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Jeffree Star Video Transcript Response to "Cremated" Makeup Backlash
Makeup entrepreneur Jeffree Star’s controversial new product “The Cremated Collection” has sparked some controversy, since the release is during the COVID-19 pandemic. Star released an online video responding to questions about the release. Read the transcript here.

Jeffree Star: (00:00) What's up, everybody? Welcome back to my channel. Hi, how are you? Now in today's video, I'm going to be going from this to this. Oh my God. Yes, you guys. Today, one of my best friends on the planet, Miss LipstickNick, is here and she is going to transform and show you guys exactly how the hell she did this unreal cremated, gray scale makeup. Now, before Nicole comes on here and we dive into the tutorial, let's just dive into a few hot topics. Jeffree Star: (00:28) You guys, I uploaded my reveal video. I unveiled the Cremated Collection. And baby, it was number one trending on YouTube. It was trending on Twitter for a couple days, and it's the talk of the town. So I want to answer a few questions and I want to talk about it for just a little, real quick. Now, you guys, if you did not watch this series that me and Shane did on making the Conspiracy Palette, you know. If you didn't watch it, I'm going to tell you, I'll give you a little refresher. It takes months and months and months, sometimes a year plus, to actually make a product. So there was some people saying, "Jeffree, it's a little weird timing. There's a lot going on in the world." But for me, this is art. And I never come from a negative place, you guys. My own father who passed away and my two dogs who passed away last year are all cremated. And it is a tradition in my family. Now, nothing ever comes from a bad place. So if you were thinking that, absolutely not. Jeffree Star: (01:27) I created this to make people smile. I created a brand for all the weirdos and people that really didn't feel like they fit in. So in no way was this created to be offensive ever. Now, this idea I created over a year ago, I trademarked it. The trademark went through on September of last year. And we delayed this already a lot. And sadly, with production and in the makeup world, if I were to try to move Cremated, it wouldn't have fit anywhere in this year. This year is full, which you'll see later this year, I couldn't put cremated anywhere else. I would have had to move it into later in the fall of 2021. And I never want to give my customers a bad experience. I never want to sell expired makeup. So as a business owner, I'm like, "We got to get this out." So I made the executive decision to delay the collection over a month and a half. And before my real crazy summer collection comes out, I wanted this to be here. Jeffree Star: (02:21) So I want to end by saying, I'm never discrediting anyone's feelings. Everyone is allowed to feel how they want and interpret things how they do. So just know that I only come from a good place. Now, without further ado, let's dive in to the transformation. Jeffree Star: (02:36) Oh my God. Hi. Nicole: (02:37) Hello. Jeffree Star: (02:38) We're really hyper right now. Nicole: (02:41) I just chugged a coffee and [inaudible 00:02:43]. Jeffree Star: (02:43) Wow. Okay. It's been a really eventful week. Nicole: (02:46) It has. Jeffree Star: (02:47) First of all, hi, Nicole's back. LipstickNick is in the building. Now, first of all, we all know why we're here today. Bam. The Cremated Palette is almost here. If you're watching this in the future, baby, it's out. Deep breath. We love her. Nicole: (03:00) Just a moment of silence. Jeffree Star: (03:01) A moment of silence for this because, you guys, Nicole did this makeup, of course. And it is on every single unit produced and it's so cool to see me and you on here. We've never put my face on packaging really. So Nicole did this all by hand, right? Nicole: (03:17) Yeah, no pressure. Jeffree Star: (03:20) On set. Tell the girls, you did this all