Trump Town Hall in Pennsylvania

MUSIC (00:15):

Whatever it takes, yeah, take me to the top I’m ready for whatever it takes, because I love the adrenaline in my veins. I do what it takes. Always had a fear of being typical. Looking at my body feeling miserable, always hanging on to the visual

Kristi Noem (00:20):

Good evening. Hello, everybody. Are you ready for President Donald J. Trump? Yes. We are so excited about tonight. And listen, I’m so excited to be here. I am the Governor of the great State of South Dakota, but I’m going to tell you one thing. Pennsylvania rocks. You all are showing up and showing America how we’re going to make America great again, aren’t you? Listen, I love the fact that in my state we uphold the Constitution. In fact, our state motto is, “Under God, the people rule.” But it’s so fantastic to be here in the city where the Constitution was actually written, right? And I know that you all embrace being the City of Brotherly Love, but I’m going to get real with you right here, Kamala Harris sucks. Right? She sucks.

And listen, if there’s one thing that I’ve learned since being Governor is that leadership has consequences. That it matters who’s in charge, and it impacts every single family, every single business in the state, when you have the right person in the White House and the wrong person in the White House. Listen, I have served as Governor under Joe Biden and under President Donald Trump. Yes. And when President Trump was in the White House, I got to get up every single day and be on offense. I got to go out there and solve problems for my people. I got to be aggressive and help them grow their incomes. In fact, in South Dakota, we have the fastest growing incomes in the entire country. We have the lowest unemployment rate in the country. During COVID, we were the only state in the country that never once shut down a single business. We never mandated anything.

In fact, I didn’t even define what an essential business was because I don’t believe that the government has the ability or the authority to tell you that your business is an essential. We are the only state to never take the elevated unemployment benefits because I said, “Listen, Mr. President, our people want to work.” And they did. They went to work every single day. And listen, we broke the national record for the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the United States of America because people in South Dakota understand we were created to serve each other. In our state, we banned China from owning our land, and we passed the strongest bill in the nation to make sure that only women could play in women’s sports. And when President Trump gets back in the White House, he is going to make sure that we don’t have mediocre men taking away opportunities from our exceptional women.

So listen, I’ve got people in my life that I admire, and tonight you’re going to get the chance to hear from one of them. President Trump is somebody that I appreciate for his fight, his tenacity, his wisdom, and his ability to get things done. He’s a dealmaker and he never loses sight of the American people. I’m going to tell you something. When I first saw him announced for president in 2016, I watched him on TV. I was sitting at home, come down a golden escalator. Do some of you remember that? I remember sitting there and thinking, “Who does that? Who comes down a golden escalator?” Because the politicians that I had known, what they do when they’re going to run for office is they go put on a pair of jeans and they go find themselves a barn and maybe a hay bale. And they say, “Golly, shucks, geez, I’m just like you.” Right? And pretend to be somebody that they’re not, but not President Trump. He was going to be honest with you and genuine with you.

And here is the situation and here is the truth. He doesn’t think he’s any better than you. All those politicians that run and pretend to be something else, they think they’re better than you. They think they’re smarter than you, and that they can sell you a line and a story, and that’s not President Trump. President Trump is himself. He’s fighting for you. He’s fighting to protect you and your family and he loves this country. He loves this country. People ask me-

AUDIENCE (04:51):

We love Trump.

Kristi Noem (04:51):

We love Trump.

AUDIENCE (04:51):

We love Trump.

Kristi Noem (04:51):

We love Trump.

AUDIENCE (04:53):

We love Trump. We love Trump.

Kristi Noem (04:59):

We love Trump. He’s listening to you right now. He’s listening to you, and he hears you and he hears you. Listen everybody, let’s get right to it. Please welcome the 45th president and the 47th President of the United States, Donald, John, Trump.

MUSIC (05:51):

And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today, because there isn’t no doubt, I love this land. God bless the USA.

From the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee, across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea, from Detroit down to Houston, and New York to LA, where this pride in every American heart and it’s time we stand and say that I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me, and I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today, because there isn’t no doubt I love this land. God bless the USA. And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free, and I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today, because there isn’t no doubt I love this land. God bless the USA.

Kristi Noem (07:42):

Welcome, President Trump.

Donald Trump (07:44):


AUDIENCE (07:44):


Donald Trump (07:55):

Thank you. This is a nice crowd.

Kristi Noem (07:59):

Yes, they love you. You know why? It’s because they recognize, sir, that you’re the one who fights for them. You’re the one who protect them.

Donald Trump (08:10):

And you know what else? They fight for themselves and they’ve been fighting for a long time, and we’re going to make your fight easier. It’s very important, going to make it easier. What’s happened to our country in the last almost four years now, it’s hard to believe, but if you look at the borders, if you look at inflation, you look at the Afghanistan disaster, the most embarrassing time in the history of our country, I think the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, Afghanistan, the way they did… Not getting out. I was getting out with dignity, strength. The way they got out was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened. Probably led to Putin going into Ukraine, probably. He looked at it. He said, “These people aren’t very good, are they?” He would’ve never done that with me. So we’re all in this together. We got to win the election, November 5th.

Kristi Noem (09:00):

Yes. And sir, he has never yet called those Gold Star families to express his grief for the people and the soldiers that we lost that day. And who controls that airstrip now?

Donald Trump (09:15):


Kristi Noem (09:16):

China. Yes.

Donald Trump (09:20):

No, China took over and one of the things, get out. We were there for 20 years. I said, “What are we doing here?” So we get the hell out, but I had a talk with the Taliban and we didn’t lose one soldier in 18 months until this catastrophe happened when they took over. But one of the things, aside from everything else, we left, we spent billions of dollars years ago to build a big air base. And you knew that one from your own time.

Kristi Noem (09:48):

Yes, I did.

Donald Trump (09:49):

A big one. A really good one. Powerful, runways, long runways. And you know what happened? I’ll tell you, they gave it up, and it was one hour away from where China… Forget about Afghanistan. One hour away from where China builds its nuclear weapons, would’ve been very nice to have. And China now occupies that air base. So it’s terrible. It’s terrible.

Kristi Noem (10:11):

It is. Mr. President, as you can see, we’ve got a lot of American patriots here tonight who want to ask you some questions.

Donald Trump (10:17):


Kristi Noem (10:17):

If you don’t mind, we’ll move into that portion of the town hall tonight. Let’s go to our first question. Our first question is going to be from a man named Reid, and Reid, I’m not certain where you are.

Donald Trump (10:29):

Where’s Reid? There he is. Hi, Reid.

Kristi Noem (10:31):

There he is, over there.

Donald Trump (10:32):

Nice looking guy.

Kristi Noem (10:33):

And Reid, I believe you’re a Navy SEAL, correct?

Reid (10:35):


Kristi Noem (10:35):

No. Okay. I got that wrong. All right, thank you very much.

Reid (10:38):

Good evening, Mr. President. My name is Reid.

Donald Trump (10:41):

Hi, Reid.

Reid (10:42):

I’m a single father and Iraq war veteran. I dream of owning a home for being my son, but mortgage rates under the Biden-Harris administration have made that impossible. What can you do to help make homeownership affordable again?

