’re going to win Pennsylvania. We’re leading in all the polls. I shouldn’t tell you that. I shouldn’t tell you. I should say we’re down one, we’re down one. Get out and vote.

No, we’re doing well in Pennsylvania. We’re doing well in Michigan. We’re doing well in Arizona, Nevada. We’re doing well everywhere. We’re doing well in places that a Republican hasn’t won in years. We’re doing well everywhere because people are looking at the people that are destroying our country and they say, “We’re not going to take it anymore.” If we win Pennsylvania, we win the whole thing. It’s over. Right? The whole thing. But really nobody makes the case against Lying Kamala Harris better than Kamala herself. Take a look.

Speaker 12 (29:15):

Well, if anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?

Vice President Kamala Harris (29:23):

There is not a thing that comes to mind in terms of… and I’ve been a part of most of the decisions that have had impact.

President Donald Trump (29:43):

So think of that. So I heard that question when it was given because I had a watch, because she doesn’t do any interviews. She doesn’t do any press conferences. She doesn’t do them for one reason. She’s not smart. She’s not smart. Not smart. No, she doesn’t do them. They’re trying to shield. Last time they kept a man in the basement and they had an excuse. They had a thing called COVID around. And we did great last year, I want to tell you. We did great in 2020. We did great in 2016. But we got millions more votes in 2020. Think about that one. So we have to make this too big to rig, right? Too big to rig.

So Kamala just said that she can’t think of one thing she’d do differently than crooked Joe Biden, right? I’ll read off a little list to you. How about the following? She wouldn’t do one thing. Remember that. What about the nation-wrecking border invasion, 21 million people? 21 million people plus came into our nation, and among them are murderers, drug dealers, people from mental institutions, human traffickers, mostly in women. How about that? She wouldn’t do that differently? She went from the best border in the world to the worst border in the world. She went from we had a border that was the best in US history, and now we have the worst border anywhere in the world at any time. There’s never been a border like this. What she’s done and what he’s done, what they have done to this country. The worst inflation in the history, costing a typical family almost $30,000, the inflation, she wouldn’t do that over again either.

Maybe the worst of all, and something that a lot of people don’t hear about because… Look at all the fake news. That’s a lot of fake news. I think this is the worst of all in a sense. And you’d almost say, how could it be worse? She lost 325,000 migrant children. Their parents are looking for them. Think of you were their parents. Think of you with their parents, 325 due to incompetence, due to the fact that she had the worst border, due to the fact that she let our great people not run the border. She got rid of all the things that we were doing. We had the safest border. We went from the safest to the worst. Those children are now dead, in slavery or just plain missing. Probably most of them will never be found again. Think of that 325,000 because of their incompetence. They’re missing. Probably many of them are dead.

Number four, migrant flights, flying illegal migrants into our cities. Remember when she said, “No, we want to…” About a month ago, she realized this was not playing well for her and the polls. So they came up with a phony little idea that they’ll do something. The only thing they didn’t do, though, they didn’t stop the flights that were pouring in with thousands and thousands, and actually over the course of a couple of years, hundreds of thousands of people flying over our borders. They didn’t stop that. So they came from places all over the world into your cities and small towns changing them forever. And I have to say, ruining them. Ruining your cities and towns, including murderers, drug dealers, gang members, people from mental institutions, and insane asylums, human traffickers and women.

How about number five, the Afghanistan catastrophe, the most embarrassing event in the history of our country? She wouldn’t do that again. You have to understand. She said, “No, I’d leave it the way it is.” We’re just going over just a small list. That was the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. Probably Putin went into Ukraine because of it. He looked and he saw the gross incompetence of this president that can’t speak. The October 7th attack on Israel would never have happened. But she said that was fine too, because she didn’t want to change. She actually said she didn’t want to change anything. She’d leave it the way it is.

So I said, let’s make a list of just some of the bad things. This is just a small list. October 7th, where you take a look at what happened. She doesn’t want to change that, the slaughter of a lot of people. The Ukraine disaster, millions of dead people because of the weakness of this administration. Putin never would’ve gone into Ukraine if I were president. It would never, ever have happened. How about the natural gas export ban that is crushing Pennsylvania right now? Most of you don’t even know about that. You hear fracking and all. By the way, if she ever won this thing, you wouldn’t be fracking for 24 hours. But how about that? And it’s crushing Pennsylvania, hurting you. It’s going on. It’s on right now.

How about this, pushing transgender ideology on minor children? How about that one? Your child goes to school and they take your child. It was a he and comes back as she. And they do this. And they do it. And often without parental consent. Can you even believe we’re saying this? How about men playing in women’s sports? How about that? She wouldn’t change. How about the insane electric vehicle mandate where everybody’s got to have an electric car almost immediately? They don’t go far. They cost a lot more. And they’re going to be made in China. And by the way, I think they’re fantastic for a certain group of people that want them. And I’m not saying that because I’m a big fan of Elon, who endorsed us. You know that, he endorsed us. Elon’s great and he makes a great product. And it is and there’s a market for it. It’s great. There are people that want it, and I think it’s fantastic, actually. But you know what? Some people want gasoline. We have more gasoline. We have more liquid gold under our feet than any other country anywhere in the world.

But I’ll tell you, Elon was at Butler. You saw him. He was having the time of his life. And I didn’t even know we had it. He saw a black hat. You saw that. And it has in a very subtle way with black letters, Make America Great Again. And I didn’t even know we sold them and he wore one. And his imagination is rather good, like better maybe than anybody in the world. He sends up rockets. What he did with Starlink was so incredible for North Carolina and Georgia and Alabama. They said, “Sir, do you know Elon Musk?” I said, “Yeah, I happen to.” He just endorsed us like the best endorsement you’ve ever heard. He said, “We’re going to save America. If we don’t, this country is ruined.”

But think of it. They said, “Do you know…” Because he has something called Starlink and it’s very hard to get. It’s so popular. I said, “What do you need it for?” He said, “In North Carolina we have absolutely no communications.” Also, the governor of Georgia is doing an excellent job. They didn’t have any communications in certain sections of Georgia. And I said, “Well, what do you want? He said, could you get us Starlink?” So I called up Elon. I said, “Elon, what the hell is Starlink?” I said, “Because North Carolina needs it for communication really badly, and it’s very hard to get. And we talk for about a minute, and all of a sudden I’m getting messages, “Thank you.” From North Carolina, from Georgia. “Thank you very much.” I’m still on the phone with him. I said, “How the hell did you do that?” He started sending it out and we hadn’t finished our conversation.