by hand. Nicole: (03:22) All by hand, of course. But we could have just thrown a filter over it, but I was like ... We wanted to do a gray scale look anyway for the longest time. So I was like, "Okay, let's just make you all white. Let's go in with detailing and contour with gray tones." Jeffree Star: (03:34) Which we've never done before. Nicole: (03:36) We've never done it. I'm so happy. Jeffree Star: (03:37) So a lot of people think maybe this may be Photoshopped. The only thing Photoshopped is, of course, is the ashes and me deteriorating. I am not Thanos. But yeah, today Nicole is going to recreate the exact look on here. The only thing we're going to do different is the hair in a different style. Because, you guys, lace and white face paint and makeup really don't mix well. So we tailored the look and we're going to throw on some wild bangs because why not give you version two of Miss Cremated? Oh, I'm just so proud of it. Nicole: (04:06) I'm so proud of it. This is my most ... It's one of those moments that's hitting different in my life. So I can't believe it. Jeffree Star: (04:13) It's so cool. All right, you guys. So come follow us on the journey as we dive into the Cremated tutorial. Woo. Oh my God. I'm so excited to dive into this. Nicole: (04:22) Me too. Jeffree Star: (04:24) Ah. My skin is prepped. I have gray contact lenses in. Nicole is putting a little bit of the Milk Hydro Grip Primer infused. Nicole: (04:34) It just needs to really lock and hold onto the white foundation, so. Jeffree Star: (04:37) Right. Oh yeah, what are you going to use for that? I'm excited. Nicole: (04:39) Yeah, I'm going to use Clown White from Ben Nye, it's just pure white cream foundation. Jeffree Star: (04:44) Yeah. Oh, I love that. Okay. And then actually, I'm normally a little more paler, but I've been hitting the pool, bitch. And I'm feeling really bronzed. Nicole: (04:53) You look super bronzed. Jeffree Star: (04:54) Look at that. What? Who is she? Nicole: (04:56) You're so olive. Jeffree Star: (04:57) Oh my God. I am getting all olive, whoa. Nicole: (05:00) I haven't seen you this tan before. Jeffree Star: (05:02) I know, right? Ooh, yes. We're about to get really deceased and cremated up in the gig. You've got to get the ear. Nicole: (05:09) Yep. Jeffree Star: (05:09) Tell them you can't forget the ear. If you're going to go all the way, you've just got to go all the way. Whoa. Nicole: (05:14) It has such good coverage. It's so fast too. Jeffree Star: (05:17) It is. It's like, "Whoa." My cheekbone is still like, "Don't cover me." Nicole: (05:26) Are you wiggling your ears? Jeffree Star: (05:27) No. Nicole: (05:28) I was like, "Wait, are you twitching?" Jeffree Star: (05:33) Oh my god. Nicole: (05:34) How do you do that? Jeffree Star: (05:36) A lot of mind control. Nicole: (05:38) Jesus. And ear control. Jeffree Star: (05:39) Whoa. You really see how tan I am with this crazy color down here. Nicole: (05:45) That's crazy. Jeffree Star: (05:46) Whoa. In the picture, I'm wearing a jacket, which we'll put on later, but we kind of let the tattoos show a little bit through the white so there's a little bit of remanence of Jeffree Lynn in there. Nicole: (05:56) I love how they're just peeking out on your neck a little bit. You can still see them. Jeffree Star: (06:00) Oh yeah. So how do you set this crazy look? What are you using? Nicole: (06:03) I'm going to use, well, mixing your translucent powder with a little bit of the Ben Nye Super White. Jeffree Star: (06:08) Ooh, okay. So a little Ben Nye Super White with a little Magic Star translucent. Nicole: (06:13) Smells so good. Jeffree Star: (06:14) Little cotton candy dream. Nicole: (06:15) And yeah, just- Jeffree Star: (06:17) And that's it. Nicole: (06:17) Just patting, setting. Jeffree Star: (06:18) Whoa. Nicole: (06:18) Super easy, lock it in place and it'll kind of keep that white coloring. Jeffree Star: (06:22) Yeah, of course, the white was a cream. So you do have to set the entire thing. Imagine you didn't set it. Nicole: (06:28) Just gets everywhere. I mean, it would stay well, but it just not long-wear and we need to draw those lines on. Jeffree Star: (06:35) Yeah. I want to do a road trip after this and see how long the makeup lasts. 