Donald Trump (10:57):

All right, good. It’s a great question and a lot of people have this question. First of all, it’s too expensive to build the homes and they’re building them and they cost a fortune. And 30% of the cost in some locations is the cost of planning and certificates and all a lot of nonsense they do. They make you go through hell and it takes years to get them. Zoning approvals, all of the approvals you need. We’re going to get rid of a lot of that, but most importantly, we’re going to get interest rates brought way down. We had interest rates at 2%, and now they’re at 10% and you can’t get the money. We had 2% and there was plenty of money for everybody.

And I call the home part of the American dream. We’re going to create the American dream for young people and for older people too, by the way. We’re not going to forget. I happen to be a very young man, but we’re not going to forget the older people. We’re not going to forget the older people. By the way, no tax on Social Security benefits for the older people, for those. I guess somebody said, “Oh, he’s got a conflict of interest because he benefits by that.” I’ll give mine up if you want. I saved tax, but no, we’re going to do that for the older people. That’s a big deal because you’ve been eaten alive with inflation and all I’m doing is getting you back to even. I think when we do that, we’re probably just getting you… You have fixed income and you went up numbers like 30, 40, 50, depending on what they include. They like to say it was a 20% increase. It wasn’t. It was 30%, 40% and 50%, depending on what they want to include.

So we’re going to do that, but Reid, getting back to you. We’re going to drill, baby, drill. We’re going to have so much energy and we’re going to bring prices down because your prices are up. Don’t forget, the damage is done. We have the worst president and the worst vice president in the history of our country by far. And let me tell you, she’s worse than him and he’s actually… I didn’t think I’d ever say this about anybody. She’s more dangerous than him, but he’s actually smarter than her. I never thought I’d say that. I never thought I’d say that, but look, we’re going to get it down. We’re going to drill. We’re going to get the energy down. When the energy comes down, prices are going to come down, all of that, prices. Because when they say, “Oh…” Although they had very bad inflation numbers last month, you saw that-

Kristi Noem (13:26):


Donald Trump (13:26):

Very, very bad inflation numbers, despite the big… They did this big drop, probably too big a drop. I’m not going to get into that, but we’re going to get the prices down because the damage has been done. If we had no inflation now, such damage has been done. In my opinion, the biggest inflation in the history of our country. They didn’t include a lot of the bad numbers. I’ll give you an example on housing and on different things like crime statistics are fake. They were fake statistics. They didn’t include some cities that were really bad. So the crime looked like it was just bad as opposed to being horrific. Jobs, 818,000 fake jobs they added, and they padded the job numbers a couple of months ago so that they’d look better on jobs. 818,000, they were fake. They were fraudulent jobs and they thought they’d announced the real numbers after the election, but we had a whistleblower or somebody that let it out.

So they cheated us on, think of that, 818,000 jobs. They cheated. Usually when you have those numbers, it’s 9,000 jobs off it. This is almost 1,000,000 jobs off. It’s not even possible. So we’re going to bring things and Reid, you’re going to buy that house and you’re going to pay 2.5%, 3% interest. And you’re going to say, “I love this guy,” because interest rates, Reid, will follow as the energy goes down. And I made another commitment. I made it over the last month, I’ve been making it. We have more liquid gold under our feet than Saudi Arabia, than Russia, than any other country. I’m going to bring down your energy costs 50% in the first year, 50, 50%. And I better do it because I’m all over the place saying it. I’m going to have problems if I don’t get it done, but we have all the capacity to do it. Nobody else can make that statement. We have so much energy, we don’t even use it.

We get energy from Venezuela. They don’t have good oil. They have tar. They have tar that you have to liquefy. And you know where they do it? In Houston, Texas, because that’s where we have the plant. It’s the only plant in the world that can do it. We do it in Houston. So for the environmentalists out there, this is not a pretty picture, what flows into the air, right? But we’re going to use our beautiful liquid gold and when we get everything else down, houses, everything’s going to come. It’s going to be beautiful. You’re going to have a house. Just wait a little while, give me a little while. Let me get in. One year from January 20th, we will have your energy prices cut in half all over the country.

Kristi Noem (16:03):

Thank you. And Mr. President, in reference to Reid and his family, he’s not in a unique situation. 65% of Americans today cannot buy a home. That has dramatically changed under the Biden-Harris administration and Kamala Harris has embraced the policies that made homeownership disappear and disappear and take away that opportunity from Reid and his family, and 65% of Americans today. Listen, the American dream is still to own your own home, and now that is not possible because of what they’ve embraced. And you talk about liquid gold. If any state understands liquid gold and American energy, it’s Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump (16:42):

Yeah, the Commonwealth. Make sure=

Kristi Noem (16:47):

Yes, the Commonwealth.

Donald Trump (16:47):

Make sure-

Kristi Noem (16:47):

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump (16:48):

By the way, this is a really great Governor, very successful Governor. She read some of the numbers and I thought she would, because why not? Nobody else will do it, but I will-

Kristi Noem (16:57):

I did it fast.

Donald Trump (16:58):

Because I do it for my friend. So you did it beautifully too.

Kristi Noem (17:01):


Donald Trump (17:01):

She has done a fantastic job as Governor. And I will say this, I went to school here. I just want to forewarn her because I’ve seen it happen and it’s career-threatening. Don’t ever call it a state. It’s a Commonwealth. And I was saying, “Oh-”

Kristi Noem (17:17):

Lesson learned.

Donald Trump (17:18):

“Has somebody…” Because a lot of innocent lambs have come up and they start talking to the people of Pennsylvania. I love you people. I know you so well. I’m here all the time. I’m here all the time. Yeah, I went to school here. I went to the Wharton School, the great Wharton School of Finance, and they were great. It’s a great place. It’s a great place, but I went to college here. So never ever even think. I watched one man crash and burn. He kept calling it, “This state.” I kept saying, “It’s a Commonwealth.” And by the time the evening… I think his political career ended there.

Kristi Noem (17:55):


Donald Trump (17:55):

So go ahead.

Kristi Noem (17:56):

Sir, tonight we have some special guests in the audience.

Donald Trump (17:59):


Kristi Noem (17:59):

We have a Gold Star family that is with us tonight. Mary and Charles Strange-

Donald Trump (18:05):


Kristi Noem (18:05):

Are here. Where are they?

Donald Trump (18:09):

Where are they?

Kristi Noem (18:09):

Oh, here they are. Sir, they’re behind us over here to the left.

Donald Trump (18:12):

Oh, come on up here. Come on.

Kristi Noem (18:14):

They lost their son, Michael.

Donald Trump (18:17):

Come on up.

Kristi Noem (18:18):

Come on up here.

Donald Trump (18:25):

It’s a little harder to get up since I got shot. They’ve made it more difficult. Perhaps that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

Kristi Noem (18:33):

Sir, they lost their son, Michael. [inaudible 00:18:41] Did you want to say anything?

Donald Trump (18:51):

Under Obama is right, under Obama. Please, on behalf of your son.

