Donald Trump Press Conference Transcript on Jobs Report: Says This is a Great Day for George Floyd

Donald Trump Press Conference Transcript on Jobs Report: Says This is a Great Day for George Floyd

Donald Trump held a press conference today on a new US jobs report showing progress in the economy & recovery from coronavirus impacts. Unemployment went down to 13.3% in May, and the economy added 2.5 million jobs. He also said he hopes George Floyd is “looking down right now and saying, ‘This is a great thing that’s happening for our country.'” [] Read his news briefing speech transcript here.

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Donald Trump: (00:05) Well, thank you very much. This is a very big day for our country. It's affirmation of all the work we've been doing, really for three and a half years. This isn't just over the last few months. This is for three and a half years. And it's a great thing. We were very strong. We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We had the greatest economy in the history of the world. And that strength let us get through this horrible pandemic, largely through. I think we're doing really well. Vaccines, by the way, I had a meeting yesterday on vaccines. We're doing incredibly well with that. I think you're going to have some very positive surprises. And therapeutics, likewise, we're doing extremely well. Cures, we're doing well. I think those two words really blend in with each other, but tremendous progress is being made on vaccines. Donald Trump: (00:54) In fact, we have ready to go in terms of transportation and logistics. We have over two million ready to go, if it checks out for safety. And it's also, the nice part is we have four companies, I guess you could even say seven or eight companies, that are doing some similar and some very different on the vaccine front. And some similar and somewhat different on the therapeutic front. So tremendous progress is being made on that. And I think even without that, and I have to say, even without that, and I don't think you're going to be having to use that in the future, that statement, "Even without," because I think they're going to have it. But we're going to be back and we're opening our country. And I hope that the lockdown governors, I don't know why they continue to lock down. Because if you look at Georgia, if you look at Florida, if you look at South Carolina, if you look at so many different places that have opened up, I don't want to name all of them, but the ones that are most energetic about opening, they are doing tremendous business. Donald Trump: (01:58) And this is what these numbers are all about. And you have to remember one other thing. Very importantly, I think it's extremely important for you to remember that many of our states are closed or almost closed. Some of the big ones, New York, New Jersey. They'll start. They're starting now to get open. I hope. And I hope that you also use our National Guard. Call me. We'll be ready for them so fast their heads will spin. We did it in Minnesota, in Minneapolis. We were incredible. They were ripping that place apart. I love it. We had such success there. And they were ripping it apart. And I called the governor and the National Guard went in. In one night it was over. You don't see the problem in Minnesota now at all. Not even a little bit. You take a look at a great city. Donald Trump: (02:47) It just great, great city, Minneapolis. And it was under siege like nobody's ever seen. Where people are running from a police department, the great police, and they were told to. They didn't want to run. They were told to. It's bad, bad governing. And I'm not blaming the governor. I'm blaming the mayor. But we want to get all of this finished. This is a great tribute. What we're announcing today is a tremendous tribute to equality. We're bringing our jobs back. When we had our tremendous numbers. And when we had just prior to the China plague that floated in, we had numbers, the best in history for African American, for Hispanic American, and for Asian American and for everybody. Best for women, best for people without a diploma, young people without a diploma. I mean so many different categories. Our numbers were the best in almost every category. Donald Trump: (03:42) We had the most people working in the history of our country, almost 160 million people. We were never even close to that. So we had things that we were doing so well and then it came in, but we're going to be back there. I think we're going to actually be back higher next year than ever before. And the only thing that can stop us is bad policy. Frankly, left-wing, bad policy of raising taxes, and Green New Deals and all of the things that you have been writing about long and hard that will stop it like you wouldn't believe. And frankly, it's holding it back. If there were no possibility that that can happen, and I like to be an optimistic person, I think we're looking very good. I think even before today, the polls that I've seen in the polls that we do were looking very good. Donald Trump: (04:29) But if we didn't have the possibility of having massively higher taxes, like the Democrats want to do, and Green New Deals, which are totally ridiculous. Frankly, ridiculous. And I'm a big environmentalist. I believe strongly in taking care of our environment. We have the cleanest air we've ever had, like over