So we’re dealing on a different level with Elon. And it was great. It saved them. It saved them because all their wires were ripped down. And I asked the people, I said, “So what’s better? The wires all over the place when they were working or Starlink?” He said, “Honestly, Starlink is better.” He said, “Starlink is better.” So we thank Elon because he helped a lot of people, probably saved a lot of lives. And we thank him for the endorsement, right? We thank him for the endorsement.

And I also want to tell you, he made that black hat so… We’re selling. So what happened? I didn’t even know we had it. It’s selling like hotcakes, 10,000 hats were sold in the last day and a half. But listen, more importantly, he calls it Dark MAGA. Dark MAGA. I said, “That’s the coolest name. That’s the coolest name I’ve heard.” And he likes it. He’s wearing it all the time now. He’s great.

And one more, 11, the worst hurricane response since Katrina. And she’s on a fundraising comedy tour while people are stranded and drowning all over some of our greatest states. So as the floodwaters rose in North Carolina and Georgia and Alabama, Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Kamala flew… By the way, do you think Biden could have done that? Do you think Kamala could have done it? No, Biden would’ve done better. I think Biden would’ve done better. I think he’s smarter than Kamala. You know, he’s been reinvigorated. He’s looking good compared to Kamala. No, he has been, right?

Look, Mr. Wall, please stand up. Mr. Wall. This guy’s a wealthy guy, he does great, but he likes the rallies. He’s been to like 250. How about front row, Joe, stand up. Will you please? Thank you guys. They got front row Joes all over the place. Unfortunately, most of them can’t get a front row seat. It’s one of those problems. Thank you very much for being. A lot of rallies, like 260 something rallies. And Uncle Sam, thank you very much, please. The great Uncle Sam. I got to shake his hand. I have no idea who the hell he is. I got to shake his hand two weeks ago. He has the strongest handshake. I’m saying, “Man, that guy’s strong.” Thank you Uncle Sam. You’re great. Kamala flew to a fundraiser in San Francisco, a city she absolutely destroyed. She destroyed San Francisco. It was the best city in the country and now it’s not good at all. Well, families desperately tried to escape the rising floodwaters, and they climbed onto roofs. They did anything they can to live, but Kamala didn’t send any helicopters to rescue them. And when people sent helicopters, they turned them back. And by the way, when Elon sent Starlink originally, they confiscated it. They took it. It took them a long time to get it over there. And it’s a disgrace. And he doesn’t want to say that, but I’ll say it. It was disgraceful what they did. So she didn’t send anything or anyone at all. Days passed. No help as men, women and children drowned. North Carolina has eight military bases, great bases. Fort Bragg. Remember Fort Bragg? They changed the name. We won two wars, two world wars, actually, to be specific from Fort Bragg. But they changed the name to, I’m not even going to say it. Let’s just call it Fort Bragg.

What do you think? Has nothing to do with Pennsylvania, but the people of North Carolina would like to leave it as Fort Bragg. Can we do that? Yes?

Crowd (42:53):


President Donald Trump (42:59):

I think so. But they had rescue helicopters that could have easily be sent, and there was just no coordination. I’m not surprised because I’ve been dealing with them. There’s nothing. But instead, Kamala recorded a podcast known for its graphic content. Can you believe it? She did nothing as people struggled and drowned and day after day, no one came and they still, it’s totally deficient. Fortunately, the private sector kicked in and they’re really helping and doing a good job, I will tell you. It took six days before Kamala and Joe sent a small number of troops to help. And despite all of this, Kamala Harris said she’s not going to do anything differently. So if you had your chance, would you do something differently? “No, no. I’d keep it just the same.” Think of the things I read, and that’s a small portion of the incompetence. What they’ve done to our country is unthinkable. This November, the people of Pennsylvania have to tell Kamala Harris that we’ve had enough of you. You’re an incompetent person. You’re the worst vice president in the history of our country, acknowledged to be. Kamala, you are fired. Get out of here. You are fired. Get the hell out of here. Get the hell out of here.

Crowd (44:20):


President Donald Trump (44:44):

So her answer that she would do nothing different is disqualifying. Kamala Harris is grossly incompetent, she cannot be trusted, and she is totally ill-equipped to do the job of President of the United States of America. She’s ill-equipped. Frankly, Joe Biden is ill-equipped also, but at least he got 14 million votes, right? He’s also ill-equipped, but what are you going to do? And let me tell you, he may hate her more than he hates me. That’s possible, right? What do you think? Dan, do you think so? I don’t know. I think so. I believe it’s very interesting what’s going on. You see the play now? They’re fighting like cats and dogs, the two of them. I believe that he hates her perhaps more than he hates Trump. And I’m a little bit upset about that actually. Our country just went through four years of incompetence and we cannot handle four more years. We’re not going to have four more years of it, nor will we have a woke military. We don’t have a woke military. This is what we have. This is where we’re going. Check it out.

Speaker 13 (46:04):

You’re a little scumbag. I’ve got your name, I’ve got your ass. You will not laugh. You will not run. You will learn by the number.

Speaker 14 (46:11):

Happy Pride. Happy Pride Month. And actually let’s declare it a summer of Pride.

Speaker 13 (46:17):

So you’re a killer?

Speaker 15 (46:18):

Sir, yes sir.

Speaker 13 (46:19):

Let me see your war face?

Speaker 15 (46:21):


Speaker 13 (46:21):

You’ve got a war face? Ah. That’s a war face. Now let see your war face.

Speaker 15 (46:26):


Speaker 13 (46:30):

Bullshit, you didn’t convince me. Let see your real war face.

Speaker 15 (46:31):


Speaker 16 (46:32):

Padam, padam, I hear it and I know. Padam, padam, I know you wanna take-

Speaker 13 (46:42):

You will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death praying for war. But until that day, you are futile. You are the lowest form of life on earth. You’re not even human fucking beings. You’re nothing but unorganized grabastic pieces of amphibian shit.

Speaker 16 (46:58):

Abracadabra, these bitches know I got answers. The way I.

Speaker 13 (47:03):

It looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your mama’s ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress.

I love working for Uncle Sam.

Speaker 17 (47:20):

I love working for Uncle Sam.

Speaker 13 (47:20):

Lets me know just who I am.

Speaker 17 (47:20):

Lets me know know just who I am.

Speaker 13 (47:24):

1, 2, 3, 4, United States Marine Corps.

Speaker 17 (47:24):

1, 2, 3, 4, United States Marine Corps.