Charles Strange (18:59):

I would ask, Mr. President, my son was killed August 6th, 2011 with 29 other men. It was the biggest loss of life in the Iraq and Afghan war. It was the biggest loss of life in a single day in the history of America. 22 of them men were NAVY Special Warfare. Till to this day, we still haven’t gotten any answers. I was wondering, I’m begging you. We would like a Congressional hearing.

Donald Trump (19:24):

So here’s what we’re going to do. In the first week… Let me have it not the first day because I made a lot of promises in the first day. We’re going to drill, baby, drill. We’re going to close up the border. We’re going to do a lot in the first day. In the first week, we will set up a commission. We’re going to find out because so many people in your same position, they want to know what happened, why did it happen to their son or daughter? And we’re going to do that within the first week. So you get ready to come over to the White House. Okay? All right?

Charles Strange (19:56):

Thank you, Mr. President. Got to say one more thing. I want to let America know. June 2017, President Trump and his wife had me and my wife bring 20 Gold Stars to the White House. Him and his wife stayed the whole time. They had food, drinks. They did a candle ceremony for us. President Trump stood up every time, saluted the Gold Star parents.

Donald Trump (20:26):

That was both a celebration, a remembrance. It had all emotion, right?

Charles Strange (20:32):


Donald Trump (20:33):

They were happy, they were sad, they were devastated, but they remembered their beautiful boy, right?

Charles Strange (20:39):


Donald Trump (20:39):

Their beautiful boy, and we’re not going to forget. We’re going to find out what happened. We’re going to do that within the first week, and you have my word. Okay?

Charles Strange (20:47):

Thank you, President Trump.

Donald Trump (20:53):

Good job. Good job. [inaudible 00:20:54] Thank you.

Kristi Noem (21:10):

Thank you. Mr. President-

Donald Trump (21:11):

What a nice couple.

Kristi Noem (21:11):

Mary and Charles’ daughter, Rachel, is also here tonight. She is Michael’s sister. So thank you, Rachel, for coming tonight too. And God bless you and your family.

Donald Trump (21:28):

Thank you.

Kristi Noem (21:29):

Thank you for your service and your sacrifice.

Donald Trump (21:30):

Thank you, darling.

Kristi Noem (21:31):


Donald Trump (21:33):

Thank you, honey. That’s tough stuff.

Kristi Noem (21:36):

It is. Thank you for your commitment to-

Donald Trump (21:39):

And like what we were discussing in Afghanistan with the 13 family members, they feel that bad things happened, stupid things happened. And you hate for that to be, and it’s your son or your daughter. There’s no reason.

Kristi Noem (21:53):

They deserve answers.

Donald Trump (21:54):

It should have never happened in Afghanistan. I can tell you that, the 13 that died, and they don’t mention, there were many people wounded too, and I mean seriously wounded with the legs and the arms and the face, and we’re going to give them everything they want. I’ve gotten to know those families. Thanks.

Kristi Noem (22:11):

Thank you, sir. Sir, our next question tonight is from Angelina, who I believe is right here. If you want to come forward, Angelina.

Donald Trump (22:20):

Hi, Angelina.

Angelina (22:22):

Hi. Good evening, Mr. President.

Donald Trump (22:24):

Let me stand up for you. Go ahead.

Angelina (22:26):

My name’s Angelina and I was raised in a Philadelphia Democrat household, a union household. As a mother of a blended family, my top issues are the same issues that face all Americans. Illegal immigration hurts black Americans, inflation hurts black Americans, and dangerous cities hurt black Americans. Like my fellow Americans, my grocery bill has not gone down. Everything is still so very expensive. What steps will your administration take to help American families suffering from this inflation?

Donald Trump (23:07):

So it’s such a great question in the sense that people don’t think of grocery. It sounds like not such an important word when you talk about homes and everything else, but more people tell me about grocery bills where the price of bacon, the price of lettuce, the price of tomatoes, they tell me, and we’re going to do a lot of things. Our farmers aren’t being treated properly, and we had a deal with China and it was a great deal. I never mentioned it because once COVID came in, I said that was a bridge too far because I had a great relationship with President Xi and he’s a fierce man and he’s a man that likes China and I understand that, but we had a deal and he was perfect on that deal. $50 billion he was going to buy. We were doing numbers like you wouldn’t believe for the farmer, but the farmers are very badly hurt. The farmers in this country, we’re going to get them straightened out. We’re going to get your prices down.

But you asked another question about safety and also about black population jobs and Hispanic population, in particular those two. So when millions of people pour into our country, they’re having a devastating effect on black families and Hispanic families more than any others. I think it’s going to spread to a lot of other places. I think it’s going to spread to unions. I think unions are going to have a big problem because employers are just not going to pay the price. And it’s a very bad thing that’s happening. So they’re coming in, many are coming in from jails and prisons and mental institutions and insane asylum. That’s like step above insane asylum.

And whenever I go Hannibal Lecter, you know what I’m talking about. They always go the fake news. That’s a lot of fake news back there too. They always mention, it’s a way of demeaning. They say, “Hannibal Lecter. Why would he mention?” Well, you know why? Because he was a sick puppy and we have sick puppies coming into our country. I figured that’s better than wasting a lot of words. You just say, “Hannibal Lecter. We don’t want him.” But they always say, “Why would you say that?” I do it for a lot of reasons, but I do it because we are allowing some very bad people into our country and they’re coming as terrorists. You saw the other day, last month, they had the record number of terrorists. I had a month and I love Border Patrol. Did you see? They gave me a full endorsement two days ago. Border Patrol. The Border Patrol, and they’re great and they want to do their job. They don’t want to let these people come in.

They look at them, they can tell, they can look at somebody say, “Good, bad.” They say, “What’s coming into our country now, it’s having a huge negative impact on black families and on Hispanic families, and ultimately on everybody.” And we’re going to close that border so tight, it’s going to be closed. And I said the

Donald Trump (26:00):

… Two things I’m going to do. First, we’re going to close that border and people are going to come in. You want people to come in, we need people to come in. People are going to come into our country legally. It’s so unfair. You have people that are waiting on a system in a line, and they’ve been waiting on this line, you know how long? For years, 10 years, 12 years. And they’d study and they take tests and then people come. I actually say, “Why don’t you just go on the … Just come on across.” I tell people that. It’s terrible, right? I said, “Go out. You’re incredible.” They say, “What can I do to speed up the process? I say, you know what? Go to the southern border. I’ll see you on the other side.” It’s so unfair. But we’re going to have them come in legally.

You have to see what they have to do. They take tests on who was the first one here? What date was this? What does 1776 mean? All this stuff. And these other people are coming in and they’re affecting the school systems and they’re affecting the hospital system. If you take a look at what’s going on in Springfield, Ohio, a town of 50,000 people, they’ve just added 32,000 people, illegal immigrants. And we’re not going to put up with it, and we’re going to take care of, your costs are going to come down and you’re not going to have a problem with … Because the biggest problem, and I’m hearing it from Black people, and to a lesser extent right now, but it’ll be the same, Hispanic people. And I’ll tell you what, our poll numbers have gone through the roof with Black and Hispanic, have gone through the roof.