the modern era. Which let's say you go back 30 years, we have the cleanest air, the cleanest water we've ever had. We're setting all sorts of really good environmental records. We're very proud of that. But the Green New Deal would kill our country. The Green New Deal would have a devastating effect on the world. And it's not going to happen anyway, because it's impossible for them to do it. If you ever look at what they want to do under the Green New Deal, it's like baby talk. But we are doing something that... This was an important day because it shows that what we've been doing is right. Donald Trump: (05:19) And the reason it's been an is so good is because the body was strong. Our body were so powerful that we could actually close our country, save millions of lives, stop people very early on from China, from coming in, because we stopped early. At the end of January, very early, people coming from China who were infected, coming into our country. That was a very hard decision to make. Nobody, almost nobody wanted me to make it. I would almost say nobody wanted me to make it. But we made that decision. And even my enemy said, that was an extremely important... We saved tens of thousands of lives with that decision. So we did a lot of things. And then we really ended up with empty cupboards. We went into a ventilator period that the likes of which nobody's seen since the second World War, we mobilized. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. Donald Trump: (06:18) And then we did test, we're over 20 million or very close, but I think we're over 20 million tests. More than anybody in the world. Germany is at about four. And South Korea is at three and a half. We're over 20. And by the way, when you do more testing, you have more cases. We have more cases than anybody because we do more testing than anybody. It's pretty simple. But this is outstanding what's happened today. Now, they thought the number would be a loss of nine million jobs. And it was a gain of almost three million jobs. Nobody's ever seen anything. I think it was incredible in a couple of ways. Number one, the numbers are great. And this leads us onto a long period of growth. We'll go back to having the greatest economy anywhere in the world. Nothing close. And I think we're going to have a very good upcoming few months. Donald Trump: (07:08) I think you're going to have a very good August, very good July, but a spectacular... Maybe spectacular September. But a spectacular October, November, December, and next year is going to be one of the best years we've ever had economically. And if you look at the numbers, they bear it out. But we were strong. It's sort of like when you go in for an operation, if a person is healthy, healthy, we were healthy. We had the greatest economy in the world. We went in for an operation. We closed our country down. We closed it down. We saved possibly two million, two and a half million lives. Now, it could have been a million lives. I don't think anything less than that. But if you think we're at 105 million today, the 105,000 today, that would mean at the lowest number, it would be 10 times that amount. And I think everybody believes the least... If we went herd, as they say. Donald Trump: (08:05) And if you look at Brazil, they're having a very hard time. And by the way, they kept bringing up Sweden. It's come back to haunt Sweden. Sweden's having a terrible time. If we did that, we would have lost a million, a million and a half, maybe even two and a half million or more lives. So we're at 105,000 lives. Big move, closing it up. We also closed it up to Europe. Europe became very infected from China. A gift from China. Not good. They should have stopped it. They should've stopped it at the source. But it's a gift from China and a very bad gift. I will tell you that. And you do say how come at Wuhan, where it started, and they were very badly... They were in bad trouble. But it didn't go to any other parts. Donald Trump: (08:46) It didn't go to Beijing. It didn't go to other parts of China. Then you say, "How come it came out to Europe, to the world, to the United States?" So it didn't go to China. They stopped it cold. They knew it was a problem. But they didn't stop it cold from coming to the United States, Europe and the rest of the world. Somebody has to ask these questions. And we'll get down to the answer. We made a great trade deal. Great. They're going to buy $250 billion worth of product. And by the way, they are online, they're doing okay. But the ink wasn't dry on that deal when the plague floated in. What's going on? A plague is floating in from China. What's going on? So the ink wasn't dry. So I guess I viewed the trade deal a little bit differently than I did three months ago. Donald Trump: (09:34) It's a great deal. I will say they are buying a lot from us. And in that way, I respect. And getting along with China would be a good thing. I don't know if that's going to happen. I'll let you know. We'll let you know. I think they want to get along very much with us. But we built a tremendous thing, a tremendous power platform. So when it got ill, when we had a problem, we were able to cut it off, stop it, just like this. Stop it. Keep everyone inside, keep them away, keep them together, away, uninfected. And we saved millions of lives. And now we're opening and we're opening with a bang. And we've been talking