14 day wear test. Are you doing the eyelids? Nicole: (06:43) I'm doing the eyelids. Jeffree Star: (06:45) Whoa. Okay. I wasn't sure if you were going to lay down something else, but it looks so cool to just cancel them out. You know what's bizarre is this doesn't feel like I have any makeup on. Nicole: (06:53) Really? Jeffree Star: (06:54) Yeah. Nicole: (06:54) That is crazy. Jeffree Star: (06:55) I'm sitting here and I'm like, "It feels like I have clean skin." Isn't that bizarre? Nicole: (06:59) Whoa. Jeffree Star: (07:02) All right. So what is the next step? Nicole: (07:03) So next, I'm thinking I'm going to start to go in and- Jeffree Star: (07:09) I don't remember what ... Sorry, I keep cutting you off. I don't remember what you did on set. Nicole: (07:11) I don't remember either. Jeffree Star: (07:12) I really don't. Because then we did another look after that with the honey wig. Nicole: (07:17) Yeah. I think I'm going to contour your face first. Jeffree Star: (07:20) Ooh, yeah. Please. Nicole: (07:22) Yeah. That way you're chiseled. Then we'll go in with eye detail. Jeffree Star: (07:26) Okay. Awesome. Is it time to dip into Miss Cremated? Nicole: (07:29) It's time. Jeffree Star: (07:29) All right. What shades are we going to go into first? Nicole: (07:32) I think I'm going to start light and go in with life insurance for a little chiseled contour. And then we'll just kind of build it up from there. Jeffree Star: (07:41) I love it. Okay. What other colors do you see yourself dipping into? Nicole: (07:43) Probably, okay, life insurance, maybe a little bit of- Jeffree Star: (07:46) Wednesday. Nicole: (07:47) Embalmed and Wednesday. And then definitely death blow right under your eyes, like pop, almost like your highlighter. Jeffree Star: (07:52) Okay. Nicole: (07:53) Let's do that first, actually. Jeffree Star: (07:54) Okay. Nicole: (07:55) Okay. Jeffree Star: (07:56) Yeah, on top of being a really dope pallet for real actual wedding makeup, the perfect smokey eye, this is really good for wild looks too. Nicole: (08:03) For sure. Imagine skull looks or anything like- Jeffree Star: (08:06) Oh, hi. A lot of people said, "You maybe you should have waited for Halloween to put this out." I'm like, "Oh no, bitch." Nicole: (08:11) Oh no. Jeffree Star: (08:12) When I give you a Halloween collection, I'm going to give you Halloween, Miss Mama. And this, I have just always wanted to make a gray scale collection. I think a lot of people were upset when I said the word gothic. I hyped it up in a different way. And I'm like, "To me, goth and Victorian goth was always really gray scale to me." But it's always an interpretation in art. Some people wanted some dark rubies and dark greens. And I'm like, "Girl, I have so many pallets of color." I just wanted to do something so different, honestly, than Jawbreaker, Alien, Thirsty. I wanted to give you guys a whole new vibe. So just see the response so big, it's just pretty awesome. And you're about to have your artwork in so many people's homes and I think it's so fucking cool. Nicole: (08:54) That's so cool. I can't wait to see it on people's vanities and stuff. That's going to really trip me out. Jeffree Star: (08:57) Yeah. Nicole: (08:57) Okay, taking a little fan brush here. Jeffree Star: (09:00) Okay. Is that Morphe? Nicole: (09:01) Yep. This is the 310. Jeffree Star: (09:04) People are shocked we're not naming all the brushes. We're not Morphe whores, we just live for Morphe. Use code JSTAR or LIPSTICK. Thanks. Wow, that's (beep) sick. Who cares about the code? Let's go back to the makeup. Oh my God. I also see you're dipping into casket ready, which is a really pale, pale gray white. Nicole: (09:21) Just a little bit. Jeffree Star: (09:23) Wow. If you need a Halloween contour book, I just