President Donald Trump (47:42):

Quite a difference. It’s quite a difference, isn’t it? We just have to have a little fun in these rather troubled times, don’t we? Huh? But there’s a lot of truth to that when you see it. We had tough stuff today. It’s a little bit different. But I’ll tell you what, I know the military well. We defeated ISIS in four weeks. It was supposed to take four or five years. We have a great military and they’re not woke. Some of the stupid people up top are woke. But you could throw those military people into a woke room, scream at them for two years. They’d come out, they want to fight. Okay? They are great. We have a great military. I saw it because…

By the way, I’m the only president in 78 years that didn’t start a war. But I finished wars. I finished wars. I finished wars. Remember when Crooked Hillary said, and she said, remember when Crooked Hillary said, “Look at him. He’s going to start a war.” I said, “No, no, I’m going to stop wars. I’m going to stop them.” And I did. 78 years, 78 years. But I wiped out ISIS at very quick time. They said it was going to take four or five years. I did it in one month because our military is great. Our military is great. Just yesterday, it was reported that Kamala Harris brought in a totally unvetted refugee from Afghanistan, who has now been arrested for plotting an ISIS terror attack on the United States during our election. This is the people we’ve brought in. We’ve got thousands of them. This is one.

Kamala completely abandoned her duty to law-abiding Americans, and spent the last four years importing criminals, unvetted refugees, and terrorists into our country. As we speak, she has, and this was just announced last week, 13,099, so over 13,000 illegal alien convicted murderers roaming free in our country, murderers that they’re released from penitentiaries, prisons and jails. You got 13,000 plus murderers in our country that were released from jails from all over the world. They come from the Congo, they come from all over the world, not just South America. They do come from South America too.

Do you know the crime rate in Venezuela is way down because they’ve sent their criminals into the United States? In fact, I’ll make you a deal, if we don’t win, if this crazy incompetent person gets it next year, this same group is going to meet in Caracas of Venezuela because it’ll be much safer than your particular state. That’s where we are. We’re going to get these people out. We’re going to deport them so rapidly. We’re going to get the criminals, the murderers. And essentially, I will liberate Pennsylvania and our entire nation from this mass migrant invasion of murderers and child predators and gang members, terrorists, drug dealers, and thugs.

What they have done to our country is unbelievable. We get up and we talk and we talk. And I noticed something. Somebody was telling me the other day… We do a lot of these beautiful rallies and it’s so great. We never have an empty seat, never have. Look at it, we’re 100,000 in Butler, more. Never have an… But they said, “As you go on, you get angrier and angrier.” It’s true because I read this stuff with all of these people being allowed in to destroy our country and by the end of my speech, I’m actually a little bit angrier, in some cases a lot angrier because they’re destroying our country.

We will not allow these people to invade us or to conquer us. Do you see what they’re doing in Colorado? They’re taking over apartment buildings. They’re taking over real estate. They become real estate developers from Venezuela. They have equipment that our military doesn’t have. Where the hell did they get that equipment? And the governor of Colorado, who’s a weak Democrat radical left, he’s beside himself. He said, “Oh, what do I do? What do I do?” You get them the hell out of there, that’s what you do. The Democrats brought them in.

And you know what? Little cities and towns all over the country are being invaded, but the ones that aren’t, they’re just as scared because they know it’s going to happen. Because we have hundreds of thousands of these people, and there’s so many of them are criminal. And you know what? If I were the head of, I want to name countries, but they’re all friends of mine in one way or the other. I know most of them, almost all of them. But if I were doing that, I would’ve done it even faster than them. In Venezuela, in many countries, they’re emptying their prisons into our country. Because Venezuela has only gone about 50%, I would’ve had it down to 100%. Why wouldn’t I? Do you know the money they save and the turmoil they save when they take the criminal gangs from Caracas off the streets and they bus them into the United States and drop them? And do you think anything’s going to happen That’s going to be good with those people? No, it’s not good. It’s not good. This is not the American dream.

I will save your communities. I will send home all of those who do not belong in our country. And I will keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country. And Kamala is known as the taxing queen, the taxing queen. Her plan will raise taxes for typical American families by an estimated $3,000 a year. Take a look at this.

Vice President Kamala Harris (53:56):

Joe Biden and I are about to get rid of that tax bill.

Speaker 18 (53:59):

Calling for a full

Speaker 20 (54:00):

Full repeal of President Trump’s tax cuts if Kamala Harris was elected president, there are many different tax policies which could cripple the economy, but the first thing she wants to do is allow these Trump tax cuts to expire. Even the New York Times admits that 85% of the middle class got a tax cut.

Speaker 21 (54:16):

Americans will face a hike. The Tax Foundation finding that a couple with two kids making $165,000 a year would have to pay over $2,400 more in taxes.

Kamala Harris (54:28):

And on day one, I will repeal that tax bill. Joe Biden and I are about to work to get rid of that tax cut. Joe and I are about to get rid of that tax bill. Joe Biden and I are about to get rid of that tax cut.

Speaker 20 (54:40):

Everything from a 70 to 80% tax rate.

Kamala Harris (54:42):

I think that’s fantastic. We’ve got to increase the corporate tax rate. Part of that is going to be about repealing that tax bill that they just passed, and also looking at estate taxes are going to have to go up. We will tax capital gains. But we’re going to have to raise corporate taxes.

Speaker 22 (54:57):

Taxing unrealized gains just doesn’t seem fair in any sense of the word.

Speaker 23 (55:00):

Because you’re paying for schools.

Speaker 24 (55:01):

When the value of your home goes up, you pay higher taxes even if you don’t sell your home.

Speaker 25 (55:04):

It’s tiring.

Speaker 23 (55:05):

Your value of your home never moves the way the stock moves to say, “We’re going to tax what you don’t have.” That’s a sore point and it’s a big deal. Is that something you think she firmly believes in?

Speaker 25 (55:15):

I think it’s part of the proposals of the campaign.

Kamala Harris (55:17):

Under my plan, there will also be a carbon fee. There has to be some connection between the fee and bad behaviors, and there has to be, in that we have to monitor whether it’s going to be passed on to consumers. But I’m going to tell you that should never be the reason not to actually put a fee, and in particular a carbon fee.

Audience (55:35):


Speaker 26 (55:38):

Kamala Harris is going to significantly raise taxes.

Kamala Harris (55:41):

Taxes are going to have to go up.

Speaker 26 (55:43):

Kamala’s plan will raise family’s taxes by nearly $2,600 a year. Under Kamala, prices have already soared. Now, she’d make it worse with even higher taxes.

Kamala Harris (55:54):

Taxes are going to have to go up.

Speaker 26 (55:57):

President Trump will cut taxes again. No taxes on tips, overtime, or social security.

Donald Trump (56:05):

I’m Donald J. Trump and I approved this message.