about the V. This is better than a V. This is a rocket ship. This is far better than a V. A V is wonderful. A V is this. They were talking about, will it be a V, a U, an L? They had no idea. Donald Trump: (10:29) And I was watching one of the shows, and I have great respect for the people. And they said, "Will it be nine million in job losses? What will the number be? Are they going to report record numbers? Will we break 20%? What will the number be?" And I don't know, because we were in, and I don't think we're in that territory anymore. We were in unchartered territory. Nobody's ever had a situation like that. So the number was nine million, and one of the people was going, "No, no. I think it's going to be 10 million." That's 10 million negative, losses. And then somebody else said, "No, we think it's going to be 8.7, 9.2." Everyone was right around that number. This is... Great geniuses. And they are. I watch them all the time. And oftentimes they're right. Donald Trump: (11:18) Warren Buffet sold airlines a little while ago. He's been right his whole life. But sometimes even somebody like Warren Buffet, I have a lot of respect for him. They make mistakes. They should have kept the airline stocks, because the airline stocks went through the roof today. And others did too. The whole market went through the roof. But they said nine million, nine million job losses, nine million. It's what it's going to be. Are we going to break 20%? Are we going to break it? And then the numbers came in and one of the folks that was reading the numbers said, "Wow, this is a great number. It's only three million job losses." And then reading it and say, "I don't think I'm not reading this right. Let me look at it again. Wait a minute. This is three million gain almost." Three million jobs gained. And then they shouted out, one of them, sort of semi shouted out. "Is this a typo?" I think it was probably the greatest miscalculation in the history of business shows. Donald Trump: (12:21) In the history of business shows talking about Wall Street. And that's okay. But one of the reasons we're in this position is because we had such a strong foundation. So we were able to close our country, save millions of lives, open, and now the trajectory is great. Don't forget. New York is barely included. And that's one of our big ones. California is barely included, because they're not open. And they should open. By the way, the mayor of Los Angeles wants to keep this thing closed for a long time. Look at what's going on in Florida. It's incredible. The job the governor of Florida has done. It's incredible. The numbers they're doing, you've got to open it up. And you do social distancing and you wear masks if you want. Donald Trump: (13:05) And you do things, you can do a lot of things. You're getting closer together. Even you. I notice you're starting to get much closer together. It looks much better, I must say. You're not all the way there yet, but you'll be there soon. But it's a tremendous thing that happened. And the reason it happened is because we had a really strong patient. We had a patient that was so powerful, so strong, that we could close it and open. And I give it this analogy. Somebody told me yesterday, it was Larry Kudlow. Donald Trump: (13:32) He said, "Sir, this is like a hurricane." And we were worried. We didn't know, is this going to be a hurricane or a major, major recession? A major recession that's not artificially caused, because this was artificially closed. We just said, "Boom. Closed." And everything just stopped. And also, you know what else stopped? Big numbers on death, by doing it. And that's why I had to do it. We've made every decision correctly. But, it was like we stopped. So it was an artificial- Donald Trump: (14:03) Correctly. But it was like we stopped. So it was an artificial closing. And then what happened very incredibly is the numbers go. And Larry was saying that with a hurricane, you have a horrible hurricane in Florida or Texas, and it's devastating. And then the hurricane goes away and within two hours, everyone's rebuilding and fixing and cleaning and cutting their grass. I've seen it in Texas. I've seen it everywhere. I've seen it everywhere. Texas had a massive one, Louisiana, hurricanes, Florida hurricanes. But what happens is right after the hurricane, boom, and this is what this is, this isn't a terrible recession. I don't even mention the D word. I don't talk about the D word, I don't want to talk about it, because every time somebody even mentions it, I don't like the D word. But if you had a really, really big, bad recession, it could take 10, 12. How long did it take in 1929? It took many years to recover from that. How long? Speaker 1: (15:07) 10 years. Donald Trump: (15:08) 10? I heard 10, I think, longer than 10, but that's okay. I heard 14, 15 years. Larry says 10, so let's go with 10. But it takes a long time to recover, but a hurricane you're back in business in one day, two days, three days, and it's devastating and it's hard. And this was a hurricane. And it's going to get better fast because a lot of the numbers that you see, they're early numbers. They're not even from this last month. Donald Trump: (15:35) And by the way, speaking of that, you had the greatest 50 day rally in the history of our exchanges, the greatest 50 day rally. And we have a lot of protestors and we have something else. We