created one. Nicole: (09:27) It's literally perfect for that. Jeffree Star: (09:28) It's so cool to see a gray cheekbone. What in the world? Wow. What's airbrush, bitch? Nicole: (09:33) So pretty. Jeffree Star: (09:34) Wow. All right. So you're slowly building. Nicole: (09:37) Building the nose contour. Jeffree Star: (09:39) Okay. And what are you dipping into, Miss Thing? Nicole: (09:41) We're using life insurance and enabled. Jeffree Star: (09:45) Embalmed? You want to enable me? Oh my god. Nicole: (09:51) Enabler! Jeffree Star: (09:51) Yes. Nicole: (09:51) Wow. Okay. So- Jeffree Star: (09:53) You said it right five minutes ago. Nicole: (09:55) I have dyslexia. Jeffree Star: (09:56) Play the clip of Nicole saying embalmed right. Wednesday. Nicole: (09:58) Yeah, embalmed and Wednesday, Jeffree Star: (10:00) Bam. No you don't, he does. Nicole: (10:01) I do too. Jeffree Star: (10:02) No you don't, for real? Nicole: (10:04) Yeah. Jeffree Star: (10:04) So does Chris. Nicole: (10:05) No way. Jeffree Star: (10:05) It's the first thing you guys have in common. Nicole: (10:09) I can't spell embalmed, apparently. Jeffree Star: (10:09) Okay, you actually have it. Because people are going to think we're making fun of people that have it. Nicole: (10:13) No, no, yeah. Jesus. Jeffree Star: (10:13) Oh my god, I'm so high. Nicole: (10:13) Enabler. Jeffree Star: (10:17) Okay. So now we're dipping into enabler and life insurance. Nicole: (10:21) So dumb. Jeffree Star: (10:23) When I print the pallet the second time, I'm going to change it. Nicole: (10:25) You should. Jeffree Star: (10:27) All right. Back to makeup. Nicole: (10:28) Yes. Jeffree Star: (10:29) So you're building up the nose contour into the brow bone. Whoa, what the hell? Wow. Okay. You know when you just feel like you're in another dimension when the weed really hits? Nicole: (10:39) Yes. Jeffree Star: (10:39) That's how I ... Nicole: (10:41) I love that. You're transporting into a different world. Jeffree Star: (10:42) Yeah. Wow. I don't know why, whenever I sit down with you and we do makeup, I always reminisce. Then I'm like, "We used to both work at the mall. We've come such a far away." I want to start sobbing but the base will get ruined. And I'm not going down that route today. But for real, me and Nicole used to both work at MAC at the mall and I just like ... This is our lives now. And you've done my makeup for every single campaign five years later. And I'm just so proud that you're my friend. I just love you. Nicole: (11:10) I'm so proud, I'm so grateful. It's such an honor. I can't believe it sometimes, I'm so freaked out. Jeffree Star: (11:15) Okay. Probably my favorite part. And I can't wait to rewatch this later because I have to close my eyes. But Nicole is about to dive into the details of the Cremated palette and do the amazing, we're just going to call it, line work. Nicole: (11:27) Line work, yeah. Jeffree Star: (11:27) Yeah. Side note, we do have a Cremated filter. I know most of you by now have seen it. Nicole: (11:33) It's so sick. Jeffree Star: (11:36) Oh my God, look. Oh my god! Nicole: (11:37) That is so creepy. Jeffree Star: (11:40) That is so sickening. Oh my God, bitch. Look it. Yeah. Nicole looks so good with it. Nicole: (11:45) I love it. Jeffree Star: (11:45) Oh my God. But yes, it is on Instagram only. It's iconic. Let's flip it around. Oh, hi. All right. Tutorial's done. Bye, Nicole. Nicole: (11:55) Bye. Jeffree Star: (11:55) But okay, let me close my eyes and mouth and let's do this. Nicole: (11:59) Do it. Nicole: (11:59) (silence) Jeffree Star: (13:18) All right. Now Nicole's doing the, what is it? Third, fourth line? Nicole: (13:22) I don't even know. Jeffree Star: (13:22) Whoa. Nicole: (13:23) Third? Jeffree Star: (13:24) I'm looking, I'm trying to peek in the monitor, like, "What?" Hi. Nicole: (13:27) Okay. So now I'm going to go and impact shadows on top to kind of shade them and add the sparkle and all that. Jeffree Star: (13:32) Amazing. Nicole: (13:33) Then we'll do