Thank you. So I gave you, as you know, the largest tax cut in the history of our country. And I gave you the largest regulation cut for your companies that hired so many people. We had the best employment numbers in the history of our country. Everybody was working whether they went to the best schools and colleges and got doctorates and all of the different, or whether they couldn’t graduate from high school. Men, women, the Black community, the Hispanic community, the Asian community, every single group, not one was left behind. And the best ones in terms of proportionately were low income people. They did the best. And by the way, you have an invasion of people into country, and not including got aways, more than 21 million people. The got aways that nobody has any idea how many there are. They’re going to be attacking and they already are. The Black population jobs, the Hispanic population jobs, and they’re attacking union jobs too. And they’re all pouring in.

So when you see the border, it’s not just the crime. Your jobs are being taken away too. And it’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen. Kamala will deliver a 1929-style depression. I will deliver low taxes, low regulations, low energy costs, low interest rates, low inflation and the greatest economy in the history of the world, which is what we gave you before. We will pass large tax cuts for workers, and we will have no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, and no tax on social security benefits for our great seniors. That’s a big deal.

Do we have any restaurant workers? Do we have any people that work in restaurants? No tax on tips. Remember they tried copying me. They gave it up. They gave it up. You know why? They got killed when they said it. Like a month later? “Oh, she’s going… Uh, we’re going to have no tax on tips.” So they toyed with people with their education, with debt, and they said, “Oh, well, we’re going to pay for your college education. We’re going to pay.” Never got it done. They won’t get anything done. They can’t get anything done. They never got it done. To bring jobs, factories, and wealth racing back to Pennsylvania, we will have a 15% made in America corporate tax rate, cutting the tax from 21 to 15, and I got it down to 21 from 39.

But, there is a but, but only for those who make their product in America. Made in America. One of the biggest guys, highly sophisticated guy, a wealthy guy on Wall Street called me up. He said, “Who the hell gave you that idea?” It’s so simple, right? You’re going to get that additional tax cut, but you have to have your product made in America. Isn’t that great? They said, “Who gave you?” that’s like the paperclip. Somebody came up with the idea of a paperclip many years ago and people saw it. They said, “Why didn’t I think of that?” But we’re going to give a tax cut. You make your product here, because that means jobs, it means a lot of things. It means a lot of great things. And we’re going to stop Mexico and China and all these countries from hurting this country because they’re hurting it. And they’re killing the automobile industry. You’re not going to have any cars manufactured here. If we win, this country will become the automobile manufacturing place. We will bring plants back at levels that haven’t been seen for 50 years in this country.

Right now, the Chinese are building big factories, auto plants in Mexico. They think they’re going to make cars and send them over to our border and put everybody in Detroit out of business, put everybody in South Carolina out of business. Not going to happen, because I’ll put 100 or a 200% tariff. We don’t want their cars. We want to make our cars here. And that includes in Pennsylvania. And for those who don’t make their product in America, they will be forced to pay a rather stiff tariff for the privilege of competing with our cherished companies that we’re going to take care of. And for the privilege of stealing our jobs, our treasure and our wealth, they’re going to do that, that’s okay, but they’re going to pay something for it and it’s going to be substantial. And we will take in hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs.

And let me tell you, for 30 years, for 25 years, China didn’t pay 10 cents to this country. And when I was president, they paid hundreds of billions of dollars, hundreds of billions. Not 10 cents. They literally never, they went under the guise, we are a developing nation. Well, we’re a developing nation too. We’re like, our nation’s gone like this. We got to get it back up, but we’re going to get it back up fast. But American citizens will use all that money. We’re going to pay off debt. We’re going to reduce your interest rates, we are going to, by the way, two things. When I was president, the interest rate was 2%. Now it’s 10%, but it’s not really 10% because you can’t get any money at 10%. The American Dream for young people is gone. They can’t buy a house. You can’t get any money.

So it’s not 10%, it’s 11, 12, 13, 14, 15%.

Speaker 26 (01:02:17):

What the hell.

Donald Trump (01:02:18):

It was 2%. Five years ago we had 2% and now we have not 10, probably 14 or 15 before you get it. But that puts you out of business, tariffs against us. Remember this, one thing is going to happen, or another thing. Number one, they’re going to drop all tariffs against us. We have countries that charge us 150 and 200%, and we charge them nothing. And I started it and it was good. We were making a fortune. And then these idiots came in and they changed it. But we’re going back to it. It’s a pro-American. It’s America First policy if you don’t mind, America First. We have America First. And I believe my pro-American trade policies are one of the major reasons why I’ve been overwhelmingly endorsed by the rank-and-file membership of the Teamsters. Never happened, it never happened. Including 65% of Teamster members in the Great Commonwealth, by the way, never call it a state. That’s a very bad, that’s career-threatening. I had a politician who was a friend of mine. He walked in and he started talking about the state. I said, ” Oh, he’s dead.” He was dead. You can’t do that.

David would never do that, right? No, you can’t do that. You got to be very careful. The only thing worse is when Biden would get up, remember? And he’d talk about, he’s in Idaho and he’d say, “It’s great to be in Iowa.” They’d say, “No, no.” But the worst was when he was in New Hampshire and he said, “It’s great to be in Florida.” That’s palm trees. And you could be Winston Churchill. He was a great orator, a great, great orator, one of the greats. And if you make that mistake, no matter how good you are, the speech is a total disaster. Do you agree? But we don’t make mistakes like that. We need every one of those Teamsters to get out and vote. Do we have any of the Teamsters here? Do we have them here? Oh, look at that. Thank you fellas. Appreciate it. We appreciate it.

The migrants are coming after your jobs, but I don’t think you’re going to be worried. I think you’re going to be, they’ll be okay. I know, they’re tough cookies. They’re going to be all right. Thank you very much. Thank you everybody. We appreciate it. Really. Because it’s jobs. They may be union, they may be not union. It’s jobs. We want to protect our jobs. I don’t care which jobs, we’re going to protect our jobs. We’re not going to let these countries come in and steal our product, and steal our companies. And all we’re left with is one thing. Unemployment, it’s not happening, not going to happen. And it’s a very simple thing to do. It’s essentially what they do. But see, we can do it better, because we have now this country. But if this country keeps going along the way it’s going, we’re not going to have that advantage anymore.

So we’re leading in every key national battleground, just about poll. We’re just, as I was coming up here, Rasmussen, highly, highly respected. One of the most accurate. They have us up by two points nationally. But don’t be fooled, if we’re up by two, it’s about like 10. You know why? Because people can’t poll Trump. That’s what happened with Crooked Hillary. They thought they were going to win because they say to the people, they call up, who are you voting for? A Trumper, like these guys. They love Trump. Who are you voting for? “I’m voting for Crooked Hillary Clinton. Or I’m voting for Lying Kamala Harris.” I don’t use the name Harris. When you use the name Harris, nobody. If I say, “Yeah, I’m up against Harris.”