And I like that. I like that. So we’re going to take care of it. I’ll tell you, if everything works out, if everybody gets out and votes on January 5th or before. It used to be, you’d have a date. Today, you can vote two months before, probably three months after. They don’t know what the hell they’re doing. But we’re going to straighten it all out. We’re going to straighten that out too. We’re going to straighten our election process out too. That’s going to be important also. So thank you very much, darling.

Speaker 2 (28:02):

Thank you.

Donald Trump (28:02):

We’re going to get it straight. Thank you.

Speaker 2 (28:03):

Thank you, Angelina.

Kristi Noem (28:05):

Mr. President, we had in the last year, over 800,000 Americans lose their jobs in this country, but 1.2 non-citizens took those jobs. They’re filling the jobs that Americans could have to provide for their families. And Kamala Harris has been in charge of this border. She is the one who has been the border czar who has facilitated this invasion. I’ve always called it an invasion and a war zone down there because we see the criminals and the terrorists coming across.

Donald Trump (28:32):

It is an invasion like we’ve never seen before. And if it was an invasion of people that deserved to come in or that will love the country, will be great. She used to go around saying, “They don’t commit crime.” Have you seen the gang from Venezuela? What they’ve done in Aurora, Colorado?

Kristi Noem (28:52):

But it’s only a few. According to Martha Raddatz.

Donald Trump (28:54):

It’s only a few-

Kristi Noem (28:54):

According to Martha, “Oh, it’s just a few apartments.”

Donald Trump (28:55):

And by the way, it’s hundreds all over the country. And they’re like me, they’re in the real estate business, but they take it over with rifles. They take it over with a level of sophistication, because you know a lot about guns from where you come and you like it. And I’m a big protector of the Second Amendment. We’ve gotten totally endorsed … And if you think that’s easy, it’s not easy. But the NRA gave me total endorsement. I assume you got total endorsement. We have no choice. We have to have it. Especially when you have … It’s amazing, these radical left lunatics, they want everybody to come into our country. Many of those people are criminals. And then they want to also take you guns away simultaneously. They don’t want your guns, but they want them to come in. So you need it for protection. If somebody knows that you have a gun in your house, they say, “Let’s go after somebody else.”

People put signs under, “This gun.” Or some of them actually spell the kind of gun they have. “We have an AK-47 inside.” And people say, “You know what? Let’s just …” And I knew about an AK-47 from a few weeks ago, and the AR-15. I know about that one too. I know a lot. But you know what? You have a lot of bad people out there and you can’t just can’t be a one way street. You know one thing, because she wants to take your guns away. If you take them away, the bad guys are not giving them up. That’s the only thing. I don’t think the good people are giving them up either, if you want to know the truth. But the bad guys are not giving up their guns. That’s the only thing I know for certain, right?

Kristi Noem (30:31):

That’s true. True. JD Vance did a fantastic job on Sunday morning calling out the fake news.

Donald Trump (30:37):

Is he doing a great job?

Kristi Noem (30:38):

Yes. For how they’re trying to diminish the devastation that’s going on in some of these communities. And Kamala Harris has facilitated losing 300,000 children as well since she’s been in charge of the border. I always say that they’re not missing children, that they are trafficked and kidnapped and murdered children, because they’ve come across that border and we have no idea where those children are. And we know how devastating it is, what’s happening to their lives right now with what she’s facilitating.

Donald Trump (31:05):

I think that all bad numbers, we have a lot of bad numbers. There’s so much bad happened in this administration, it’s disgraceful. As an example, there’d be no war with Russia and Ukraine. There’s no way. I get along very well with Putin. I fully understand what’s happening. It was the apple of his eye. He used to talk about it, but I said, “You’re not going in.” And he wasn’t going in. It’s only because of Biden. He looked at this guy, he can’t even believe it. But the same with Ukraine. I got along very well with Zelensky, very well. In fact, he came to New York two weeks ago. He came to see me and I got along very well with him. I’m going to negotiate that thing out. That is now a death trap. You have cities that are all down, those gorgeous golden domes, those magnificent domes are laying on their side, all busted up after … I don’t know, they’re 1000 years old or something, the heritage. What’s happened there.

But many more people are killed than they’re reporting. They knocked down … That was my business. They have apartment houses that are really, they’re like three city blocks long, not that tall, but pretty tall, and they are big. And they knock it down with a missile and they say, “Two people were slightly injured.” No, a lot of people, the number of people dying in the Ukraine-Russia war is a far greater number than anybody knows. And Biden has done nothing about it. He hasn’t even spoken to Putin in over a year. He knows nothing about it. And this is a war that has to end and we’re going to get that war ended. I’m going to try and I think I can get it ended as President-elect, in other words, before I even take over the White House. Got to stop the people from dying.

They said to me, “well, whose side are you on?” I was interviewed by fake news, CNN, you know fake news? Uh-oh, their camera just went off. Their camera just went off. No, no, their camera just went off. Okay. It always happens. Whenever I point to them, immediately they turn it off because they know it. But Kaitlan Collins a nice person, but Kaitlan Collins is interviewing me and she said, “Well, whose side are you on?” I said, “It’s not a question of sides. I want people to stop dying. That’s all. I want people to stop dying.” And it was a very interesting thing because it was a CNN, it was like this, a smaller room, much smaller. This is a big room.

Kristi Noem (33:27):

Big room.

Donald Trump (33:28):

This is a very big room. But it was a much smaller room. But they had all people in there from CNN. Within the first five minutes, they were totally on my side because it’s common sense. And we’re now the party of common sense. I say it, we’re conservative, but we’re the party of common sense. We need walls. We want good education. We want low interest rates. We want to be able to buy a house. We want jobs. And you know what we want? A strong military. I rebuilt our entire military and we want a strong military, and ideally a strong military that we don’t have to use. Isn’t that even better? We’ll have a strong military. If we don’t have to use it, that’s even better.

Kristi Noem (34:08):

I love it. I love it. So Mr. President, let’s get back to our questions. We have Yanni, who’s waiting to ask you a question, has been waiting a long time. Yanni, welcome.

Donald Trump (34:23):


Kristi Noem (34:24):

Just give him one second. Hear they come. Right behind you.

Yanni (34:30):

Thank you. All right. Thank you for being here today, Mr. President.

Donald Trump (34:35):

Thank you.

Yanni (34:35):

To answer questions from all the voters of Pennsylvania and just to work hard and show support. I appreciate that.

Donald Trump (34:43):

Thank you.

Yanni (34:44):

I’m a small business owner in Lansdale. I have a small breakfast, lunch restaurant, Coffee Corner. Thank you. And to be honest, Mr. President, I really am praying for you to get in there and change the policies. Ever since the gas prices started spiking, I noticed literally everything started spiking from deliveries, to services, goods, even overall maintenance. Everything just spiked up and it’s really hurting small businesses, small business owners and those who work within them. So my question is, what’s your plan to help bring common sense back and help small businesses that got destroyed by Democrats after COVID and the Biden administration?

Donald Trump (35:34):

So great. Because small businesses are actually bigger than big businesses. When you add them all up and it’s very important, and it sounds like yours, I would love your food. I can tell by looking at that guy. I think I’d like to go over there. If I’m over there, I’m going to stop by. The fact is that they want to get away from gas. And I have friends, they’re into the cooking world, I’m not. I just like to eat. But they’re into the cooking. And I don’t know how you feel. It sounds like you … They feel that really gas is much better than the electric for cooking. And they have this thing about they want to put gas out of business, right? No gas. You know the amazing thing, we don’t have electric in this country, but we have all the gas you can use. We have oil and gas.