have something else. We have a pandemic, we've made tremendous progress really on both if you look at where we've come on, both, we've made tremendous progress on both, tremendous progress. But you're looking and the people are now starting to return to work. Donald Trump: (16:11) So it's been an incredible thing to see. It's been a beautiful thing to see. The experts predicted that the economy would lose tremendous numbers of jobs, and of course from the beginning, it has, but you're going to see how fast that's made up. I'm telling you next year, unless something happens, where the wrong people get in here, this can turn around, your 401ks will go down to numbers. If people didn't get rid of stocks and their 401Ks, they're almost even, think of it. With a pandemic, and with one of the worst things that's ever happened, our country has never lost 105,000 people. Whether it's world trade center, which was 2,900 or Pearl Harbor, which was less than that, we've never lost anything close to this, but it's not only our country, it's the whole world. The world is suffering so badly, 186 countries at this moment. And that affects us too. Donald Trump: (17:14) But we're a positive force. We are the key to the world in a sense, and the fact that we're doing well, I see already, they're starting to do much better in other parts of the world. That's a great thing because we're working with the world and we'll work with China too. We'll work with everybody. But what happened should have never happened. Donald Trump: (17:32) So we had a tremendous morning, a tremendous announcement. It was shocking to even great pros. I watched Maria Bartiromo, I watched Jim Kramer, I watched a lot of people, Joe Kiernan. He was pretty positive. Charles Payne, he was very positive for a long time. A lot of people got it right. They had confidence in me. They had confidence in this team and they got it right. I think that's the only thing they could base it on because we were an unchartered territory. Donald Trump: (18:03) I like to just say that renewal, restoration or recovery of the most vulnerable areas of America is going to be my focus, it's going to be a big focus because it's taking care of itself, but we have to help that very vulnerable area, the vulnerable. It's not right. And we're helping them, and we have helped them in the past. They were all sent to opportunity zones, criminal justice reform, nobody's ever done for the black community what president Trump has done. Think of it. Historically, black, small colleges and universities, they would come here for money every year, every year for many, many years. After three years, I said, "Why are you doing this? Why do you keep coming here?" They said, "Because we come," I said, "Don't you get a longterm deal so you don't have to come?" Donald Trump: (18:55) The head of one of the very respected colleges looked at me and said, "Sir, we're like beggars. Every year we have to come to Washington and beg for money." I said, "You should have a longterm deal." And we signed a longterm deal so they don't have to come. I'll miss them, I told them I miss them, I got to know them. But the first year, I didn't think anything of it, the second year I said, "That's strange. Why you here?" And then the third year, not so long ago, same people, the heads of the historically black, small colleges and universities, 44 people, maybe a little more than that. Little less than that sometimes. But after three years I said, "What are you doing?" They said, "The past administration did nothing for us. The administration before that did nothing for them." So I'm going to do it. Donald Trump: (19:45) So we did the opportunities zones with Senator Tim Scott. It has been fantastic. And by the way, it's one of the great unknowns, because the opportunity zones you don't talk about, it's one of the most incredible stories ever in terms of the inner cities and in terms of black and Hispanic and Asian unemployment opportunities, as you ought to do some stories about opportunity zones. Billions and billions of dollars of private money is being invested in putting people to work and getting money that they've never made before. Donald Trump: (20:17) So it's been a really a terrific thing. It's now time for us to work together as we rebuild, renew and recover the great promise of America, and that's true, we're going to work together. It'll all work out. It'll all work out. Some governors may need a little help yet, but I think for the most part, they are in good shape. Donald Trump: (20:35) We have a fantastic military. We have fantastic national guard. National guard was barely used and these people have done an unbelievable job. They helped the secret service at Washington. Secret service by the way, are unbelievable. The job they did at the white house is unbelievable. There was never any form of like, "Oh gee, this sounds dangerous." All I could see is what I was seeing on television. But they were outside. And the secret service was incredible, but we were also helped by the DC police and we were helped by the national guard was unbelievable. They came in and they... This was like a piece of cake. Donald Trump: (21:13) And I really am suggesting because if you look at Minnesota and the great success we had there, and other places, I'm suggesting to some of these governors that are too proud in New York, you see what's going on there. Don't be proud, get the job done. You'll end up looking much better in the end. Call in the national guard, call me. We'll have so many people, more people than you have to dominate the streets. You can't let what's happening happen. It's called dominate the streets. You can't let that happen in New York where they're breaking into stores and all of the things. And by the way, hurting many small businesses, you can't let it happen. Donald Trump: (21:50) Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement, regardless of race, color, gender or creed, they have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement. They have to receive it. We all saw what happened last week. We can't let that happen. Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, "This is a great thing that's happening for our country." This is a great day for him. It's a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day in terms of equality. It's really what our constitution requires and it's what our country is all about. Donald Trump: (22:38) I just want to finish by saying, to save the economy, we passed several pieces of critical legislation, totally many trillions of dollars meaning three. We're set up to do more if we want. I think we should, because we are dominant. For many years as a bystander, but somebody that loved government, somebody that loved this country, I would watch and study and see, when I say study, naturally study by watching. But if you go back, China was going to catch us in 2019. And that was like a given. You go back five years, six years, seven years, it was always, yeah, China will catch America, catch the United States in 2019, and then it will become the dominant economy. Never happened. It's not going to happen. Donald Trump: (23:29) We dominated them over the last year and a half, two years, we took in tens of billions of dollars in tariffs that they paid for. I gave some of that money, just a small fraction to our farmers, which made them whole, more than whole. That's why they're all in business, made them more than whole. And it came right out of the tariff money. And the reason we didn't pay is because China devalued their currency and they paid. Plus they also put additional money to it, because if they didn't do that, nobody would have bought that product. We made a great deal because of that. That's the only reason we're able to make a good deal, because of the possibility of tariffs, because China's taking tremendous advantage of the United States. We helped rebuild China. We gave them $500 billion a year. How stupid, how stupid are the people that represented our country with China and many other countries? But that's all changing. And it was in the process of changing very big. Again, China had a very bad year before the plague and now I think hopefully, they're going to have a great year. I want them to have a great year, but we're going to have better years than they ever had. We have a better system, much better system. Donald Trump: (24:45) We made Americans sure. Of themselves and we took care of families, we gave benefits and we set $1200 to every individual making less than $75,000 and $4,000 almost to every family of four earning less than 150,000. That's a lot, isn't it? When you think 150, but that's what's happening with our country. If you look at other countries, even countries that you think they're doing well, they don't talk about 150,000 as being median. $150,000, that's tremendous. That's a great tribute to the people of our country. Donald Trump: (25:26) The job surge that we're seeing right now is widespread. Leisure and hospitality added 1.2 million jobs. Construction jobs are up, listen to this, 464,000. Education and health services road is 424,000. Retail trade is up 368,000. And here is the one I liked the best, remember previous administration that you need a magic wand for manufacturing. Manufacturing, which we had up to 600,000 jobs, prior to the plague manufacturing rose to 225,000 jobs, up by. So we picked up 225,000 manufacturing jobs. That's very unexpected. Donald Trump: (26:15) Everything that you've seen this morning is unexpected. Even the pros sitting here would understand that, everything. We also smashed expectations on the unemployment rate. The prediction was that the unemployment rate would rise to over 20%, and instead of drop to around a little more than 13%, slight difference. And this time the greatest come back in American history today is probably if you think of it, the greatest comeback in American history, but it's not going to stop here. It's going to keep going because so many places are closed. Donald Trump: (26:50) I was watching a great vice-president today being interviewed on CNBC, he did a phenomenal job and he, he made a statement. He said, "This is not going to stop," and a hundred percent, he's always attributing everything to me, but I'll attribute this statement to him. He said, "It's not going to stop because the numbers that you're looking at don't include all of those States that are closed, they haven't even opened yet." We're going to be stronger than we were when we were riding high. And our stock market is almost, it's just short of an all time high. Donald Trump: (27:23) I've had 144 all time, high stock markets during a three and a half year period. Nobody's ever come close to that and we're going to do it again, but it's going to