Speaker 27 (01:05:55):


Donald Trump (01:05:56):

They say, “Who the hell is Harris?” No, nobody knows. You have to say Kamala. Look, all my political warriors over there, the insider advantage has just come out where we have nationally, three points. We have in Pennsylvania, a three-point lead, which probably means 10.

And a brand-new Quinnipiac Poll shows us leading in Michigan by four and in Wisconsin by two. It’s all good, but you got to get out. We cannot sit back. And we’ve made a lot of progress over the last, she had that little honeymoon period before she started talking. Once she started talking, I didn’t know was it that I did a good job or that she’s just so bad? You know what? Who cares. I say, who cares? Pennsylvania also needs to defeat your disastrous radical Democrat Senator Bob Casey.

Audience (01:06:53):


Donald Trump (01:06:56):

And we want to elect the next senator from Pennsylvania, Dave, you know David McCormick, he’s right here. David McCormick. And I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you, I know him for a long time. He went to the best schools. He did that. He got great marks. I think that means something. It does mean something. How did Biden do, by the way? How did Kamala do? Not too good. How did she do? Not too good. I will tell you right now, this guy was a great student. He was a great soldier. He was a great businessman. He’s tough as hell. David, I know you just spoke. Just come here, say, like for two seconds because nobody wants to hear you right now. Just come up. But we got to get this guy in office. Come on. Give me [inaudible 01:07:47].

David McCormick (01:07:47):

Thank you Mr. President. All right. It all comes down to the Keystone State. Right here. Right here, Mr. President, we’re going to put you back in the White House right here in the Keystone State. We’re going to win a majority in the Senate right here in the Keystone State. And we’re going to save America right here in the Keystone State. Thank you.

Donald Trump (01:08:13):

Thank you. He’s really good. And he will be such a great senator. He’ll be phenomenal. And I know Casey, I was in Washington for four years. I don’t know if I ever even met Casey, but he’s been there a long time. He’s boring. Nobody knows who the hell he is. Think of it. And he doesn’t fight for you. He just votes the way the Democrats tell him to vote. This guy will be a leader and he’ll bring business back to your Commonwealth. That was a close one. He’s going to bring business back to the Commonwealth like you won’t believe, he’s going to be a great senator for a long time to come. And thank you very much for being here, David. Great job. We’re also joined as well by warriors, members of Congress, who are great friends of mine. They’ve become great friends. When you’re in war, we’re at like a war because we have an enemy on the outside. Maybe China, maybe. Honestly, if you have a smart president, they’re always going to be fine. They’re always going to be fine. Because they always need something and they’re always going to be fine. I have great relationships with a lot of these countries that nobody else can talk to, like, as an example, Ukraine never ever would’ve happened. Israel never, ever would’ve happened. The October 7th would’ve never happened. You would’ve never had inflation. You wouldn’t have had that disaster in Afghanistan, the most embarrassing moment in the country’s life. But I became friendly with these people, and they are. They’re warriors. You have great ones here. Some places don’t have them as good. I must be honest with you. I refuse to say who, but here, you have great ones. Dan Meuser. Thank you, Dan. Thank you, Dan. Great job. Thank you for all the help. You did so many things, he helped us on, Right To Try. You know what Right To Try is? It’s such an important thing. We saved so many lives. He helped us so much. Lloyd Smucker. Lloyd, thank you very much. Great job. Been my friend. John Joyce. John, thank you. You’re fantastic people. And Kat Cammack from Florida, Kat, thank you. Whoa. Wow. That’s good. That’s very good. Thank you very much Kat. And you heard Vivek. How about Vivek? Great guy. We’re going to bring him in. I don’t want to tell him yet exactly. We’re going to pick the right, because I don’t like talking, first I like to win. We got to win. Somebody said, “Oh, sir, who’s going to be Secretary of State?” I said, “Do me a favor. Let’s win first, okay?” Vivek knows that, but he’s going to be a part of something that’s going to be really big. Thank you, Vivek. Great job. Thank you.

He started off as a rookie, and he did very well. He did very well. He wiped out a lot of guys that have done this stuff for a long time, didn’t he? Very well. It’s great. Great to have you. Great family too. In four incredible years under the Trump Administration, we’ve achieved more than any administration in the history of our country actually. We passed record tax cuts and record regulation cuts. We achieved all-time, low unemployment rates, record low poverty rates. We had the lowest, think of it. We had the best in terms of poverty, the best numbers you’ve ever had, and rising wages for everyone. Wages that rose at a level never seen before. We ended the NAFTA disaster, canceled the TPP, which would’ve taken all of your business out of Pennsylvania, withdrew from the ridiculous Paris Climate Accord. I want to call it the Pennsylvania Climate Accord, not the Paris Climate. No, they were ripping us off. We had to pay a trillion dollars. Russia had to pay nothing. India had to pay nothing. China had to pay nothing.

Speaker 26 (01:12:28):


Donald Trump (01:12:28):

We had to pay a trillion dollars. I said, “So far the deal’s not looking too good.” I tell you what, as a business guy, I went in and I looked at some of these deals. I said, “Who the hell negotiated these deals?” I said, “Hanky-panky going on, I think.” Of course, Biden got a lot of money from China. They never say that, the fake news never talks about it. If that were me, if that were me, I’d be excoriated. Remember I said at the debate, I said, “Let me ask you, how come the mayor of Moscow’s wife paid this man three and a half million dollars?” And Chris Wallace said, “Please don’t ask him that question.” Two weeks later, it became a hot subject. Don’t ask him the question. And nobody really did ask him the question, right? I won the big case in Florida. He had a similar type of case, but the difference is, I have Presidential Records Act. My was 100% fine. I won it, I beat deranged Jack Smith. He’s a deranged individual.

But Biden had a similar case, but he didn’t have Presidential Records Act right? And Biden was essentially convicted. Think of this. Here was the decision. “He’s incompetent, so he doesn’t have to stand trial.” So think of this. He’s incompetent, so he doesn’t have to stand trial, but he’s allowed to be the President of the United States. Does that sound good?

Audience (01:13:51):


Donald Trump (01:13:51):

I don’t think so, but I’ll be honest with you. I honestly believe that he’s more competent than Kamala. I believe that. I believe he’s more competent. And I thought he looked really good today because we were comparing the two of them. And who looked better? He looked sharper than she did. Can you believe this? But I stood up to China like nobody has ever stood up before, bringing in billions and billions and billions of dollars. And remember, I said it before, nobody ever brought in 10 cents. Not one other, not 10 cents. You check those records. We had the most secure border in U.S. history, fully rebuilt the United States military, and we created a new, beautiful, beautiful thing. I just love it. Wrapped up all perfect. It’s called Space Force. Not since Air Force, 78 years before, Air Force, 78 years ago, we obliterated ISIS. And with the Abraham Accords, we made peace in the Middle East. We had the Abraham Accords.

