AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER Accepts the Oscar for Visual Effects Transcript

AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER Accepts the Oscar for Visual Effects Transcript

Joe Letteri, Richard Baneham, Eric Saindon, and Daniel Barrett accept the Oscar for Visual Effects for AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER at Oscars 2023. Read the transcript here.

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Elizabeth Banks (00:00):

And the Oscar goes to Avatar: The Way of Water. Joe Letteri, Richard Baneham, Eric Saindon, and Daniel Barrett.

Speaker 2 (00:10):

For all the Na’vi and Recoms, the designers incorporated elements of the actors into the characters’ designs to help translate their performances and bring them to life.

Richard Baneham (00:35):

Go raibh míle maith agat to James Cameron, or Jim Cameron, whose thumbprint, artistic thumbprint is on every frame of this movie, honestly. And Jon Landau, who was the engine who drove us forward. We accept these awards on behalf of a very, very large crew. We’d like to thank the lab in LA, the lab and the stage crew, both LA and New Zealand, and where that affects the 2,000 strong in some ways. Lena, with the production team, Joe leading the artists, an army of artists and the amazingly talented supervisor that we have, our VFX stand on the shoulders of our actors, our performances are everything.

Speaker 4 (01:22):

And we need to thank our families.

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