That’s what we have. And even the cars, if you look, they want to go with all electric cars. California’s having blackouts every week, brownouts, blackouts, and then they come up with rules and regulation to go to all electric, but they can’t even supply what they have. It’s so nuts. We’re going to get number one, your utility costs. You heard me say it before. Your costs will be down and we’re getting rid of all the … If you want electric, great, and if you want gas, great. The only thing you can’t have is a hydrogen car. You heard me say that, right? Because you know what happens? They have a new car. They say it’s great, but it’s got one problem. You know what the problem is? Every once in a while, one will blow up and if it does blow up and you happen to be inside of it, you’re in bad luck because you’re not recognizable.

Do you know that? It’s the new thing, hydrogen. I said, “No, thank you. I don’t want it.” I don’t want it. They called the wife, “That’s not my husband.” “Oh, yes it is.” It’s no good. So your energy costs will be down by 50%. Your interest is going to come down and people are going to start to make … Not only you, people will have more money to go to your restaurant. You’re going to have a great business. And during COVID, I was the one that worked out the loans. I don’t know if you got one, but everybody, so many people, millions of small businesses.

And Linda McMahon was the head of Small Business Administration, which was a big business. But she was the head and she was phenomenal. Linda McMahon was phenomenal. So many people tell me about her that she was one of the best secretaries. But Linda McMahon was in charge and they loaned billions of dollars out to people with small businesses. And it was the greatest investment we made. It stopped us from going into a 1929 depression, which is exactly what we would’ve had. And she did a fantastic job.

Kristi Noem (38:04):

She did a fantastic job.

Donald Trump (38:05):

We’re going to get your costs way down. Thank you. Thank you.

Kristi Noem (38:13):

Mr. President, in my state, I always tell people it’s hot in the summer, it’s cold in the winter, and it’s a long ways to drive anywhere, which I think a lot of Americans are experiencing, that no matter what you’re energy dependent. And since Joe Biden has been in the White House and Kamala Harris has supported every single one of his policies. Did you hear her on the view? Did you hear her say she wouldn’t change a thing from what Joe Biden has done? It has cost the average American family $4,500 just in energy costs. Just in energy costs.

Donald Trump (38:50):

Okay, hold it. Can we have a doctor, please? Doctor. Thank you very much. We have incredible people. They come here hours before and it’s a little hot. And so they’re with us all the way. We got to respect them. And you take your time, doctor. Take your time. Thank you very much. We always have great doctors in the audience. We’ve never had too much of a problem. Look at the quality of care we have. It’s incredible when you think, right? These people, first responders. Our first responders are amazing the way they can do things so beautifully and quickly. Thank you. We’ll get it taken care of fast. A lot of it’s pretty easy to take care of. Hardest thing is going to be the border though, in terms of the people that have been let in. The people that have been led into this country, what they’re doing. Where do they come from? What are they doing? What’s their thought process when they allow a thing like that to happen? Let’s wait until they take care of this incredible person who I guarantee you is a great patriot. I guarantee it. Everybody in this room is a patriot.

Crowd (40:32):

Love you Trump.

Donald Trump (40:32):

Thank you. Thank you.

Crowd (40:32):

Trump, Trump, Trump.

Donald Trump (40:32):

Some problems. That looks a little bad.

Crowd (40:32):

Love you, Trump.

Donald Trump (40:32):

Thank you. That looks a little bit bad.

Crowd (40:32):

[inaudible 00:42:18].

Donald Trump (42:24):

Don’t worry. We’ll extend for a little time. Okay? We’re not going to lose anything. We just want to make sure they’re fine. This is a little bit of a tough one, I think. A little tough.

While we’re waiting, so we had a beautiful evening, and I don’t know if they could get this song up quickly, but if they could work really quickly backstage while we’re waiting, Ave Maria. We had Ave Maria the other day in Butler, Pennsylvania. And Butler, we had 101,000 people, it was a celebration. I called Cory, the firefighter, the chief. He was great. And if they could play Ave Maria, if you can get it, Justin, let’s go if you can. It’s a little quick notice. Ave Maria.

Hey. Great. We love that man. We love that man.

Crowd (44:18):


Donald Trump (45:33):

It’s so beautiful though, right? Listen to that. It’s nice. He’s going to be okay. We have nice music. We’re together. Not bad.

Kristi Noem (45:42):


Donald Trump (45:42):

Not bad.

Kristi Noem (45:44):


Donald Trump (45:46):

So beautiful.

Kristi Noem (45:47):

Thank you, Mr. President.

Donald Trump (45:48):

Thank you everybody very much.

Kristi Noem (45:48):

Thank you everybody for your patience. Yes. We’ll be praying for him. Yep. Thank you, sir. Sir, as we talk about how things have gotten harder under this administration and how Kamala Harris’s policies have been so dangerous for the American people, there’s someone here tonight who wanted an opportunity to ask you a question. Her name is Heather. And Heather, would you please stand? She’s right here, and she is so thrilled to be talking to you tonight, Mr. president.

Angelina (46:21):

Good evening, president Trump.

Donald Trump (46:23):


Angelina (46:23):

My name is Heather and I was a registered Democrat for most of my life, but not anymore.

Donald Trump (46:32):

She’s on our side.

Angelina (46:33):

Look at now. Yes, I saw the light. I no longer identify with the Democratic Party. They’ve put criminals and foreign enemies ahead of American citizens. The border is the issue of this election because if we can’t secure the border, we won’t have a country. We know that you’re going to finish the wall, but how are you going to handle the deportation of criminals?

Donald Trump (47:17):

So if you’ve watched any of our last rallies, we have a Criminal Aliens Act of 1798. That’s a long time ago. And it gives the President tremendous power to do what has to be done to secure our country. And you’re right. So if you look at the polls, it says that the number one issue is the economy, number two is inflation. Let’s even put them together. And number three is the border. I disagree. I do agree with you. The number one issue this country has …

Crowd (47:49):

[inaudible 00:48:07].

Donald Trump (47:49):

[inaudible 00:48:26] open the door-

Kristi Noem (47:49):

Do you want me to go tell them to turn off the microphone? The president is wondering-

Donald Trump (47:49):

Thank you very much. Take your time, doctor. It’s going to be good.

Crowd (47:49):

[inaudible 00:50:05].

Donald Trump (50:41):

Open the doors. I wish we could open those doors to outside. Yeah, take your time, doctor.

Speaker 1 (51:11):

[inaudible 00:51:20] goes to the outside.

Donald Trump (51:42):

For security reasons they can’t. But you know what I said, ” Just open them.” Because anybody comes through those doors, you know what’s going to happen to them.

Kristi Noem (51:55):

It looks like, sir, she’s on her feet and walking out. Let’s encourage her.

Donald Trump (00:00):


Donald Trump (52:00):

Thank you. Thank you.