If Obama even thought about an idea like that, he would’ve gotten a Nobel Prize. With me, I said, “Don’t waste your time. They’re never giving it.” They don’t give it, they don’t give me anything. All we do is produce. We produce. I just want to produce for you. I don’t care about them. And I’m proud to be the first president in decades who started no new wars. That’s very good. But those four incredible years of peace and prosperity, and that’s what we have. I shake hands with people. “Sir, it was so good when you were president, and I’m not doing well now, sir, I’m not doing well.” They’ve been cut off with taxes and with regulations. It’s horrible what they’re doing. But they’ve been followed by four years of misery and failure under the worst president and vice president in American history. This is the worst president and vice president, this is the worst administration in the history of our country. The only one happy about it is Jimmy Carter, because Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Carter is considered, and his administration is considered brilliant by comparison. Would you say that’s true Vivek, David, yes?

Now, Jimmy Carter had a brilliant administration by comparison. So he’s quite happy. He’s a pretty old guy. Just turning 100 or just about, right? He’s 100 years old. And he’s a nice man actually. He’s a very nice man. But here are the facts. Kamala Harris is a radical left Marxist, rated even worse than Bernie Sanders. And even worse than Pocahontas. Do you know Pocahontas? Elizabeth Warren, Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren. Remember? She said, “I’m Indian.” Everyone said, “Well, do you have any proof?” “No. My mother said that I had high cheekbones.” That’s what she said. So I came up with the name Pocahontas, and it drove her crazy. And so she went out and got a blood test, right? Remember what the number was? 1, 024th. Oh, this guy’s good. 1,024th. That means essentially that I have more Indian blood in me than she has, and I have none unfortunately. I’d like to have some. I’d be honored to have some, but I have none.

She thought it was so good that she had 1,024th, it’s like not even possible. It’s not possible. And she was happy. She was so happy that she released a number. She thought it was good. And that was the end of her political career. She was leading in the presidential race back then. That was the Biden race. And you know where Kamala was? She had dropped out. She was dead last. She dropped out. She’d never made Iowa. And do I love Iowa. I love Iowa. I love corn. I love Iowa. Now, Iowa is great. We have a big lead in Iowa. Never lost in Iowa. Well, we had a great many years, what was it, 36 years. Nobody won Pennsylvania. And then Trump came along and we won Pennsylvania. And I’ll tell you, there’s more spirit now than I’ve ever seen. I’m talking about nationwide, because we have another factor. You like me, and you know that I’m a very competent person.

Speaker 28 (01:18:23):

We love you.

Donald Trump (01:18:24):

But you know how, thank you. Thank you. I love you too.

Audience (01:18:28):

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.

Donald Trump (01:18:40):

Thank you. But now you see, but now you see how people can destroy our country. The President has tremendous power. A president has tremendous power. And you can make or break a country. If you’re stupid, if you don’t know what you’re doing, look at, the whole world is laughing at us. Five years ago, we were respected. Your president was respected, and our country was respected. And Victor Orban, one of the toughest leaders in the world, the strong people, the press hates him. They say, “He’s a tough leader.” Well, sometimes you need a tough leader, but highly intelligent guy, very strong person from Hungary. He’s the head of Hungary.

And he made a statement. They said, “Why is it that the whole world is going crazy?” The whole world. Remember me? I had no wars. I had no anything. We had no terrorists. We had no terror attacks. Everybody was happy. We had no terrorist attacks. But he said, “Why?” They asked him, “Why is it?” They said, “Because Trump’s not president. If he becomes president, the whole world, because,” and I don’t use this word. I don’t like the word for myself. I’m just saying the word. He said, “The whole world was afraid of him. China was afraid. Russia was afraid. Everybody was afraid.” And I don’t like that. I’d like to say respect, but I’m just saying what he said. So, because otherwise they’ll say, “Oh.” These guys are so bad. A big part of our problem in this country are those people right back there.

Audience (01:20:13):


Donald Trump (01:20:17):

Big part of our problem. We need a free and fair press. Badly, desperately. I watched the way they ask questions of Kamala yesterday. Howard Stern, he’s a weak guy. He’s weak.

Audience (01:20:32):


Donald Trump (01:20:35):

He’s going, “Oh, oh, what about, oh.” It was so, even she was embarrassed. It was like softball, but all of them, Howard, I knew him very well. I was on his show many times. I used to think he was good. Then I dropped him, I dropped him like a dog. And his ratings are very challenged. Very challenged.

Donald Trump (01:21:00):

But I watched the questions. I watched that stupid View where you have these really dumb people. Whoopi Goldberg said, would you participate in a movie? She made some movie on basketball. This was before I ran for politics. She said, oh, you’re so great. If you ever ran for president, you’d win. This is Whoopi Goldberg. You don’t hear that. She said, I’m making a movie. Would you be in it? I said, in what capacity? Just a walk on. You’re so great. Would you do it? I did a walk-on for Whoopi Goldberg. Now she says, I refuse to mention his name. You know what? Politics can do strange things to demented people.

Now, I’ve hired Whoopi to work for me as a comedian before this stuff, a long time ago. I went and I’m not particularly shy about what I hear. Her mouth was so foul. Every word out of her mouth was like the F-word that this. I was with a group of people, nice people, and we had to leave. She was so filthy, dirty, disgusting. Half the place left. I said I’d never hire her again, but she was so dirty. Every word was filthy dirty and I left. Then I see her sitting about, oh, Whoopi Whoopi. What a loser she is. But I watched the way they ask questions and it’s like they’re the same, like they are partners in this crime that’s being committed.

Kamala, again, she was last in the primary. She was the first one to drop out of like 22 people and now I’m running against her. Now, I don’t mind. I have a feeling that if they left Joe in by the time it’s finished, because dropping like a rock now because she’s actually forced to speak. Because she’s behind, she’s forced to go on and she’s speaking and because she’s speaking, people are realizing she’s a dumb person and we can’t have another dumb president. We’ve had enough. Can’t have it. No, the country can’t take it. I don’t want to be nasty.

Somebody said to me, one of my people, a nice person. Staff person said, sir, please don’t call her dumb. The women won’t like it. The women want to see our country come back. They don’t care. The women are tougher than the men, right? It’s tough. I said, don’t worry. I said, don’t worry about the women. They’ll be okay. They’re going to be okay. You know what? They don’t want millions of people coming through our border. They don’t want militaries pushing us around. They don’t want crime in the middle of our streets. They don’t want hundreds of thousands of migrant criminals. Criminals. They don’t want them walking down Madison Avenue in New York and Fifth Avenue and the shops being emptied. They want to see a country that works. We’re going to have a country that works very, very soon and the women are going to like Trump. I think they like me anyway. I think it’s all bullshit. They make it up. Thank you.