the dots. Okay. Let's go in with Hearse. Jeffree Star: (13:36) Okay. And what else you think you're going to dip into? Nicole: (13:39) Probably goodbye, last respects. Jeffree Star: (13:44) And enabler. Nicole: (13:47) Embalmed. Gosh. Jeffree Star: (13:49) Whew. Okay. Work. Jeffree Star: (14:05) All right. Now Nicole is going to be dipping into diamond ashes and mausoleum. Jeffree Star: (14:32) I was in deep thought for a second. I was thinking about all these future projects. I'm so sorry. Nicole: (14:38) I'm dying. Jeffree Star: (14:39) Sorry. I forgot we were here for a second. Nicole: (14:40) That's okay. Jeffree Star: (14:41) All right. What is next? Nicole: (14:43) Stoning. Jeffree Star: (14:43) Yay. Okay. Nicole: (14:45) Next we're going to do some stoning. So we took a bunch of- Jeffree Star: (14:47) We can't smoke on camera. Nicole: (14:50) I know. Other stoning. Other kinds of stoning. Jeffree Star: (14:52) Rhinestoning. Nicole: (14:52) Rhinestoning. So there's just these clusters that I like to use, but I'm going to peel them off individually because they're just different sizes. Jeffree Star: (14:58) Okay. Nicole: (14:59) So yeah, we're going to just place them kind of sporadic and we'll follow this photo. Yeah. There's one big one, and that's kind of surrounded by a bunch of little ones. Jeffree Star: (15:10) [inaudible 00:15:10] one day. Nicole: (15:11) Yeah, exactly. Jeffree Star: (15:28) All right. Now it's time for a little lash. Nicole: (15:30) A big lash. The biggest lash ever. Jeffree Star: (15:33) Yeah, my favorite. The Cammy Nguyen Dime Piece lashes are so iconic and I can't stop wearing them. Nicole: (15:39) Okay. And then there'll be babysit. Jeffree Star: (15:46) Are they on? Nicole: (15:46) Yeah. Is it in? Jeffree Star: (15:49) Is it in? Nicole: (15:49) Is it in? Jeffree Star: (15:49) I don't feel it. Nicole: (15:51) Are they on? Jeffree Star: (15:51) I don't feel it, is it in? Nicole: (15:51) I don't feel anything. Jeffree Star: (15:53) Oh my God. That's a (beep) lash, Miss Thing. Nicole: (15:56) It's a (beep) lash. Jeffree Star: (15:56) It's a movement, honey. Nicole: (15:57) Gorg. Jeffree Star: (16:00) Wow. Nicole: (16:00) Look at that. Jeffree Star: (16:02) Do we even need to do the other side? Nicole: (16:04) I mean. Jeffree Star: (16:05) Let's throw an eye patch on and call me Jinkx Monsoon. Oh my god. Wow. That's so sick. Okay? Nicole: (16:14) Okay. Let's do the other one. Jeffree Star: (16:16) All right. We're back. Nicole did the other side off camera. Oh my god. All right. So what is left? Lip and hair? Nicole: (16:22) Lip and hair and highlighter, yeah. Jeffree Star: (16:25) Okay. So Nicole is just going to fine tune a little bit of the lines. I'm going to wipe off a little bit of this mouth. Oh my god. Look at my real lip color. Nicole: (16:32) That's so crazy. Jeffree Star: (16:33) I won't wipe it all off. All right. So Nicole is going in with Weirdo Velour Liquid Lipstick. This has been sold out for a while. But bitch, it's finally back. So if you need a really good black lip or the best liquid eyeliner, you can also use this. And then we're going to go in with Drug Lord. And that was really the secret cocktail to this is Drug Lord, Weirdo, and then Heaven's Gate. Bam. All right. Here is the lip gloss. Such a cool combo. Wow. All right. Jeffree Star: (17:20) Yes, line work. Lips are tedious. You've got to get that perfect line. Nicole: (17:24) Perfect shape. Jeffree Star: (17:25) All right. So we got to have a little Drug Lord in the center next. Nicole: (17:29) Yep. Jeffree Star: (17:30) And Nicole's going to ... Oh, you already have it ready, Miss Mama. Nicole: (17:32) It's ready. Jeffree Star: (17:47) All right. I think it's time for the gloss. Nicole: (17:49) Yes. Jeffree Star: (17:50) We'll let you do the honors. Nicole: (17:52) It's my favorite shade. Jeffree Star: (17:54) Oh, it's so good. Nicole: (17:59) Oh yeah. Jeffree Star: (17:59) We both moan at the same time. Nicole: (18:01) Right in the center. It literally