Kristi Noem (52:03):

Let her know we’ll be praying for her. And I know it’s really warm in here. Everybody agrees that it’s really warm in here. We’ve got a lot of people who love America. I’m going to ask that if you have a chair, maybe sit so everyone around you can sit and still see the president and ask him questions. Maybe that will help us.

Donald Trump (52:22):

And we can spend a little more time.

Kristi Noem (52:24):


Donald Trump (52:24):

And personally, I enjoy this. We lose weight. No, you lose weight. We could do this. Lose four or five pounds. It’s okay with me.

Kristi Noem (52:32):

Kamala Harris is enjoying this.

Donald Trump (52:33):

But some people have been waiting here for two days for this. So it’s a little bit tough. It’s a little bit tough. But they’re going to try and get those doors open.

Kristi Noem (52:40):


Donald Trump (52:40):

And I don’t know who’s building this is, but if they had air conditioning, do you see any air conditioning?

Kristi Noem (52:46):

They probably can’t afford it, sir. In this economy.

Donald Trump (52:51):

That’s right. They don’t want to give us air conditioning. It’s too expensive. It costs too much. Anyway, but they’re both okay. They’re both in good shape.

Kristi Noem (53:01):

And that’s wonderful.

Donald Trump (53:02):

Would anybody else like to faint? Please raise your hand.

Kristi Noem (53:05):

Let’s do it now.

Donald Trump (53:06):

Please raise your hand. You know what we could do though, if my guys can do it? How about we’ll do a little music. Let’s make this a musical fest. Oh, lookie, lookie. That’s great. That’s great because it’s nice and cool outside, right?

Kristi Noem (53:27):


Donald Trump (53:28):

It’s nice and cool. Why don’t we, and I mean this, if my guys can hear me? Two things. Put up the chart. My favorite chart, my all time favorite chart. And let’s listen to Pavarotti sing Ave Maria. Can you hear that? They gave me the Ave Maria with no voice. There it is. That’s my favorite piece of paper anywhere in the world. I sleep with it every night. I kiss it, I kiss it. And you see those numbers, by the way, for those that we talked about, the border.

When you’re talking about the border, look at the numbers. That was the lowest it ever was right there. That was the last day I was in office. And we’re going to get it lower than that, but we’re going to let people come in. We’re going to let people come in. So very, very important. But there’s one of my most favorite. If I didn’t turn to the right, I wouldn’t be here with you right now. So it’s sort of a cruel world. But I was very proud of that before the fact. Now, even if it had lousy numbers, I would love that piece of paper a lot. So put on Pavarotti singing Ave Maria. Nice and loud. Turn it up louder. We want a little action here. Turn it up louder.

MUSIC (54:41):

Ave Maria, gratia plena.

Maria, gratia plena.

Maria, gratia plena.

Donald Trump (54:41):

Be a boy. That’s for your boy. That’s for your boy. Stand up. That’s for their boy.

MUSIC (54:41):

Ave, ave Dominus tecum.

Benedicta tu in mulieribus.

Et benedictus.

Benedictus fructus ventris tui.

Ventris tui, Jesus.

Ave Maria.

Ave Maria.

Ave Maria.

Ave Maria.

Et in hora mortis nostrae.

Mortis nostrae.

Ave Maria.

Donald Trump (54:41):

Thank you.

Kristi Noem (54:41):

It’s beautiful.

Donald Trump (57:47):

Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Let’s make it into music. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right? Isn’t that beautiful though? It’s beautiful. And we played that in Butler, Pennsylvania. We had a moment of silence and then we had the bells of Notre Dame go off. And then we had a great opera singer, Christopher, who was so incredible and a great, great opera singer. That’s Pavarotti. I actually asked Christopher. I said, “Your voice is incredible. How does it compare to Pavarotti?” “No, no, no, sir. He was the maestro. He was the greatest of them all.” And this man’s voice, you all probably heard it. He was phenomenal. But he said, “No, no, no. Pavarotti was the greatest.” Maybe we’ll play Time To Say Goodbye when we end.

Kristi Noem (58:37):


Donald Trump (58:37):


Kristi Noem (58:37):

It sounds fantastic.

Donald Trump (58:38):

All right. Do we want to do that?

Kristi Noem (58:39):


Donald Trump (58:41):

Instead of your normal rock out of the place.

Kristi Noem (58:42):


Donald Trump (58:43):

And then you’re going to say time to go to by then you’re going to go vote and we’re going to win the state. We win Pennsylvania we win the whole thing. We’re going to win. We’re going to win. If we win Pennsylvania, we’re going to win the whole thing. Right? So it’s going to really be something. We just had some numbers coming out of Virginia, which is great. We have numbers coming out. But we win this Commonwealth, we win the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we are in Clover. And then we’re going to fix our country. And we’re going to fix it fast. We’re going to fix it fast. So get that song done, get that song ready when we leave-

Kristi Noem (59:29):

Get that song pulled up.

Donald Trump (59:30):

… you could just sit. By the way when we leave you don’t have to go so fast. You could sit and listen. We’ll play a couple of songs. Some of you’ll be a little warm, but that’s okay. It’s not a bad thing. And if you want, we’re going to do that. But I think it would be beautiful. Don’t you think? A little different?

Kristi Noem (59:46):

I think it’d be amazing, sir.

Donald Trump (59:49):

Isn’t it a nice thing to have imagination? It’s like when Kamala’s teleprompter went out the other day. She was at 32 days. Did you see that?

Kristi Noem (01:00:00):

I did.

Donald Trump (01:00:00):

She loses teleprompters and you wouldn’t know that she lost it. Me, I always lose, if you’re a politician, you can count on 5% of the time. You lose a teleprompter sometimes really badly in the middle of a sentence. And you’re saying, “Ooh, that’s a good…” You got to have a good memory. If you don’t have a good memory, you can’t be much of a politician. But they go out sometimes if you’re outside, the wind blows them down. I had one in Ohio, we had 45 mile an hour winds. And I said, “I’m going to lose these suckers.” And within about the first two sentences they were gone-

Kristi Noem (01:00:31):

I remember that.

Donald Trump (01:00:32):

… they blew off the stage.

Kristi Noem (01:00:32):

I was at that rally.

Donald Trump (01:00:33):

But Bernie Moreno, who’s now doing very well. I understand the senator. So I think he’s doing very well. But we’ll listen to a couple of songs if you want. And that’s okay with me. I like it. So we’ll do that. We’ll do those songs that we had mentioned, Justin. And if Justin doesn’t get it right, he gets fired. Okay.

Kristi Noem (01:00:52):

Sir, I have a quote that I like a lot by John Wayne. It says, “Life is hard, but it’s harder when you’re stupid.”

Donald Trump (01:00:58):


Kristi Noem (01:00:59):

I think that perfectly explains Kamala Harris. Right? Right, sir? Now our life has been hard because of her, but can you imagine what it’s like to wake up as Kamala Harris? How hard life must be? My goodness.

Donald Trump (01:01:13):

Well, we have to beat her. Look, we have to beat her. She’s not for this job. Everybody knows it. Look, we’re running against not her. We’re running against a very powerful and a very corrupt machine. That’s what it is.

Kristi Noem (01:01:25):

That’s right.