Kamala was an original creator of defund the police, okay? She was one of the originals, because she’s a radical left person. Her father is a Marxist economist. I don’t know what that means, a Marxist economist. But a Marxist economist. I’d love to meet the father. Where’s the father? I want to meet the father. I might like him. I like Barack Hussein Obama’s brother very much. He endorsed me. I like very much Tampon Tim’s family. His family endorsed me. Tampon Tim, they endorsed me. The family of Tim, a terrible governor, the job he does is terrible. Anybody who wants to defund the police for even one week or one day is not worthy of being President of the United States. Okay?

Kamala Harris vowed to abolish ICE. She wants mass amnesty for illegals, which will bankrupt Medicare and social security. These people coming in, I believe they do it for the votes. They really want to get them on the voting rolls. The amazing thing is a poll came out the other day with Hispanics. First time ever, Trump is leading. Look at her. Beautiful. Trump is leading. Never have. I think stupid Mitt Romney was at like 4% or something. How about him? How do you like having him as a partner? Mitt Romney, what a weak led, we’re getting him the hell out of here. But she wants to ban fracking. Her whole life, she talked about we will ban fracking, we will ban fossil fuels. Now all of a sudden, a little while ago, she said, that’s not working too good. I love fracking very much. You know why? Because of your Commonwealth, she’s now going around saying, I love fracking.

Let me tell you, this ever happened. Day one, there’s no fracking and that’s the end of Pennsylvania because it’s the biggest factor in Pennsylvania. She imposed a natural gas export ban on Pennsylvania, which is killing you. It’s currently in effect, by the way, just in case you don’t know. She lost more than 325,000. I’m just giving you the same numbers that I gave you before with her answer. As Attorney General, she destroyed the state of California. As DA, she destroyed San Francisco. Now she wants to destroy the United States of America.

When she was the Attorney General of California, she redefined child sex trafficking, assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes. She said, under no circumstances will they be prosecuted. She called them nonviolent crimes. They’re pretty violent. Look, she’s a liberal. She’s a very liberal, she’s not even liberal. Remember I used to say State of the Union, we will not be a socialist country. We will never ever be a socialist country. I was right. We’re a communist country. They skip socialism now. I was right. They skip socialism. They to the next rung, communism. So I was right. We will never be a socialist country. Boom. They skipped it. So I was right. I like to be right.

She pledged to confiscate your guns and endorsed a total ban on handgun ownership. So I have the total endorsement of the NRA. How many people in here own a gun? All of my congressmen, they’re not sure what they… Look at that. Dan, you know what to do. All of my congressmen, they’re a little bit shy about that. But she will confiscate your guns, she’s going to take your guns away. Just so you know. She sponsored a bill to impose a 100% ban on gas-powered automobiles. Congratulations. I’m sure you’ll sell your automobile for a lot. That will be ended on day one. Okay, day one, boom. I will sign that on day one. I’m going to sign a lot of things. My hand will be very sore from signing. I’ll walk out, I’ll say, man, that’s a lot of signing, and I’ve signed a lot of things.

She even called for free sex changes for illegal aliens and detention. No. We are talking about major radical left stuff here. This is top of the line. It’s true. Far left of Bernie Sanders. In fact, even Bernie Sanders said, you know what he said the other day? It’s about time I put my foot down. We can’t do this. He’s complaining. Now Bernie is saying, I’ve got to put my foot down. This is too much. She is the worst. Perhaps most revealing of all, and it’s the simplest of all, for the last three years, I heard how she slaved over the french fry oven it at McDonald’s. I worked so hard. It was so hot, the heat. I’d get burns. Oh look, it was a burn. I got a burn. I still have a scar. It was horrible. Only one problem. She never worked at McDonald’s. It was a lie.

In one way, I hate that. It’s too simple. The fake news will say, oh, it’s such a… But they refused to report it. They reported that she worked there, but when it turned out to be a fake, they didn’t want to talk about it because they’re fake. Hence, the term fake news. They’re fake. No, they’ll get [inaudible 01:30:29] because they’ve almost lost all credibility now. You can hardly read the papers. A lot of people like your accounts, your taxi drivers. You’re a lot of different things.

But you don’t know, when we deal, when these guys deal and they go up and they give them a story and they know exactly what the story is and they give them the correct stuff and then they write it the exact opposite. A lot of people don’t know that they are truly corrupt people. They are corrupt and they are the enemy of the people. They are the enemy of the people. We know than we know better than the others because we give them… Right John? We give them the information and then they write it the opposite and it’s really disgusting. But here we are. We’re leading for the presidency. So I don’t know what the hell power they have.

Yesterday Tampon Tim said that they want to abolish the electoral college, take away all electoral power from the voters of Pennsylvania. They want to add in many cases they’re talking about many, they’re thinking about, first time I heard this number, 25, they want to have 25 supreme court justices. It’s the only way they’re going to gain the power they think. No, they have to wait their turn. It could come back. It’s the first time I’ve ever heard the number. It’s got to be uneven. You know that right? Got to be. So I figured they’d stop at maybe 11, maybe 13. No, that’s an unlucky number, so 15 maybe. Yesterday, first time I heard 25, they want 25. Tampon Tim and Kamala Harris are a true threat to democracy. I’m not the threat to democracy. By the way, if I was, I wouldn’t have taken a bullet to the ear. I wouldn’t have taken a bullet to the ear. They didn’t. But with your vote this November, we are going to defeat these radical left country destroyers and we are going to finish what we so brilliantly started. We had the greatest economy in history. On day one, I will seal the border, stop the migrant invasion, and we will begin the largest deportation operation in the history of our country. We have no choice. The illegal migrants coming into our country are taking the jobs of American citizens, the black and Hispanic communities in particular. I will end inflation and we will make America affordable again. We’re going to drill, baby, drill. We’re going to get the energy cost way down.

I will fight for and protect social security and Medicare with no increases of age. It’s going to happen with them. Some nice guy worked hard, he’s getting ready to reach that certain age and they announced you’re going to have to wait an extra six years. No, it’s not going to happen. Not with me. It didn’t happen. Remember that? It didn’t happen. It won’t happen. Uncle Sam, I promise you. We will make America the dominant energy producer in the world by far, and we will frack, frack, frack and drill, baby, drill.