looks like crushed diamonds. Jeffree Star: (18:06) I just love my formula because it's kind of moisturizing. It just makes your, if your lips feel dry, just gives you an instant refresher. Like, "Hi." Wow. The only thing this look is missing is some highlighter and some gray hair. So on set, Nicole literally only dipped into diamond ashes, this stunning icy white metallic diamond reflective shade. And coat me in it, honey. Nicole: (18:29) Okay, let's do it. Jeffree Star: (18:39) Oh my God. We're back and we're in full gray scale. I feel incredible. Nicole: (18:45) I love it. I'm so glad. Jeffree Star: (18:47) This is so iconic. Jay just laid the hair downstairs like, "Hi, sweet pea." The sterling silver wig. You guys, wow. Nicole: (18:55) It's kind of cool to see straight hair versus the wavy hair. Jeffree Star: (18:58) Yeah. You're getting two different girls. Nicole: (19:01) Two versions. Jeffree Star: (19:02) Oh my god, Nicole. Thank you so much for coming today. Nicole: (19:04) Thanks, babe. You're so welcome. Jeffree Star: (19:04) You are. You're the makeup go. And I'm just so honored that you do my campaigns and just always take it to the next level. You guys, Nicole shows up on set a lot of the times and she'll just freestyle whatever is in her brain that day. And that's what you're getting. And I think that is so amazing. It's just so inspirational. Nicole: (19:22) Well, you let me. So thank you for- Jeffree Star: (19:23) Always, of course. Nicole: (19:25) This was an amazing landmark in my career, this palette. Jeffree Star: (19:28) Wow. Well, thank you so much. I love you. If you guys do not already, check out LipstickNick. Everything will be linked down below. She has an amazing business here in North Hollywood, California. So if you're in town, bitch, come on down. It'll be open very soon. Nicole: (19:40) Soon. Jeffree Star: (19:40) Hi. Nicole: (19:41) Soon as we can. Jeffree Star: (19:42) Come on by or just keep it moving. All right. I love you so much, baby. Nicole: (19:45) I love you too. Jeffree Star: (19:45) Yes. Okay. Thank you guys so much for watching today's video. We will see you on the next one. Bye, guys. Jeffree Star: (19:54) Hi. Christian, the dogs didn't recognize me. I feel weird. You know what sucks? Look what just got here? I was going to wear this to my Cremated launch party. Custom gray suit, gray liner. Look at that. Christian: (20:07) That's cool. Jeffree Star: (20:07) No party, no celebration. It's okay. I get it. But yeah, that was my Cremated suit. I'm devastated, bitch. Look at Maddie. She's wearing a full Cremated workout outfit. Christian: (20:18) Maddie came ready. Jeffree Star: (20:18) Not planned. Maddie: (20:24) Ready. Jeffree Star: (20:24) Look at my legs. Maddie: (20:24) Completely different color. Jeffree Star: (20:24) How do I look, guys? Christian: (20:25) It actually looks cool. Jeffree Star: (20:26) I feel like I'm looking at the Instagram filter, but it's all makeup. I live in such a dull world. DaVinci, come here, boy. We match, dude. Do you recognize me? DaVinci's like, "What in the hell are you doing?" All right, Chris, you ready to go off to sea? Christian: (20:48) Yeah, let's do it. Jeffree Star: (20:49) Go on a little voyage excursion. Is the water warm, you guys? What's happening? Oh, it's like 90. We love a good heated moment. All right, got my lunch ready. Hey, Drama. Hey, honey. You going to come inside? Drama, come here, girl. Come on, bag. Let's go. Oh wow, it is really warm in here, for real. Jeffree Star: (21:15) I'm tired of living in color. I'm sick of this world. Christian: (21:21) DaVinci behind you. Jeffree Star: (21:22) Honey. I kind of want to go underwater, but I'm scared if I go blind because I'll have water in my eyes. Oh my god. I want this off. Look at my Gucci gloves. There's something you thought you'd never see every day, huh? Well, we're just going to lay out here, work on our tan, and we'll see y'all on the next one. Bye, now.
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