Donald Trump (01:01:26):

And the same thing with Joe Biden. Joe doesn’t know where the hell he is. When you talk about Biden he got 14 million votes. He won the primary. And we had a debate. His numbers were very bad and it looked like we were going to win. You don’t know what’s going to happen. But it looked like he was down substantially. They went to see him and they said, “You’re getting out.” He said, “I don’t want to get out. I won.” “You’re getting out.” That was the overthrow of an American president. You could call it a coup, but I don’t even call it that anymore because a lot of people say, “What the hell is a coup?”

You can call it that. But it was really basically the overthrow of an American president. And frankly, she’s doing horribly right now. You saw 60 Minutes where they replace her answer with another answer. She’s doing horribly. I have a feeling he might’ve done better than her. Let’s see, well, you have to see what the end is. Maybe they made a good move. But when they talk about a threat to democracy, how about where they take a candidate who won fair and square, they throw him out and they put up a woman who failed was the first one to drop out of a field of 22 and got no votes. And this is the person we’re running against. And she is not a smart woman. That’s true. We’ve had that for four years. We’re not going to have it for another four years. We’re not going to have it.

Kristi Noem (01:02:42):

That’s right. So we’re not going to complain about things. We’re going to fix them. Right. We’re not going to complain. We’re going to fix them. And you are going to fix them right here in Pennsylvania by showing up and voting for President Donald John Trump. We’re going to make America great again. Right?

Donald Trump (01:03:04):

Those doors are open. That feels good.

Kristi Noem (01:03:06):

It does.

Donald Trump (01:03:07):

I feel it right now. I don’t know who’s out there trying to get in. Doesn’t that feel nice?

Kristi Noem (01:03:13):


Donald Trump (01:03:15):

There’s nothing like outdoors. You don’t even have the cost of an air conditioner if they have them in this beautiful factory. Anyway, go ahead, please.

Kristi Noem (01:03:24):

Well, sir, do you want to play your song and then greet a few people? Or do you want to…

Speaker 3 (01:03:27):

Which song is that?

Kristi Noem (01:03:29):

Well, you had said you wanted to close with a specific song or we take-

Donald Trump (01:03:32):

Okay, let’s do a couple of-

Kristi Noem (01:03:33):

… two more fast questions.

Donald Trump (01:03:34):

So Justin, how about a couple of really beauties and we’ll sit down, relax. Let me just give you the bottom line though. We win Pennsylvania. We win this great Commonwealth. We are going to win the whole ball game. It’s such an important place. And we relate and we are up in the polls fairly nicely, fairly nicely. But it’s really important. And we’re going to turn this country around. It’s the greatest movement in the history of our country. MAGA, Make America Great Again. When Biden would go on, he used to go on say, “We will stop MAGA, we will stop.” Remember with the purple background, the pink and purple? He looked like the devil, right? But she’s worse than him. Remember it. But they would say, “We’re going to stop MAGA.” MAGA means Make America Great Again.

Kristi Noem (01:04:21):

Great again.

Donald Trump (01:04:22):

I mean, what are you going to stop? And we are indeed going to make America great again. We’re a declining nation right now. We’re a nation in decline. And we’re not going to be in decline for long. Let me tell you, every country respected us four years ago, we were energy independent. We had everything. We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We’re going to bring it back bigger, better, and stronger than ever before. Go and vote. Let me hear that music, please.

Kristi Noem (01:04:50):

Everyone. Let’s thank President Trump.

Donald Trump (01:04:50):

Nice and loud.

Kristi Noem (01:04:51):

God bless you. Let’s send President Trump back to the White House.

Donald Trump (01:05:03):

Thank you everyone.

Kristi Noem (01:05:03):

Thank you everyone.

MUSIC (01:10:56):

Quando sono solo.

Sogno all’orizzonte.

E mancan le parole.

Si, lo so che non c’eluce.

In una stanza, quando manca il sole.

Se non ci sei tu con me, con me.

Su le finestre.

Mostra a tutti il mio cuore.

Che hai acceso.

Chuidi dentro me.

La luce che.

Hai incontrato per strada.

Time to say goodbye.

Paesi che non ho mai.

Veduto vissuto con te.

Adesso, si, li vivro.

Con te partiro.

Su navi per mari.

Che io, lo so.

No, no, non esistono piu.

It’s time to say goodbye.

Quando sie lontana.

Sogno all’orizzonte.

E mancan le parole.

E io, si lo so.

Che sei con me, con me.

Tu, mia luna, tu sei qui con me.

Mio sole, tu sei qui con me.

Con me, con me, con me.

Time to say goodbye.

Paesi che non ho mai.

Veduto e vissuto, con te.

Adesso, si, li vivro.

Con te, partiro.

Su navi, per mari.

Che io, lo so.

No, no, non esistono piu.

Con te, io li rivivro.

Con te, partiro.

Su navi, per mari.

Che io, lo so.

No, no, non esistono piu.

Con te, io li rivivro.

Con te partiro.

This is a man’s world.

This is a man’s world.

But it wouldn’t be nothing.

Nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl.

You see, man made the car.

To take us over the road.

Man made the train.

To carry the heavy load.

Man made the electric lights.

To take us out of the dark.

And man made the boat for the water.

Like my Bible said, Noah made the ark.

This is a man’s world.

But it wouldn’t mean nothing.

Nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl.

L’uomo rincorre il potere ma lui non sa.

Che il grande limite ad essere come si parra.

Nel palmo stringe un ‘idea.

Che non vive.

Che nella sua fantasia volle.

Se non si accorge che poi.

Nulla ha piu senso te.

Si vive solo per se.

Man thinks about a little bitty baby girls. And a baby boy. Man makes them happy.

Because man make them toys.

But after man made other things he can.

Man makes lira, pesos, dollars, rupees.

To buy for every good woman and every man.

This is a man’s world.

Donald Trump (01:11:30):

So this has been an honor tonight. We could do another question or two if you’d like, but probably… do you want to do one? Do you want it? Let’s go. Let’s go. But it ends so beautifully. How about this? We’ll play YMCA and we’ll go home. But listen, whatever you can do, get out there. We have to win. This is important. This is the most important election in the history of our country. And you know what? I never thought I’d say it again. I said it with ’16. We then fixed the border. We did everything. We had a great economy. It was good. For ’20 we didn’t have to say it, by the way we got millions and more votes in ’20 that we did ’16. But there’s never been spirit that we’ve seen like this. And that’s because we saw how bad they are.

They are so bad. And frankly, they’re evil. They’re evil. What they’ve done, they’ve weaponized our elections. They’ve done things that nobody thought was even possible. So we’re going to go, we’re going to vote. We’re going to have a good time. We’re going to make our country great, I want this to be a really important evening. And those two people that went down our patriots and we love them. And because of them we ended up with some good music. Right? Right.

Kristi Noem (01:12:47):


Donald Trump (01:12:48):

So play YMCA. Go ahead. Let’s go nice and loud.

Kristi Noem (01:12:51):

Here we go, everybody.

MUSIC (01:13:18):

Young man, there’s no need to feel down.

I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.

I said, young man, ’cause you’re in a new town. There’s no need to be unhappy.