be even stronger than last time. Donald Trump: (27:36) When I would say that to you, two, three months ago, I could see what's happened. I have a good feeling, I've always done well with numbers, but I had a feel for it. I said it even the other day, I was saying, "I think we're going to have a tremendous next year. I think it's going to be a phenomenal next year." I didn't know it would start this quickly. I thought we'd start in August, September, but it started very early. It's an amazing thing, but it means that they're likely to return and all of these jobs that we're talking about... Donald Trump: (28:03) ... to return. And all of these jobs that we're talking about now aren't even included, because some of our biggest places aren't opened. They're opening up now. I think New York's opening up as of today, and that's one of our big ones. New Jersey. They're all working hard, the governors are all working hard. To save millions of American lives, we took that unnecessary evil ... we took it out of the equation. We had to do what we did. We had a very, very strong push not to do anything. We would have lost so many people. But very importantly, the economy wouldn't have been as good as it is, because nobody expected this. I don't think there's anybody sitting here that can say, I want to see it on tape, as opposed to just saying, "Oh, I did that." But some were predicting pretty good numbers, like people I mentioned. But we took a tremendous step and a tremendous risk, and we've gone up at a level. And this level is going to be nothing compared to what you see in coming months, and especially next year. Donald Trump: (29:05) So the best strategy to ensure the health of our people moving forward is to focus our resources on protecting high-risk populations, like the elderly and those in nursing homes, while allowing younger and healthier Americans to get back to work immediately. And open up our schools, open them up. We understand this disease now. We didn't understand it. Nobody's ever seen it before. It's very tough, very contagious, very [ inaudible 00:29:30]. We've learned a lot we didn't know. Nobody knew anything about it, but we learned a- Donald Trump: (29:35) (silence) Donald Trump: (29:35) ... and this entire- Donald Trump: (29:35) (silence) Donald Trump: (39:02) ... take care of our vets. We got choice-approved for the vets. So instead of waiting in line for four weeks to see a doctor, they can go immediately outside, get a private doctor, we pay for the bill, and the vet is in great shape. We actually save money, but more importantly, we save their lives, and we save the quality of their life. They were dying. They would come onto a line, they'd have to wait four or five weeks, they wouldn't be very sick. By the time they see the doctor, they'd be terminally ill. We don't have that anymore. You don't hear any bad stories about the vets anymore. That doesn't mean go out and find them, because tonight you'll be traveling all over the world looking for an unhappy event. Donald Trump: (39:39) And we got accountability, because we had a lot of bad people in the VA. It's called VA Accountability, where we can now fire people that don't treat our vets good. We have sadists, we have thieves, we have a lot of bad people. And we can now ... it's called VA Accountability. Almost 50 years, they've been trying to get it. Choice, almost 50 years, they've been trying to get it. For many, many years. I've been hearing about it for years. They've been trying to get VA choice. Choice means you can have a choice of a doctor. You don't have to wait in line if you have a long line. I have to say, the VA has great doctors, but you can't get to them very quickly. Now they go outside and they take care of themselves. Donald Trump: (40:18) So we've had a great morning. This is just the beginning. It's going to be incredible. I'm going to sign our very important piece of legislation. Again, thank you very much to the Democrats. And then we're going to have a couple of words by a few of the people standing alongside of me. I want to thank them so much. And we'll talk to you soon. Speaker 2: (40:40) Mr. President, what happened to the plan for systemic racism? Mr. President, why haven't you laid out a plan to address systemic racism? Donald Trump: (40:47) I'd like to sign this bill. This is a very different thing. And by the way, what's happened to our country, and what you now see that's been happening, is the greatest thing that can happen for race relations, for the African-American community, for the Asian-Americans, for the Hispanic American community, for women, for everything. Speaker 2: (41:08) What's your plan? Donald Trump: (41:08) Because our country is so strong, and that's what my plan is. We're going to have the strongest economy in the world. We almost are there now. We had the strongest economy anywhere in the world, and now we're going to have an economy that's even stronger. Speaker 3: (41:23) Sir, how would a better economy- Donald Trump: (41:26) Excuse me, I'd like to sign this. Speaker 3: (41:26) Yeah. Just to follow up, how would a better economy have protected George Floyd? Donald Trump: (41:31) Excuse me, do you mind if I sign this? Speaker 3: (41:31) Sure, I'll ask after. Speaker 4: (41:31) Will you take questions after, sir? Speaker 2: (41:33) Black unemployment went up by .1%. Asian-American unemployment went up .5%. How