I will cut your energy prices in half, 50%, within 12 months of taking office. Get it down 50%. We’ll do it because we have so much. We don’t even use our energy. We will terminate Kamala’s insane electric vehicle mandate so you’re allowed to drive to Washington without four stops. I’d prefer not stopping four times. I will stop outsourcing and turn the US into a manufacturing superpower, especially with the car industry. They are going to love me in Michigan and maybe that’s why I’m leading in Michigan. I’m leading by a lot in Michigan. I think the auto workers are going to love me maybe more than anybody else because if I don’t win, there will be no auto workers within three years. We won’t make any cars.

Working with Elon Musk, we will slash a record amount of government waste and fraud and abuse. He’s very good at that. I will end the war with Ukraine while I’m president elect. I won’t even wait to get into office. I’ll end it. Stop the chaos in the Middle East and prevent World War III, which is going to happen. World War III. We’re closer to World War III than we have ever been. We’ve never been this close. This will be a war like no other because it’s nuclear power. This is not two army tanks, as I say, going back and forth and shooting at each other, Uncle Sam, right? This is levels of power and carnage and it’s obliteration time. We can’t let that happen and we won’t have it. We will not have World War III.

These people don’t even talk. I saw Biden hasn’t spoken to Putin in like years or something. You got to end that war. That war is ridiculous. We got to end that war and I’ll end it fast. I know both of them. I know Zelensky, I know Putin, we will get it ended. I will crush violent crime and give our police the support, protection, resources and respect that they so dearly deserve. We will strengthen and modernize our military. I totally rebuilt our military and we gave $85 billion worth of it to the Taliban.

Did you see, there’s another thing we were going to get out with dignity and strength, but you got to take out the military less. He took out the military first. Not smart. Remember I had the five-year-old on stage. I gave him the stats. Would you do it first or last? Sure, I’d take out the military last. Thank you. Go back to your mom. Thank you. But Biden took it out first with Kamala’s blessing. We will build a missile defense shield all made in the USA and a lot of it made in Pennsylvania. We’re entitled to it. It’s our technology. Why aren’t we doing it all made right here? Jobs, jobs, jobs.

We will lead the world in space and reach Mars before the end of my term. I said to Elon, is that doable? Absolutely. He loves rockets, that guy, man. Never seen a guy that likes rockets so much. First time I got a glimpse, I said, who did that? Remember when the rocket engines came down? They have no wings, no nothing. I said, what the hell is that? I’m looking. It wasn’t a missile, it was just a round tube. It came down. It landed right on a barge, a circle. Four of them or three of them came right down, landed right on a circle from space. I said, who the hell did that? It was Elon Musk. I called him. I said, what’s that all about? He said, well, engines are very, very expensive. So if we could save them and through certain this and that, we were able to do it. It’s so incredible. They can use them again and again and again. How smart. How smart. He said, we can do that. We’ll be in Mars before the end of our term.

A lot of it also though does have to do with the military because we don’t want to just send rockets up. The military, it’s going to be a very important factor. Space Force is turning out to be a very big deal because a lot of the military is going to be surveillance and everything will be having to do with space. We were being obliterated when I took office by China and by Russia in space. We are now leading by a lot. I put a guy in there who’s done a phenomenal job, but Space Force has been a fantastic thing and a very important thing.

We will rebuild our cities, including our capital in Washington DC, which is so embarrassing. It’s got graffiti all over the marble. It’s got potholes all over the road. We’re going to fix our capital and make it beautiful and we’re going to be proud of it again. Our cities will be clean and safe and beautiful. We’re not going to have crime. We’re going to stop the crime. We’re going to let the police do their job. I will support universal school choice, which is a big deal for people. We will get critical race theory and transgender insanity the hell out of our school and we will keep men out of women’s sports.

I will defend the Second Amendment as I have done for four years, and it wasn’t easy. Protect religious liberty, restore free speech, and we will secure our elections like they have never been secured before. We want voter ID. Did you see in California, Gavin Newsom? Listen to this. He passed a bill, he signed a bill that nobody is even allowed to ask anybody for voter ID. If they ask, it’s a criminal act or something. So there will be no voter ID. Now there’s only one reason they want that, to cheat. But think of this.

He took it a step further. Gavin Newsom, he has destroyed California. For me, it’s hard to say these things because I have property in California. I have a lot of property in California and I hurt myself. But what I’m doing now is much more important than my properties. It’s really much more important. Every time I say that, what a rotten job he’s doing, I say, well, that’s going to cost me a lot of money every time, but it doesn’t matter to me. If it did, I wouldn’t be doing this right now. Right? I wouldn’t be doing.

But under our administration… And by the way, how good did JD Vance do the other night? Everyone will prosper. Every family will thrive and every day will be filled with opportunity and hope. But for that to happen, we must defeat Kamala Harris. Should be easy, should be very easy. Stop her radical left agenda once and for all, you have to get out and vote. We’re going to make this a landslide. We want to make it a real referendum. We want to make it something where you go and you say, we have the right to stop crime in our cities. We want to make it big and we want to make it so that they can’t cheat. If you win by a lot, they can’t cheat. They can only cheat so much and they are cheating dogs. I will tell you that.

Early voting in Pennsylvania is underway. What the hell are you doing sitting here? Go. So get everyone you know, thank you Uncle Sam. Look at that. He’s the greatest. I love Uncle Sam. Look at him. Thank you Uncle Sam. He’s the greatest, that guy. I don’t know who the hell he is. He goes to a lot of rallies. Mr. Wald, do you know? I don’t know, but he’s great actually. So get everyone and go vote.

After all we have been through together, we stand on the verge of the four greatest years of the history of our country. I believe that. I also believe that if we don’t do this, I don’t think it’ll ever happen. I think our country’s going to be destroyed. They’re destroying our country. You’ll have 200 million people come in from all over the world, including prisons and mental institutions. With your help from now until election day, we will redeem America’s promise. We will put America first and we will take back the nation that we love. We love this nation. November 5th will be the most important day in the history of our country. Together we will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America healthy again. You know who is going to do that? RFK Jr. He’s got some good ideas. We love RFK Jr, don’t we, Vivek? Between the two of these guys. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. We will make America great again. Thank you, Pennsylvania. God bless you. God bless you, Pennsylvania. Get out and vote. Thank you. Thank you, fellas.

MUSIC (01:43:51):

Young man, there’s no need to feel down, I said,

Young man, pick yourself off the ground, I said,

Young man, ’cause you’re in a new town,

There’s no need to be unhappy.

Young man, there’s a place you can go, I said,

Young man, when you’re short on your dough you can,

Stay there and I’m sure you will find,

Many ways to have a good time.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

They have everything for young men to enjoy,

You can hang out with all the boys.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal,

You can do whatever you feel.

Young man, are you listening to me? I said,

Young man, what do you want to be? I said,

Young man, you can make real your dreams,

But you’ve got to know this one-

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