Young man, there’s a place you can go.

I said, young man, when you short on your dough.

You can stay there and I’m sure you will find.

Many ways to have a good time.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

They have everything.

For young men to enjoy.

You can hang out with all the boys.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

You can get yourself clean.

You can have a good meal.

You can do whatever you feel.

Young man, are you listening to me?

I said, young man, what do you want to be?

I said, young man, you can make real your dreams.

But you’ve got to know this one thing.

No man does it all by himself.

I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf.

And just go there to the Y.M.C.A.

I’m sure they can help you today.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

They have everything.

For young men to enjoy.

You can hang out with all the boys.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

You can get yourself clean.

You can have a good meal.

You can do whatever you feel.

Young man, I was once in your shoes.

I said, I was down and out with the blues.

I felt, no man cared if I were alive.

I felt the whole world was so jive.

That’s when someone came up to me.

And said, young man, take a walk up the street.

There’s a place there called the Y.M.C.A.

They can’t stop you back on your way.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

They have everything.

For young men to enjoy.

You can hang out with all the boys.


It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

Young man, young man, there’s no need to feel down.

Young man, young man, pick yourself off the ground.


It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

Young man, young man.

Are you listening to me?

Young man, young man.

What do you want to be?


You buy in at the Y.M.C.A.

Young man, young man.

Does it all by himself.

Young man, young man.

Put your pride on the shelf.


And just go to the Y.M.C.A.

Young man, young man.

I was once in your shoes.

Young man, young man.

I was down with blues.


Donald Trump (01:17:52):

Nobody’s leaving. What’s going on? There’s nobody leaving. Keep going. Keep going. Should we keep going? All right, turn that music up. Turn it up. Great song.

MUSIC (01:17:54):

It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth.

The minor falls, the

MUSIC (01:18:00):

The major lift.

The baffled king composing Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Your faith was strong, but you needed proof.

You saw her bathing on the roof.

Her beauty in the moonlight overthrew you.

She tied you to a kitchen chair.

She broke your throne and she cut your hair.

And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Baby, I’ve been here before.

I know this room, I’ve walked this floor.

I used to live alone before I knew you.

I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch.

Love is not a victory march.

It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

There was a time you let me know.

What’s really going on below.

But now you never show it to me, do you?

And remember when I moved in you.

The holy dove was moving too.

And every breath we drew was Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Maybe there’s a God above.

And all I’ve ever learned from love was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you.

And it’s not a cry you hear at night.

It’s not somebody who’s seen the light.

It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

It’s been seven hours and fifteen days. Since you took your love away.

I go out every night and sleep all day.

Since you took your love away.

Since you been gone I can do whatever I want.

I can see whomever I choose.

I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant.

But nothing.

I said nothing can take away these blues.

‘Cause nothing compares.

Nothing compares to you.

It’s been so lonely without you here.

Like a bird without a song.

Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling.

Tell me baby where did I go wrong.

I could put my arms around every boy I see.

But they’d only remind me of you.

I went to the doctor and guess what he told me?

Guess what he told me?

He said, “Girl you better try to have fun no matter what you do.”

But he’s a fool.

‘Cause nothing compares.

Nothing compares to you.

All the flowers that you planted, mama.

In the backyard.

All died when you went away.

I know that living with you baby was sometimes hard.

But I’m willing to give it another try.

Nothing compares.

Nothing compares to you.

Nothing compares.

Nothing compares to you.

Nothing compares.

Nothing compares to you.

I mean there’s nothing

I will never, I could never.

I think there’s nothing.

I will never, I could never.

[inaudible 01:26:38].

I will never, I could never.

[inaudible 01:26:54].

I will never…

Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton.

Old things they are not forgotten.

Look away, look away, look away Dixieland.

Sing it fellas.

Oh, I wish I was in Dixie, away, away.

In Dixieland I take my stand to live and die in Dixie.

For Dixieland, I was born.

Early Lord one frosty morning.

Look away, look away, look away Dixieland.

Glory, glory hallelujah.

Glory, glory hallelujah.

Glory, glory hallelujah.

His truth is marching on.

So hush little baby.

Don’t you cry.

You know your daddy’s bound to die.

But all my trials, Lord will soon be over.

Glory, glory hallelujah.

His truth is marching on.

His truth is marching on.

I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day Overtime hours for bullshit pay.

So I can sit out here and waste my life away.

Drag back home and drown my troubles away.

It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to.

For people like me and people like you.

Wish I could just wake up and it not be true.

But it is, oh, it is.

Livin’ in the new world. With an old soul.

These rich men north of Richmond.

Lord knows they all just wanna have total control.

Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do.

And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do.

‘Cause your dollar ain’t shit and it’s taxed to no end.

‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond.

I wish politicians would look out for miners.

And not just minors on an island somewhere.

Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eat.

And the obese milkin’ welfare.

Well, God, if you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 pounds.

Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds. Young men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground.

‘Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin’ them down.

Lord, it’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to.

For people like me and people like you.

Wish I could just wake up and it not be true.

But it is, oh, it is.

Livin’ in the new world.

With an old soul. These rich men north of Richmond.

Lord knows they all just wanna have total control.

Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do.

And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do.

‘Cause your dollar ain’t shit and it’s taxed to no end.

‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond. I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day.

Overtime hours for bullshit pay.

When I look into your eyes.

I can see a love restrained.

But, darlin’, when I hold you.

Don’t you know I feel the same?


‘Cause nothing lasts forever.

And we both know hearts can change.

And it’s hard to hold a candle.

In the cold November rain.

We’ve been through this such a long, long time, just tryna kill the pain.

Ooh yeah.

But lovers always come and lovers always go and no one’s really sure who’s lettin’ go.

Today, walkin’ away.

If we could take the time to lay it on the line.

I could rest my head, just knowin’ that you were mine, all mine.

So, if you want to love me.

Then, darlin’, don’t refrain.

Or I’ll just end up walkin’ in the cold November rain.

Do you need some time on your own?

Do you need some time all alone?

Ooh, everybody needs some time on their own.

Ooh, don’t you know you need some time all alone?

I know it’s hard to keep an open heart.

When even friends seem out to harm you.

But if you could heal a broken heart.

Wouldn’t time be out to charm you?

whoa- whoa.

Sometimes, I need some time on my own.

Sometimes, I need some time all alone.

Ooh, everybody needs some time on their own.

Ooh, don’t you know you need some time all alone?

And when your fears subside.

And shadows still remain, ooh yeah.

I know that you can love me when there’s no one left to blame.

So never mind the darkness, we still can find a way.

‘Cause nothin’ lasts forever.

Even cold November rain.

Don’t ya think that you need somebody?

Don’t ya think that you need someone?

Everybody needs somebody.

You’re not the only one, you’re not the only one.

Don’t ya think that you need somebody?

Don’t ya think that you need someone?

Everybody needs somebody.

You’re not the only one, you’re not the only one.

Don’t ya think that you need somebody?

Don’t ya think that you need someone?

Everybody needs somebody.

You’re not the only one, you’re not the only one.

Don’t ya think that you need somebody?

Don’t ya think that you need someone?

Everybody needs somebody.

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