is that a victory? How is that a victory? Donald Trump: (41:41) You are something. Speaker 2: (41:43) How is that a victory? Donald Trump: (41:44) Ah, thank you very much. I have to say though, it's been an honor. This is such a great achievement. Feel so good about it. This is jus the beginning, the best is yet to come. Mike, would you say a few words, please? Donald Trump: (42:02) Mike, would you say a few words please? Mike Pence: (42:04) Well, thank you, Mr. President. And today's a great day for America. The American comeback begins today. And Mr. President, it is a tribute to the strong decisions that you made early on to put the health of America first, from suspending all travel from China to calling on the American people to embrace the kind of mitigation practices, to practice social distancing, to endure 45 days to slow the spread. The way you worked in a bipartisan way, we want to thank members of both parties in the Congress for working with us to provide relief for families, small businesses, and enterprises across the country. Today's numbers, historic as they are, are a testament to the leadership that you've provided, Mr. President, on mitigation, on recovery, and as you directed the White House coronavirus task force. They're also a tribute to the fact that states across the country, now all 50 states are reopening our country. Mike Pence: (43:12) Even before we came to the end of the 45 days, you directed us to give guidance to state governors and all the States and territories to safely and responsibly reopen. And now all of our states are in the process of doing that. It's remarkable to think that two and a half million jobs and declining unemployment number actually dates to surveys done in mid-May. Mr. President, it's remarkable that we can see all across the country that this is a snapshot today of the comeback that was taking place the better part of a month ago. But because of the guidance you gave to the American people in mitigation, and because of the recovery efforts that bipartisan members of Congress supported at your direction. And ultimately because we are reopening the country, we've begun a great American comeback. Mike Pence: (44:02) So I want to thank you, Mr. President. I want to thank members of Congress that were with us. I join you in thanking all of the incredible healthcare workers across the country, including our team on the task force and health officials at every level, governors that have been our partners. But ultimately, today is a tribute to the American people. Mr. President, I know that you've said again and again this morning that it was because the patient was strong in the beginning, because the policies that you put into place to cut taxes, roll back regulation, unleash American energy, fight for free and fair trade. We created more than 7 million jobs. And today, the strength and resilience of the American people is shining through. And this is their day. Congratulations America, the comeback begins. Donald Trump: (44:50) Thank you, Mike. And I think, very importantly, because it's a great state and you have so many great states involved with energy, but we had basically a disaster just a month ago. We had a disaster with respect to energy. It was down to zero. It was worthless. And that's 5 million jobs, maybe much more than that indirectly, probably close to 10 million jobs. Energy jobs in Texas and North Dakota and Oklahoma, and many other states, New Mexico, great state, great energy state it's become. And we saved that industry in a short period of time. And you know who helped us? Saudi Arabia and Russia. And then we got Mexico to do what they really had to do. And I want to thank the president of Mexico. He was terrific, in the end, he was terrific. Donald Trump: (45:39) But we saved the energy industry. That would have been catastrophic to lose it. And now it's up to almost $40 a barrel. And people would have said, "That's impossible." But we got Saudi Arabia, Russia and others to cut back very substantially. OPEC-Plus, we call it OPEC-Plus. But they were the leaders. And we appreciate that very much. Could I ask Kevin and Larry to say a few words, please? Larry Kudlow: (46:07) Thank you, sir. I'll be brief as I can. I know it's pretty darn hot. Donald Trump: (46:15) I haven't noticed that. Is it hot? Nobody hot. Larry Kudlow: (46:17) You're pretty good at it. So preceding this number were a number of green shoots, as we call them in economics or finance. And as the President has mentioned, things like Apple Mobility, traveling indexes, the housing applications for new homes are skyrocketing, new businesses and new business applications are skyrocketing. So we've seen a lot of pieces of evidence. The key to today's number, 2.5 million payrolls and 3.8 million households from which the unemployment comes, the key is that those who were temporarily laid off have gone back to work. Three million some odd. And that's because of the reopening, and that's because of the success of the President and Vice President's mitigation policies, which had to be taken. Now the reopening begins. Larry Kudlow: (47:09) Here's a footnote. At May 12th, for the week the survey was taken, a little less than 50% of small businesses had reopened. According to the Chamber of Commerce, the most recent number in late May, early June, 80%, 79% of small business have reopened. So we're going to see more continued progress in the June jobs numbers when they come out. And I want to add also, my friend and colleague, Secretary Steven Mnuchin's leadership on the Payroll Protection Program has kept people on temporary call, have kept them furloughed, but they knew they were going to come back. The PPP has distributed $510 billion and has probably saved as much as 50 million jobs. And overall, we've extended tax rebates and other payments, 159 million Americans for nearly $275 billion. The rescue package works. It was the largest in American history. Now we are seeing weekly unemployment claims coming down, continued claims coming down, the 13.3% unemployment rate has come down. Larry Kudlow: (48:19) And I think as the President has noted, these trends will continue. This was a sharp, tough, heartbreaking pandemic contraction. It's not a typical economic contraction. It was like a bad hurricane or a bad snow storm. There's a lot of heartache in that. And there's a lot of hardship in that. Absolutely. But they're sharp and fast and they recover fast. And we are beginning to see this rapid recovery, which I believe will extend well into the third quarter and the fourth quarter. We're still looking for some 20% economic growth in Qs three and four, and a big number in 2021 as we move forward with presidential policies of lower taxes and regulations and energy and fair and reciprocal trade deals that created a phenomenal economy before the pandemic and can recreate and rebuild that phenomenal economy afterwards. I bring in my great pal, Kevin Hassett. Kevin Hassett: (49:18) Thank you. Good job. Thank you, sir. Thank you, Mr. President. And today is a historic day. But as you remind us, there's still a lot of work left to do. That there were 18 million people that said that they expected to be reemployed. 3 million of them came back and it shocked economists that it happened so fast. But there's still a lot of work to do. And that's what you've instructed us to do is to give you options so that we can get everybody else in the country back to work. Kevin Hassett: (49:44) And I think that the main economic lesson I take from what we've seen, in addition to Secretary Mnuchin's incredible work getting the programs enacted quickly, is that the Vice President's leadership with the task force, right at the very beginning, you put out guidance for businesses and for governors about how to open safely. And because the guidance was so scientifically based, people did so with confidence. And you would never have a jobs number like what we saw today without the confidence that I think was generated by your leadership, Mr. Vice President, and Dr. Birx and the rest of her team. So thank you so much for your service, sir. Thank you. Donald Trump: (50:19) Thank you very much. I just want to add, we'll be going for a payroll tax cut. We think that'll be incredible in terms of what we're doing, because again, we're going to be bigger, stronger, better than we ever were. That's going to be a tremendous incentive for businesses and also a great incentive, and maybe to me, most importantly, for the workers. So we're going to be asking for a payroll tax cut. We'll be asking for additional stimulus money because once we get this going, it'll be far bigger and far better than we've ever seen in this country. That includes as of three or four months ago when everyone thought it was great and it was great. Donald Trump: (50:54) And we're going to be doing things for restaurants and various pieces of the entertainment industry, which will be an incentive, whether it's deductions or whatever. But Steve Mnuchin's going to be working on that because the restaurants will be a little bit harder to come back. Although I must tell you, Mike, I've seen some tremendous numbers from restaurants. But we're looking at doing something in terms of an incentive with taxes. It could be deductions, it could be something else. But we'll be announcing it pretty soon, but we will be asking, despite the numbers and how good they are, because we will be so far ahead of everybody else if we do what we're doing, our borrowing cost now is zero. So we're paying no interest, which is very good. And I just want to thank everybody. I'd like to ask Steve Mnuchin to say a few words, please. Steve Mnuchin: (51:42) Thank you, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President. And again, I want to especially thank the Senate and the house for working with us in another example of overwhelming bipartisan support that is helping American business and American workers. Mr. President, this legislation is a direct result of you invited in leaders from the restaurant industry and the hotel industry. These are two areas that have been especially hard hit. The restaurants' number one ask was extending the PPP for 24 weeks and this legislation delivers on this. So it is great to see the $500 billion that we've put to work in small business make its way into the economy. And now you see it in these numbers and then bringing more people back to work. So not only did this save jobs, but we now see people coming back to work and we look forward to working with Congress on bipartisan issues to make sure we get every American back at work that was unfortunately laid off as a result of this virus. Thank you. Donald Trump: (52:43) Thank you very much.
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